Questions of current interest
Probin, P.S. (2015). Russian education reformation in the view of the present state of labor market: ways of interpretation. Sociodynamics, 3, 1–26.
The object of research in this article is the new three-tier Russian education system that appeared in our country after its joining Bologna process. The matter of research is new generation’s competitiveness in labor market under crisis. Particular author’s attention is paid to comparing the former and the current higher education systems and to students’ motivation for continuing their studies in the period of obvious shortage of vacancies. The method of research in this article is comparative and cross-social analysis of the former and the present Russian higher education systems as well as empiric material gathered in interviewing students, entrants, their parents, colleagues and inductive generalization of it with following deductive conclusions. The principal author’s conclusions are the following statements. 1) Efficiency of an education system can be judged only by the demand on graduates in labor market. 2) New Russian education system has advantages, though there is a serious issue of its being unclear for laymen. It concerns the status of its programmes and diplomas received after their completion. 3) Students’ motivation for continuing studies primarily depends on financial and career profit brought to them by a diploma. However under shortage of vacancies a desire to store up diplomas “just in case” may emerge. 4) Demand on an educational programme under market depends on how competitive the potential diploma is, on the other hand, vice versa, competitiveness of diploma is determined by the number of people who have it. Time will show what is prior. The novelty of the article consists in its viewing pedagogical aspects of curricula from economical point of view namely in the aspect of competitiveness of graduates nowadays.
master's course, bachelor's course, regress, progress, society, reformation, education, post-grade course, market, diploma
The nationality issue
Gruzdev, A.A., Konukhova, A.V., Podyapolskiy, S.A. (2015). Social and cultural images of the . Sociodynamics, 3, 27–49.
The concept of «soft power», introduced by John. C. Hiring Jr. in the sphere of academic and socio-political thought in the early 1990s, continues to attract the attention of modern researchers. Many countries have put into practice the concept of "soft power", understood as the ability to name the author achieve politically significant results are not due to military pressure or financial assistance, but because of image appeal and sympathy. It is about creating a "state of the brand" through the distribution of socio-cultural, the ability to attract and motivate. Interaction and cooperation of cultures combined in the modern world with their bitter struggle ("cultural wars").By interpreting ancient and modern texts studied images that reflect "soft power" of India. Accordingly, we can talk about the use of the article hermeneutical method. Based on historical material, the authors try to trace the relationship of the cultural heritage of India and modern trends. This reflects the comparative-historical method. Uses a number of classical and modern concepts: the theory of nonviolent resistanceGandhi, the concept of "soft power" (JS Nye, Jr.). "Culture wars" (P. Buchanan, I.Tomson), humanitarian technologies (PV Klachkov), and others.Variety of the "soft power" India can be represented in the three images. The first is connected with the traditions and Orientalist exoticism of medieval and colonial India, the second - with the activities of Gandhi and his supporters, and the third - with conflicting current trends, the rapid development of technology, the overcrowding situation and geopolitical choice.Strengthening of "soft power" promotes a harmonious balance of the three images. To date, the potential of the selected second image above seems somewhat underrated modern practice.
Gandhism, diamond market, Bollywood, Russian-Indian relations, Culture of India, politics of India, soft power, culture war, India, sociocultural image
Humanitarian projects
Nemaeva, N.O. (2015). Sacralization of Basic Social Ideals in Modern Orthodox Art Culture. Sociodynamics, 3, 50–68.
This article explores: the phenomenon of statutory Orthodox iconography as historically constant sacred space, encompassing the funk-tional features of the system and the sacralization of the carrier in its semiotic-imagery of information about the values of the Orthodox religion; the role of icons in the life of the Russian people, in retrospect, and in today's socio-cultural environment; iconographic features of perception, the problem of modern icons and iconography role in the formation of positive national and religious identities. This topic is highly relevant to the background of the general desakralizatsii significant for traditional religious societies phenomena and sacralization values of mass culture. Made a brief overview of the major theories of "the sacred", as well as a brief overview and critical analysis of the articles of modern researchers defined area. The conclusion is made that the sacred art can resist desakralizatsii basic values that are important and contribute to resakralizatsii objects previously lost their sacred significance (such as during the Soviet atheistic period and under the influence of globalization and mass culture). Which in turn contributes to the formation of the significant spiritual values of the people and the formation of positive religious and national identities.
national identity, identity, orthodoxy, Desacralisation, social ideals, culture, religion, social studies, sacralization, religious identity
The heritage of transformation
Obmorokova, A.M. (2015). Reflection of the Processes of Regional identity and self-identification in the Krasnoyarsk cultural space (based on the analysis of the concept of . Sociodynamics, 3, 69–93.
The article considers the phenomenon of regional identity and cultural features of its formation. The key to understanding the processes of formation of different types of identities is the study of national and ethnic cultural processes. The article gives a brief analytical and critical review of scientific papers and articles by other authors on the study. Affect the aspect of influence on the formation of ethnic and cultural identity of national consciousness. Modern problems of the mechanisms of formation of regional identity and self-identity is revealed with the help of "soft power" cultural policy and "smart power" research, creative activity of actors and scientists living and working in a particular region. Through the use of such "soft power" constructed images, constants, and concepts in the cultural space through the preservation of national traditions and customs and pass them through the works of culture and art to the viewer. As one example of such a concept associated with socialization, recognition and basic sense to take the concept of "Homeland." We consider the image of homeland in the minds of residents of the Krasnoyarsk region.
cultural impact, concept, Siberia, Russia, homeland, new regionalism, ethnicity, regional identity, artistic Culture, Krasnoyarsk Krai
International policy
Boltaevskii, A.A., Pryadko, I.P. (2015). The fate of the Slavic world in the twentieth century. Sociodynamics, 3, 94–134.
The authors examine the events that took place in the Slavic world throughout the twentieth century, Important znacie for understanding these events are historical and philosophic concept, created by the national elites: Eurasianism, pan-Slavism, sleevenote, "czechoslovakism", national-Bolshevism. On the basis of them had various ideologies, some of which tried to justify the practice of integration of the Slavs into a single unit, and the other emphasizing the uniqueness of this or that ethnic group, contrasted it with the others. The success of Eastern European countries relied on cooperation with the Russian Empire and then the Soviet Union, and a phenomenon such as the Russian emigration.n the article the development of the Slavs is investigated based on the concept of V.I. Lamanskogo. Use comparative-historical and problem-chronological methods.During the XX century, our country several times lost, and then again earned its position among the Slavic countries: first, the crisis of the early XX century, as manifested in the distance after the revolution of 1917, then the authority of the victorious countries over gitlerizmom. Modern international processes related to the increasing influence of Russia and the collapse of a unipolar world again forced to speak about the importance of the unity of Slavic civilization before call time.
Bulgaria, historiosophical concept, Russian emigration, Second World War, First World War, unity, slavdom, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Balkans