Family and society
Lebedeva, L.G. (2019). Transformation of family and continuity of generations. Sociodynamics, 9, 1–8.
The goal of this research lies in the analysis of family issues from generational perspective related to continuity of generations. Modern family experiences a drastic transformation, accompanied by the significant issues in all spheres of family and social life, including the continuity of generations. There are differences in understanding of the meaning and values of life, particularly family and children. Are the self-expression and quality of life the opposite values to family and children? It deserves a more profound scientific study. The article is based on the data of sociological survey “Youth of Samara Region of 2018”. The object of research is the 1,200 respondents, aged between 14 and 60 (14-30 years of age, 31-45 years of age, and 40-60 years of age). The concurrence of the key social and demographic parameters of Samara Region with the average nationwide allow speaking of the importance of sociological results not only in the regional dimension. Attention is drawn by certain peculiarities characteristic to the middle-age group regarding marriage and family, which might be related to the consequences of market transformations and difficult socioeconomic situation in the 1990’s that forced people to sacrifice their families. Namely in the 1990’s the current middle-age group was entering adult life along with the difficulties of unstable “market” conditions. Young generations (in this case – middle-age group) have less children per family than the representatives of older generations, but they still have time to expand their families.
younger generations, children, transformation of family, attitude towards family, continuity of generations, socialization of the personality, generations, family, senior generations, youth
Social studies and monitoring
Rudenkin, D. (2019). Heuristic potential of Marc Prensky’s theory of “digital natives” in studying the modern Russian youth. Sociodynamics, 9, 9–19.
The pivotal question of this work is the prospects of application of the “digital natives” theory developed by the American sociologist Marc Prensky in studying the modern Russian youth. In the course of the analysis of relevant statistical and sociological data, the author comes to a conclusion that potentially the theory of “digital natives” can quite accurately describe the specificities of mentality and behavior inherent to the Russian youth. A majority of the representatives of the modern Russian youth was growing up in the conditions of rapid digitalization of the society, and became accustomed to using the Internet very actively. Leaning on the data of the personally conducted sociological survey among the youth of Yekaterinburg (N = 1766; 18-24 years of age), the author aims to verify if this peculiar context of moving into adulthood affects their mentality and behavior, as well as to the representatives of modern youth show the evidence of “digital natives” described by M. Prensky. The key conclusion lies in the statement that the mentality and behavior of young people trace the qualities that accordant to M. Prensky’s theory should be characteristic to the “digital natives”. The research demonstrates the high intensity of Internet usage, versatility of Internet activity, and clear tendency to hedonistic practices. All of the aforementioned facts testify to the typical qualities of “digital natives”. The author not only revises M. Prensky’s theory of “digital natives”, but also describes a particular instance of its application for explaining the social processes. The research results may be valuable for the scholars interested in studying the impact of Internet upon social processes and behavioral practices of modern youth.
digital natives, digital migrants, digitalization, Russian society, Internet behavior, Internet activity, Internet, youth, sociological theory, sociological survey
Social studies and monitoring
Popov, E.A. (2019). Urban environment as an object of sociological study. Sociodynamics, 9, 20–24.
The subject of this research is assessment of the potential of sociological science with regards to urban studies. Emphasis is made on determination of the advantages of sociological approach towards grasping the topic, as well as the importance of sociology in conducting interdisciplinary research. The key advantage of sociology lies in the use of the empirical methods of research, which allows pursuing correlation between the individual and collective human activity in the conditions of developing urban environment. Methodology is structured on the systemic approach in assessing significance of the role of sociology in urban studies. The following conclusions are made: 1) city and urban environment are essential objects of research within the framework of sociological science; 2) sociological approach couples with interdisciplinary allow viewing urban development at the various levels of theoretical and methodological reflection – anthropocentric, sociocultural, etc.
municipal economy, city and people, urbanization, object of sociology, sociology, urban environment, city, sociocultural aspect, society, values and norms
Local self-government
Rogach, O.V. (2019). Social capital: new opportunities for the development of local communities. Sociodynamics, 9, 25–39.
This article aims to examine the key theories and approaches towards interpretation of the concept of social capital in order to determine the new opportunities for the development of local communities. Special attention is given to studying the characteristic features of social capital: its non-monetary nature, proneness to self-expansion in terms of increasing the frequency of usage, consideration of the level of trust and qualitative characteristics of relations between social actors. Special attention is turned to “trust” as the foundation of organization of social interactions, indicators for measuring sustainability of social networks, disruptiveness of the phenomenon of social capital. Comparison of the concepts of social capital allows concluding that the common thesis, currently shared in sociological discourse, is not only the vector towards establishing trust-based relations, but also the need for investing to them and participation in social exchange. Leaning on the research materials, the author assumes the need for institutional reinforcement of the processes of formation of social capital as a mechanism for decreasing destructive manifestations: closed nature of social capital, “freeloading” of short in resources members of social networks, concealment of potential profits by the participants. Possible insurance against losses in social exchange through participation of municipal authorities in supporting sustainability of social networks, reinforcement of intermunicipal forms of cooperation, can become such mechanism that will ensure the development of social capital not as a side affect from interaction between the representatives of local communities, but through reinforcement of personal motivation of the actors of social network.
trust, social relation, social interaction, local communities, social capital, social networks, municipality, municipal governments, solidarity, social exchange
The heritage of transformation
Chebunin, A. (2019). Axiology of personality in Chinese Buddhism. Sociodynamics, 9, 40–52.
Chinese Buddhism, being the most prominent branch of Buddhism and one of the three main ideological teachings of China, represents a theoretical and practical system of reproduction of a certain personality model. Such personality model is oriented towards the basic Buddhist spiritual values and consists of three levels: Arhat, Bodhisattva, and Buddha that differ in the level and hierarchy of spiritual values. Arhat, within the framework of the personal way of salvation, is aimed at non-attachment and serenity. Bodhisattva, in the context of the social way of salvation, encourages mercy, compassion and self-sacrifice. Buddha, as an idea model of ultimate purpose of improvement, is characterized by absolutization of the Buddhist spiritual values. In Chinese Buddhism, Buddha attains the highest transcendent meaning, and the main vector of the practice of improvement becomes the model of Bodhisattva in the context of Mahayana doctrine. Research methodology is defined by the basic conceptual approaches towards studying spiritual culture in the context of its functional significance for human and society. The scientific novelty and main conclusions consist in substantiation of personal vector in the practice of improvement as a development of the corresponding spiritual values targeting the ideal model of Buddhist personality. Multilevel orientation towards the different types of personality in Buddhism reflected the all-encompassing nature of its teaching, aimed at the diverse level of spiritual development of the people. Selection of the Bodhisattva model in Chinese Buddhism is defined by the social vector of Chinese culture, which ensured a powerful religious and ethical potential of the entire Chinese civilization.
bodhisattva, arhat, subject, personality, Chinese Buddhism, China, Buddhism, Buddha, spiritual values, axiology
The heritage of transformation
Odintsov, A.V. (2019). Cultural heritage of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in the perception of student youth. Sociodynamics, 9, 53–63.
The object of this research is the cultural heritage of the group stage of 2018 FIFA World Cup in Volgograd. The subject of this research is the perception of student youth with regards to this event. Special attention is given to the elements of cultural heritage, impact upon the image of the city, which before was strongly associated with the Battle of Stalingrad. The research also analyzes the attitude of the locals towards foreign guests, as well as the dynamic of stereotypes of the foreigners to Russia overall. The empirical method became the mass questionnaire-based survey with total sample of N=746; confidence interval does not exceed 3.7%. The results demonstrate that the respondents associate the cultural heritage of the 2018 FIFA World Cup primarily with inflow of spending and development; the increase in investments to the region is more noticeable that the positive changes in image of the country and the region. Despite hosting a groups stage of the 2018 FIFA in Volgograd, the Battle of Stalingrad and dedicated to it memorial complexes remain to be the most significant element of the city.
sporting events, cultural events, mega event, opinion poll, Volgograd, city image, sociology of youth, cultural heritage, FIFA World Cup, heritage
Academic thought
Zubkov, V.I. (2019). Consistency of methodological principles of inconsistent postmodernism. Sociodynamics, 9, 64–74.
The subject of this research is the methodology of postmodernism. The goal of this work is to examine the diverse postmodern views and ideas as a uniform cognitive system and conduct its critical analysis. The article provides brief description to the establishment of postmodernism as a social theory. The research presents the author’s outlook upon determination of the methodological principles of fallibilism, discursiveness, deconstruction, deprivileging of science, approach and method, as well as life-affirming humor. Within the framework of studying the principle of discursiveness, an attempt is made to give a generalizing interpretation to the categories of discourse, text and narrative. Criticism of methodological principles of postmodernism includes their cognitive idea, merits and demerits in contrast to the modernistic social theories. A conclusion is made on correlation and complementing interaction of the highlighted by the author generalized methodological principles of postmodernism. An assessment is given to the cognitive capabilities of postmodernism as a social theory overall. The performed methodological analysis may commence a broad discussion on the role and place of postmodernism as a cognitive theory of modern society.
principle of life-affirming humor, deprivilege principle, deconstruction principle, principle of discursiveness, principle of fallibilism, postmodernism methodology, postmodernism, discourse, text, narrative
Social organizations and movements
Karagodina, O.A. (2019). The role of the socially oriented non-profit organizations in solving the problem of persons with disabilities and health limitations (on the example of the organizations of Volgograd Region). Sociodynamics, 9, 75–81.
The object of this research is the prosocial activity of non-profit organizations (NPO) with regards to the different categories of citizens, particularly persons with disabilities and health limitations. The subject of this research is the role of the socially oriented non-profit organizations in solving of issues of this population category. Latterly, the representatives of academic cluster pay greater attention to the civil society institutions, as well as to assessment of activity of the “third sector”. Under the current circumstances, the government is not capable to fully resolve the socioeconomic problems of the citizens. This leads to the growing role of the civil society institutions, which take increasingly strong hold in the niche of social policy. The author analyzes the social practices of NPO of the Volgograd Region, and describes the most efficient ones in the article. As of today, NPO play an important role in solution of the social issues. Having a sizable potential, such organizations contribute to accomplishment of particular tasks. Developing and practically implementing their own project, the programs and initiatives improve the effectiveness of social policy in a specific region.
accessible environment, social environment, inclusion, invalids, civil society, third sector, nonprofit organization, social practices, social policy, social values
Roslyakova, M.V. (2019). Social networks in work of the government officials: Russian practice and foreign experience. Sociodynamics, 9, 82–99.
The relevance of this work is justified by the ubiquitous infiltration of the online social networks into social life. The goal of this research is to reveal the prospects of using the online social networks in work of the government officials with consideration of foreign experience. Social networks provide its users with the platform for establishing contacts and receiving services; network communities express a solidary opinion with regards to surrounding life, and develop consolidated position on the government policy. Government bodies are forced to adjust and respond to the centers of influence appearing in the digital space. Social networks become the objects and means of control, as well as used for solving the tasks of public administration. The article examines the practice of implementation of social networks in work of the executive branches, presents an overview of the official pages of the federal authorities in social networks, as well as gives characteristics to the “incident Management” software. The article indicated that the professional use of the technologies and instruments of digital interaction requires acquiring digital competencies and better experiences. The research results may be valuable in development of the government policy in social networks, recommendations on cooperation between the government officials and citizens within the digital space.
executive authority, best practices, digital competencies, digital technologies, Incident management, social networks, civil servants, public administration, digitalization, social media