Social studies and monitoring
Demidova, Y. (2018). Models of social integration of the example of Anastasian ecovillages “Slavnoye” and “Kovcheg”. Sociodynamics, 5, 1–7.
The focus of this research is the uniting motives and their implementation in the aforementioned communities. The work is based on the hypothesis about the existence of the established collectivism in Anastasian communities. On one hand, it was formed by the common ideological field of Anastasianism, while on the other – the problem of spatial social remoteness of the material and social resources of a city, which served as motivation for integration of the former residents as the ideological congregations. The process of “unification” leans on the demarcation of common interests and practices of the collective mutualism. The key method is the in-depth interview. The author also applied the method on nonrandom sample, snowball sampling – the selection of respondents in accordance with the references of local residents. The material presents interest due to the abundance of field observation in fairly close communities of present time, as well as provides an idea about the actual relationship between its members. Ecovillages “Slavnoye” and “Kovcheg”, in essence, are the communities of collective type, uniting people with various religious preferences. Many of them are the adherers of the New Age movement, while others self-identify themselves outside the ideological context. They see their belonging in sharing the universal human values: neighborliness, ban of abusive language and alcohol, property insurance, healthy eating, obtainment of personal freedom from the imposed city stereotypes. In general, the integrative models are based on the practical mutual help of the community members, financial self-sufficiency (carrying out of holiday events, festivals, joint labor artels), as well as religious and leisure practices. However, even within the ideological commonwealth, exists and opinion about the lack of societality despite the common behavioral norms, as well as sharing of responsibilities and single cultural orientation.
leisure activities, over-ethnicity, ideologic community, cohesion, social solitude, rural homesteading, collectivism, ecovillage, cultural reconstruction, community
Social studies and monitoring
Raitina, M.Y., Pokrovskaya, E.M. (2018). Categorical explication of ethnic identity as a morphogenic principle of the formation of ethno-social educational space of a university. Sociodynamics, 5, 8–15.
This article is dedicated to the examination of correlation between the types of ethnic identity and the stages of cross-cultural adaptation, presented in the work models of behavioral vectors within the educational space. The object of this research is the ethnic identity; the subjects is the peculiarities of ethnic identity of the student youth. The goal lies in determination of correlation in terms of the formation of ethno-social educational space of a university through emphasizing the dualistic construct of ethnic inclusion – ethnic exclusion, which is suggested by the authors for the first time. Considering the realities of educational ethnic environment, the results of conducted analysis allow creating a new comfort barrier-free interethnic space that at the confluence of interdisciplinary synthesis. Based on the two sociological survey conducted in 2014 and 2017, the author examined the peculiarities of ethnic identity of the student youth (on the example of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics). The scientific significance consists in the fact that the performed set of scientific-applied sociological studies (2014 and 2017) aimed at determination of the types of ethnic identity of the student youth of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, among which can be presented the groups of ethnic identity of ethno-centric type prone to the influence of the ideology of extremism, allows speaking about the currently emerging negative sociocultural transformations. The author develops the system of quality indicators (suggesting the barrier-free comfort interaction) of the formation of ethno-social educational environment.
comfortable interaction, University, ethno-social environment, education, cross-cultural adaptation, identity, ethno-exclusive, ethno-inclusion, barrier-free environment, student youth
Family and society
Churkina, N.A. (2018). Masculinity and femininity in modern society: state and transformation trends. Sociodynamics, 5, 16–20.
The subject of this research is the masculinity and femininity as the elements of gender mentality structure of a human. The author determines that the acquisition of masculinity and femininity is a result of socialization process, in terms of which a person grasps the values, stereotypes and etalons ascribed to the male and female. It is also underlined that the establishment of masculinity and femininity is certainly affected by the gender archetypes that reflect the profound universalities of human gender. Within the framework of the claimed problem, is revealed that in patriarchal society the gender mentality forms r to the principle of binarity, while the masculinity and femininity are opposite and labeled axiologically. Methodological foundation contains the synthesis of existential and gender approaches towards characteristic of the human gender. Such synthetic analysis allows revealing the naturally substantiated, as well as sociocultural grounds of the gender and overcome the extremes of the aforementioned approaches. The scientific category that unites the indicated research areas is the gender mentality of a human. The conducted analysis of gender mentality determines the content of masculinity and femininity, as well as denotes the transformation trends of the gender mental structures in modern society. The main conclusion lies in the statement on the inversions of structural content of gender mentality in modern society. The process of women’s masculinization is an evident feature of modern gender relations: females adopt the male behavioral strategies and effectively implement them; while the males somewhat lose the traditional to them behavioral patterns.
gender roles, gender socialization, gender mentality, sex, gender, femininity, masculinity, gender stereotypes, archetypes, androgyny
Social studies and monitoring
Prokofeva, A.M., Kroshkina, M.S. (2018). Value orientations of a modern Muscovite in representations of Russian migrants. Sociodynamics, 5, 21–28.
This article is dedicated to problematic of the values of Muscovites in representations of residents of the Russian regions. Moscow provides a broad range of opportunities, thus leading to high level of migration. Under the circumstances, the representations on the value orientations of Moscow citizens form with consideration of the opinions of migrants. The author analyzes the dominant value orientations of the Muscovites from the perspective of migrants, examines the representations of migrants about the Muscovites before and after moving to the capital, and determines the values of Muscovites in accordance with the residents of other regions. As an empirical base, the author used a sociological survey, which included two stages: implementation of the strategy of qualitative research, conducting 20 in-depth interviews with the migrants from 10 Russian regions; quantitative, surveying 250 local migrants. The results demonstrate that the key value orientations of Muscovites from the perspective of migrants are the following: financial security, career success, and active lifestyle. Among the instrumental values, one of the leading position was “joy of life”. Family as a value of Muscovites has taken a much lower place, while “love” held much higher positions. The scientific novelty consists in consideration of value orientation of the capital citizens through the prism of migrants’ perception. In the course of research was also applied the Rokeach Value Survey, which allowed developing the classification of value orientations of the Muscovites from the perspective of migrants. The materials of the article carry practical relevance for the experts dealing with the problems of migration and value orientations.
terminal values, instrumental values, representations of migrants, Moscow residents, transformation of values, migrant, Russian society, migration, value orientations, classification of values
Social studies and monitoring
Miliutin, V.S. (2018). The impact of value content of a trailer upon the arousal of interest towards the film. Sociodynamics, 5, 29–35.
The object of this research is the trailers to narrative films, while the subject is their axiological content. The article raises a question on the impact of value content of trailers to the modern theatrical films upon popularity of the pictures presented within. The author examines the difference between the value content of the national and foreign trailers. Moreover, the author analyzes the literature on similar theme, particularly the theories from the related discipline – the behavioral economics. For better comprehension of the question was applied the foreign research experience on the value component of cinema. A content analysis was conducted on the trailers of the most commercially successful fifteen Russian and fifteen foreign films that were theatrically released in Russia during 2017. As the units of analysis were selected the values demonstrated in trailers, as well as their genre component. The scientific novelty lies examination of the currently existing correlation between the popularity of cinema among the Russian audience and the content of its advertisement. As a result, the author was able to determine the most influential value categories used in film trailers, as well as find the differences between the modern Russian film advertisements and their foreign counterparts. Based on the acquired data, a conclusion was made on the cultural demands of Russian society.
communication, consumer demand, viewer, content analysis, values, advertising, cinema, trailer, marketing, sociology of film
Social organizations and movements
Atlaskirov, A.R. (2018). Nonprofit organization in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic: development trends and structure. Sociodynamics, 5, 36–43.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities, problems, and trends of development of the nonprofit sector in Kabardino-Balkar Republic. The object is the nonprofit organizations that are the liaison between government institutions, commercial organizations and society. The author meticulously examines the structure and dynamics of development of the nonprofit sector in the region. The research goal lies in specification of representation on the development trends of nonprofit organizations in modern Kabardino-Balkaria based on the analysis of quantitative characteristics of the rate of growth and structure of “thirds sector” in the republic. A conclusion is made that over the recent years, subsequent to the cutbacks in state funding, significantly decreases the number of registration of new nonprofit organizations in the region, which testifies to the fact that the key growth driver of the nonprofit sector is the government; the nonprofit organizations function within the life of the population to the various degree. However, due to the absence of mechanisms of public accountability of the nonprofits in the region, it is difficult to assess the efficiency of their work. The rate of development of the nonprofit sector in the republic falls short with respect to not only more socioeconomically prosperous regions of Russia, but also the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District with comparable indexes of the level and quality of life.
sports organizations, national-cultural organizations, religious organizations, non-profit organizations, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, civil society, state, standard of living, structure, dynamics
Politicical behavior
Shliakhova, R.A., Mantseva, E.R. (2018). Typology of knowledge in the United States according to Fritz Machlup as a theoretical source of determination of the types that affect the establishment of political consciousness of American society. Sociodynamics, 5, 44–51.
The object of this research is the political consciousness of American society. The subject is the types of knowledge that affect the political consciousness the most. One of the key characteristics of society of the late XX – early XXI century is the knowledge, which results in the acute need for studying the nature of knowledge dominant in modern society, its main forms and functions, one of which is the establishment of public opinion. Fritz Machlup is an Austrian and American economics, whose typology of knowledge underlies the foundation of this article; its detailed description is provided. The scientific novelty lies in application of F. Machlup’s typology in modern realities of the American society, determination of the types of knowledge that affect the formation of political consciousness in the United States as well as the extent of such impact. Fritz Machlup highlighted the five types of knowledge: practical, intellectual, entertaining, spiritual, and undesirable. Each of them to one or another extent affects the social consciousness; but only three of them (intellectual, entertaining and spiritual) produce impact upon the establishment of political consciousness in the United States.
mass media, post-industrial society, Fritz Mahlup, forms of knowledge, knowledge, American society, political consciousness, society consciousness, intellectual knowledge, entertainment knowledge