The nationality issue
Koptseva, N.P. (2014). The Influence of Modern Cultural Practices on Ethnic Identity of Indigenous Small Ethnic Communities of the Central Siberia. Sociodynamics, 6, 1–27.
The subject under review is the indigenous small communities of the Central Siberia living in 12 regions of Siberian Federal District. The author is talking about 18 unique ethnic and cultural groups that are exposed to severe risks under the conditions of the secondary large-scale industrial development in the Arctic Region and Siberia. Modern practices which are carried out by various social subjects for preservation and development of unique social and cultural institutes of the indigenous small people, also are investigated concerning their efficiency or insignificance for preservation of social institutes of indigenous people of the Central Siberia. The methodology of research represents integration of theoretical and applied methods, including extensive field researches in places of compact accommodation of the indigenous small people of Krasnoyarsk Krai, the Republic of Tuva, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Field researches took place in 2010-2013. scientists of the Siberian federal university, Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical university of V.P. Astafyev and other universities. Scientific novelty of research is connected with its complex character. Processing of results of field researches is combined with interpretation of a statistical material, expert data, focus groups, quantitative sociological researches. The assessment is given to Post-Soviet practicians of preservation of traditional social institutes of the indigenous small people of the Central Siberia. The assumption that it is impossible to consider indigenous people of the North and Siberia as uniform ethnosocial group is made. Social and cultural processes in various ethnic groups of indigenous people considerably differ from each other.
Central Siberia, North, indigenous communities, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Tomsk Region, Republic of Altai, Evenkis, Kumandins, Dolgans, social institutions
Public dialogue
Bel'skikh, I.E. (2014). On the Question about Establishing Public Control and Effecient Interaction with the Federal Authorities in the Sphere of Housing and Public Utilities. Sociodynamics, 6, 28–43.
Constant reforms in the sphere of housing and public utilities lead to the growth of tariff rates, reduction in the quality of services, formation of unfair entreprenerial behavior on the market and lack of control of the society over the government. As a result there is the growth of social tension in the Russian society concerning problems of housing and public services that is potentially dangerous for the social and political environment. Problems in the Russian housing and utilties sector can be overcome only by collective effort of the society and the government. In order to imrove the quality of administration in this branch it is recommended to create the federal virtual center for the solution of problems of housing and communal services, i.e. an Internet site (web-portal). The site must contain functional and informational materials, detailed description of how to fight against fraud for service consumers (including the step-by-step instructions and phone numbers of responsible officers) and be developed with the assistance of federal authorities. It is also recommended that each Russian service provider must register on the site and specify their identification data, serviceable utilities and tariffs for service. This would create the foundation for public control over this sector. The article is based on branch methods of analysis including statistical, empirical and normative analysis. The researcher has also used elements of information methods of virtual control of society and the government from the point of view of using territorial-sectoral approach in the sphere of mass communications. The researcher also provides a description of the current state of the sector of housing and public utilities in Russia including statistical materials. The researcher also creates the concept of creating the virtual public and government control over the branch using quantitative and qualitative capabilities of modern electronic networks. Strengthening of such type of control supported by the federal authorities would reduce the negative effect on the sector of housing and public services and raise the quality and predictability of reforms being carried out in this sector.
federal authorities, interaction, Russia, state institution, public control, housing and public utilities, society, Internet, branch, territory
The heritage of transformation
Boltaevskii, A.A. (2014). Prostitution as a Form of Social Deviation. Sociodynamics, 6, 44–56.
During the periods of transitio the society demonstrates anomia, social deviations and, therefore, growing interest towards these issues. It suffices to recall the Perestroika era of the late 1980th with its sharply increased attention to previously forbidden topics such as drug addiction, alcoholism and sexual deviations including prostitution. The latter is of special interest not only because prostitution is a widely spread phenomenon in modern Russia but also because there are ongoing discussions about whether prostitution should be legalized. The author of the present research article makes an attempt to trace back the development of views on prostitution and 'demi-mondaines' in order to predict what direction the further development of the phenomenon may take. The author is viewing the development of the prostitution phenomenon on the basis of numerous sources and researches of both Russian and foreign essay writers and scientists. According to the author, modern society sets false targets before an individual by the means of popular culture and others and therefore 'reaps the fruits' of it in a form of various social anomalies. The national idea which will fill in the spiritual gaps, revive morals and as a result cross cross out benefits from this activity along with improvement of social and economic living conditions of the population should be most important means of reducing the number of prostitutes.
woman, authority, prostitution, good morals, social deviation, social anomia, social security, popular culture, regulation, prohibition
Political power
Skiperskikh, A.V. (2014). The 'Yeletskiye Lace': the Problems of Legitimation of Authority in the Modern Russian Province. Sociodynamics, 6, 57–69.
The author of the article describes features of the cultural policy in the modern Russian province using the example of a city of Yelets in the Lipetzk Region. At all times political authorities have been trying to satisfy the need of the society for both 'bread' and 'circuses'. The content of cultural policy has become an important part of legitimation strategies of the ruling elite that has to address to the Yelets myth in search for new meanings of the policy. The targets of the cultural policy are politically and economically dependent social urban groups which is a typical feature of the modern Russian poilcy in general. Cultural policy implemented by the government is a certain political narrative. In order to understand and properly interpet such a narrative, it is necessary to use the method of political hermeneutics as well as the method of content analysis allowing to focus on the content of the narrative. Emphasis on the cultural element of the policy made by the government proves that the government is trying to increase their own legitimacy which is most likely to mean that there are elections coming soon. However, there are no clear prospects for Yelets to turn into an economically developed center. Therefore it is most likely to be transformed into a tourist resort area and cultural center of the region which will draw attention to the 'circuses' more than 'bread'. In the short-term perspective the process of legitimatin of authority in Yelets will be still associated with the cultural issues.
authority, discourse, Yelets, intellectuals, culture, legitimation, the Lipetsk Region, political narrative, province, elite
Transformation in political processes
Nemtsev, I.A. (2014). Sustainable Economic Models and Labour in the Eurasian Union. Sociodynamics, 6, 70–108.
The author considers various economic models (such as ecological economy, the concept of spare cash, electronic economy, the resource-focused economy) as economic model of Russia and the Euroasian Economic Union, and also as economic components of a sustainable development. Comparison of these models with modern economic model of Russia (and the world) is given. The environmental and social problems caused by modern economic system are considered. Questions of creation of uniform allied currency and uniform emission center of the states of the Euroasian Union are considered. Methodological basis of research are social and philosophical methods and the principles of scientific knowledge. Such general scientific methods, as comparison, abstraction, idealization, modeling, the analysis, synthesis, etc. are applied. Achievement of a goal is carried out on the basis of regulations on mankind, as to the global interconnected and spontaneous system (a global evolutionism), and also on the basis of the principle of general communication of the phenomena, the principle of development, etc. The analysis and the solution of studied problems is carried out on the basis of general scientific research approaches. The solution of studied problems is carried out on the basis of provisions and conclusions on the studied subject, containing in works modern domestic and foreign writers, researchers and thinkers. Besides, data of concrete sociological and statistical researches, excerpt from acts, and also performances of the top officials of the states of the planned Euroasian union are used. The general tendencies of change of work in Russia in connection with formation of information society, and also change in social stratification are predicted. The author offers and proves option of strategy of transition to a sustainable development from the point of view of economic components UR. Possible influence of new economic model of Russia and the Euroasian Union on world economic system is predicted.
sustainable development, environmental economy, resource based economy, green economy, labour, Eurasian Economic Union, globalization, information society, global processes, integration of the post-Soviet territory