Questions of current interest
Boltaevskii, A.A., Pryadko, I.P., Vas'kina, O.M. (2016). Planet of an urban type: present and future of civilization. Sociodynamics, 3, 1–15.
The subject of this research is the modern civilization, which ever increasingly acquires and anthropogenic character. A number of researchers refer to its present state as critical, but all complex dissipative systems in its establishment go through the points of uncertainty, in which the future state of the system becomes unpredictable, while the magnitude of chaos reaches the maximum. The XXI century is being defined as an era of cities, but there are significant differences in development of these cities in the developed and developing countries. The authors give a general summary of the key trends of development of global civilization, as well as identify the key challenges of time and possibilities of adequate answer to these challenges. In the industrial era the city became the space of a strict segregation of people. The urban space divides people, and becomes the arena of sharp social, ethnic, and religious conflicts, producing the grounds for deviant behavior. The urban lifestyle also leads to aggravation of environmental problems. The project of garden city even in the modern post-industrial era remains utopic.
Housing crisis, Transport, Solitude, Environment, Future, City, Problems, Civilization, Garden city, Economic crisis
Morality and politics
Martianov, V.S. (2016). Expansion of trust as a background condition of the late modernity. Sociodynamics, 3, 16–22.
The subject of this article is the analysis of the noneconomic conditions of transition of communities from modernity to late modernity. In the conditions of late modernity among important noneconomic factors of further progress of society there is a great increase of the role of the noneconomic factors of development, first and foremost, of individual and institutional trust. The value of trust in the process of its expansion and institutionalization allows lowering the transactional costs in all important spheres of life of the society. Nevertheless, despite all the advantages of such transition, the paradox lies the fact that within the practical (semi-) peripheral capitalist societies we can observe stability of individual and institutional strategies of mistrust. In the course of the conducted research, using the theories of cooperation games in the conditions of incomplete information it is revealed that the economic advantages of expanded trust for the sphere of market exchange that dominates the post-modern societies, are theoretically proven and empirically verifiable. In this context, on the example of modern Russia, the article examines the situation of leveling of the previously achieved value-institutional stages of trust.
Trust, Distrust, Late modernity, Modernization, Post-material values, Self-realization, Neoliberalism, Transaction costs, Peripheral capitalism, Russia
Morality and politics
Tsvetkova, M. (2016). Issues of the reflexive choice of the actors of social policy. Sociodynamics, 3, 23–29.
This article focuses attention on the issues of scientifically substantiated establishment of the actors of social policy. In the author’s opinion, the effective development requires the reflexive mechanism of choosing the actors of social policy based on the models of the inner world of an actor, which will allow planning the actors’ relations from the sociopolitical conflicts towards the manageable confrontation and compromise. The author demonstrates that the positions of algebraic theory of reflection of an actor play a key role on the establishment of the actors of social policy, not as much by the rational qualities, as by the types of reflection. The algebraic theory of reflection of an actor allows examining the social subjectivity from the algorithmic point of view, in other words, we can discuss what type of subjectivity of social policy should be formed. The main conclusion consists in the fact that the analysis of the reflexive structure of the actors of administration will allow choosing the actors of social policy, which possess a reflection on compromise as a framework instrument of the group compatibility and an instrument of actors’ responsibility of social policy. The author proposes to view the reflexive model as the model of managing the social subjectivity, the main concept of which is the reflection on responsible cooperation and conscious compromise of the actor’s relations in the society.
Reflexive managements, Actors of social policy, Moral choice , Social effectiveness, Social responsibility, Political recruitment, Algebraic model, Actors’ relations, Reflexive games theory , Political theory
The nationality issue
Tinyakova, E.A. (2016). National policy cannot be successful with elimination of national identity. Sociodynamics, 3, 30–36.
The object of this research is the demand of the new national policy in Russia after the detachment from the Soviet Union and obtaining its new government status. The goal of this work is to discover the resources for a deeper demonstration of Russian national mentality. The basis of this subject is the renewing Russian history, and more specifically, the historical potential of Russian national traditional culture. The subject of this research is the accentuation of the origins of the Russian national mentality in the national traditional cultural. The political culture is also linked with the orientation towards the new national policy. The new goals of the research of the national mentality are centered first and foremost on the mass consciousness of the people. The choice of referring to the content of Russian national traditional culture is distinguished by its novelty, as the author proposes not a surface aesthetic attitude towards national culture, but the revelation of its value depth. The article also presents the social cooperation between the Russian national traditional culture and the Orthodoxy. Heroism and wisdom are the key values that lie at the source of the Russian national culture.
National policy, Russia as a state, Russian history, Historical potential, Folk culture, Mass conscience, Christian meaning, Political culture, National heroism, Social wisdom
The nationality issue
Pimenova, N.N. (2016). Mechanism of sociocultural changes of the indigenous people of Siberia and North: concept of cultural trauma by Piotr Sztompka . Sociodynamics, 3, 37–45.
The subject of this research is the processes that are currently taking place among the indigenous people of the North, Siberia, and Far East. The article explores the prospects of the Piotr Sztompka’s concept for the purpose of analyzing the modern ethnogenesis and culturogenesis of the indigenous people of the North and Siberia. From the position of this concept, the author analyzes various forms of reaction of the indigenous people of the North to the cultural traumas including: innovation, protest, ritualism, and reatreatism. A claim is made that these mechanisms are able to produce two possible scenarios of further development: aggravation of the traumatic situation or its effective overcoming. Based on the conducted research, a conclusion can be made that the diversity of ethnic communities that are referred to as indigenous, testifies to the complex unity of not only the society, but also the ethnoculture within these internal social groups, prolonged cultural trauma experienced by these people, and application of various methods in an attempt to cope with it.
Cultural trauma, Far East, Siberia, North, Indigenous people, Ethnos, Piotr Sztompka, Destruction, Reconstruction, Globalization
Social studies and monitoring
Reshetnikov, V.A., Samburov, E.A., Kashchaev, A.E. (2016). Simulativeness within the structure of social development. Sociodynamics, 3, 46–61.
The subject of this article is the examination of various examples of Simulativeness within the structure of modern society that substantiates the antinomy of social reproductions and social dynamics. A qualitative index of the social shifts that led to the formation of simulative space and images in the modern culture, is the stages of social reflexion of the current processes. The authors thoroughly analyze the sociopolitical and cultural-economic shifts in parallel with the sociocultural and spiritual-moral changes over the recent years. These factors result in the establishment of a new ideology of the social reproduction of the country. Scientific novelty consists in the systemic analysis of the antinomies of social development, as well as in detection of the simulative images and forms of social reproduction. This work presents a detailed analysis on the symbolic and cognitive level of the existing sociocultural transformations within the various spheres of social life: economics, politics, culture, religion, values, and others.
Antinomies, Simulations, Social development, Social stabilization, Disorganization , Consolidation, Sociocultural solidarity, Modernization, Development, Unity
Migration and adaptation
Kistova, A.V., Sevruzhenko, N.S. (2016). Koreans in modern Russia: the role of ethnic minorities. Sociodynamics, 3, 62–72.
The subject of this research is the Korean ethnocultural group and its social status in the modern Russian Federation. Korean ethnocultural group has all existing signs characteristic to a minority group, the examination of which is relevant in the context of establishment of the large pluralistic society. The historical and actual position of the Korean ethnocultural group in Russia can serve as an example for rather positive social, political, and cultural practices of coexistence of the various ethnic, cultural, and religious groups within the same space. Analyzing the aforementioned information, a conclusion can be made that Koreans play an important role in the establishment of interethnic relations among people ot our multinational state. It is worth noting that being assimilated with the Russian population, Koreans became “Russians”, considering Russian language their native. At the same time, Koreans preserved some of their national traditions, remaining the unique, unlike others, ethnic minority.
Ethnic group, Minority, Russian, Far East, Siberia , Koreans, Historical method, Statistics, Culture, Dynamics
Academic thought
Karmadonov, O.A., Kovrigina, G.D. (2016). Conjunctive potential of space and civilization. Sociodynamics, 3, 73–85.
This research is conducted within the framework of a government project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 28.64.2014/Ê –“Social consolidation of the modern Russian society: systems, resources, and prospects” (2014-2016). The object of the research, which also became the foundation of the article, is the spatial-civilizational essence of Russia. The authors analyze the established within the social sciences approaches towards the question in the civilizational uniqueness of Russia and its inevitable connection with the Russian space, as well as present their own vision of this problem. Based on their theoretical and empirical researches, the authors demonstrate the specificity of the civilizational identity of Russia, including with regards to the peculiarities of the spatial-geographical perception of our compatriots. It is stated that the Russian space-civilization requires further exploration. The actual and deep social reflexion pertaining to the civilizational distinctiveness, as well as the symbolic assimilation of space, represents one of the main resources of the sociocultural consolidation of the Russian society.
Dependence, Uniqueness, Social consolidation, Social conjunction, Space, Russian civilization, Symbolic cartography, Civilizational identity, Crimea, Alaska
Theory of political sciences
Znamenskiy, D.Y. (2016). Theoretical-methodological foundations of the research of state policy. Sociodynamics, 3, 86–97.
The article gives expanded characteristics to the main approaches towards the research of such complex and multi-aspect category as state policy. The author focuses attention on the teleological, working, administrative, and systemic approaches towards the reviewed notion, as well as on the number of contemporary concepts of state policy that are actively developing overseas within recent years. Special attention is given to the substantiation of the author’s definition of state policy, and the structure of the national model of state policy, including with regards to the modern Russia. The main conclusion consists in recognition of the narrowness of understanding state policy as one-sided state activity. In the author’s opinion, state policy should be interpreted as a result of cooperation between the nations, institutions of civil society, scientific, expert, and business community with the decisive role of the first. It is confirmed by the position of the Russian and foreign political scientists, who note that the process of formation of state policy is interlinked with a complicates collaboration of the various branches of state policy and administration, through the accord of the positions of an entire number of social groups and politicians, as well as various representative of the expert community, and mutual influence of miscellaneous external and internal factors.
Political parties, Groups of interests, Coalitions of public interests, Civil society, Government, Public policy, State policy, Model of state policy, Political culture, Political system
Social organizations and movements
Shchuplenkov, N.O. (2016). Educational concepts of Komsomol and the Russian Student Christian Movement: common and different. Sociodynamics, 3, 98–125.
The subject of this research is the two major ideological directions in the Russian history – Communist, the representatives of which in the youth movement was Komsomol, and Christian, presented by the Russian Student Christian Movement (RSCM) in persecution. Both of them played an important role in development of strategic directions in the spiritual and cultural life of the Soviet society and the Russian community in persecution. The educational concepts of Komsomol and RSCM were the product of the intellectual activity of the prominent figures within the Communist and Christian movements in Soviet Russia and White émigré. In the author’s opinion, a comparative analysis of the educational concepts of Komsomol and the Russian Student Christian Movement leads us to understanding of the sociocultural phenomenon of Komsomol, which celebrates its centennial anniversary in 2018. The youth socio-political unions, the work of which is being studied during the period of 1918-1930’s – Komsomol and RSCM – could be distinguished by the following characteristics: religiousness and atheism, individualism and collectivism, separatism and openness, and others.
Educational concepts, Komsomol, RSCM, V. I. Lenin, V. V. Zenkovsky, Generational succession, Religiousness, Atheism, Christian anthropology, Political control
Social organizations and movements
Ippolitov, V.A. (2016). Regulatory factors of the social composition of Komsomol during the 1931-1935. Sociodynamics, 3, 126–136.
This article explores the following regulatory factors of the social composition of Komsomol during the 1931-1935: collectivization, struggle for a multimillion union, and strengthening of the proletarian core. The source base for this article consists of the unpublished archive materials from the funds of the State Archive of the Sociopolitical History of Tambov Oblast, State Archive of Tambov Oblast, and State Archive of Sociopolitical history of Voronezh Oblast. This work is prepared on the materials of the Central Black Earth Oblast of the RSFSR. The author sees Komsomol as a sociocultural phenomenon, and attempts to generalize both, the positive, as well the negative experience. The base theory for studying the Komsomol historical issues is the theory of governmentalization of Komsomol: the union is viewed as the chain link between the state and the youth. In the history of Komsomol of this little-studied period, the author sees a steady connection between the political party and the criteria of social selection of candidates for Komsomol. The author makes a conclusion that by the mid 1930’s the leading factors of regulation of the social composition of Komsomol organizations were working or kolkhoz background, loyalty to the “general party line”, and political savvy. Strict regulation of the class composition produced negative influence on the quality of the work of Komsomol.
Youth, Komsomol, Collectivization, Communist Party, Kolkhoz , Class warfare, Political control, Peasantry, Deviation, Age
Political technologies
Maslanov, D.V., Maslanov, E.V., Podsevatkin, I.S. (2016). The use of new Internet technologies in government: the political crowdsourcing as a tool for development of interaction between society and the state. Sociodynamics, 3, 137–146.
The article analyzes the new and trending information and communication technologies in public administration. More pressingly than ever before stands the question of political and economic modernization before the government . In this article the authors try to show successful projects of political crowdsourcing in the Russian Federation, as a variant of the successful modernization of a political process that involves broad public involvement in policymaking to improve governance at the municipal level or the control over execution of the legislation. The authors examine the political development of crowdsourcing in Russia, and indicate its prospects as an effective means of engaging people in the development processes of government decisions, public control over observance of legislation. The authors examine the political crowdsourcing in terminology and institutional point of view and formulate the notion of political crowdsourcing, show the most successful examples of its application in Russia. Moreover various problems occur during operation of political crowdsourcing. For their solution, the authors formulated a few General rules that will shape people's loyalty to the political crowdsourcing platform, and, therefore, want to work on it.
Internet, Information-communication technologies, Crowdsourcing, Political crowdsourcing, Good management, All-Russia People’s Front, Moscow, Russia, Political development, Government administration
Heritage and transformations
Napso, M.D. (2016). Marginality as a form of social alienation. Sociodynamics, 3, 147–153.
The object of this article is the phenomenon of marginality, while the subject is the analysis of categories “marginality” and “social alienation” as congruent. In the center of the scientific search are the following topics: the phenomenon of marginality as a border and peripheral social position; the processes of marginalization; the notions “marginal individual” and marginal conscience; psycho-emotional components of marginalization. Special attention is given to the role of economic factors in expansion of the space of marginality. The author analyzes poverty as a socioeconomic and psychological category, as well as its impact upon the establishment of marginal structures. Scientific novelty consists in the justification of the thesis about the ambivalent essence of the nature of marginality. The problematics of the article allows making the following conclusions: 1) the notion of “marginality” is used to signify not only the transitional social position of an individual, but a position of social alienation as well; 2) marginal conscience is the general feature of marginality and social alienation.
Marginality, “Marginal individual”, Marginal conscience, Social alienation, Social parasitism, Dependency, Deprivation, Deviation, Social mobility, Exclusion
Heritage and transformations
Balakleets, N.A., Faritov, V.T. (2016). The war in the horizon of the absolute transgression: socio-ontological and historical-philosophical aspect. Sociodynamics, 3, 154–166.
This article discusses the philosophical concepts of nuclear war. The socio-ontological foundations of the threat of nuclear war are disclosed in the teachings of Oswald Spengler, Martin Heidegger, Jean Baudrillard, Carl Gustav Jung and Friedrich Nietzsche. By analyzing the ideas presented in the works of these thinkers, the authors examine various possibilities of philosophical understanding of the dangers of nuclear weapons and the threat of the total annihilation of mankind. The research problem is considered by involving into the analysis the theory of historical pseudomorphosis, the concept of simulacra and the concept of the archetypes of the collective unconscious. The authors use the methodological principles of hermeneutical philosophy and the principle of deconstruction, as well as the genealogical method. The most important result of the study is the comprehension of the nuclear war as an absolute transgression. The perspective of the absolute transgression is considered by the authors as the integral component of contemporary socio-cultural reality. It is shown that the threat of the nuclear war has appeared because at certain moment in the history the mankind has chosen its way of life. However, this danger of an absolute transgression contains an opportunity to choose another way of development of mankind.
Transgression, Social ontology, Nuclear war, Social space, Georg Hegel, Oswald Spengler, Martin Heidegger, Jean Baudrillard, Carl Gustav Jung, Friedrich Nietzsche
Heritage and transformations
Meshcheryakova, N.N. (2016). Present and future from the perspective of student youth. Sociodynamics, 3, 167–174.
The subject of this research is the perceptions of the students of the Russian and foreign higher educational facilities (primarily in the UK and the United States) of the modern world and their place in it, as well as their expectations with regards to the personal future, and the hierarchy of values. The data was acquired as a result of the original research conducted in the autumn of 2015 in the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Special attention is given to the comparative analysis of the system of life perception of the two groups of respondents, as well as to the analysis of the acquired results in light of the theory of generations. The theoretical positions are based on the theory of generations by W. Strauss and N. Howe, basic values of S. Schwartz, and post-materialistic values of R. Inglehart. There is no significant difference in the ideas, values, and life aspirations among the Russian and foreign students; all of them are determined to receive education in presence, and build a career in future. The Russian students are more focused on creating a family that their foreign peers; also, such notions as “prosperity” and “connections” are of great importance among the Russian students, which reflects rather the level of social wellness and the peculiarities of social relations within it. Students themselves are attracted to the post-materialistic values, such as interesting job, appreciations of their own efforts and talents.
Image of personal future, Perceptions of reality, Theory of generations, Post-materialistic values, Basic values, Needs, Comparative analysis, Empirical data, Respondent, Sociological survey