Migration and adaptation
Sokolova, A.N., Shadzhe, A.Y. (2014). The Russian Language in Socio-Cultural Adaptation of Kurdish Ethnic Group. Sociodynamics, 7, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0158.2014.7.12590
Inthe article the role and Russian place in sociocultural adaptation of the Kurdish ethnogroup is analyzed. The increase in number illiterate in the region, bad knowledge of Russian of the majority of the Kurdish preschool children and people of advanced age is stated. The importance and Russian value in the conditions of formation of the civil nation and ethnocultural development reveals. Specifics of the language environment of the polietnichny region in which there was an ethnic community of Kurds come to light, need of understanding of common cultural value of Russian, identification and use of its constructive potential for successful sociocultural adaptation of Kurdish immigrants locates. Statistical, logical and sociometric methods and methods of the interdisciplinary research considering the Kurdish ethnogroup from positions of sociology and cultural anthropology, and also method of the included supervision, allowing to state the changes happening in development of ethnogroup are used. Scientific novelty is defined! ) Statement of the problem, allowing to reveal the main sociocultural values of ethnogroup in correlation with values of the people of the polietnichny republic; 2) authentic statistical and sociometric data on the ethnogroup, necessary for effective creation of social and cultural policy of the region; 3) the recommended system of the measures directed on decrease in existing and potential social threats in the Republic of Adygea.Conclusions: Positive influence on implementation of successful sociocultural adaptation of Kurds in the inoetnichny environment and development of cross-cultural interaction in the polycultural region could render improvement of knowledge of Russian by Kurdish immigrants. It is for this purpose important to conduct actively work on Russian distribution among Kurds through mass media, local governments, out-of-school and club actions; to involve the Kurdish school students in festival movement within the Republic of Adygea and Krasnodar Krai. It is represented that the equal coexistence and mutual understanding are possible only through the equal cross-cultural dialogue based on the Russian language.
the Russian language, ethnogroup of Adygeya Kurds, socio-cultural adaptation, value, cultural dialogue, description of a language, language-related situation in Adygeya, mean of communication, uniting factor, civil nation
Theory of political sciences
Zaryanov, E. (2014). Theoretical Social and Political Bases of the 'Soft Power' Concept. Sociodynamics, 7, 19–41. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0158.2014.7.12730
Constantly occurring on the political map of the world of change in conditions of globalization of society brought in 21 eyelids to a deconstruction of unipolar hegemony and multipolar development of society, and, therefore, to transformation of instruments of management by the global political processes one of which there was soft force. The fact became result of the analysis of transformation of theoretical approaches to studying of a concept of soft force that for the solution of political and strategic tasks action of soft force of any state (the supranational organizations, multinational corporation, etc.) first of all is directed on change of consciousness and subconsciousness of the person who becomes today the captive of soft technologies. Only integrated and system approach to studying of a subject allows to investigate deep mechanisms of realization and key points of influence of "the soft force", instruments of its application in foreign policy. Disclosure of integrity of a studied subject (soft force), in it and outside is impossible for all complexity of its cumulative parts, diverse communications without system approach to society and individual studying as its main component. Theoretical basis of a concept of "the soft force" works of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of philosophy, sociology make today, psychology, stories and political science. Today it is impossible to tear off philosophy from policy, moreover, it is necessary to emphasize that influence on a choice and formation of outlook of an individual in the conditions of the global world is the political act. The philosophy defines outlook of the person therefore to consider philosophical activity it is necessary any more only as "individual" development of the concepts developing in harmonous system, but also as fight in the field of culture for alteration of national "mentality". The modern world in which we stay, is the world which is quickly changing and fluid, and therefore it badly we understand and badly we operate. We live during an interregnum era – in a situation when one form of the power came to end, and new didn't settle yet. The way with which the mankind solved problems earlier, any more doesn't work. We stay being able between antecedents and future, consciously and unconsciously expecting event which will define our way of life. It is obvious that today it is impossible to define and understand the obvious and hidden mechanisms of management of global processes in the world community, to create the concept of soft force and to build an effective system of national security without deep and complex studying of society and an individual.
public consciousness, world view, hegemony, 'molecular' process, cultural core, 'floating' modernity, 'soft power', society, individual, political processes
Legal state
Sergeev, D.B. (2014). Public Law Entity as a Legal Category. Sociodynamics, 7, 42–49. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0158.2014.7.12819
Public education (The Russian Federation, territorial subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities) is considered as a legal entity, structure of bodies of the public power and the institute providing the rights and freedoms of the person and the citizen. In article the ratio problem legal the categories "public education" and "public and territorial collective" is investigated. Legitimization of public territorial collective within public education is described: the primary – genetic (when forming a kind of public and territorial education) and kreatsionny (at creation of concrete public education); secondary (constant) – within functioning of public education. In article the main approaches of the Russian legislator and scientists to establishment of a circle of the subjects called by public educations are compared. From the point of view of the author, public education – the phenomenon which has been a little studied in jurisprudence. Scientists and the legislator from different positions define the subjects acting as public educations. The public and territorial collective is legitimized within such education thanks to what members of collective acquire the collective rights, freedoms and the duties realized in the respective territory and carried only to it.
public territorial collective, legitimation, municipal unit, Russian Federation constituent, the Russian Federation, public law entity, local community, native small ethnic communities, representative body, budget legislation
Political process
Znamenskiy, D.Y. (2014). On the Question about Applying a Dynamic Systems Approach to Studying the Processes of Creation and Implementation of State Research and Development Policy. Sociodynamics, 7, 50–63. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0158.2014.7.12801
The present article is devoted to problems of formation and realization of the state scientific and technical policy in modern Russia and to participation of various political institutes in this process. Relevance of the considered perspective as it is represented to the author, is that, despite visible stability, the Russian political system dynamically develops now. It, in particular, finds the reflection in expansion of processes of formation and realization of a state policy, including its such important direction, as policy in the field of science and technologies. System approach which provisions develop and supplemented with the author in relation to studying of processes of formation and realization of a state policy acts as a methodological basis of research. The main issue allocated by the author as scientific novelty is system and dynamic approach to the studied processes. So, According to internal logic of the most state policy it is expedient to assume that it has at least three measurements: spatial, temporary and technological. The first is interfaced to area of implementation of a state policy, and also to those political institutes and government bodies which are involved in this process. The second assumes allocation of a number of stages of life cycle of a state policy, namely its formation, realization and an assessment of its productivity and efficiency. The third means a key role of technologies of interaction of society and state in the considered processes. From positions of this approach the author considers the model of the state scientific and technical policy which developed in nastoyashshchy time in Russia and gives its developed characteristic.
political system, political institutions, political process, interest intermediation, state, interest group, public policy, state policy, state research and development policy, dynamic systems approach
Political consensus
Zaitsev, A.V. (2014). Institutionalization of the Dialogue Between a State Institution and Civil Society in Terms of a Normative Model of the Dialogic Democracy. Sociodynamics, 7, 64–82. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-0158.2014.7.12541
The institutionalism is now one of the leading directions of scientific thought which unites the scientists studying practically any system (state and legal, economic, sociological, political, etc.) in development, in interaction with social, political, legal, psychological and other public institutes. The perspective of formation of institutional mechanisms of dialogue communication of the state and civil society is based on the theory and practice of their interaction as institutes and is considered within interdisciplinary approaches in the sphere of political science, sociology, social philosophy, political science and the right, political linguistics (lingvopolitologiya), kommunikavistika, conflictology, social psychology, cultural science, a mediyevistika, social management, a piarologiya and so on. At the same time, in modern social sciences there is quite motley picture in definition of basic fundamental concepts of the institutional theory, including even such concepts as "institute" and "institutionalization". Relying on mezhdistsiplinargy methodology and an institutional method of research, we set a research problem of a problem of a nstitutsionalization of dialogue of the state and civil society in the context of standard model of dialogical democracy. In political science and sciences and disciplines, adjacent to it, there is a huge number of works how there are institutes as they function as they keep stability as are transformed and, at last, as they deinstitutsionalizirutsya, die away and disappear. This circumstance induces to investigate in more detail both process of an institutionalization in general, and conditions, factors and prospects of an institutionalization of dialogue of the state and civil society in the context of dialogical (diskursivny, deliberativny) standard model of democracy. In this article, continuing a series of articles about a dialogue institutionalization, for the first time brings up a question of dialogical democracy.
dialogue, state (institution), civil society, institutionalization, communication, democracy, power, interaction, politics, model