State and civil society
Zaitsev, A.V. (2014). Institutionalization of Pubic Debates in France and the Dialogue Between the State and Civil Society in Public Policy of Modern Russia: Comparative Analysis. Sociodynamics, 5, 1–41.
In article it is told about need of an institutionalization of dialogue of the state and civil society. Thus the author relies not only on theoretical judgment of this problem, but also on the basis of the komparativny analysis addresses to experience of modern France and an institutionalization of public debate in this country. Unlike the concept "dialogue of the state and civil society" of France the concept of "public debate" which are institutionalized in public policy by a number of laws and regulations is used. Unlike France, the institutionalization of dialogue of the state and civil society is in public policy of modern Russia at the initial stage. Development and acceptance of the corresponding legislative and legal base is necessary for giving to this process of bigger dynamics. The term "institutionalization" in political science is considered doubly: first, as establishment, creation, formation of new institutes; secondly, as fixing, rooting and stabilization of already existing institutes. It means that the institutionalization is treated at the same time both as establishment, and as rooting of institutes [3]. The village of Huntington of which in the western literature quite often call "father" of concept of an institutionalization, belongs its classical definition: "The institutionalizing is a process by means of which the organizations and procedures get the value and stability" [13, page 32]. On the Village of Handington, "institutes are steady, significant and reproduced forms of behavior [13, page 32]. Thus institutes it not only the organizations, but also "procedures which can possess various level of an institutionalization" [13, page 32]. In order that level of an institutionalization was considered high, in society stability, repeatability, and the importance have to take shape of behavior of people. Proceeding from it, the institutionalization can be considered as process or, more precisely, set of the processes, proceeding during a certain interval of time and society expressing these or those requirements [4].Necessary condition of typification or process of emergence of institutes is the habitualization [1, page 32 page]. Habitualization, that is an oprivychnivaniye (from English Habitual, an oprivychnivaniye) precedes emergence of institute, but typification is the beginning of emergence of new institute. Thus the institute is defined by P. Berger and T. Lukman as "mutual typification of customary actions"
discourse, communication, public debates, dialogue, institutionalization, civil society, state (institution), interaction, conflict, public policy
Legal state
Kabanov, P.A. (2014). Anti-Corruption Programs Carried Out by the Russian Federation Constituents as the Corruption Countermeasures: Experience of Critical Analysis. Sociodynamics, 5, 42–70.
Subject of the conducted research are regulations of subjects of the Russian Federation regulating preparation, the organization and development of regional anti-corruption programs (programs of counteraction of corruption).As research objective acts - the description and the analysis of the contents of regional anti-corruption programs and development to the offer on their improvement.Research problems:the analysis of the maximum quantity regional the antikolrruptsionnykh of programs and other regulations connected with their development and acceptance;identification in regional anti-corruption the program of typical shortcomings;development of suggestions for improvement of regional anti-corruption programs.Chronological framework of research covers the period from 2006 to 2013. Methodological basis of the executed research is universal dialectic approach to research of the social phenomena and processes and the general scientific methods based on it - the analysis, the comparison which is widely applied in modern Russian jurisprudence. Scientific novelty of the research conducted by us is that for the first time in the Russian jurisprudence the analysis of legal regulation of anti-corruption planning and programming of 83 subjects of the Russian Federation is carried out, the typical mistakes meeting in these legal documents are revealed and the measures directed on further improvement of these regulations are offered.
corruption, anti-corruption measures, anti-corruption policy, anti-corruption planning, anti-corruption programming, legal regulation, anti-corruption program, anti-corruption legislation, anti-corruption behavior, efficiency of corruption countermeasures
Religion and politics
Koroleva, L., Korolev, A.A., Mol'kin, A.N. (2014). Russian Orthodox Church in the Educational Policy of Post-Reform Russia. Sociodynamics, 5, 71–79.
In article Russian Orthodox Church activity in respect of folding of system of orthodox education and education and a condition of orthodox education in Russia in the conditions of religious "revival" is analyzed: dynamics of opening of new orthodox educational institutions of various level, problem of formation of educational system (management decentralization, insufficient financing of educational institutions, lack of necessary legal status of educational institutions, deficiency of teaching structure and theological literature, low level of preparation of scientific theological shots, etc.) . The Teoretiko-metodologichesky basis of research is made by the principles of objectivity, historicism, systemacity, the complex accounting of social and subjective studying in a subject and the greatest possible neutrality of the relation of the researcher to interpretation and an assessment of the actual material. At opportunity the principles of social and psychological approach and a correctness and tactfulness in an assessment of the facts and events were applied. At the end of 1980 - the 1990th there was a mass opening of new spiritual educational institutions that, in turn, generated also new problems. At times open spiritual schools and seminaries had "facultative" character, that is in them there was no regular released person to which duties the organization and control of educational process and an institution as a whole would belong. Reviving the system of the Russian religious education fully was influenced by difficulties of formation, deficiency of teaching structure, an undermanning of libraries, a lack of manuals, shortage of buildings, lack of the necessary status were basic of which. The situation became complicated decentralization as financing of new religious educational institutions and schools was carried out not from Educational committee, and directly from dioceses; some educational institutions at all didn't receive any – neither central, nor local financing, being in self-sufficiency conditions. Only by 2000 in principle the issue of centralization of religious education in Russia was resolved: mass inspection inspections by Educational Committee are carried out, the question of obligatory licensing of spiritual academies, seminaries and schools and the subsequent their accreditation is designated.
Russia, Orthodoxy, Russian Orthodox Church, Orthodox education, education, Ecclesiastical Academy, Bishops' Council, Education Commitee, religious school, seminary
Pashinskaya, V.V. (2014). Development of the Concept of Political Communication. Sociodynamics, 5, 80–92.
Despite cardinal transformations of means and methods of communication steady lines of communication processes which allow to predict communication processes of the future remained. It is necessary to notice that itself researches of problems of communication and communication process occurs on a joint of humanitarian disciplines of philosophy, philology and sociology. Thus, considering problems of communicative process through a prism of the humanities there is a treatment of this process, as social phenomenon as in a consequence, communication between reaction of audience to mass media and perception of information each specific viewer was proved. Influence of individual qualities such as: features of psychology, life experience, perception of world around, social-class distinctions and many other things, all this appeared very strong criterion in communication process. When writing article, in borders of scientific search the descriptive method based on procedure of collecting, processing, the analysis and a statement of the generalized data with characteristics is used. The conclusions prepared on the basis of the historiographic analysis about the intrinsic party of political and communication processes are presented in this article, consisting of transfer, movement, a turn of data between "sources" and the "consumers" interacting in society. Thus, information which in a context of a certain situation receives certain semantic, that is semantic, the importance is considered.
communication process, political communication, communicator, social communication, transmission, codes, feed back, information, communicative devices, interaction between political actors
Heritage and transformations
Rozanova, L.I. (2014). Hitting the Bull's Eye: 'Centrifugal' and 'Cintripetal' Forces of Regions . Sociodynamics, 5, 93–106.
The author of the article analyzes the position of regions that have been included in the top ten and the last ten regions based on the produced gross regional product. This is a very topical issue to study because the gap between the aforesaid groups of regions is quite significant: for a long period of time the leading regions have been superseding regions outsiders by 50 times or even more. This gap isn't closing at all. The author of the article considers particular factors that have an impact on the position of regions in the first and the last groups of Russian regions where the main emphasis is placed on the GRP structure. Industrial capacity of leading regions, as the most significant factor of successful development of economy is estimated. In regions outsiders the factors interfering effective use of resources, breaking optimum proportions of structure of a value added are also allocated. In research of regional development the comparative method, the vertical and horizontal analysis is used. On their basis the main proportions of analyzed indicators, absolute and relative values of compared indicators are defined. The main result of the conducted research is revealed by the author of disproportions in structure of VRP of polar groups of the regions, causing gap depth between leading and lagging behind regions. The author considers that at this conjuncture the main emphasis of distributive policy of the state has to be placed on stimulation of economic activity in regions outsiders. The policy of redistribution operating for today, is inefficient. At its invariance in a situation of the deepest differentiation of regional development increase of the centrifugal forces conducting to disintegration of communications, in lagging behind regions will be prompter, and the capacity of leading regions as powerful centripetal force will constantly support these centers of growth.
migration processes, GRP structure, regional polarization, regions outsiders, leading regions, industrial policy, differentiation, disparity of development processes, regional development, catching up with other regions