Gender studies
Kulagina, N.V., Medvedeva, T.N. (2017). Gender specificities of professional orientation of the modern high schoolers. Sociodynamics, 2, 1–8.
This article discusses the question of professional self-determination of the modern high school students, as well as provides a review of the studies, which demonstrate that modern graduates need help in choosing and planning of their career path. The authors present results of the empirical research that reveals the gender specificities of professional orientation of the high schoolers. The research was conducted among the schools of Perm Krai (Berezniki, Solikamsk, Cherdyn, Krasnovishersk, and Usolye) and included 300 participants. The following materials were used: methodology of O. A. Lopukhova “Masculinity, Femininity, and Gender Type of Personality”; modified methodology of A. E. Golomshtok “Map of Interests”; differentiated-diagnostic survey of E. A. Klimov. According to the accumulated results, the modern high school students experience lack of the precise career plan. The majority of them (75%) demonstrate low level of independence in selecting a profession or structuring a personal career plan. It is established that among the male students, adherence to gender stereotypes regarding the questions of professional distribution of labor comprises 69.6%. Female students have the more egalitarian perception on this matter: 48.1% believe that the stereotypes in dividing the professions into male and female, is not relevant at present time. The results of the research can be implemented in schools for planning and organization of the personal-target approach towards the professional orientation; by the specialists of the Department of state policy in the area of education in development of the career-oriented mechanisms of realization of state policy in the field of higher and secondary vocational education; as well as by university administration for career planning with schools.
professional plan, career consulting , professional orientation, professional choice, professional interests, professional orientation, gender specificities , gender stereotypes, high school students, types of professions
Questions of current interest
Nikulin, V.V. (2017). Class structure of the Soviet society and socio-legal status of a person in Soviet Russia over the period of 1920’s. Sociodynamics, 2, 9–21.
This article discusses the process of establishment of a new social-class structure of society that is based on the idea of strict organization of society according to the class affiliation and confrontation between the classes. The author identifies the mechanism of social selection, as well as the main criteria for determination of a social class. Considerable attention is devoted to the socio-legal implications for the status of the individual division of society into antagonistic classes. In particular, the article analyzes the legal and political grounds for the deprivation of electoral rights of the citizens. Legal precedent alongside the legal consequences of deprivation of rights for different social groups is demonstrated. The author examines the practice of implementation of class principles within the Soviet criminal policy during the period of 1920's, as well as proves that the Soviet penal system was built mainly on the idea of strict differentiation of society according to social status. As a result, the punishment was based not on the combination of person's wrongdoing or type of crime, but rather the nature of the group to which he belonged to; and this can be defined as legal discrimination on the basis of class differentiation. The conclusion is made that the hierarchically structured system of social-class communities determined the unequal social status of different social groups, which significantly reduces the possibility of the person's participation in political and public life, influenced their financial situation, and to determines the unequal legal status.
Law, Legal precedent, Lawfulness, Sentence, Electoral rights, Discrimination, Social status, Social selection, Classes, Class theory
Questions of current interest
Napso, M.D. (2017). Émile Durkheim’s theory of anomie and the modernity. Sociodynamics, 2, 22–30.
The object of this research is the phenomenon of anomie, while the subject is Émile Durkheim’s theory of anomie and its modern interpretation. The author examines specificity of the historical and sociocultural contexts that lead to the emergence of anomie. The peculiarities of transitional periods, instability and contradiction of which results in incompliance of the value and worldview orientations are being reviewed. The article analyzes the factors that prosper the expansion of the space of anomie, as well as traces its negative impact upon the manifestation of individual and collective consciousness. Attention is given to the connection between the anomie and deviation. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of thesis about the complicated nature of anomie and factors that lead to it. The author makes the following conclusions: 1) expansion of the space of anomie requires using the interdisciplinary approach in its research; 2) special relevance attains the study of the risks of anomie.
organic solidarity, mechanic solidarity, deviation, marginalization, alienation, valuable anomie, social anomie, anomie, disintegration, destruction
Questions of current interest
Zaitsev, A.V. (2017). Institutionalization of dialogue between the state and civil society: criteria and stages. Sociodynamics, 2, 31–45.
The subject of this research is the criteria and stages of the process of institutionalization of dialogue between the state and civil society. In the author’s perspective, supported by the empirical and theoretical material, such dialogue has overcome the pre-institutional and initial stages, and now remains on the state of institutionalization. However, the criteria of institutionalization, which are one of the polemical aspects, are yet to be determined. Thus, the article formulates the criteria on institutionalization of dialogue between the state and civil society, as well as determining the stage at which the process currently resides. The neo-institutional and comparative methods allow successfully resolve the set task on ranging the process of institutionalization of dialogue between the state and civil society within the public policy of modern Russia. The main conclusion consists in possibility of formulation of the objective criteria and their application towards examination of the dialogue interaction between the state and civil society. Based on the expert survey, the author underlines that institutionalization of the aforementioned dialogue is currently on the average/below average level of the institutionalization process.
power, neo-institutionalism, communication, institution, civil society, dialogue, state, institutionalization, public policy, interaction
Questions of current interest
Kozhevina, O.V., Bataeva, B.S. (2017). The questions of genderization in formation of the balanced board of directors in corporations with state participation. Sociodynamics, 2, 46–57.
The object of this research is the corporations with state participation, while the subjects is balance in the board of directors from the perspective of gender compositions. The codes of various countries precept to consider the women representation in the boards of directors. The authors carefully examine the socio-psychological aspects of realization of the management behavior by woman-executive, distinct features of management decision-making, as well as dynamic of female representation in corporate administration. The article presents classification of the types of management behavior, as well as develops the scheme of administrative decision-making by a woman executive. By means of generalization of the foreign experience, the work determines a positive interconnection between the diversity of compositions of the boards of directors, financial results of the corporation, its value, and efficiency of activity. The scientific novelty lies in formulation of methodological foundations for formation of the balanced boards of directors in corporations with state participation, considering the gender management. The author describe the results of the conducted research of gender specificities of the management decision-making, as well as their impact upon the quality of administration under the conditions of uncertainty. The article provides a comparative analysis of gender dynamic of the boards of directors in large corporations, including the Russian practice. The issues and differences in the approaches towards female representation in public corporate management are being revealed. The conclusion is mafe that the gender diversity in management allows increasing the synergetic effect of activity of the board of directors, as well as ensure the quality of the strategic level management decision-making.
social and psychological aspects of management, European companies, gender parity, gender management, female directors, gender diversity, Board of directors, corporate management, Russian experience, decision-making
Questions of current interest
Goncharov, V.V. (2017). The social concept of global constitutionalism as a factor of development of national societies and states in the modern world. Sociodynamics, 2, 58–65.
This article is devoted to the study of the social concept of global constitutionalism as a factor of development of national societies and States in the modern world. The author substantiates the position that the contemporary socio-political, financial-economic and state-legal development of national societies and States is carried out in terms of Western military-political, financial-economic, cultural, creative and information expansion, pursued through the imposition of national states with a single governing centers for the regulation and control of the Western state and legal, socio-political institutions, principles, relations, relations, ideas for planned and comprehensive protection and promotion of the economic and financial interests and needs of the countries that form the core of the world capitalist system. According to the author, the preservation of national independence and territorial integrity of nation-States (including the Russian Federation) in the context of a rapidly globalizing world is impossible without studying the main causes and formation and tendencies of development of global constitutionalism as a social concept. This will allow determining the directions and negative effects of development processes of globalization, as well as their impact on national States to develop and implement effective system of action to combat them.
social concept, expansion, neoconservatism, neoliberalism, marxism, Russian Federation, global constitutionalism, global elite, global manager, people
State and civil society
Abramov, R.A. (2017). The role of regional mass media in formation of the state ideology of promoting positive image of the Union State . Sociodynamics, 2, 66–74.
The subject of this research is the sociocultural and economic relations that emerge during the formation of state ideology of the image of Union State. The object is the regional mass media of the Union State, since information support on carrying out the budget of the Union State falls predominantly upon one global mass media source and does not promote the image of the state throughout the regions. The article examines mass media that are either private or state by the form of ownership, as well as provides the scenarios of development of the situation, when each of the mass media sources has access to the government procurement as the main channel of financial support of their activity. The author also reviews the impact of the federal and regional mass media upon the formation of image of the state through propaganda of the independent support of mass media or within the state programs. The article demonstrates that the Union State is in the position, when the global space faces the process of globalization and establishment of block formations. Development of Russia-Belarus Union has over 20 years of experience in building the intrastate partnership. The Eurasian Economic Union was founded on similar experience. The overcoming of contradictions and obstacles towards the future integration is based on the opportunities of ensuring the sustainable factor of joint development. And without any doubts, this factor must be the economic one. However, each block formation has its own environment for development, which in many ways represents the source of searching the ways of coexistence. The scientific novelty consists in formulation of the new methods pertaining to the current tasks of mass media to realize their functions. It is suggested to use the thematic of the social network structure, when the news and messages of the authorities reach the broader audience, because they carry maximal personalization and the interests is based on the cognitive strive for increasing the level of information awareness about the social conditions. The article also presents the regional aspects of such activity.
integration communications, regional authorities, Union State, image component, media, formation, state ideology, problem, promotion, positive role
State and civil society
Safonov, A.L., Orlov, A.D. (2017). Post-national State and the End of Progress Era. Sociodynamics, 2, 75–90.
The article is devoted to the relationship between social progress and productive forces development in the formation of global social and economic environment and the development of global resources and demography (systemic) crisis.Till the end of the 20th century, while the growth of available resourceful base of Humanity was ahead of the material production growth, the concept of irreversibility and the immensity of the technological and social progress adequately reflected the characteristics of the historical development of Mankind of the Modern Era and Contemporary HistoryHowever, by the end of the 20th century the progress, usually understood as the process of total universal gradual development, in which production growth significantly outpaced the population growth rate, has exhausted itselfIn the era of globalization world economy reached the limits of quantitative growth. In this situation increasing costs of the further social progress, as the main human potential growth factor, stopped being paid off by the economic growth, and social progress became possible only due to the resources redistribution in favor of transnational corporations and other non-state actors which form the basis of the global economy. But the redistribution of resources in the conditions of crisis growth means the separation of resources from previous social forms. Having exhausted itself in the role of the source and the necessary condition of social progress, scientific and technical progress turned into its opposite, having become a prerequisite for mass desocialization, pulling out a person from the former system of social relations.For the first time since the beginning of the Enlightenment, the economic and social regress has become full, if not a dominant component of the world development, an attribute of the globalization era. The global development vector change from the progress to the redistribution of limited resources in conditions of narrowed reproduction leads necessarily to change of the functions and forms of the modern state.Resource base of global non-state institutions and structures expansion becomes the dismantling of basic social institutions and functions of the state of the industrial era, primarily the spheres of human potential reproduction, that is, education, health, social protection. Accordingly, new forms of post-industrial or "post-national", a (postmodern) state appear, one of the main functions of which is the resources reallocation from the national economic and social institutions to the global ones. It is demonstrative that in the new, "post-industrial" and "post-national" forms state collapse in social institutions associated with the state and the nation as a social community of its citizens, while non-state institutions, first of all, ethnic and religious community, actualize, invading the spheres of social life, which were previously part of the state monopoly.The transformation of the nation-state in the modern type of "post-national" and even "anti-national" state, has gone so far that it is possible to speak of a new historical type of state, with different priorities, goals and values that are destroying the national economy and the structure of social protection and social reproduction of the population, ensure the establishment and development of alternative ways of organizing global social space, often related to economic and social regression, a significant strata of the population.
global development, non-state institutions, social institutions, desocialization, national state, postnational state, social regress, social progress, globalization, modern state
The heritage of transformation
Iakovleva, E. (2017). Modern transformations: from Paganism to Neopaganism (on the example of glamour social). Sociodynamics, 2, 91–101.
This research is focused on the glamour social, which contains the features of polytheistic beliefs and can be characterized as Neopaganism. Among the features of polytheistic system of the glamour can be named the existence of an extensive system of gods/goddesses, idolatry, animism, animal worship, fetishism, magic and shaman practices that escalate its key ideas – the beauty, youth, and wealth. Adherence to the glamour fashionable trends leads to the state of liminality as the transition, where the final goal is vague and constantly regenerates. Sacralization of the glamour and its hidden consumerist tactics produce a special modus of numinosity, in which manifests the superficial aesthetics and desire to possess the constantly changing glamour attributes rather than person’s spirituality. This article is first to examine the glamour as manifestation of a new modus of polytheistic belief – Neopaganism. Fluctuation of the ideas of glamour ideology in form of the beauty, youth and wealth lead to the transformation of faith and Paganism itself, which becomes flowing and ephemeral. The conclusions of this research can be applied in further examination of the glamour as a phenomenon within existence of the social.
totemism, animal worship, animism, fetishism, liminality, idolatry, Neopaganism, glamour, magic/shaman practices, numinosity
Religion and politics
Babich, I.L. (2017). Russian monasteries right before the October Revolution (on the example abbot of Ascension of David Desert Archimandrite Valentine). Sociodynamics, 2, 102–119.
The subject of this research is the activity of Archimandrite Valentine (Yegorov) – the last before the Revolution of 1917 abbot of the Moscow region male monastery of Ascension of David Desert. He has brought his convent to dawn, both spiritual and financial. The article thoroughly examines the key methods of chairing the monastery, construction plans of the abbot, as well as the basis of the monastic life and economic activity of the convent. Archimandrite Valentine was able to achieve the financial state support for his monastery. The provided in the article material testifies to the fact that right before the October Revolution, the Orthodox monasteries of the Russian Federation were in different state: some of them experienced financial issues, some prospered; and only the Revolution and further policy of the Soviet authorities lead to depredation in the late 1920’s.
shares, finance, architecture, economy, monks, Russian Empire, Orthodoxy, monastery, revolution, charity
Social organizations and movements
Ovrutskiy, A.V. (2017). Consumer protest as indication of a socioeconomic crisis. Sociodynamics, 2, 120–129.
The subject of this research is the content of anti-consumerist protest movements in the context of global socioeconomic crisis. The object of this research is the practices of anti-consumerist movements of the modern Western countries. The author describes and analyzes the socioeconomic reasons of the emergence of anti-consumerism, ideological foundations, and key actors of the anti-consumerist movements. Examples are provided of the anti-consumerist organizations along with the variety of their protest practices. The article reveals the notions of “overconsumption”, “anti-consumerism”, and “commodification”, as well as secures the dysfunctions of overconsumption on the macroeconomic, microeconomic, and social levels. The author presents an analysis of the current state of anti-consumerist movements in North America, as well as describes certain media factors of organization and mounting of the protest action “Occupy Wall Street”. Consumption is viewed as a specific type of activity within the consumer society and a mechanism of social management. Consumption attains the characteristics of substantive activity, and the coarse consumer mechanism of social management results in the protest reaction of part of the society – the anti-consumerist movements. The accumulated data clarifies and circumstantiates the dysfunctions of consumer society, and in a forecasting regime can be applied for the analysis of development of the Russian society. The growth of the anti-consumerist protest movements is considered an indicator of the crisis state of the Western socioeconomic system, when the object of a protest lies in the fundamental values and achievements of the modern Western society. Integral analysis of the anti-consumerist movements allows pursuing correlation between the extensive development of the Western economy, multiple dysfunctions of the socioeconomic system, and growing protest activity aimed at destruction of the consumer system.
consumer dysfunctions, «Occupy Wall Street», downshifting, youth subcultures, consumption society, commodification, anti-consumerism, Overconsumption, socioeconomic system, protest movements