The Dialogue of cultures
Bakhtin, V.A. (2022). Ethnocultural Aspects of Improving the Tourist Support of Medical Tourism. Sociodynamics, 12, 110. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.12.39331 Retrieved from
The subject of the study is the main and background institutional factors of medical tourism. It is proved that the background factors are, among other things, a complex of ethno-cultural components, the inclusion of which in the practice of the phenomenon can significantly increase the attractiveness of the host territory. Special attention is paid to such a factor as the ethno-cultural preparation of a medical tourist to stay in a different environment in terms of social interaction. The importance of the proposed approach in all types and forms of medical tourism is emphasized: health/medical, inbound, outbound, domestic (taking into account the polyethnicity of our country). The conducted sociological measurements (focus group discussions, mass survey) showed that such work with patients is not carried out. Health and wellness practices include the interaction of two social groups the patient and the medical staff. In the case of medical tourism, the second of the groups is differentiated into two subgroups medical personnel and specialists of the tourism industry. It is established that there is no unified scheme for ensuring the process at the level of collegial interaction of these two subgroups at all. The novelty of the research consists in actualizing this contradiction and substantiating the expediency of ethno-cultural preparation of a medical tourist to stay in a different environment in terms of social interaction in the context of multiculturalism. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to create an expert formation at the regional level, which could ensure the complexity of the interaction of both subgroups on the basis of public-private partnership and achieve a more capacious inclusion of the ethnocultural potential of the territory in the medical product. This poses the task of additional training of tourist specialists specifically for medical tourism - to work with patients in the direction of familiarizing them with the ethnocultural features of the receiving locus and with variants of models of interaction between a doctor and a patient.
inculturality, multiculturalism, ethno-cultural training, social interaction, social groups, ethnoculture, institutional factors, medical tourism, Vitch, tourist support
Migration and adaptation
Linchenko, A.A., Blaginin, V.S. (2022). The Transformation of Family Memory of Migrants in the Light of Intergenerational Dynamics: on the Example of the Lipetsk Region. Sociodynamics, 12, 1131. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.12.39310 Retrieved from
The article is based on the results of questioning and interviewing representatives of the first, one and a half and second generations of migrants in the Lipetsk region. On the basis of praxeological and transnational approaches, the family memory of migrants was considered as a configuration of relevant narratives and practices that simultaneously take into account the historical cultures of the country of origin and the host society. Family commemorations play an important role in the construction of the identity of migrant communities in the Russian provinces. The study revealed the persistence of the factor of family and compatriot relations as the main reason for choosing the place of resettlement. Analysis of the results of the survey and interviewing indicates a high level of openness of the first, one and a half and second generations of migrants in relation to the Russian language and secular holidays in Russia. At the same time, migrants continue to consider the religious holidays of the country of origin and belonging to the diaspora as markers of their identity. The study showed that migrants continue to actively oppose the images of the host society and the country of origin, which indicates the coexistence of communities of memory of local residents and migrants as "parallel" to each other. Significant differences between the generations of migrants in assessing the change in lifestyle after migration, in the level of involvement in the religious traditions of the country of origin, in the subject of nostalgia were revealed.
integration of migrants, commemorative practices, memory communities, cultural memory, communicative memory, historical culture, transnationalism, intergenerational dynamics, family memory of migrants, praxeological approach
Public dialogue
Merenkov, A.V., Dronishinets, N.P. (2022). Interaction with the Public as a Condition for the Development of Nuclear Energy. Sociodynamics, 12, 3239. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.12.39520 Retrieved from
The subject of the study is the practice of interaction of nuclear energy specialists with the public, whose representatives have different opinions on the need for further operation of nuclear power plants, the construction of new ones in modern conditions. On the one hand, the creators of nuclear power plants prove that modern nuclear reactors make it possible to minimize the threat of emergency situations. On the other hand, in the public opinion of different countries, the idea of the danger posed by these industrial facilities is steadily preserved. The purpose of the work is to disclose practical actions taken by the international atomic energy organization IAEA, Rosatom to ensure dialogue between specialists in this area and interested social groups. The object of study is publications that have appeared in recent years in foreign and domestic literature on this issue. It has been shown that there is a search for such interaction of atomic physicists with the public in the media, the Internet, which will overcome existing biases about the state and prospects of nuclear energy. The absence of an open discussion of current problems of NPP development as a way to solve not only problems related to the economic development of countries, but also the protection of nature from the harmful effects of enterprises using gas, coal, oil for energy production, is one of the main reasons for the public's wary attitude towards nuclear power plants. Data on new technologies for creating objective ideas about the safety of modern nuclear energy in different public groups used in Russia and supported by specialists from other countries are presented. Conclusions were drawn about the need to create a system for the formation of knowledge about the state of nuclear power plants among the population, modern means of preventing emergency situations. These issues should be considered in special educational programs for different groups of the population, in the media with the involvement of qualified specialists.
energy future, prospects for NPP, communications, public opinion, social groups, nature protection, Rosatom, IAEA, nuclear energy, interaction with the public
Ideology and politics
Konstantinov, M.S., Potseluev, S.P. (2022). Emigration Attitudes of Student Youth in the South of Russia. Sociodynamics, 12, 4058. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.12.39071 Retrieved from
The article presents some of the results of a questionnaire survey of students in the South of Russia, conducted in 2019. The subject of the study carried out in the article was the emigration moods and attitudes of the student youth of the South of Russia, and the goal was the explication of the factors on which these attitudes depend. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the author's concept of cognitive-ideological matrices, which implies the study of the pre-reflective level of individual and group consciousness in order to identify proto-ideological elements (ideologemes and concepts) that form an individual's predisposition to a particular ideology. On this basis, the article identifies the deep motives of the emigration attitudes of student consciousness and solves the problem of establishing the strength of the connection between socio-economic and value-ideological factors in the formation of these attitudes. As a result of the analysis, it is shown that value factors prevail over socio-economic ones. It has been established that the ideologically conditioned attitude towards emigration from the country was formed in the context of the values of the liberal and social-democratic ideologies, which, in turn, turned out to be consonant with those proto-ideological concepts of self-identification that were formed in the process of early socialization of student youth. The general conclusion of the study: ideological values and attitudes are derivatives of the deep mechanisms of cognitive-value matrices, at the level of which proto-ideological elements are formed, which, in turn, form an individual's tendency to perceive certain ideological values. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the refinement and development of the modern theory of ideologies due to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms for the formation of ideological concepts, and the practical significance lies in the development of applied aspects of the study of ideological dynamics in the mass consciousness.
political ideology, cognitive-ideological matrix, ideological concept, ideological value, ideological attitude, student consciousness, questionnaire survey, South of Russia, emigration sentiment, migration
Social studies and monitoring
Galyamov, A.A. (2022). The Implementation of the Project "Camp School-Garden" for Indigenous Peoples' Children of the North (Results of Monitoring in 2022). Sociodynamics, 12, 5967. doi: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.12.39241 Retrieved from
This article presents the preliminary results of sociological monitoring for 2022 related to the implementation of the pilot project "Camp School-garden" for primary education for children from among the indigenous peoples of the North living in remote areas of traditional nature management. The subject of the study is the problem of actualization of new forms of preschool education in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Yugra, using remote information and educational technologies. The purpose of the study is to identify the level of conditions for the development of a new form of preschool education by children from among the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North living in remote territories and unable to attend a preschool educational institution. According to the results of the study, taking into account the totality of individual positive indicators, conclusions are drawn about the relevance of the pilot project "Camp school-garden": satisfaction with the quality of educational services, positive choice of children, timely receipt of information about tasks, etc. At the same time, less positive and even negative indicators are indicated, which should be taken into account for the further implementation of the project: not always high-quality and acceptable operation of the Internet, a difference of opinion about the organization of distance learning on the project, etc. It is proved that the implementation of the project "Camp School-garden" can contribute to the mitigation of the revealed discrepancy between the forms of basic education and the peculiarities of life associated with traditional environmental management in remote areas through the systematic introduction of new information and educational technologies.
preschool education, traditional nature management, Yugra, ethno-cultural education, monitoring, peoples of the North, respondents, Khanty, native language, distance technologies