Transformation in political processes
Bresler, M.G., Aminov, I.R., Galiullina, S.D., Suleimanov, A.R. (2018). Examination of virtual projection of the political flow space within the network communities of Bashkir Trans-Ural region. Sociodynamics, 11, 1–10.
This article considers the results of comprehensive analysis of network communities localizes in small towns of Bashkir Trans-Ural region. The authors determine the structures of communication paths of information exchange and groups of the leaders of network communities; explore the hierarchy of values of leader groups of the city network communities; and define the communication capital of the group of leaders of ethnically-oriented communities of Bashkortostan. The research of virtual projection of the political flow space allowed acquiring the objective data on the symbols and codes of regional residents, rootedness of the leaders of ethnically-oriented and confessionally-oriented communities within the local communities of the region. In the course of this study, the authors apply the information and communication approach; consider the results of cluster-network content and discourse analysis of social network communities. It is noted that currently, the questions of ethnic and religious identity are not of top priority among the population of the region. At the same time, it is revealed that the local social network groups observe the escalated activity of the persons with high level of communication capital within the ethnically-oriented and confessionally-oriented communities.
Trans-Ural Bashkortostan, Bashkortostan, network communities, social networks, religious group, Islam, ethnic group, cluster, module, group
Humanitarian projects
Labunskaya, V.A. (2018). Dynamics of students’ perception on functional importance of attractive appearance. Sociodynamics, 11, 11–19.
The subject of this research is the dynamics of students’ perception on the functional importance of attractive appearance depending on the stage of education and spheres of life activities: communication, friendship; career; academic success; family, romantic relations. Following the tradition of analyzing the functions of appearance, the author considers the dynamics of the effect of the more attractive appearance upon the sense of happiness. Methodology is structured on the basis of developed by the author “Multi-factor model of analysis of the perception of appearance”, which centers around the “value of appearance”, its “functional importance”. Using the created together with G. V. Serikov questionnaire, the author examines the dynamics of measures of agreement with the statements on the effect of more attractive appearance depending on the stage of education of young people in university: 130 students, Bachelors of first and senior years. Data processing contains Manna-Whitney nonparametric U-test; paired sample t-test. The following conclusions were made: 1) The dynamics of perceptions on the effect of more attractive appearance is substantiated by the interaction of such factors as the stage of education and sphere of life activities; 2) In students’ perception, the functional importance of appearance is higher for the sphere of friendship, communication, sense of happiness rather than other spheres of life; 3) The dynamics of measured of agreement with the statements marks the decline in functional importance of appearance for the Bachelor students of senior year; 4) Functional importance of the more attractive appearance for the sphere of communication and friendship does change significantly under the influence of the stage of education.
communication, sphere of life, appearance, functional significance, dynamics, representations, friendships, career, romantic relationships, the feeling of happiness
State and civil society
Surtaeva, O. (2018). Microlevel state of social mechanism of the formation of civil society in Altai Krai. Sociodynamics, 11, 20–32.
This article provides the theoretical model of social mechanism of the formation of civil society. Macrolevel (institutional) is presented by the institutional structure of society, which includes three basic elements: formal-legal and administrative norms that are established and controlled by the government; sociocultural norms controlled by the civil society; and institutionalized social practices in the area of the formation of civil society. Mesolevel (socio-collective) is viewed from the perspective of the activity of legislative authorities in the area of the formation of civil society that is limited by the formal-legal framework, as well as the activity of nonprofit and other organizations that are directly or indirectly engaged into the process of formation and development of civil society. Microlevel (individual-personal) is described through the activity of the employees of nonprofit organizations and manifestation of social activeness of regional population. The analysis of the state of microlevel of social mechanism of the formation of civil society in Altai Krai was conducted using the method of questionnaire-based survey. The author assesses the state of civil society from the standpoint of the population of Altai Krai, analyzes the population’s attitude towards the work of the organizations of nonprofit sector, examines social activeness of the population of Altai Krai. The conclusion is made that the microlevel of social mechanism of the formation of civil society in Altai Krai is characterized by the contradictory tendencies: low information awareness of the population on the essence of civil society and activity of nonprofit organizations; low level of population’s engagement in activity of the third sector and paternalistic attitudes with regards to the government; but at the same time, fairly high potential of social activeness and tendency towards approving the socially active people.
meso level, macro level, social activity, Altai region, social mechanism, non-commercial organizations, civil society, micro level, social practices, third sector
Demography and statistics
Sigareva, E.P., Sivoplyasova, S.Y., Murtuzaliev, S.I. (2018). The peculiarities of matrimonial, family and migration intentions of modern youth of the Russian Caucasus . Sociodynamics, 11, 33–44.
Russian Caucasus was always notable for its relatively favorable demographic rates. However, the transformation of reproductive and migration behavior under the new circumstances affected this region as well. The conducted research is called to determine the cultural and mental peculiarities that influence the demographic parameters of the subjects of North Caucasian Federal District. The matrimonial, family and migration intentions of modern youth of North Caucasus is the subject of this work. Special attention is given to comparison of the matrimonial, reproductive and migrations orientations of young people that reside in the subjects of North Caucasian Federal District with the nationwide statistics. The university students from the cities Makhachkala, Kizlyar and Karachayevsk participated in the survey. This survey was a part of a more large-scale study that involves 16 cities of the Russian Federation. The volume of the analyzed in the article selection contains 291 questionnaires. The results demonstrate that the youth of North Caucasus unlike young people from other Russian regions, enter the marriage and have their first child at a much earlier age, as well as oriented towards multiple children family. Modern youth of the North Caucasian republics overall shows neutral attitude towards the interethnic marriages. Analyzing the migration intentions of young people, the authors note the “elevated sense of patriotism”: as the territory for application of professional knowledge and creation of family, they choose Russia more often than the youth from other Russian regions.
youth, intermarriage, transformation, reproductive intentions, migration intentions, marriage attitude, family, regions of the North Caucasus, survey, questionnaire
Family and society
Antonova, N.L., Merenkov, A.V., Valeeva, M.V. (2018). Body as a factor in choosing a spouse. Sociodynamics, 11, 45–50.
This article presents the analysis of body as the factor of spousal choice. Leaning on the conceptual ideas of the classics of sociological thought along with the modern perception and interpretation of corporeality, the author determines that the assessment of body and its attractiveness holds leading positions in the procedure of choosing a spouse. The object of the empirical sociological research is the representatives of two generations – youth in the age between 18 and 30 and representatives of parental generation. The goal of this work lied in identification of the impact of bodily attractiveness upon the spousal choice. The research results testify that the female physical attractiveness is an important resource that expands her marriageable circle. According to the women’s opinion, men’s body is attractive from the perspective of wellness and reproduction health. The results of this work can be valuable for the areas related to the development of family institution and matrimonial relations.
sociology of the body, physical attractiveness, marriage choice factors, biosocial human nature, marriage selection, corporality, body, youth, generation, sociological research
The Dialogue of cultures
Rubtcova, M., Vasilieva , E.A. (2018). The differences in theoretical-methodological approaches and structure of the Russian and American dissertations dedicated to research of social practices. Sociodynamics, 11, 51–58.
This article provides the results of comparative analysis of academic genres in the Russian and foreign practice on the example of Ph.D. and Doctoral dissertations. The object of this research is the structure of dissertation. In the course of this study, the authors put forwards the following hypotheses: differences in the structure of dissertation is defined by the differences in philosophy and methodology of science; the texts of sociological dissertations in the Russian language more often have references to the classical works, including from other fields of humanitarian knowledge. The authors conduct an analysis on sociology of the defended dissertations in the Russian Federation and the United States over the period from 2010 to 2016. The selection of dissertations was carried out of the electronic database of dissertations upheld in the United States (ProQuest Digital Dissertations and Theses) and presented on the website of the Higher Attestation Commission. The conducted analysis of the structure of dissertations demonstrated that they could be presented as two logical schemes: theory-practice-theory (Russian language academic genre) and practice-theory-practice (English language academic genre). The scheme of structuring argumentation also differs: the Russian authors first demonstrate the analysis of previously conducted research, starting from the classical philosophical writings, and only then enunciate their original philosophical concepts; while the Western sociologists use references to the works of other author only to confirm their theses.
epistemological problem, academic discourse, scientific publications, discourse, academic genres, pragmatic markers, social practices, international practice, dissertations, argumentation
Social studies and monitoring
Martyshenko, S.N. (2018). Analysis of the factors that affect social wellbeing of student youth in Primorksy Krai. Sociodynamics, 11, 59–71.
The subject of this research is the social wellbeing (main trends, influencing factors) of student youth in Primorsky Krai over the period of 2017-2018. Relevance of this topic is associated with the fact that for Primorsky Krai of particular significance is the problem of distribution of migration moods caused by the feeling of discontent with the socioeconomic situation in the region. Special attention is given to the examination of social expectations of the students pertinent to future employment and level of wages after graduating the university. The study is based on the analysis of data of the online surveys on the basis of Google platform of the students of Far Eastern universities. The acquires results on the assessment of social wellbeing of student youth of Primorsky Krai testify to the dissatisfaction with the quality of living, fairly high level of weariness from anticipating changes, inflated consumer expectations, overriding importance of material stimuli, readiness to temporary labor migration. The latter factor in Primorsky Krai is aggravated by the fact that the initial financial base of primary family significantly lags behind the financial base of central regions.
migration sentiments, social management, social expectations, satisfaction with life, questionnaire survey, student youth, region, social well-being, employment, wages
Academic thought
Gashkov, S.A., Rusakov, S.S. (2018). Conceptual analysis of M. Foucault and K. Marx in the works of E. Balibar. Sociodynamics, 11, 72–79.
The subject of this research is the impact of Marxism upon the interpretation of the writings of Michel Foucault in the works of Etienne Balibar. The authors believe that the foundation of political philosophy in France is the syncretic and polydisciplinary; it answers the urgent challenges of time in the field on the intellectual-scientific activity. The research area is interdisciplinary by definition, touching on the questions of social philosophy and theory of politics. Reciting the works of M. Foucault through the works of K. Marx manifests as one of the paramount stages of philosophical career of E. Balibar. The scientific novelty is associated with an attempt to receive a more objective perspective to the evolution of social and political philosophy in France as it is common to believe due to the opposition between modernity and postmodernity. Based on the reasoning of E. Balibar, presented in some of his major works, the authors can draw an unambiguous conclusion: the influence of M. Foucault’s ideas upon E. Balibar’s interpretation of the works of K. Marx allowed Balibar to convert many of the issues viewed by the traditional Marxism in terms of the economic-political discourse into the socio-ethical discourse. Such method helped Balibar to feel a living connection between Marx and modernity, doubting the established stamps of Marxism itself, as well as the popular “anti-Marxism”.
Gramsci, neomarxism, philosophy of politics, social philosophy, Marx, Foucault, Etienne Balibar, real subsumption, Althusser, class struggle