National security
Osipova, N.V. (2016). Sociocultural determinants of the extremist behavior. Sociodynamics, 6, 1–12.
The author focuses attention on the objective analysis of the sociocultural environment, as well as formulates the main characteristics and principles of sociocultural analysis. The article presents the scientific analysis of mass consciousness from the sociological perspective. The key indexes that affect people’s behavior and consciousness, namely the quality and level of life, level of education, culture, professional skills and knowledge, state and dynamics of health, are being determined. The author reveals the factors of formation of the extremist orientations and analyzes the sociocultural determinants of mass consciousness. The core methodological approaches towards the solution of the stated problem could be found in the context of socioeconomic reforms. The main conclusion consists in the analysis of mass consciousness, which manifests as a regulator of the mass forms of behavior, as well as in the explanation of a mechanism of emergence of the extremist views. The specificity of such analysis lies in the examination of society as a sociocultural system. The article formulates goals in the field of theoretical development of the issues of extremis within the practice of educational work.
mass culture, determinants, extremist behavior, elite, mass consciousness, sociocultural environment, behavior, education, dynamics, culture
Migration and adaptation
Rostovtseva, M.V. (2016). The problem of intolerance in modern society. Sociodynamics, 6, 13–17.
The subject of this research is the intolerance as a special form of interaction between people which manifests in various modification of non-acceptance of another. The author criticized the traditional definition of tolerance and suggests a new definition that implies the attitude towards “another” as an equal to yourself. Attention is focused on the fact that an intolerant attitude is primarily aggressive and conflict. The author determines several types of intolerant relations: insult, humiliation, expression of disregard; prejudice, ethnocentrism; harassment, intimidation, threats; racism, nationalism,, exploitation, fascism; xenophobia in form of ethnophobia, migrant-phobia; segregation, repression, etc. The main causes of formation of the intolerant attitudes are being examined. The author gives a new definition of tolerance as a special form of relations “acceptance” among people, as well as detects the causes of the emergence of tolerance which are associated not only with the peculiarities of socialization and education of an individual, but also the inner psychological and physiological peculiarities of an individual. The role of the government in formation of the intolerant attitudes within the social environment is being demonstrated.
Manipulation, Differences, Stereotypes, Barriers, Individuality, Personality, Tolerance , Acceptance of other, Patriotism, Intolerance
Theory of political sciences
Vladimirova, T.V. (2016). On the question of correlation between the national and state security. Sociodynamics, 6, 18–28.
This article suggests a theoretical-methodological instrumentarium for understanding of construct of the notion national security and analysis of correlation between the national and state security. The author notes that the question of protection of the balance of interests of an individual, society, and state comprises a substantial aspect in the problem of conceptualization of the national security. The analysis is conducted through the prism of correlation between the private interests (social group, organization, and individual as the separate social subject) and the universal interests (people, nation as an integral society and state, as well as an institute which protects these interests). The state and national security is being viewed in the context of an approach towards security as the sustainability of social order in the conditions of the growth of variability of social communication, in which the growth of variability (deviation/innovation) is expressed also in the growth of intensity of the information flow. The theoretical-methodological foundations for this research became the theory of deviation and N. Luhmann’s theory of social evolution. Special importance in ensuring national and state security belongs to the virtualization of social relations and development of the network communication cyberspace. The Internet network as a structure of acquirement and acceleration of realization of private interests (deviation/innovation) allows preserving the balance of safety of the private and universal interests. On the other hand, the security threats within the Network are constantly growing.
The structure of increase of deviation, Cyberspace, Balance of the safety of interests, Variability of communication, Growth of deviation/innovation, Sustainability of social order, Universal interests, Private interests, State security, National security
Genesis of power
Orlov, A.D., Safonov, A.L. (2016). Crisis of power as a sociocultural phenomenon. Sociodynamics, 6, 29–46.
The topic of this article is the problem of social foundations of power which are being understood as readiness and interest of society towards subordination and cooperation with the government structures. This topic has been chosen due to the problem of ethnocultural fragmentation of the modern nations in the conditions of globalization. The crisis of power is being viewed as a phenomenon of sociocultural nature. The methodological basis of the suggested approach towards the issue of the foundations of power consists in examination of the nation and ethnos as the culturally differentiated and ontologically diverse social groups, in which an individual participates simultaneously. The problem of crisis of power is being explored due to the problem of ethnocultural fragmentation of the post-industrial society. A necessary condition for the existence and reproduction of nation is national culture, which by the virtue of group identity forms the foundations of authority. It is demonstrated that power, as a property of social structure, is connected with the participation of an individual in the important to him social group, the identification with which establishes the foundations of authority and is tightly linked to the cultural affiliation different for the ethnos and nation. One of the forms of ethnocultural fragmentation of modern society is multiculturalization as a policy of rejection by the modern state from the prioritized support of the unified national culture, which stimulates differentiation of the modern nation on ethnic and religious congregations, and thus establishes the alternative to government systems of the relations of power.
Multiculturalism, ethnic culture, ethnic, national culture, nation, power crisis, foundations of power, power, fragmentation, globalization
Political process
Znamenskiy, D.Y. (2016). State scientific-technological policy of the Russian Federation: definition and approaches towards the research. Sociodynamics, 6, 47–55.
The subject of this research is the state policy of Russian Federation in the area of science and technologies. The author thoroughly examines various approaches towards the determination of such category, and underlines the issue of insufficient research within the framework of political science. Indeed, the majority of works dedicated to the questions of state scientific-technological policy has been published by the representatives of other social sciences – economics, sociology, history, and juridical science. Special attention is given to the methodology of research of the state scientific-technological policy. The author’s main contribution consists in the following: substantiation of the position according to which the state scientific-technological policy should be interpreted not as a unilateral state activity, but as a result of cooperation between the authority and the various institutions of civil society (including scientific community); substantiation of the legitimacy of implementation of the systemic dynamic approach towards the research of state scientific-technological policy.
Pressure groups, Interest groups, Political parties, Scientific community, Science, Civil society, State, State scientific-technological policy, Public policy, State policy