Questions of current interest
Griber, Y.A., Egorov, A.G. (2015). Tactical Urbanism as a Form of Modernization of Everyday Life. Sociodynamics, 9, 1–79.
The subject of the research is tactical urbanism as a sociocultural practice of a modern society. Despite the growing popularity of tactical urbanism among new layers of society, it happens to be an object of academic interest quite rarely. In their research the authors examines the substantive and structural features of tactical urbanism as an independent phenomenon, analyze the mechanisms and strategies of modern urban planning. Special attention is paid to the description of the features of participants and actors of tactical urbanism and their ideas and values in terms of heterogeneous morphology of urban culture. The main theoretical principle for viewing tactical urbanism as a special sociocultural practice is the concept of the fractal inclusion of culture. The main research method is based on the directions for the analysis of the structure of knowledge space offered by Michel Foucault. The main contribution of the authors to the topic is the sociocultural expertise of tactical urbanism in terms of urban development as it is described in this article. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors analyze the structure and factors of the tensity of anthropological dispositif of contemporary urbanism and describe sociocultural grounds and possibilities for using tactical urbanism as one of the forms of modernization of urban everyday life.
dispositif, urban culture, culture, city, everyday life, modetnization, tactical urbanism, urbanism, anthropological dispositif, sociocultural practice
Humanitarian projects
Starko, E.A. (2015). Analysis of Theoretical Essays of Fredric Jameson in his book 'Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism'. Sociodynamics, 9, 80–92.
Fredric Jameson has developed a complete methodological framework of the various scientific fields that are able to synthesize together. The purpose of the present research is to discover whether his theory is applicable to the study of other cultural phenomena. In his research Starko analyzes the content of the collection of works by Fredric Jameson 'Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism' (1991) and the article 'Nostalgia for the Present' which has never been translated into English, in order to discover new ways to study popular culture. The results may help to understand the complex dynamic processes taking place in today's world. The main research method used by the author of the article is the comparative historical analysis of the intellectual biography of Fredric Jameson as well as the descriptive review of his theory based on the translation of several articles of Fredric Jameson made by the researcher himself. In his book Fredric Jameson has come to the conclusion that all new films will some day become the allegory of their own expression in the form of the synthesis of nostalgia and some new tendency. However, this creates another problem - artistic language and true historicity will coincide very rarely in the future. Nevertheless, despite the weakening of historicity, the past still remains tempting for a modern human and therefore the nostalgia methods are still being used actively in popular culture and different kinds of commercial art.
collective unconscious, cinematography, popular culture, postmodernism, social theory, Fredric Jameson, social dynamics, social time, capitalism, art
Local self-government
Gryaznova, E.V., Veresova, E.A., Mikheeva, V.V. (2015). The Role of Information Inequality in Informational Support of Municipal Management. Sociodynamics, 9, 93–105.
The subject of the present research is the role of information inequality in the implementation of government programs on informational support of municipal management. In our country informational support of municipal administration is being conducted as part of the Strategy of the Information Society Development in the Russian Federation and administrative reform. However, today's information inequality between federal, regional and municipal centers does not allow to effectively implement the informational support of municipal management. In particular, the authors of the article focus on the problems of execution of the government program 'E-government' at the municipal level. The main reserch methods applied by the authors include the methods of analysis, generalization and analysis of statistical data. The research has been carried out according to the general-to-specific principle. In the course of their research the authors have come to the conclusion that information inequality of municipal units of different regional and federal centers put breaks on the informatization of municipal management. The causes of such information inequality are the low quality of life in municipal districts and the low level information culture of municipal units and population.
municipal informatization, administrative reform, computer literacy, E-government, E-services, informatization, informational support, municipal management, information society, information gap, economic inequality
Anthropology and ethnogenesis
Safonov, A.L., Orlov, A.D. (2015). Mechanisms of Ethnic Fragmentation of Nations in the Era of Globalization: Cultural Aspects. Sociodynamics, 9, 106–122.
The subject of the research is the creation of the integral paradigm of sociogenesis that allows to explain and predict the development of such socio-cultural phenomena of globalization as ethnic fragmentation of the society, actualization of ethnic communities, ethnicity and ethnic identity and systemic crisis of nations, national identity and national idea. The researcher also touches upon the problem of limits to applicability of well-known approaches to sociogenesis. In addition, the authors put forward the problem of defining the essential grounds and attributive features of globalization generating actualization of ethnicity and ethnic identity which contradicts the view on globalization as the establishment of the single global social community unifying ethnocultural differences. The famous phenomenon of co-existence of the 'folklife' and 'high' cultures is being viewed by the authors from the point of view on co-existence of ethnos and nation which culture has a number of similar features. The methodological basis for the approach to sociogenesis offered by the researchers involves the definition of nation and ethnos as a long-existing nonidentical and ontologically different social communities an invidual simultaneously participates in. Globalization is viewed as a global systemic crisis that generates processes of social divergence, differentiation and social fragmentation including ethnocultural fragmentation. The hypothesis of a historically long existence of nation and ethnos is being analyzed from the point of view of cultural studies that differentiate between ethnic culture and national culture based on a number of povisions. In the era of globalization the phenomenon of ethnic fragmentation of the society and actualization of ethnicity is explained by the fact that an individual simultaneously participates in both nation and ethnos. His simultaneous participation in ethnos and nation relates to different and community-specific spheres of social existence, the sphere of political existence for a nation and the sphere of everyday existence for an ethnos. The hypothesis of co-existence of nation and ethnos as different social communities is explained within the framework of cultural studies that state the historically long co-existence of the two different, although related cultures, the culture of an ethnic community and the culture of a nation. These two cultures have different time of occurence, mechanisms of reproduction and development and particular content.
primordialism, ethnos, constructivism, ethnic fragmentation, national culture, sociogenesis, folklife culture, globalization, nation, cultural studies
Transformation in political processes
Pashinskaya, V.V. (2015). Post-Modernist Modernization of the Political Process as the Virtualization of Reality. Sociodynamics, 9, 123–152.
In this research Pashinskaya studies modernization of the political process through the virtualization of the society which, in its turn, describes a long-term trend of social communication through the information-symbolic environment. The subject of the research is the political process within the framework of the post-modernist modernization where the construction of several virtual models of social and political structures are possible. The object of the research is the network virtual reality in the form of interactive environment that creates the political communication space where new forms of communication and political intersubjectivity are used under the influence of developing technologies. Pashinskaya bases her research on the comparative analysis of information resources and statistical data posted on the Internet. The main conclusion of the research is that there is an evident growth in popularity of new forms of political Internet communication. In politics active communication channels are websites and social media pages of political parties and/or their representatives. This kind of virtual reality allows to create virtual political intersubjectivity through numerous network expressions and modeling of potential political roles presented by members of virtual communities.
models of political structures, Internet, political process, communication space, information-symbolic space, network space, virtualization of the reality, post-modernist modernization, intersubjectivity, communication