Questions of current interest
Balynin, I.V. (2015). Assessment of the political culture of Russian youth (according to the surveys in February-March 2015). Sociodynamics, 6, 119.
The object of research is the Russian youth, the subject - its political culture.The author examines in detail the substantive part of the typology of political cultures G. Almond and S. Verba, represented in the famous treatise «The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations».Particular attention is paid to the results of surveys of the young generation of modern Russia in February and March 2015 on the basis of self-developed questionnaire to determine the political culture of the typology of G. Almond and S. Verba.Methodological basis based on the following methods: surveys in the form of a questionnaire, a comparative. quantitative and critical analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, historical and logical methods, as well as a graphical way (in a table) for visual display of the results of the study.Russian youth survey conducted in February and March 2015, based on the developed questionnaire showed that the younger generation of modern Russia and inherent patriarchal poddanichesky types. Attempted study political culture has shown that today's younger generation is not indifferent to the future of Russia and processes in our political system. Many young people see themselves as active participants in these processes, understand the importance of active political position, but some underestimate the inherent rationality and responsibility.Based on the results of research it was proposed measures aimed at developing the Russian youth political culture of participation, increasing its electoral activity. At the same time, it is necessary to consolidate efforts of family, state and municipal authorities, civil society with the use of modern information technologies and means of communication, taking into account the international experience, the historical development of the Russian state, the interests and initiatives of young people.
political parties, youth, electoral activity, elections, culture of participation, civil society, political culture, electoral process, suffrage, youth policy
Questions of current interest
This paper concerns social maladjustment youth and his personality and situational correlates. The paper refers to Robert Agnew’s general strain theory. According to Agnew, strain theory focuses on negative relationships with others: that is, relationships in with others do not treat the individual as he or she would like to be treated. The main objective of the empirical research is to understand the relationship between social maladjustment and the sense of strain, aggression, self-efficacy in the group of pupils. An additional goal is to analyze the relationship between the sense of strain, self-efficacy and the structure of the aggressiveness of the respondents. The study was conducted in March 2013. The hypotheses were tested on 57 pupils. The results confirmed most of the assumed relationships between variables.
aggresion, Robert Agnew, youth, aggressiveness, self-efficacy, social maladjustment, general strain theory, pupils, demoralization, socio-demographic characteristics
The Dialogue of cultures
Synieokyi, O.V. (2015). Sociodynamics of Central Asian Rock in the Paradigm of the Soviet Recording. Sociodynamics, 6, 3968.
The article deals with the organizational structure of Soviet industry record with a description of each item. From the standpoint of the development of socio-cultural communication in the music industry to analyze the history of rock in Central Asia. Set out an analysis of formation and development of rock music in Central Asia. The author carries out a detailed description of the Central Asian rock scene. A special place in the author's approach to the analysis of reference given to the systematization of information on the history of the record in the republics of Central Asia. Details covered lesser known pages of the history of Central Asian rock music and sound recordings.
Culture, Group, Rock, Jazz, Recording Studio, Plant Records, The Melodie Firm, Central Asia, Socialism, Audience
Humanitarian projects
Izluchenko, T. (2015). Globalization of religious consciousness: factors and tendencies of development. Sociodynamics, 6, 6979.
The article offers the author's approach in interpretation of correlation processes between globalization and religion. The author makes a research of changes in religious conscience, identifies the circumstances of religiosity globalization and influence degree of multiculturalism ideas and politics of integration. The religious conscience is considered as globalizing in the contemporary terms. The religions get new characteristics that never had before, it means the syncretism of religious and secular values. The author points out a danger for preservation of religion in combination of religious and secular ideas with condition of abdication the first in favor of second. Also, the author highlights that globalization of religious conscience is a natural process, a feature of contemporary stage of religion evolution within the framework of globalization processes.
secularization, secularism, the evolution of religion, globalization processes, religious consciousness, globalization, religion, state-religion relations, syncretism, confidence
Humanitarian projects
Lazutkina, E.V. (2015). Social consciousness and public opinion: associativa experiment among students of Siberian Federal University. Sociodynamics, 6, 80112.
Subject of research - current state of public consciousness. With the application of methods, first of all, with the help of the association experiment as described Nazarov and Sokolova, explores the hidden meaning of "elite" among modern students of Siberian Federal University. Conducted extensive research associates the word "elite", the results of applied research systematized, summarized in tables and diagrams. The study humanities students. In the long term objective is planned to expand the space to include materials analysis results among students of technical, engineering, math and science areas of higher education.
associate, associative experiment, the collective unconscious, social dynamics, public opinion, social consciousness, elite, The social psychology, Siberian Federal University, students
Anthropology and ethnogenesis
Kirko, V.I. (2015). The post-Soviet practice of conservation ethnic and cultural identity of the indigenous peoples of the North and Siberia in Krasnoyarsk Krai of the Russian Federation. Sociodynamics, 6, 113133.
The article presents the results of long-term field studies of Indigenous Peoples of the North and Siberia living in the Krasnoyarsk region (Russia). Currently, indigenous peoples of Krasnoyarsk Territory (Evenk, Enets, Chulyms, Nganasan, Nenets, Selkup, chum, Dolgan) experiencing serious impact of modernization and global transformations. Processes of ethnogenesis and cultural genesis occur for these ethnocultural groups differently. Some post-Soviet cultural practices contribute to the formation of positive ethnic and cultural identity of indigenous peoples of the North and Siberia. Muzeizatsiya culture naganasan (Indigenous Peoples, living only in the Krasnoyarsk Territory) podvetzhdaet conclusion that neoshamanizm Taimyr is significantly different from shamanism archaic and traditional cultures. Muzeizatsiya Heritage Nganasans indicates that cultural heritage Nganasans feeling the effects of market mechanisms. Original shamanism for ethno-cultural identity Nganasans is not typical.
field research, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Siberia, north, indigenous peoples, social dynamics, shamanism, Nganasans, Post-Soviet practices, culture