Freedom of thought, conscience, religion and opinion
Rakhinsky, D.V., Illarionov, G.A., Gorodishcheva, A.N., Knyazev, N.A. (2021). Instrumental approach towards tradition in the conceptual and social contexts . Sociodynamics, 3, 1–11.
The subject of this research is the dynamics of conceptualization of the phenomenon of cultural reproduction, expressed in the concepts of tradition and cultural memory, as well as the related concepts of the invention of tradition, historical memory, and post-truth. The article analyzes the transformation of epistemological approach that took place in the late XX century towards reproduction of culture, reflected in the change of the fundamental conceptual metaphor – from “delivery”(traditio) to “memory”, which means a shift in the dominant approach towards the structure of cultural continuum that appears to be attributed not to the objective reproducible content, rather than its construction by the subject. It is suggested to examine the questions of current interrelation between post-truth and public consciousness. The author creates an instrumental approach towards tradition, which is characterized by pragmatism expressed in the intention towards management of social relations, where tradition is a tool for managing the present through the formation of representations about the past, and constructivism, which implies that tradition is a construct of perception formed in the present, not reflecting the past itself. Being internalized in a broad social context, the instrumental approach is realized within the framework of the state of post-truth, which does not consider the past crucial for the formation of public opinion compared to other personal beliefs, as well as management methods applied to the latter. Problematization of the theme of post-truth demonstrates the internalization of instrumental approach into a broad social context, indicating the cross-effect pf epistemological and general cultural social context with regards to problem of interrelation between the social past and the present.
modernization, post-truth, invention of tradition, posttraditionality, historical memory, cultural memory, cultural reproduction, tradition, constructivism of tradition, pragmatism of tradition
Questions of current interest
Larionova, A.V., Gorchakova, O.Y., Fakhretdinova, A.P. (2021). The peculiarities of student activity on the Internet: experience of destructive communication and safety issues. Sociodynamics, 3, 12–22.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of destructive communication of youth in the Internet environment. The authors examine the emergence of new social practices and forms of activity within the information digital space, which are characterized by destructive content and pose a threat to the safety of young people. The goal is to explore the most common forms of student activity in the Internet environment, experience of network destructive communication and its negative impact upon safe online interaction (communication) of students. The article employs qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection (focus group and questionnaire); 443 students of Tomsk universities were engaged in the survey. The author reviews most popular forms of youth on the Internet, as well as determines the peculiarities of students’ representations on the safe networking. The students highlight the following key factors of safe communication on the Internet are: the topic of communication, personality of the opponents, behavioral patterns, and freedom of self-expression. Majority of students have experience with destructive communication on the Internet; however, they do not seek to use the effective strategies to protect themselves from its negative influence. The prevailing strategies are ignoring and observing. The author takes the political content as one an example of most provocative destructive practices of online interaction.
social networks, student youth, information, content, security, Internet, communication, cyber aggression, destructive communication, political activity
Social studies and monitoring
Trinadtsatko, A.A. (2021). Employment situation of persons with disabilities in Russia during the the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods . Sociodynamics, 3, 23–47.
The object of this research is the transformation of the institution for employment opportunities of the persons with disabilities in the context of modernization of the state social policy aimed at increasing the level of their social integration. The subject of this research is the employment situation of persons with disabilities as a result of the transformation of the institution for their employment opportunities. The goal consists is to determine how the changes in the mechanism of functionality of the institution for employment opportunities of persons with disabilities affected their employment situation during the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods. The author notes that as a social phenomenon, disability is the consequence of physical and social barriers formed by the society towards its citizens, which do not correspond to the accepted standards of a normal person. The assistance to employment inclusion of the persons with disabilities, as a condition for their successful social adaptation and integration, is one of the priority vectors in social policy of the state. The main results consist in the following: determination of the towards an increase in the share of persons with disabilities of working age on the background of the continuing decline in their overall number; emergence of positive changes in functionality of the mechanism of the institution for employment opportunities of persons with disabilities, namely the growing number of disabled people employed by the job center; no effect of these changes upon the employment situation of the persons with disabilities of discredited stigmatization. The author believes that the transformation of the institution of employment of the persons with disabilities affected only thee category, which does not have external manifestations of disability. The persons with visible disabilities still do not feel the positive impact of changes in the institution of employment. The novelty of this research consists in establishing correlation between the increase of the share of employed persons with disabilities and changes in the institution for employment opportunities and proving the fact that these changes have no effect upon the employment situation of persons with disabilities of discredited stigmatization. The scientific value of the acquired results lies in broadening the range of research fields towards the problem of employment of persons with disabilities of discredited stigmatization.
employment services, employment center of population, labor inclusion, employment, escort of disabled people, working age, working disabled peaple, disabled people, health limitations, promotion of employment of people with disabilities
The heritage of transformation
Tarasov, A.N. (2021). Sociocultural transformations as the basis for periodization of European culture: cultural and philosophical analysis . Sociodynamics, 3, 48–55.
The goal of this research consists in demonstration of transitional periods in the dynamics of European culture, defined as sociocultural transformation, as the basis for its periodization. The article indicates that namely sociocultural transformations, i.e. transitional eras, play a crucial role in the historical-cultural process. In the dynamics of European (Euro-Atlantic) culture, the author determines the three sociocultural transformations: late Hellenism, Renaissance and Reformation, avant-garde and postmodernity. They divide the cultural continuum of the countries of European (Euro-Atlantic) civilization into three stages of gradual development: antiquity, medieval, and modern European. The key research method is the philosophical interpretation of the knowledge on cultural heritage of the European (and later Euro-Atlantic) culture. It is underlined that sociocultural transformations manifest as a condition for the creative process in its classical meaning (emergence, consolidation, and distribution of the new), and the key for cultural continuity, although the contemporaries often consider it as “shifting away from the norm”. In the intervals (sociocultural transformations) of gradualism (cultural systems) underlies the guarantee of continuity of the historical-cultural process.
the periodization of culture, Euro-Atlantic civilization, European culture, transition epochs, the crisis of culture, socio-cultural transformation, the dynamics of culture, late Hellenism, Renaissance, postmodern
Family and society
Nadyrshin, T.M. (2021). The trajectories of extracurricular learning of children in Muslim families of the Republic of Bashkortostan . Sociodynamics, 3, 56–63.
The subject of this research is the trajectories of extracurricular learning in Muslim families of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The educational trajectories of various ethno-confessional groups have certain focus areas or “blind zones” substantiated by the religious worldview, ethnic specificity, and other sociocultural factors. Muslim community of the Republic of Bashkortostan is also concerned with the problem of conveying cultural values to the next generation. The trajectories of extracurricular leaning of the children from religious families are reflected in a number of patterns that differ from the educational path of their agemates. The author determines the focus areas in upbringing and educational tasks of the Muslim families, the range of pedagogical literature of Muslim parents, as well as the main forms of extracurricular learning of children in Muslim families and the role of religious education therein. The article provides the results of sociological survey, which demonstrates that the physical and intellectual development of children is the priority vectors for the Muslim parents; while, for example, aesthetic development is not as important. It is also underlined that Muslim families not always can afford the desirable amount of activities for their children.
culture transmission, Muslim community, religious education, additional education, education in Islam, Islam, socialization, inculturation, muslim family, religious practice
The heritage of transformation
Solomin, D.N., Kuchinskaya, T.N. (2021). The problematic of correlation between innovations and ethnic culture in China’s modern philosophical thought. Sociodynamics, 3, 64–76.
In the conditions of searching for innovative part of development of the period of sociocultural transformations, the problematic of innovations remains relevant not only within the discourse of scientific-technological progress, but also in the context of discussions on the impact of ethnic culture and its societal values upon production of innovations and determination of methodology for studying such impact. Special attention is given to the experience of modern China and theoretical findings of the Chinese authors, who are actively seeking the answers to these questions within the framework of the objectives of the strategy of building the “innovative state” in China. The goal of this work is to outline the key areas of research on innovations in the context of cultural determinism in China’s modern philosophical thought. The article employs the method of content analysis, as well as hermeneutic interpretation of the text and foreign cultural realities. Textological analysis of authentic materials in the Chinese language is carried out in accordance with the principles of integrity and structuralism, using the methods of comparison, analogy, synthesis and analysis. Based on the analysis of the works of Chinese authors dealing with the phenomenon of innovations through the prism of cultural conditionality, the following areas of research were outlined: theoretical substantiation of interinfluence of culture and innovations; development of methodologies for assessing cultural differences in view of innovations; analysis of the impact of cross-cultural interaction, regional and corporate culture upon production of innovations and innovative development. The article introduces into the scientific discourse the authentic materials by the Chinese authors that describe the peculiarities of the ethnic and regional culture in the context of their influence upon the innovative processes in China. The acquired results and conclusions significantly broaden the outlook upon the problem of interinfluence of culture and innovations, which allows developing practical recommendations in the area of innovative policy and strategy for managing international cooperation in the sphere of innovations.
cultural characteristics of innovativeness, innovative development, regional culture, culture and innovation, sociocultural approach, Innovation Studies, innovation, Chinese Innovation Studies, corporate culture, intercultural interaction