Questions of current interest
Goncharov, V.V. (2016). The main trends in the development of global constitutionalism in the modern world. Sociodynamics, 8, 113.
This article explores the main trends in the development of global constitutionalism in the modern world. The author substantiates the position that the basic tendencies of development of global constitutionalism as a socio-philosophical concepts is determined by dynamics of development of the world financial and economic system and its socio-political superstructure in the face of national States and their associations, international organizations and society as a whole. The paper considers five main variants (models) of global development. The author examines the main conditions for the implementation of these models, as well as conducts the analysis of possible variants of development of the socio-philosophical concept of global constitutionalism with regards to the implementation of different versions (models) of global development. This paper makes a forecast about the prospects for the development of global constitutionalism as a whole.
hegemony, PRC, USA, socio-philosophical concept, trends of development, global constitutionalism, Russian Federation, unipolar world, multipolar world, national state
Morality and politics
Tsvetkova, M. (2016). Reflection in term of the selection of respondents in public opinion research. Sociodynamics, 8, 1421.
This article reveals the aspects of correctness of sociological research and the importance of reflexive mechanisms in this matter. Sociological research in the way how it is conducted and how it is treated by the institutions of public opinion, do not explain the logic of selection of individual respondents' opinion and explain the logic of aggregating individual opinions (preferences) in the public opinion. Therefore, the methodology of sociological research should be the search and definition of the populations that are at least intuitively have analytical knowledge about the studied issue.The author proposes to use the reflexivity of respondents which imply the ability of the subjective reflection of the object as a criterion for the selection of respondents in the model of sociological studies. Reflexivity is the primary and most specific parameter of the actor in terms of ensuring the adequacy of subjective images of the environment.Thus, the interviewed group of respondents shall be selected by the highest value of the coefficient of reflexivity, as a fundamental capacity of the individual correctly and fully construct external world.
relationship between the actors, public opinion, political models, sociological research, social efficienty, moral choice, political actor, reflexive game theory, reflextion, political theory
People and work
Chervinskaya-Yakimyuk, E.F. (2016). Occupational burnout of the city bus drivers. Sociodynamics, 8, 2233.
This article examines the question associated with the occupational burnout phenomenon among the city bus drivers of Kraków. The main topic of this research is included into the content of the question: are there signs of the occupational burnout syndrome among the polled city bus drivers? The following specific problems were being formulated: Do the drivers show signs of emotional and physical exhaustion? Do the drivers show sign of depersonalization? Do the drivers show the signs of dissatisfaction with their job? The additional question was formulated in the following way: do the drivers have feeling that they carry a tremendous responsibility for life and health of other people? The authors comprised an original survey based on the literature on this matter, as well as TEDIUM test. The survey consists of 21 close-end questions with regards to three dimensions of occupational burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, lack of the feeling of satisfaction with their job. The conclusion demonstrates that the polled drivers do not explicit the features of job burnout syndrome, although expressively declare the feeling of immense responsibility for the life and health of other people. However, the attention should be paid to the degree of depersonalization, in which 2 out 5 indexes received excessive results (stressed passengers, substantive interpretation of passengers).
Burnout syndrome, Responsibility, Social services profession, Christina Maslach, Occupational stress, City bus driver, Satisfaction with work, Depersonalization, Emotional burnout, Occupational burnout
Family and society
Gurnak, A.V. (2016). Reasons of the rift in U. S. feminist movement at the end of the XX century. Sociodynamics, 8, 3444.
We live in a remarkable time. The time of intertwinement of the absolute liberalization of same-sex marriages and maximized antisexist policy on Europe and the United States on one hand, and epic popularity of the book “Fifty Shades of Grey” by Erica James along with the mass departure of young ladies to the Near East – on the other. All of these social processes, as well as weakening of the institution of family and marriage, decrease in birthrate, and elevated heterophobia represent the embodiment of the stage of feminism crisis. This, in turn, is a result of confrontation of the two ideologically different trends within the single feminist movement. In this work, as an objective field, the author analyzes the U. S. feminist movement of the 1970’s – 1990’s. The subject is the very rift in feminist movement of the late XX century and its causes. This research is based on the book of the American sociologist Thomas Phillips, which was published being edited by the renowned Russian demographer A. I. Antonov – “Feminism and the Family: historical-sociological analysis”. Phillips determines the “anti-family essence” of gender feminism as the key reason of the rift in feminist movement; and it becomes pivotal in condemnation of the entire feminist movement and anti-left rhetoric as a whole.
society, man, marriage, family, feminism, woman, social movement, institute, policy, development
Social studies and monitoring
Selivanova, Z.K. (2016). Comparative analysis of the life goals and value orientations among the upper teens of Moscow and cities of Bashkortostan. Sociodynamics, 8, 4554.
The object of this research is the youth (age 14-17) of Moscow and cities of the Republic of Bashkortostan, while the goal of this work is the comparative analysis of some aspects of their spiritual world. The empirical results are acquired by the author during the series of applied sociological research in the cities of Bashkortostan in 1993-2014 and Moscow in 2014. The subject of the research is the life goals, value orientations, and certain spiritual demands of the urban upper teens. The main conclusion consists in the statement that the youth of Bashkortostan and Moscow reproduce the traditional for Russians life goals, value orientations, and presence of friends. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that such comparative research is held in Russia for the first time. The author recommends conducting the comparative scientific research on teenagers and youth as a whole living in various regions of the country on the systemic and complex basis.
sociological research, cultural tradition, value orientation, values, life goals, spirituality, urban upper teens, youth, questionnaire , comparative analysis
Ideology and politics
Gizha, A.V. (2016). Possibility of the ideology of the future. Sociodynamics, 8, 5564.
The subject of this research is the questions of formation of the new ideology as the all-civilizational rational cultural text which carries the necessary meanings and symbols requires for the establishment of society in the future. Its logic and hypothetical ways of action derive from the fact of historical exhaustiveness of the leading ideologies of the XX century, as well as discontent of the existing attempts to escape that in its foundation contain religion, mythology, and in the best case scenario quasi-scientific and technocratic postulates. In order to solve the aforementioned task it is necessary to determine the actual logic of formation of the ideological views and their possible alternatives. The main method of this work consists in the historical retrospection in the context of conducting a conceptual deconstruction of the examined constructs. Its performance is determined through the achieved concretization (conceptual reduction) of the used symbols (names). The main conclusion lies in the position that the new ideology must become the meta-ideology, a crucially different project on structuring of public consciousness if compared to the forms of industrial and postindustrial eras. It is demonstrated that the previous logic of establishment of the leading typology of sociopolitical discourse in form of ideology has exhausted the conceptual-suggestive resource of basic formulations. Meta-ideology pertains not to social strata, but to the inner human in each individual. It is not separated from the universal tradition of establishment of the ideology, but overcomes the limitation of their historical forms, which mostly concerns the increasing gap between the declarations and reality.
mythology, progress, ontology, nature of the person, freedom, humanism, meta-ideology, ideology, pure phenomenon, estrangement
Ideology and politics
Goncharov, V.V. (2016). The place and importance of the philosophical principles within the social concept of global constitutionalism . Sociodynamics, 8, 6578.
This article is dedicated to the study of place and importance of the philosophical principles within the social concept of global constitutionalism. The author substantiates the thesis that the social concept of global constitutionalism, having emerged as the result of unification of the fundamental goal of neoliberal and neoconservative social concept, had established a the rejection of social concepts, which explain the alternative models of globalization “on the left” (alter-globalist), as well as social concepts of the opponents of globalization of sociopolitical, state-legal, and economic life of national states and societies “on the right” (alter-mondialistic) and “on the left” (Marxist and proletarian internationalism). It is underlined that the ideas of global constitutionalism are subjected to the socially substantiated interpretations. The philosophical principles that serve as the bases for social concepts are being created in the process of ideological opposition to the other system of meanings, the carrier of which is a certain alternative subject that contains the crucially different perception of social reality. The fight against the conceptual enemy not only endows any concept with the meaning of its existence, but is also a necessary condition for its being.
neo-Marxism, alterglobalism, neoconservatism, category, neoliberalism, transformation, development trends, global constitutionalism, multipolar world, ideology
Humanitarian support of national security
Ryumshina, L.I. (2016). Interaction in the multiuser online role-playing games as a problem of information and psychological safety. Sociodynamics, 8, 7987.
Wide spread of the Internet encouraged the emergence of new social relations, as well as changes in the usual perception of communication. The newly appeared virtual reality lead to complicated relationship between the real and virtual worlds, their fusion, and at times replacement, and thus the need for examination of virtual communication in the context of information-psychological safety. Special place in the Internet communication belongs to the multiuser online role-playing games (RPG). In Russia, the study of RPG is based on the personal qualities of the gamers, while the structure and content of the fame also can affect the occurrence of addiction to it. The author conducted the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the messages between the participants of the multiuser online role-playing game (1,766 messages and 68 gamers were subjected to the analysis). The results demonstrated that in virtual world the group processes develop similarly to the real world. Dramatic situations, struggle for power, change of the leaders can also take place in the online world. At the same time, team online interaction provides opportunity for a quick transition from one group to another in avoiding the conflict situation. Thus, the engagement into online games can be considered as an “escape” from the problems of the real world. The conducted research poses new tasks before the psychology of communication, as well as the scholars who study the problems of information and psychological safety.
chats, group processes, players, online games, virtual communication, real communication, information-psychological safety, structure of the game, content of the game, Internet addiction