Questions of current interest
Mokerova, Y.V., Rybakova, O.V. (2019). Global trends and Russian practices of tourist activity in the international segment (on the example of Yekaterinburg residents). Sociodynamics, 2, 1–9.
The goal of this article is the analysis of development trends of tourist activity of the Russians in the segment of international travelling, peculiarities of formation and level of correspondence with the general global trends. The author discusses certain aspects regarding the change in the dynamics of tourist supply and demand, peculiarities of creative consumption and its relation to the tourist activity of the citizens. The data is presented on the transformation of preferences of the tourists in selecting the travel destinations, their length, seasonality, frequency, as well as emergence of the new formats of stay on other countries and cultures. The author analyzes the approaches towards description and evaluation of tourist practices, their impact and connection with the general processes of mobility and consumption; provides the data of empirical study carried out over the period from March to September of 2018 among the residents of Yekaterinburg, using the set of methods: omnibus survey and focus group, materials from the open analytical reports of the Federal Agency for Tourism (Rosturizm) and World Travel & Tourism Council over the period from 2015 to 2017. As a result, the author was able to determine the relevant trends, organization pattern of international trips, particularly among the Russian; main structural changes and motivation with regards to travelling; as well as general and specific characteristics of tourist practices of the Russian travelers. The acquired materials can be valuable for the experts in the area of social processes, marketing practitioners in the field of tourism and organization of hospitality service.
international tourism, leisure and rest, types of tourists, prosumption, participating tourism, tourist offer, mobility practices, tourist añtivity, creative consumption, tourist preferences
People and work
Artamonova, V. (2019). The concept of gamification and its reflection in self-determination theory. Sociodynamics, 2, 10–16.
Game motivation represents a particular psychophysiological process of formation in an individual of the inner motivational forces towards labor influences by the external stimuli and internal characteristics of consciousness while playing. Within the modern information world, this type of motivation is actively practiced in various fields of human life. In the concept of gamification, game motivation plays one of the paramount roles, due to which the development of gamified systems is considered as one of the most complicated spheres for the software developers. Despite the different contexts of application of the gamification concept, the author focuses on the use and implementation of game mechanics in labor sphere and human resource management. An attempt is made to examine gamification from the perspective of meeting the basic demands. The main positions of self-determination theory are presented in the article. The author gives characteristics to the basic demands described in self-determination theory, which are primary in terms of formation of the self-determinant personal competence. The article analyzes the self-determination continuum founded on highlighting the six types of motivation. The author suggests the system of application of the various game mechanics depending on the basic demands and values of the staff members.
extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, self-determined competence, autonomy, self-determination theory, game mechanics, game motivation, gamification, amotivation, self-determination continuum
Migration and adaptation
Golovashina, O.V., Kunavin, K.S. (2019). Motherland as the desirable and the problem of integration (based on interview with the participants of the Program Resettlement of compatriots in Tambov Region). Sociodynamics, 2, 17–22.
The subject of this research is the migrants participating in the program of the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad. The attention is focused on the peculiarities of integration process of the migrants, determination of the factors affecting this process, as well as the reasons for selecting one or another mode of integration or adaptation. The research is structured based on the interviews with the participants of such program, residing in Tambov Region for 4-5 years, materials from social networks (personal pages of the migrants), corresponding forums and online communities. The theoretical-methodological framework were established by the works of J. Lacan; particularly, the study of empirical material proceeded through the category of “desire”. The conducted analysis allowed determining the following results: motivation of the migrants can be divided into pragmatic and romantic; the representatives of the second group attempt to return “home”, however, their image of “home” and “Motherland” can contradict the actual realities in Russia. The desire to acquire the “recognition” of Motherland leads to the conscious cultivation of the “new” identity by the migrants and pursuance of assimilation. Actualization of the previous experience (memory) takes place regardless of whether or not the migrants consider their integration successful. For the first time, integration process of the migrants is analyzed through the prism of the ideas of J. Lacan. The materials can be used for the development of strategies and practices of work with participants of the program and other migrants. Study of the problems of identity, social memory, etc.
desire, Lacan, social memory, The program of resettlement of compatriots, identification, integration, migrants, the image of the Motherland, civil identity, adaptation of migrants
Democracy and political processes
Rudenkin, D. (2019). Protest sentiments of Russian youth a year after the meetings of 2017. Sociodynamics, 2, 23–33.
The subject of this research is the analysis of the level of relevant protest sentiments common to youth in the context of stabilization of sociopolitical situation that emerged in the Russian society in 2018. The outburst of rebellious activity of the youth, which took place in 2017, has become resonant, but a short-term trend. The author assumes that the overall stabilization of sociopolitical situation that took place in the Russian society in 2017-2018, could affect the social well-being of the youth and lead to decrease in the actual level of their protest sentiments. Therefore, this article is dedicated to the verification of this hypothesis. The empirical base contains the youth polling conducted in Yekaterinburg in 2018 (N = 13), as well as the secondary analysis of data of the nationwide public opinion surveys. The main conclusion testifies to the fact that a year after protest actions of 2017, the protest sentiments of Russian youth became more moderate, but the potential for its reappearance remains. The overwhelming majority of youth does not expect the new protest actions and excludes their personal involvement into such events. On the other hand, the key feature of those young people, who expects the protest actions in their city yet today and speak of the personal readiness to participate in such actions, is the feeling of moral imperfection, and “inappropriateness” of the society. It is determined that the perception of Russian realities based on similar normative orientations, does not prevail among youth. But the mass distribution of such sentiments will create favorable environment for the new wave of rebellious behavior of the Russian youth.
protest activity, protest mobilization, protest potential, protest attitudes, protest sentiments, protest, Russian youth, youth, sociological survey, factor analysis
Politicical behavior
Bondarenko, O.V. (2019). Political parties and election process in modern Germany: sociocultural aspects. Sociodynamics, 2, 34–42.
This article examines the questions associated with establishment of the vectors and causes of changes in the German party-political system. The author underlines the influence of sociocultural factor upon the formation of political preferences of German electorate. The author comes to a conclusion that by the time of completion of the new election cycle, the “classical” centric parties will lose dominance in Bundestag. Within the framework of the new party-political model, will increase the role of non-systemic parties that adhere to the anchor (right or left-wing) ideology and are supported by the protest electorate. Methodological foundation combines the descriptive political analysis and secondary processing of sociological data. The author also applies the sociocultural method that allows viewing the political processes in a more extensive range, where the world of the political harmoniously coincides with the socioeconomic and spiritual development. The trends towards regionalization of the establishment of political preferences are demonstrated. The rapid increase in the importance of such electoral group as the Russian-language voters, whose political culture was formed under the influence of post-Soviet reality, is recorded. The majority of its representatives support the non-systemic parties, first and foremost – the “Alternative for Germany”.
religious identity, political culture, political behavior, ideology, electorate, election, Germany, political party, party system, russian emigration