Questions of current interest
Trofimova, I.N. (2021). International cooperation of Russian universities and academic mobility (based on self-examination reports) . Sociodynamics, 9, 1–10.
The development of international cooperation along with the growing number of the participants of academic mobility are among the attributes of internationalization of education. Its positive effects are universally acknowledged, however take effort to be achieved. Based on the example of national research universities, the article examines the peculiarities of international activity and opportunities for the Russian universities to participate in the international academic mobility. Primary focus is given to the student international internships, which are considered as highly effective educational and mentoring practices. The theoretical framework for this research is comprised of a set of provisions that characterize international academic exchange as mutually beneficial interaction of different values, cultures, experience, knowledge, interests, and goals. The scientific novelty lies in introduction of the new empirical self-examination reports of the universities, use of various statistical data and rating results. The conclusion is made that international academic mobility has its own structure, pronounced geographical focus, and industry characteristics. Cooperation with individual foreign universities and enterprises, as well as with international university associations and branch associations is well developed and creates favorable environment for the advancement of international academic mobility. However, these opportunities are not used to the fullest, as testified by relatively low number of the Russian participants, prevalence of incoming flow vs outgoing, and unequal conditions for the capital and regional universities.
international cooperation, foreign internships, self-examination, international activities, higher education, training, universities, academic mobility, incoming mobility, outgoing mobility
National security
Zelenkov, M., Tyurikov, A.G. (2021). Mental model of the formation of spiritual intelligence of an individual in the context of radicalization of modern youth . Sociodynamics, 9, 11–26.
The object of this research is modern youth, while the subjects is the spiritual intelligence of modern youth. The goal of this article lies in creating a mental model of the formation of spiritual intelligence of a young individual. The research methodology contains humanistic approach that allows giving priority attention to the problems life pursuits of a young individual; systemic holistic approach that allows substantiating the content of external factors that influence spiritual intelligence of a young individual. Focus on the systemic reflection of the object ant subject of research in the context of analysis of objective reality of the modern process of radicalization of youth reveals the correlation between spiritual intelligence of the young person and their behaviorism. The main results are as follows: 1) determination of the relevant in the XXI century groups of factors that negatively impact spiritual intelligence of the individual with immature worldview, and lead them towards entering the path of radicalization; 2) creation of the mental model that reveals dependence of the transformation of spiritual intelligence of the young individual, and thus, their behaviorism vector on the impact of external and internal factors; 3) formulation of the law of self-preservation of the young individual and establishment of correlation of its elements with the factors of external environment. The novelty of this work lies in the original approach towards creation of mental model of the development of spiritual intelligence of a young individual in the conditions of immediate impact of radical ideology, description of the process of its functioning via mathematical model, formulation of the law of self-preservation of a young individual, as well as disclosure of the role of the government youth policy in determining the vector of youth behaviorism. The acquired results can be valuable for the government and law enforcement agencies in preventing radicalization of youth, as well as building the system of youth policy adequate to democratic society.
society, radical ideology, youth policy, behaviorism of a young individual, radicalization, young individual, youth, worldview, spiritual intelligence, family
Family and society
Klimenko, L.V., Posukhova, O.Y. (2021). Gender peculiarities of professional identity in medical dynasties . Sociodynamics, 9, 27–38.
Despite the fact that female employees prevail in modern healthcare system, medicine retains gender differentiation in terms of distribution of authority, career trajectories, pay grade, etc. Such gender bias impedes balanced professional development of the medical personnel, affects their work motivation, and commitment to the profession. Medical dynasties are an important link in reproduction of human capital and preservation of the professional ethos of the medical practice. Therefore, this article explores gender peculiarities of professional identity of the hereditary physicians. The object of this research is the dynasties that have developed in medical environment with at least three generations of medical personnel. The empirical base for studying medical dynasties consists of 20 autobiographical narrative interviews (11 women and 9 men). Territorial localization of the informants is Volgodonsk, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Saratov, Irkutsk, and Ufa. Interviews with the representatives of professional dynasties demonstrate that the process of professional identification of male physician is characterized by the strategy of self-fulfillment and self-assertiveness through work; while female physicians manifest coping strategies (if pertains to surgery particularly), as well as adaptation strategy. At the same time, namely women often reproduce conservative gender stereotypes in the professional sphere.
labour market, intergenerational transmission, professional dynasties, identification strategies, Russian physicians, medical dynasties, professional identity, Gender differentiation, succession, dynastic reproduction
The Dialogue of cultures
Zelenkov, M., Lamaarti, Y.A., Yusupova, I.N. (2021). Fundamental elements of Identity as the factors of modern ethnosocial relations . Sociodynamics, 9, 39–52.
The object of this research is ethnosocial relations as the constructive and destructive phenomenon of modern human civilization. The subject of this research is identity as one of the distinctive foundations of ethnos and its structure. Based on the results of analysis of the theory and practice of formation and manifestation of ethnic identity, the author aims to determine and classify such characteristic elements that have a fundamental impact upon the system of interethnic communication. Theoretical framework for this research is comprised of scientific works the Russian and foreign scholars dealing with the process of the formation of ethnos and ethnosocial relations, results of sociological research, and statistical data for Russia and foreign countries. The novelty consists in the original approach towards determining the fundamental elements of the structure of ethnic identity, their classification, examination of their systemic links with the nature of modern ethnosocial relations. The conclusion is drawn that the nature of modern ethnosocial relations lies in defending its identity by the ethnic community, which manifests in its fundamental elements. The acquired results indicate that identity plays an essential role in the formation of ethnos, is deeply intertwined with its other characteristics, and has a particular structure of fundamental elements classified by the author into three groups: nomenclature and its genesis, paraphernalia, and historical area. In the conditions of interethnic communication, ethnos takes comprehensive actions on securing its identity.
constructivism, primordialism, socio-cultural factor, identity, social relations, society, ethnos, instrumentalism, civilization, culture
Social studies and monitoring
Isaev, D.P. (2021). Negative effects of dynasticity in perception of the academic staff of Russian universities . Sociodynamics, 9, 53–63.
The object of this research is the image of professional dynasty that exists in collective perception of pedagogical staff of the Russian universities. The goal of this work lies in outlining mental space, which actualizes various connotations of the image of professional dynasty and dynasticity as the social practice in modern Russian society. For achieving the set goal, the author conducts a comparative analysis of positive and negative assessments of dynasticity, and reveals the factors that determine critical attitude in the university environment. The article is based on the questionnaire method with subsequent calculation of raw data, generalization and analysis of quantitative data; applies contextual interpretation of the qualitative data. According to the acquired data, an outwardly positive outlook upon professional dynasties is adjusted through comprehensive analysis of response groups. Attention is turned to the fact that the positive image of dynasticity is not extended to such spheres as law enforcement agencies and state administration. It is established that positive assessments rather correlate with personal values, while negative – with socially oriented values. The conclusion is made that professionalism is not the key factor in representations of the academic staff on the advantages of dynasticity, which indicates latent non-recognition of its advantages overall. Ambiguous attitudes with regards to professional continuity for their families should also be viewed in terms of overall criticism towards dynasties in Russian modern social space.
social monopoly, destructive potential, inheritance, professionalism, academic environment, dynasticity, professional dynasty, clannishness, questionnaire, qualitative analysis