Questions of current interest
Moskvich, Y. (2015). Diverse, and flexible strength of a changing world: the purpose and evolution. Sociodynamics, 4, 1–17.
The article analyzes the global challenges and possible responses to them. Discusses the new adaptation mechanisms to global change such as "flexible consciousness", "flexible skills", "flexible cooperation", "flexible / soft power" to resolve the existing global problems. Explores the nature of innovation and the importance of "flexible strength" conducive to its creation. The process of formation of an innovative society as a basis for a new global flexible force, preventing the negative effects of the accelerated development of the non-linear world.
political soft power, soft power, innovative wave, flexible skills, flexible consciousness, global crises, view of the world, social studies, innovations, social Strategies
The Dialogue of cultures
Synieokyi, O.V. (2015). Professional Producer Culture: The Right of Show Business and Crisis Communications in the Music Industry. Sociodynamics, 4, 18–48.
In the historical and cultural context of recording studies the legal problems of professional producer activity were inverstigated. From the perspective of intellectual property rights the problems of music producing were outlined. Particular attention is paid to the study of deontological receptions of record producer activity, which are used in the rock business. Through interaction senders and addressees of counterfeit products in the «pirate’s» sector of music industry digested information and legal problems of «Anti-Recording».
Counterfeit, Rock Business, Music Industry, Label, Sound Recording, Corporate Law, Culture, Producer, Crisis, Communications
The Dialogue of cultures
Kocherova, A.V. (2015). System sacralization of basic ideals of the culture of Byzantium on the basis of the analysis of the treatise Michael Psellos "Word on the Annunciation» (XI century). Sociodynamics, 4, 49–63.
The article is an analysis of the socio-philosophical text, this involves presentation of the history of the treatise, shows the specifics of authorship attribution Michael Psellos defined object and subject of the text, its purpose and main features, as well as formulated range of basic ideas. Any visual image of a particular period of history is the bearer of the ideas that have been developed, cultivated or in its infancy at that time.To study the basic ideals of the sacralization of Byzantine society and Byzantine culture scientist's ideas are relevant Byzantine monk and theologian Michael Psellos (1018 - about 1078 or later), which examined the teachings of Plato from the point of view of Orthodox theology.
social system, theology, orthodoxy, social ideals, sacralization, Byzantium, Michael Psell, cultural space, traditions, religion
Humanitarian projects
Gudkova, E.E., Sertakova, E.A. (2015). The value of the archetype "Angel in a straitjacket" for understanding the specifics of modern Russian social and cultural space. Sociodynamics, 4, 64–74.
The subject of the study are the structural elements of Russian socio-cultural space, manifested in works of art, including literature and film. The archetype of the "mad righteous" or "angel in a straitjacket" that originated long ago, is still important in modern Russian culture. The article presents some of the cultural transformation of the archetype.The appearance of the archetype in modern culture can be traced not only by the example of literary works, but also in the works of cinematic art, national cinema.The main methodological approach - the analysis of works of art, where the archetype of the "angel in a straitjacket" the most clear. Applied comparative-historical methods, methods of visual anthropological analysis. It can be concluded that the value of the archetype of the "mad righteous" in modern Russian culture defines it as the bearer of the "conscience of the people" and at the same time the image of the Russian mentality in its ideal form. As far as the manifestations of this archetype in modern art, it is not eradicated, but only gets a new face, but its function is now, perhaps, is more important than ever culturological mission - to save the mental and moral code of the Russian people.
angel, craziness, Christianity, religion, archetypes, Russian culture, cultural space, social space, humility, cultural code
Humanitarian projects
Astasheva, M.V. (2015). Historiographical review of studies on the regional cultural identity. Sociodynamics, 4, 75–83.
The subject of study is the complex of publications of current research on the issue of regional cultural identity. Discusses some scientific articles, where this problem the most comprehensive. The aim of the article is a historiographical review of research on new regionalism, the new social practices of identification and identity. On the basis of historiographical review in the future is expected to develop effective strategies to address the methodological processes of regional identity and self-identification in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The main focus of research is concentrated in the context of social constructivism.Research Methodology - a critical analysis of scientific literature devoted to regional identity and self-identification. Allocated significant ideas and methods of modern scientific modeling processes characteristic of the new regionalism.
social constructivism, 'new regionalism', self-identity, identity, regionalism, review, historiography, social studies, social space, Krasnoyarsk Krai