Local self-government
Odintsov, A.V. (2019). Major risks of implementation of “smart city” concept. Sociodynamics, 10, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2019.10.30636
This article is dedicated to studying the concept of “smart city” as special case of e-government. The specificity and description of the phenomenon of e-government in the various research approaches is analyzed. Particular attention is given to examination of the “smart city” concept, its key characteristics, correlation with the “big data” phenomenon, as well as main tasks, which solution lies in implementation of the “smart city”. The author analyzes the major risks emerging in terms of practical implementation of the “smart city” concept. The conclusions are structured on the analysis of the relevant Russian and foreign publications on the topic of “smart city” and “e-government”. The following main threats to realization of the “smart city” determined within the framework is this work: the growth of digital inequality and occurrence of a new instrument of strict control risk of excluding the townspeople from the process of decision-making; the risk of substituting of actual agenda with interests of the elites; the risk of replacement of social and political agenda by the technical questions; disregards of peculiarities of each individual city; technical risks.
urbanization, risk, urban community, city, big data, e-government, e-governance, smart city, information technology, digital society
Social studies and monitoring
Ossipova, T. (2019). Peculiarities of social institutionalization in the modern Kazakh society. Sociodynamics, 10, 9–20. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2019.10.30811
The subject of this research is the institutionalization factors of the system of social service for persons with special needs. The analysis is based on the materials of sociological studies in the region of Eastern Kazakhstan. The author examines the key factors of institutionalization of the system of social service for persons with special needs in the Eastern Kazakhstan: legislative, demographic, healthcare, social, economic, etc.; as well as describes the peculiarities of the basic processes of social integration, daily activities, and development of the dependants’ potential. The analysis of sociological surveys along with the conducted field research defined the core factors of institutionalization of the system of social service of persons with special needs in the region of Eastern Kazakhstan. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis of the social institutionalization of persons with special needs in the Eastern Kazakhstan region on the basis of integrative approach that allowed analyzing the factors of the institutionalization of social service of persons with special needs. The author defines the main approach incorporating all factors within the framework of the system.
special needs, services, special social, medical and social institutions, social institutions, social services, institutionalization, rehabilitation activities, social politics, advisory services
People and work
Viazinkin, A. (2019). Socioeconomic liberation of a person and the problem of sovereign identity in the philosophy of Russian Populism. Sociodynamics, 10, 21–27. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2019.10.30783
The subject of this research is the problem of socioeconomic liberation of a person in the context of a concept of sovereign entity. Within the social philosophy of Russian Populism, this problem is resolved through the creation of a so-called “philosophy of labor” that defines the key provisions and criteria of the socioeconomic independence of a person. Such “philosophy of labor” is a seamless component of the socio-philosophical heritage of Russian Populism and meant to resolve the problem of both, social and anthropological ideal. For more detailed analysis, the author examines the perception of the ideological heritage of Populism within neo-Populist environment. The novelty of this research consists in the historical-philosophical consideration of the socio-philosophical problem from the philosophical and anthropological perspective, most adequate applicable to the ideological heritage of Russian Populism. The problem of sovereign identity is views through the criteria of “liberation of a person”, among which the emphasis is made on the socioeconomic factor. Based on a number of analytical theses formulated in the article, the conclusion is made that the social and anthropological ideas of Russian Populism should be considered in the context of the concept of sovereign identity, the entity which independence is achieved following the criteria of socioeconomic autonomy.
philosophical anthropology, social philosophy, Neopopulists, liberation of an individual, sovereign personality, Russian Populism, history of philosophy, philosophy of labor, Nikolay Mikhaylovsky, Peshekhonov
Social studies and monitoring
Shakirova, A.F. (2019). Assessment of the level of public content with the variety and quality of services rendered by the organization of social protection of the Republic of Tatarstan. Sociodynamics, 10, 28–34. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2019.10.29947
This article is dedicated to assessment of the level of public content with the variety and quality of social services, as well as effectiveness of the work of social protection organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan. The object of this research is the consumers of social protection organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan. The subject of this research is the effectiveness of the work of such establishments. The relevant problems faced by the consumers of social services are revealed. The author interviewed the residents of the Republic of Tatarstan (n = 600) aged 18 and over, who used the services rendered by the organizations of social protection for six to twelve month in 2018. The study is conducted with support of the Center for Economic and Social Research under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan. The author develops the model for assessing performance of the social protection authorities. Based on the sociological research data, the author analyzes public content with the various quality and quantity parameters of the work of social protection organizations in the Republic of Tatarstan. The performance index of the management of social protection in the Republic of Tatarstan is calculated in accordance with the author’s model.
efficiency mark, Efficiency index, range of services, quality of services, model for evaluating the effectiveness, social protection of the population, criteria, efficiency, population satisfaction, consumers social services
Social studies and monitoring
Svinukhova, Y.N. (2019). Youth unemployment as the aspect of analysis of labor resources and social differentiation of the Russian population. Sociodynamics, 10, 35–43. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2019.10.30652
This article reviews youth unemployment as an economic factor of intensification of social differentiation of the Russian population, as well as the factor of quantitative and qualitative dynamics of labor resources, the current state of which allows referring them as the main challenges and threats to the national interests of the Russian Federation. The subject of this research is the quantitative and qualitative dynamics of labor resources and social differentiation of population by the income level in modern Russia. The goal of this work lies in designation of youth unemployment as the crucial factor affecting the quantitative and qualitative parameters of labor resources and intensification of social differentiation of the Russian population. The author reveals the main reasons of the emergence of youth unemployment on the current job market. The author provides a set of measures that would contribute to achievement of such significant social effects as the improvement of employment situation with regards to youth, which in turn, can initiate the decrease in proliferation of the negative forms of social practices among the young generation.
socio-professional status, reproduction of social structure, labor potential, labor resources, labor market, social inequality, social differentiation, youth, unemployment, imbalance in the labor market
Humanitarian projects
Erokhin, A.K., Kovalenko, S.V. (2019). Moral argumentation of the usage of nanotechnologies in biomedicine. Sociodynamics, 10, 44–54. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2019.10.30716
Medicine enters a new era focused on the theory and practice of implementation of nanotechnologies. It resulted in the emergence of nanomedecine, defined as the monitoring, control, design, protection and improvement of biological systems of s human with the help of engineering nanoequipment and nanomaterials. This article attempts to outline the ethical questions occurred due to the usage of nanotechnologies in medicine. The subject of this research is the growing impact of nanomedecine upon society and produced by such influence profound and complex set of ethical and social issues. Some of them repeat the already established questions of the traditional and biomedical ethics, while the others cause new ethical problems, such as risks and profits, new approaches towards the standards of health and illness, health improvement and treatment. The authors explore the questions of implementation of nanotechnologies into the various fields of healthcare services. Publications of the Russian and foreign authors served as the research materials. The scientific novelty consists in discussing the ethical aspects in nanotechnologies. Special attention is given to the risk of unforeseen consequences of the implementation of nanotechnologies in medicine. The conclusion is made on the need for creation of the new system of ethical control over nanotechnologies with specific moral requirements and standards. This would be valuable for creating s dialogues with the society and researchers. The core of nanomedecine should be medical treatment rather than change of human nature.
the idea of human improvement, bioethics, medical ethics, nanomedicine, nanotechnology implementation areas, nanomaterials, nanotechnology, the risks of nanotechnology, confidentiality, health
Nevskaya, T.A. (2019). Information and analytical support of electoral campaigns: Russian and foreign experience. Sociodynamics, 10, 55–64. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2019.10.30809
Within the framework of this research the author juxtaposes the Russian and foreign experience in information and analytical support of electoral campaigns. The applied methodology is based on the combination of descriptive and comparative analysis. The key feature of information and analytical support of electoral campaigns in Russia is the lack of focus on solution of the communication (tactical) tasks. Unlike the foreign colleagues, the Russian experts are forced to dedicate substantial attention to the formation of the core idea of the campaign (message) and image of a candidate for elective office; they also have to more often explore the moods of the overall number of voters. They possess noticeably less rich databases, which suggests conducting the additional sociological research. Russia’s specificity is explained by the existence of fundamental differences in the functioning models of political institutions, state of party landscape, level of development and resourcing of research companies at the regional level. The traditionally established representations on the status, role, and place of a candidate in the organization of electoral campaign also matter significantly.
image, political institute, foreign experience, Russian experience, election campaign, information and analytical support, candidate, political technology, political power, sociological research
Political mentality
Atlaskirov, A.R. (2019). Transformation of identity under the influence of globalization processes and technologic development of modern society . Sociodynamics, 10, 65–72. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2019.10.30001
The concept of identity enjoys wide popularity within the modern humanity studies, relegating to the background the concepts of culture, mentality, worldview, and others extensively used in analytics and classification of sociocultural processes. This article divides the academic works associated with the study of identity into several themed groups: the first group encompasses the works containing the analysis of research methodology for the concept of identity; the second group consists of the works dedicated to the formation of identity in the context of globalization processes; the third group incorporates the research aimed at determination of the regional peculiarities of identity building. It is revealed that in the context of boosting the globalization processes and technological progress in many spheres of social life, identity of a person from stable and static category (gender, race, profession, etc.) transforms into a “vague”, unstable structure of social orientations of a person that can change within a short time under the influence of various factors.
ascriptive identity, constructivist approach, naturalistic-essentialist approach, technological progress, globalization, Identity, acquired identity, national identity, race, identity crisis