National security
Boltaevskii, A.A. (2015). Social deviation and experience to deal with them. Sociodynamics, 10, 19.
Social deviation as a sort of human diseases are studied as a scientific environment, and the various forms of art. Prostitution, being one of the oldest occupations remains indispensable companion of major cities and tourist centers. In Russia, widespread the phenomenon was caused by the penetration of Western mores, helped by Peter's reforms. At the same time, in addition to street prostitution in our country there were hidden forms associated with serfdom. The author examines this phenomenon on the basis of published domestic and foreign sources, as well as interviews. Legalization of prostitution, the possibility of which is discussed in Russian society the past quarter of a century, will only lead to a deepening of the blemish. The destruction of the gene pool of the nation, crippled lives, the development of addiction - this is an incomplete list of the possible consequences of this decision. Historical experience shows that state supervision of prostitution does not remove the shadow side of the phenomenon, but only authorizes this social disease.
public Welfare, society, legalization, serfdom, art, prostitution, Social deviation, woman, state, struggle
The nationality issue
Avdeeva, Y.N., Libakova, N.M. (2015). International practice of social and cultural projection with respect to the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East. Sociodynamics, 10, 1038.
The need for specialized studies in the field of socio-cultural development of indigenous peoples due to their low level of life and lack of theoretical and methodological elaboration of regional policy of state support of indigenous peoples. The subject of research is the international concepts and projects connected with social and cultural design in territories of compact accommodation of indigenous ethnic groups of the North, Siberia and the Far East. Relevance of research is connected with that the Russian Arctic prepares for large investment projects now. These investment projects have a direct bearing on indigenous ethnic groups of the North, Siberia and the Far East. They will have essential impact on quality of their life. Preservation of traditional culture of the northern people is the most important problem of the modern Russian state. The main method - the state-of-the-art review and a critical statement of the researches and projects connected with cultural space of indigenous ethnic groups existing in world scientific practice. It is applied descriptive techniques, and also a chronological statement of social and cultural projects. The analysis of a historiography testifies that development of indigenous people of the North was investigated by historical, ethnographic, anthropological, demographic and geographical sciences throughout several centuries. So far the big empirical and theoretical material devoted to a perspective of indigenous ethnic groups of the North, Siberia and the Far East collected. In the center of professional attention social and economic, ethnocultural development; environmental issues; preservation of traditional forms of managing, traditions, national language; questions of preservation of the rights for traditional environmental management, etc. However, in most cases, the created projects have an economic focus, that is, are aimed, more, at providing favorable conditions of activity of these people. As for sociocultural projects – they quite often carry an organizational orientation and carry out only the first steps in design of development of the sociocultural environment in KMNS. It is even less projects which are directed on modeling of prospects of development of sociocultural life of KMNS of Krasnoyarsk Krai. Need of specialized researches in the field of sociocultural development of indigenous people is caused by the low level of their life and an insufficient teoretiko-methodological readiness of regional policy of the state support of KMNS.
cultural studies, social studies, projection, The Far East, Siberia, North, indigenous peoples, Krasnoyarsk Krai, government support, culture
The nationality issue
Degtyarenko, K.A. (2015). Current status of indigenous peoples. Sociodynamics, 10, 3957.
The subject of the study is historiography, reflecting the logic of scientific research indigenous peoples living in the territory of the Russian Federation. It is expected that in the future this study will be concretized for ethnocultural groups Ents, compactly living in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai. Over the last 100-120 years it has accumulated a sufficient number of studies of various aspects of the social dynamics of indigenous peoples. This investigation aims to systematize these studies reveal the most interesting areas of contemporary Native Studies and Northern Studies
ethnic groups, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Siberia, Arctic, social dynamics, northern research, indigenous studies, Enets, historiography, methodology
Humanitarian projects
Kozina, I.Y. (2015). Problems of construction education: Based on of a sociological survey. Sociodynamics, 10, 5868.
The rapid development of scientific and technical progress requires constant monitoring of the state and civil society to quality, both secondary and higher education. In Russia at the present time there is a complex process of formation of the Bologna system, not only ambivalent about the different political forces, but also those who just have to deal with it: students, faculty members, employers. The author analyzes the problems of the modern professional technical in the first place, construction education, against the background of the general educational situation in the country.In the paper, the author draws on data from survey conducted by the Institute of Construction and Architecture Moscow State Construction University.The reforms of recent decades has not led to the creation of a competitive education system in Russia. The modern age requires a new approach based on mutual participation of higher education and employers in assessing the level of graduates and their qualifications. It must be guided not only by western standards, but also on the positive domestic educational experience.
employers, students, opinion poll, Vocational school, graduate School, reform, education, Bologna system, progress, Russia
Humanitarian projects
Pchelkina, D. (2015). The method of interpretation in the social and humanitarian knowledge. Sociodynamics, 10, 6993.
The subject of the research is scientific historiography of the problem associated with the use of the method in the interpretation of social and humanitarian knowledge. Particular attention is paid to the different views on the interpretation in the general scientific understanding in the literature, semiotics, art theory. The method of interpretation draws attention to the fact that, being recognized by the scientific method, it contains a special kind of a subjective component. The problem of interpretation is directly related to the semantic system. Particularly noteworthy polysemantic system. The use of interpretation in their area requires special scientific procedures.
semiotics, interpretation, theory of art, theory of Culture, humanitarian sciences, social cognition, method, subjectivity, objectivity, interpreter
Humanitarian projects
Fil'ko, A. (2015). The concept of "visual image of the city" and its methods of study. Sociodynamics, 10, 94108.
In reviewing studies of the visual image of the city following the example of Pirogov identified four research paradigms: naturalist, structuralist, constructivist and phenomenological. In this study, the most interesting structuralist paradigm, rather semiotic structuralism, as the city is featured as text readable residents and visitors. In connection with the appeal to visual signs of city system within semiotics approach, sees important to consider concept of a visual image of the city. The subject of the research is the concepts, approaches, models of research of a visual image of the city. Modern social and the humanities saved up the sufficient experience connected with methodology and a technique of research of a visual image of the city. Synthesis of this experience, allocation of key problems, the critical analysis will allow to find effective methodology for the analysis of visual images of the concrete Russian and world cities. The main method of research - the historiographic description, the critical analysis of domestic and foreign research literature. The method of allocation of key concepts, estimated judgments connected with researches of the modern cities is applied. By consideration of researches of a visual image of the city by Pirogov's example four paradigms of researches were allocated: naturalistic, structuralist, constructivist and phenomenological. Within this research the structuralist paradigm, to be exact semiotics structuralism as the city appears as the text which is read out by inhabitants and guests here is most interesting.
methodology, symbol, image, visualization, historiography, city, social studies, signs, space, the urban environment
Humanitarian projects
Roslyakova, V.A. (2015). Social communication through cinema and the analysis of color in the film of B. Bertolucci. Sociodynamics, 10, 109137.
On a material of philosophical and cinematographic art analysis of "The Conformist" is defined mechanism of action of color: 1) found that the color does not cease to have effect on the material, index, summative-iconic and integrated-cinematographic iconic status; 2) it proved that the artistic idea of the film is formulated with the help of color images, and visualized key ideological aspects of the movie, "the image of normality" and "identity" (brown / gray), the "image of the otherness" and "being different" (blue / blue)
motion picture, cinema, methodology, artwork, art culture, social communications, Bertolucci, The Conformist, text, color
Humanitarian projects
Avdeeva, Y.N. (2015). Theoretical and methodological foundations of social and cultural projection. Sociodynamics, 10, 138149.
The purpose of this study is the identification of the specifics of the sociocultural design for further socio-cultural research in the areas of compact residence of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East. The article is a theoretical introduction to this perspective. The relevance of the research associated with the need for intensive development of the Arctic and northern areas of the Russian Federation. Socio-cultural design in these areas can not only improve the quality of life of the indigenous population, but also to make a new factor, post-industrial employment in the Russian Arctic.
North, indigenous peoples, methodology, theory, projection, cultural studies, social studies, Arctic, Dolgan, Hatanga
Political mentality
Eremina, N., Seredenko, S. (2015). Modern Russian Liberals and Fascism. Sociodynamics, 10, 150277.
The subject of the research is the political views of the Russian liberal public, or is wider, "not system opposition". Object of research - a position of leaders of "not system opposition" on fascism and Nazism, interpretation of these definitions and all circumstances and the phenomena by them, with them connected. The purpose of the real research – to give the forecast of reaction of the Russian liberals for attempt to bring definition of Nazism (fascism), and also research of ideas of modern Russian liberals of Nazism (fascism) in the Russian legislation. Authors in detail consider scientific ideas of Nazism and fascism and reveal the key points of view of the Russian liberals, whose approach causes fears of a trivialization of fascism. Research methods – the system analysis and the content analysis. These methods allow to investigate the Russian liberal public as the group possessing certain signs among which in work as the leader the view of fascism and Nazism is considered. Content the analysis was applied to studying of public statements of the Russian liberals. Novelty of the presented research consists in that. that for the first time in scientific work the question of transformation of definitions of fascism and Nazism in political tools which actively are used recently by bright representatives so-called "not system opposition" of Russia was raised. In addition, authors managed to come to a number of the scientific finds, for example, connected with views of liberals of the Soviet period in the history of Russia. Is important as well that authors could develop concrete recommendations which can be useful in legislative process during development of the relevant law on fascism (Nazism).
palingenesis, political struggle, political mentality, agressive nationalism, liberal political opposition, Nazism, fascism, political parties, Russian world, trivialization of fascism