Questions of current interest
Frolov, N.V. (2018). Social networks as an instrument of information warfare. Sociodynamics, 8, 1–6.
Questions of the emergence and development of social networks, as well as their use as an instrument of conducting information warfare currently gain special relevance due to the global informatization of social life. The role of the social network participants in emergence and development of cyber-attacks is analyzed. The author provides particular examples of the significant material and reputational damage caused by them. Accent is made on the peculiarities of the use of social networks for the aforementioned purposes, and transformation of the role of its participants. Trough analyzing the various approaches towards understanding the information systems, social networks, information warfare and its structure considering the historical factor, an attempt is made to determine the key specificities of the modern use of social networks for conducting information warfare and develop the mechanism for counteracting cyber-attacks. The scientific novelty lies in identification of such type of social network users as the initiators. Practical importance of this research consists in suggesting a possible algorithm for counteracting cyber-attacks based on preventative measures against the potential cyber threats.
slacktivist, information attack, information warfare, social networks, information security, state management, information management, information society, information, information security threat
Social studies and monitoring
Rogach, O.V. (2018). Consolidation of resources of the local communities as a strategic landmark for sustainable development of tourist attractiveness of the Russian territories. Sociodynamics, 8, 7–14.
The decline in domestic tourism, destruction of tourist attractions, as well as deficit of local budgets projects the need for shifting the focus of government efforts from the economic aspects of tourism development towards the search for new sources of tourist attractiveness of the municipal formations. The object of this research is the resources of the local communities, possibilities and confinements of their consolidation on the task for development of tourist attractiveness of the Russian territories. The subject of this research is the orientations of population towards participation in the processes of enhancing tourist attractiveness of the territories of municipal formations and promotion of the local tourism services. Special attention is given to the examination of sustainable development of Russian territories in the context of conversion of resources of the local communities to the sphere of domestic tourism. A conclusion is made on the priority of population participation in promoting tourism services through using the media content, attraction of volunteers, nongovernmental and nonprofit organizations to establishment and distribution of tourist attractions. It is noted that the government does not consider the capabilities and initiatives of local communities as a resource for sustainable development of tourist attractiveness of the territories, thus the fragmentary attempts of engagement of the local population into development of domestic tourism are limited by the organizational and legislative dysfunctions.
resources, local population, local community, municipality, domestic tourism, tourist attractiveness, sustainable development, social partnership, strategic management, consolidation
Social studies and monitoring
Evseenko, E.A., Kirko, V.I., Malakhova, E.V., Shadrin, A.I. (2018). Subjective assessment of quality of life by the indigenous population of the north of Krasnoyarsk Krai on the example of Khatanga rural locality. Sociodynamics, 8, 15–32.
The subject of this research is the quality of life of the indigenous minorities of the North Siberia – Dolgans and Nganasans residing in rural localities of Khatanga District of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The goal of this work is the analysis of differentiation of the subjective perception of quality of life by various segments of population residing in remote localities of the North Arctic zone of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The authors apply the developed methodology for comparative analysis of quality of life of residents of remote districts of the central taiga zone of Siberia. Methodological foundation contains a set of theoretical scientific methods, analysis of empirical data, results of surveys, observation and interviewing of the indigenous minorities in places of their residence. The scientific novelty consists in implementation of the effective method of assessment of quality of life of the communities living in harsh north environment and relating to the category of indigenous minorities of Siberia. In determination of differentiation of the various population groups in accordance with objective and subjective assessment of quality of life, the authors reveal the level of content with the quality of education, level of safety, activity of the local government, material wellbeing, quality of services in cultural sphere, environmental situation in the district, and quality of medical care.
welfare level, standards of living, objectivity of quality of life, demographic indicators, socio-economic indicators, subjectivity of quality of life, northern territories, indigenous minorities, the quality of life, working conditions of the population
Social studies and monitoring
Schabykov, V.I., Kudryavtseva, R.A., Orlova, O.V. (2018). Nationality and national pride within the value structure of ethnic identity in the Mari El Republic (sociological study). Sociodynamics, 8, 33–42.
The subject of this research is the national affiliation and national pride within the structure of ethnic identity of population of the Mari El Republic. The topic is reviewed considering the ethnic factor opposition characteristic to the region (Russians, Mari, and other ethnic groups), as well as such indexes as gender, age, financial situation, place of residence, etc. The relevance is substantiated by the need for examination of the current ethnopolitical situation in polyethnic subjects of the Russian Federation, and the role of ethnic identification factors within. This article is a generalization of the results of sociological surveys of the first two decades of the XXI century, conducted by the department of Sociology of the Mari Scientific Research Institute of Language, Literature and History named after V. M. Vasiliev. The scientific novelty consists in the empirical material that is introduced to the scientific circulation in such context for the first time, as well as its problematic (nationality and national pride within the structure of ethnic identity of the population in Mari El Republic). The research proves that population of the Republic attends to ethnopolitical values; the highest level of ethnic self-identification is marked among male of other (except Mari and Russians ) ethnic groups (including Tatars), youth between 15 and 19 years of age and senior citizens above 60 years of age, students of humanitarian specialties, and wealthy people.
nationality, ethnic values, ethnic identity, identity, public consciousness, Republic of Mari El, ethnic sociology, ethnic self-identification, national pride, national self-consciousness
Academic thought
Sikevich, Z.V., Fedorova, A.A. (2018). To the problem of correlation between real and virtual ethnicity. Sociodynamics, 8, 43–49.
This article examines the content and functions of the phenomenon of ethnicity, prospects and issues of shifting the accents from the real ethnicity towards its virtual manifestations. The authors highlight the aspects of correlation between virtual and real ethnicity, virtual ethnicity and online nationalism, as well as discussion about the instrumental peculiarities of virtual formation of the group solidarity on ethnic grounds. Theoretical comprehension of classical representations on the offline ethnicity as a unique element of self-concept of personality, which seamlessly relates to the imaginary measurement of group solidarity, allowed pursuing parallels with the online ethnicity as a set of practices of manifestations of the ethnic self in virtual space. Analysis and classification of the modern Western approaches to interpretation of the innovative concept of virtual ethnicity became the foundation for determining the main branches of scientific discourse in the indicated problematic field. The yet uncovered remains the problematic field of methodological specificities of consideration of the virtual ethnicity, which opens broad opportunities for implementation of the nonreactive research strategy that experiences rebirth in the era of total digitalization. The authors were able to identify the key difficulties associated with the topic of virtual ethnicity, as well as most relevant approaches to its study.
non-reactive strategy, virtual nationalism, landscape of virtual ethnicity, virtual ethnicity, symbolic environment, self-concept, ethnicity, unobtrusive methods, the effect of social desirability, anonymization