Family and society
Tsurikov, V.I. (2016). The traditional sexual morality in Christian world. Sociodynamics, 9, 1–16.
The subject of this research is the traditional sexual morality in Christian world, and particularly in Orthodoxy, as well as the causes of formation of the most characteristic to it peculiarities. The author contests the opinions, according to which the main causes of the currently observed transformation of the marriage-family relations can be found in the tragic neglect of the traditional values and orientations that resulted in deformation of the ideas about love, responsibility, and relation between the genders. Special attention is given to the analysis of the influence of Christian asceticism upon the establishment of the traditional sociocultural norms that regulate sexual and reproductive behavior. The research carries an interdisciplinary character and is conducted primarily within the framework of the historical method, which allows determining the inner logic and prerequisites for changes in sexual morality, as well as the family and marriage institution. The main conclusion consists in the following: the norms of Christian asceticism produced a tremendous and rather ambiguous effect upon the history of the Christian world. The negative side of such influence is expressed in the spread and imposing of the false and disingenuous attitude towards the sexual love and something “dirty” and sinful. In Russia alongside many Western European countries, the main reason for contraposition of the spiritual and carnal components of love between a man and a woman consisted in the early Christian asceticism, the initiator of which was Apostol Paul.
Traditional sexual morality, Carnal love, Spiritual love, Christian religion, Sexual behavior, Family, Marriage, Traditional values, Christian asceticism, Deadly sin
The Dialogue of cultures
Dashibalova, I. (2016). “Watch the newsreel”: the reflection of the Buryat audience upon the Soviet documentary film (based on the sociological research materials). Sociodynamics, 9, 17–29.
The subject of this research is the reconstruction of the audience’s vision of the documentary film and the typology of cinema audience based on the ethnicity, level of education, and spectator’s competence. The author analyzes the social differentiation of the ethnic actors regarding the Soviet documentary cinematography based on the examination of the Buryat film audience. The author thoroughly studies such aspects of the topic as spectator’s experience in the context of watching the newsreel, rebroadcast of the Soviet identity, conservation of ideological orientations and visual reception in the documentary cinematography, reflection of cinema audience regarding the changes in the traditional pattern and its possible ethnic renaissance. The focus group research method in the Republic of Buryatia was implemented in this sociological study. The group interviews were performed in form of watching the materials filmed during the Soviet period in Buryatia. The selection consisted of the following parameters: ethnicity, gender, age, profession, place of residence, and education. The author also gathered the expert interviews with the producers of the documentaries. The main conclusion consists in determination of social differentiation of the ethnic actors with relation to the documentary cinematography as means of establishment of group identity. The receptive analysis of the Buryat film audience demonstrated that today the Soviet newsreel is the incitement of reflection about the ethnic culture, and at the same time, due to its powerful ideological charge preserves the nostalgic effect of the memories about the Soviet pas for the majority of the audience.
Ideological codes, Soviet culture, Buryats, Newsreel, Ethnocultural reproduction, Exclusive taste, Popular taste, Sociocultural stratification, Film audience, Cinematographic practices
Social studies and monitoring
Semilet, T.A., Manskov, S., Kulyapin, A., Kolesov, I.Y., Mansurova, V.D., Lukashevich, E.V., Shelkova, S.V., Fotieva, I.V., Deminova, M.A. (2016). The dynamics of language in realities of modernity: interdisciplinary inter-university round table of the scholars. Sociodynamics, 9, 30–45.
The inter-university interdisciplinary round table of the scholars “The Dynamics of Language in Realities of Modernity” united the representative of various higher education facilities of Altai Krai: language experts, literary historians, journalists, and philosophers to explicate and detect the processes taking place in language under the influence of the modern sociocultural situation. During the course of the discussion, the following most significant issues according to the opinion of the participants were determined: the “pressure points” of the dynamics of language in the modern sociocultural reality; postmodernist trends in the language picture of the world; mentality as the inherent property of language; foreign language borrowings and language mixes, and their cultural meaning; dynamics of the conceptual structure of the world in the consciousness of native-speakers; reduction in the informative semantic sphere of texts within the modern mass communication; positive trends in discourse of the modern mass communication, and others. Analyzing the dynamics of language in the current sociocultural realities, the authors determined the factors that explain its changeability and sustainability, positive and negative trends in the development of language as a whole alongside the language of mass communication, changes in the language picture of the world, cultural effects of the foreign language borrowings and unsubstantiated attempts to reform the language, possibilities for overcoming the “clipping” of the modern media text and its understanding, and positive trends in modernization of the media discourse.
transformations of the linguistic and cultural con, foreign borrowings, media text, media discourse, mass communication, linguistic view of the world, dynamics of language, text generation, linguistic variation, non-verbal components of communication
The heritage of transformation
Napso, M.D. (2016). Fashion in the consumer society. Sociodynamics, 9, 46–51.
The object of this article is the specificity of consumer society, while the subject is the peculiarities of fashion in the consumer society. The center of the author’s attention is fashion as the social phenomenon, its historicity and fluidity, universality and inclusivity, influence upon the public and individual consciousness, as well as demand by the consumerist worldview. Fashion is presented as a lifestyle and way of thinking, as the image, value, and symbol. The author examines the role of fashion as the factor of prestige, status, and condition for social identification and socialization. The methodological basis consists of the ontological principles of dialectics, which allowed determining the complex and controversial nature of fashion as the social phenomenon. The scientific novelty lies in substantiation of a thesis on the demand of fashion by the consumer society. The following conclusion are formulated: 1) fashion is the imperative condition for the existence of consumer society; 2) establishing the adequate to consumerism lifestyles and strategies, fashion manifests as the factor of the processes of social integration and adaptation.
status, brand, trend, social success, consumerism, fashion, consumer society, prestige, hedonism, symbol
Migration and adaptation
Zavialov, A. (2016). Migrant-phobia and humanism in migration policy. Sociodynamics, 9, 52–66.
This article examines the influence of migration policy upon the social adaptation of migrants from the perspective of contradiction between the two paradigms: migrant-phobia and humanism. The implementation of humanistic practices of regulation of social adaptation of the migrants is complicated by the extremely difficult and controversial perception of migrants by the accepting society (high level of migrant-phobia), as well as poor formulation of the instruments of social adaptation of the migrants. This, in turn, produces the difficulties in the adaptation process of the migrants to the norms of the accepting society due to the fact that originates the social exclusion. Russia’s interest in migrants is rather high, thus first and foremost, it is necessary to use the human potential and social capital of the migrants in favor of the accepting society, and not just the workforce. The countrywide implementation of the humanistic practices of social adaptation of the migrants, as well as the foreign experience applied considering the national peculiarities, would allow accelerating the processes of social adaptation of migrants alongside the processes of accepting the migrants by society. It would also help to alleviate the “social corners”, lower the degree of tension, and increase the level of social inclusion of the migrants.
adaptation of migrants, social adaptation, migration, migrants, migration policy, humanism, migrant-phobia, humanistic approach, social inclusion, immigration
Human and citizen
Vanin, V.A., Burakhina, O.A. (2016). Mentoring activity of the Komsomol among children and teenagers during the mid-1950’s. Sociodynamics, 9, 67–85.
It is a known fact the on October 29, 2015 Russia’s President has signed a decree on the establishment of the all-Russian public organization for children and young people “The Russian Schoolchildren Movement”. As the document claims, the purpose of creation of this organization consists in the “improvement of state policy in the area of upbringing of the growing generation and contribution into formation of personality based on the characteristic to Russian society system of values”. In fact, the Presidential decree completed the discussion on the necessity of restoration of the schoolchildren organization. Due to this fact, the experience of the mentoring activity of the Komsomol organizations, including the years of the early “thaw” is extremely relevant among children and teenagers. The authors examine the Komsomol as a sociocultural phenomenon, determine the factors of its versatile influence upon the students, as well as attempt to generalize the negative and positive experience. The authors used the documents and materials from the State Archive of Sociopolitical History of Tambov Oblast, which demonstrated that there were significant changes, a so-called breaking point, in mentoring work with the school students, aimed at meeting the demands of the young citizens of the country. The social life in many of the Komsomol organizations of the students became more interesting and diverse.
Mentorship , Upbringing, Orphanage, Thaw, Pioneers, Schoolchildren, Children, Komsomol, The Russian Schoolchildren Movement, Youth
Political power
Goncharov, V.V., Kovaleva, L.I. (2016). Authority as the socio-philosophical and legal category: institutional-political analysis. Sociodynamics, 9, 86–102.
This article is dedicated to the institutional-political analysis of authority as the socio-philosophical and legal category. The authors conduct an analysis of the notion of “authority” in broad sense (as the philosophical and general sociological category), as well as in narrow sense (as the political-legal category). The authors examined the main politological and general sociological concepts that review the category pf authority (doctrines on authority): 1) attributive; 2) Marxist; 3) classical; 4) systemic that includes the three basic directions; 5) consensual; 6) relational; 7) behavioral; 8) and neo-constructivist. The article analyzes the various concepts of authority as the political-legal category that review authority as: a) function; b) system of powers; c) type of willful relation; d) system of branches of government power. The authors’ definitions of the authority and government authority are given in this work. In particular, authority as the philosophical and general sociological category is being determines as the condition for the establishment and functioning of any socially organized society that complies with the level of development of public relation characterized by the presence of the corresponding rights and responsibilities of the authority and subordinate subjects of legal relations. Authority as the political-legal category (government authority) is defined in the article as the property of the branches of government granted by the legislation certain state legal powers.
category, legal, socio-philosophical, institutional and political analysis, government, people, Constitution, concept, notion, authority
Law and human rights
Iarkeev, A.V. (2016). From prison to concentration camp: the organization of social space in biopolitical society . Sociodynamics, 9, 103–108.
The subject of this article is the organization of social being in the modern biopolitical society, when politics, taking care for the life of population, gradually shifts from the disciplinary practice the basic model of which is prison, towards the practices of providing safety and preventing threats. Presumption of danger, potentially assigned after each individual, is accompanied by the implementation of the preventative right of authority and establishment of the permanent emergency rule as the norm of social existence. Under the conditions of emergency situation, the social is reorganized in form of the concentration camp that produces the deprived of rights individuals. The methodology of this research includes the fundamental ontology of M. Heidegger, which is based on the principle of integrity and law of identity of the language, being, and thinking. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in the establishment of the limit of social and human being, as well as justifies the need for the “ontological turn”; as a reflexive movement from the total objectification of the human presence within the framework of the technologies of biopolitical management towards subjectification, formulated through reason as the topos of human essence and politics.
emergency state, discipline, power, concentration camp, prison, right, biopolitics, ontological turn, thinking, panopticon