Social studies and monitoring
Kibenko, V.A. (2018). Modelling of the processes of regional identity establishment among the population of Arctic Region of the Russian Federation. Sociodynamics, 3, 1–15.
The author meticulously examines the processes of establishment of regional identity among the population of Arctic Region of the Russian Federation on the example of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug – territory that in many aspects reflects the specificity of Arctic Region. The indicated question is viewed in sociological-managerial discourse. The object of this research is the regional identity in social management of Arctic territories, while the subject is the processes of establishment of regional identity among the population on Arctic Region from sociological-managerial perspective. The goal of this work consist in development of the sociological-managerial model of regional identity establishment among the population of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The study leans on the empirical sociological data of the two mass and expert surveys carried out by the author over the period of 2014-2016/ The article reveals the processes of establishment of the regional self-consciousness within the sociological-managerial aspects throughout the entire period of time, since the formation of the Autonomous Okrug until the present stage. The author determines from the portfolio of identities of the population of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and carefully describes the layered structure of regional identity, as well as defines its place within the hierarchy of territorial identity. The key socioeconomic and sociocultural factors of population’s activity of the Autonomous Okrug are determined. The sociological-managerial model of the establishment of regional self-consciousness of the population of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is structured and described.
The Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, Arctic region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, regional identity, sociological and managerial model, Yamal, Arctic, russians, northmans, people of Yamal
Questions of current interest
Savenkov , V.D. (2018). Functions of blogosphere in the Russian Federation and the United States in the XXI century: similarities and differences. Sociodynamics, 3, 16–26.
The subject of this article is the blogosphere of the Russian Federation and the United States through the means of its implementation in the indicated countries. The author examines the peculiarities of using blogosphere as the information, political, social, educational, corporate, and entertaining means of communication. Special attention is given to the differences between the points of view of the Russian and American scholars upon the problem of application of blogs in solution of the diverse social tasks. The following conclusions were made in the course of this work: there is noted higher popularity of blogs, but lesser trust in them as the means of acquiring new information in the United States rather than Russia; more open dialogue between the political opponent groups in the Russian blogosphere; less noticeable role of separate bloggers in creation and coordination of public movements in the United States. The results of this work can be valuable in forecasting the development of new types of media in the aforementioned countries. The scientific novelty consists in the synthesis of information of the multiple field-specific research for determination and comparison of the common regularities of functionality of blogospheres in the Russian Federation and the United States.
journalism, new media, USA, Russia, mass media, QMS, blogosphere, blogging, blog, communication
Theory of political sciences
Shvetc, I.V. (2018). Praxeological concept of subject in social ontology of Manuel DeLanda. Sociodynamics, 3, 27–33.
The concept of subject in the theory of assemblage (and correlated with it ontology) of Manuel DeLand can be interpreted as praxeological. The praxeological concepts of subject ate associated with the nonclassical comprehension of being as becoming, distinction. In terms of such understanding of being, the practices of social existence are not secondary with regards to being, but acquire an ontological status. The examines approach towards reasoning on being helps overcoming the methodological limitations of classical social science, searches for ways of describing the subject and social reality in their joint becoming. The ontology of M. DeLanda detects the key characteristics of the postclassical ontology: anti-essentialism, anti-reductionism, exteriority, axiomatization of set, refusal of linear causality. In this version, ontology manifests as the differential ontology, demonstrating the interrelation between the virtual structures and relevant assemblages. Ontological status of all assemblages is universal, but each one forms in the process of its unique history of individuation. The scientific novelty is defined by formalization of the postclassical model of subject in correspondence with the plain, differential ontology of M. DeLanda. The subject as an assemblage does not exist a priori, it generates, becomes. Such process of individuation never completes. The generative level in the ontology of DeLanda always consists in a specific process of origination of set, assemblage. Thus, the subject within manifests as the historically individuating nesting set and unlike the classical understanding of subject is called practical or pragmatic.
antireductionism, virtual and actual, praxeological subject, multitude, assemblage, becoming, differential ontology, relations of exteriority, a space of possibilities, differential concept of the subject
Questions of current interest
Ryabova, T.M., Rogach, O.V. (2018). Reflection of expectations of the higher education facilities in the order for educational services of a of secondary school. Sociodynamics, 3, 34–44.
The subject of this research is the level of reflection of the expectation and requirements of the higher education facilities in preparation of the modern graduated of a secondary school. The author meticulously examine such aspects of the topic as the competency-based approach towards formation of a modern competitive graduate of general education organizations or higher education facilities; role of educators in the process of formation of the social educational order; participation of universities in determination of the content of the order for educational services of a general education organization. Through comparison of the federal government educational standards of a secondary school with the higher education, the authors attempt to assess the possibility of establishment of a set of requirements to the graduates and their socialization. The authors applied the method of survey, involving 63 representatives of the faculty members of the universities in the rank of docent and professor. The scientific novelty is defined by the constructive substantiation of the prospect, factors, and trends of expansion of the participation of national universities in consolidation of their interests in the order for educational services of a secondary school in terms of the competency-based approach. The results of the work allowed determining a number of tendencies in the participation of universities during the formation of educational order: shift of the vector of expectations of a higher school regarding the preparation of applicants; establishment of the educators’ interest in the active participation in formation of the social educational order; lack of effective mechanisms of social partnership in education. The following conclusions were made: the high level of engagement of the higher education facilities in reflection of their interest in the social educational order correlated with the readiness of the educators to direct participation in its formation; its common for the higher school educators to have a vague representation regarding the level of consolidation of their expectations, prospect directions, and forms of cooperation between the general education organizations and universities; the absence of the univocal understanding of the educators’ role in the process of formation of the social educational order is established.
Government order, Public administration, Competency-based approach, Social partnership, Educational standard, Educational services, Graduate, Social educational order, Secondary school, Higher education facility
The Dialogue of cultures
Eremina, N., Konfisakhor, A.G., Solonnikov, D.V. (2018). “Identity” factor in development of geo-civilizations. Sociodynamics, 3, 45–63.
The subject of this research is the identity factor in formation, development, and interaction of geo-civilizations. The concept of identity is revealed through the sociocultural, psychological, and ethnic constants. They serve as the foundation for the adequate response of geo-civilization in general and the core state of geo-civilization particularly with regards to various challenges, as well as the explanation of this response. Special attention is given to the following aspects: understanding of geo-civilization; representations on core states; characteristics of ethnicity, culture and religion; identification features of the primary geo-civilizations. The research is based on the established civilizational and geo-civilizational approaches that correlate with the determination of identification features of the large regional communities in evolution and interaction. The key research method lies in the comparative analysis of identification (psychological, sociocultural, ethnic, and mental) aspects of geo-civilizations. The following conclusions were made: the evolution of geo-civilizations depends on the core states, because namely their identification constants affect the course of this development; through the prism of the concept of identity between geo-civilizations, is detected a number of common characteristics, which allow structuring the diplomatic activeness, primarily between the core states of different geo-civilizations; identification features also demonstrate that many issues of intergovernmental cooperation cannot be fundamentally overcome due to the difficulties in interaction between the diverse geo-civilizational identities; overcoming of such problems necessitates the creation of the new identification links between the relatively similar geo-civilizations. The scientific novelty and author’s contribution are defined by the actualization of (geo-) civilizational approach to explanation of the global politics.
civilizational matrix, cultural features, ethnicity, mentality, identification process, geocivilization, identity, social dynamics, core state, passionarity
Social studies and monitoring
Yusupov, M.M. (2018). Health as social value in post-conflict situation. Sociodynamics, 3, 64–70.
This article examines the value relation to health, meaning of the perceptions on healthy lifestyle and its translation through generations, as well as notes the dependence of health from the socioeconomic situation, ecological environment, and sociopolitical pattern of society. A goal is set to reveal the health condition of the representatives of various demographic groups in accordance with their self-assessment and self-awareness, using the sociocultural approach and method of sociological analysis. The author provides the indexes of self-assessment of health in terms of the ethnic and socio-demographic groups, as well as points at the importance of the factors of family status and education. The article gives characteristic to the postwar state of healthcare system, determines the successful and problematic moments, underlines the barriers in public healthcare service. Sociocultural method alongside sociological and statistical analysis were applied in the course of this research. The sociological surveys contained the questions on health condition based on self-assessments of the respondents, as well as level of quality in the work of medical facilities. It is concluded that health depends not only on the individual behavior, but also economic and sociopolitical state, stability and instability of social situation. During the conflict event or other extreme situation, is observed the mobilization of people’s inner resources and adjustment to the changed circumstances. But resolution of conflict or other crisis situation is accompanied by the release of tension, leading to mass increase of various types of diseases. The results of this study can be applied in practical activity of the health authorities and municipal self-governance.
diseases, health, education, family, environmen, way of life, social, Value, conflict, personnel
Academic thought
Petukhov, A. (2018). Modelling of threshold effects in the information processes of social systems. Sociodynamics, 3, 71–77.
This work is dedicated to the problems of modelling and forecasting of information processes in the social systems, particularly the threshold effects in their dynamics. The indicated occurrences have the definitive impact upon the state of the system; however, the classical statistical models are not capable of forecasting them. It is demonstrated that the social system should be referred to multicomponent (i.e. consisting of large amount of elements) cognitive systems of distributed type (because the distance between separate elements plays a significant role from the standpoint of system activity). The basis of methodology lies in application of the methods of neural networks and approach to social systems as cognitive. The author suggests an approach towards the description of the dynamics of information processes and their inner hierarchy, depending on the scale of impact upon the social system overall. The managing information processes are determined as major. The concept of the threshold effect for similar processes is introduced. The author develops a model representation on the examined occurrences leaning on the nonlinear dynamics and neural networks (perceptron).
cognitive algorithms, social systems, threshold effects, nonlinear dynamics, persperton, Information Processes, MKD - systems, social conflicts, revolution, security
Social organizations and movements
Atlaskirov, A.R. (2018). Regional specificity and problems of development of civil society in modern Russian (on the materials of Kabardino-Balkar Republic). Sociodynamics, 3, 78–86.
The subject of this research is the state, peculiarities, and problems of development of civil society in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic. Leaning on the general conceptual representations of the nature of civil society and national context, the author attempts to determine the specific features in relationship between the government and nonprofit organizations in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, give the overall assessment to the status of civil society institutions, as well as identify the factors that deter its establishment in the region. The work uses such methods as the analysis of statistical data of the federal and regional authorities and analysis of the documents. The scientific novelty lied in the revelation of the role of government in the process of development of the nonprofit organizations of the region. The author identifies the factors that negatively affect the development of nonprofit organizations in the republic: many of them exist only on paper and engaged in budget development; the traditionally conservative regional society with certain social hierarchy; complicated socioeconomic situation in the region.
youth, charity, grants, society, state, non-profit organizations, civil society, traditions, republic, standard of living