The nationality issue
Koptseva, N.P. (2014). Some Strategies for the Development of Contemporary Russian State in Terms of the 'National Issue' . Sociodynamics, 4, 1–14.
The subject of research is the intellectual strategy (models) of formation of modern political mechanisms, including effectively functioning state adequate to calls of the Russian society in the XXI century. "Ethnic question", it "a political body" becomes the leader of the actual research agenda. The analysis of some aspects of strategy of the state construction in Russia where society has difficult polietnichny and polyconfessional character is offered. In article some concepts connected with ethnic and national characteristics of modern collective identichnost are specified, the assumption of the most effective integrative strategy of registration of modern Russian statehood becomes. This research has teoretiko-conceptual character. Some provisions of the modern ethnic theory in the context of actual political processes are specified. In this regard acts as the main methodology groups of the theoretical scientific methods connected with the analysis of empirical data, concrete historical events, the political principles, philosophical and political concepts. The method of allocation of ideal types of Max Weber allowing to create intellectual models explanations for understanding of concrete social processes is represented to the most effective. The conceptual and categorial analysis, including, specification of the concepts "ethnicity", "ethnos", "ethnic identity", "nationality", "nation" and some other is of great importance. In work the historical method allowing to be guided by the concepts and theories created during a certain historical period was also used. Scientific novelty of work is connected with the theoretical aspects of construction of the national Russian state connected with events of "the Russian spring" in Ukraine. Classification of basic strategy of modern state construction is offered, some reveal strong and weaknesses of the existing concepts. Integrative strategy is offered and the task of theoretical modeling new the practician of the state construction of Russia is set.
politics, national state, strategy, Russia, state, nation, ethnos, Eurasian Union, global transformations, political practices
People and work
Rozanova, L.I. (2014). Labour Mobility: Competition-Free Enviroment with Prospects for Development. Sociodynamics, 4, 15–23.
The problem of labour mobility is usually viewed as the part of current economic changes that create the need to transfer labour resources. Many researhers focus on living conditions that arise after an employee moves to a new place of work and residence. Noteworthy that these researchers believe that the important goal of the housing policy should be accomodation of workers because today labour mobility is rather limited due to the fact that it is impossible for a worker to find a new place of residence in a new region. The author of the present research article analyzes the process of labour migration within the industry sector and intensity of such migration depending on different ecoomic activities. Special attention is paid to the processes of acceptance and dismissal of employees in in economic sectors with a high level of labour mobility. The present research of the problems of labour migration is based on the comparative analysis and statistical evidence about the changes in the number of accepted and dismissed in relation to the average number of employees performing a particular economic activity. The scientific importance and novelty of research is the discovery of optimal proportions of the transfer of human capital assets that is supposed to encourage career advancement and personal self-improvement. The author concludes that in some sectors, especially in the service sector, a high level of labour mobility decreases the quality of human capital assets and therefore lowers the quality of the services offered. In order to provide competent staff in the economic sector, it is necessary to pay more attention to improving the working conditions and payment for hired employees.
human capital assets, structural changes, activities, labour mobility, working conditions, career advancement, competition, employer, the share of the service sector, post-industrial period
Legal history
Kodan, S.V., Vladimirova, G.E. (2014). Legal Regulation of Legislative Activity of Supreme State Power in the 1832 - 1892 Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire . Sociodynamics, 4, 24–46.
The subject sphere of the article is directed on studying of the 1832-1892 Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire in respect of regulation legal bases of a regulation of activity of the Russian supreme power in legislative activity. The fundamental state laws within the Code of laws of the Russian Empire for the first time consolidated and built on the basis of a certain system of a statute from published in the second half of XVII - the first third of the XIX centuries of legal acts which regulated legislative process in the conditions of absolute monarchy. On the basis of historical and legallistic methods the standard and legal basis of the maintenance of statutes of the fundamental state laws is shown. As a result of research a row a conclusion is drawn that the fundamental state laws of the Russian Empire for the first time rather accurately defined statutes concerning one of the main fields of activity of the supreme government, i.e. legislative. In them the principle of legality was enshrined in activity of the device of public administration, also features of the organization of legal space of the Russian Empire decided on allocation and establishment of the principles of interaction of the nation-wide legislation and legalizations of national regions. In the sphere of legislative activity the fundamental laws accurately formulated the fundamental principle of the publication of acts in the conditions of absolute monarchy – an exclusive right of the emperor to the edition of legalizations which didn't limit also the preliminary discussion of bills in the State Council which had consultative character for the monarch. Also provisions of Basic laws in which rules of identification and elimination of gaps and collisions in legalizations were detailed were important.
history of the Russian law, sources of the Russian law, state law, Fundamental State Laws, Code of Laws, organization of state power, legislative process, forms of legitimation, state administration, jurisprudence
Political power
Shchuplenkov, N.O. (2014). Some Aspects of Understanding the Political Leadership in Russia . Sociodynamics, 4, 47–88.
The modern world with his undoubtedly active political life and quickly changing realities needs careful studying of the sphere of policy and its such important link, as political leadership. The political relations of society a priori generate a phenomenon of political leadership, as necessary and reasonable deep political and cultural, religious, and also the social and economic reasons the phenomenon. Political leadership, thus, plays a key role in the organization of any political process owing to what its relevance is indisputable, and the phenomenon of political leadership, its model and the concept represent an interesting subject for studying not only scientists-political scientists, but also researchers of other areas of scientific knowledge.At the present stage nature of positioning of party elite in the Russian political space radically changed. Creation of the All-Russia People's Front testifies that other model developing in modern Russia, goes for change to old party systems. New people seek to enter into the Russian political elite, whose interests represent again created parties.Fundamental problem field is folding of modern concepts of political parties. These concepts, on the one hand, are in system of the general achievements of modern conceptual thought. On the other hand, these concepts are transformed under the influence of realities of political process in different standard and legal landscapes. In this plan ïàðòîãåíåç, party construction and functioning of parties in Russia is noted not only the all-Russian contents, but also a regional and local originality. Also it is obviously possible to mark out regional features domestic ïàðòîãåíåçà in its actual and formal embodiment. In this regard perspective and concrete research interest represents party participation in optimization of contradictions of social development, including in modernization of the traditional communities developed and functioning in different regions of Russia.
ideology, tradition of political parties in Russia, party construction, parthogenic mechanism, political modernization, political organization, political process, political transit, president, regional elite
Political process
Nikulin, V.V. (2014). Political and Legal Aspects of Arrangements and Activity of the Constitutional Assembly of the Russian Federation: Background of the Problem. Sociodynamics, 4, 89–119.
The subject of research is the political-legal and historical-legal aspects of the organization and activity of the Constitutional Assembly of the Russian Federation. Its legal status as institute of adoption of the constitutional amendments and revision of the basic law is fixed in provisions of the 9th chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is noted that the order of election of the Constitutional Assembly, its numerical structure, term of activity, a basis of an operating procedure and many other features in the Constitution aren't opened. The federal constitutional law which is still not adopted is urged to define all these provisions. Theoretical bases of the constituent power, historical aspects of realization of idea of the Constituent, including in Russia are analyzed. The main attention is paid to consideration of history of the discussions about the Constitutional Assembly of the Russian Federation occurring in the last twenty years in the Russian society, to the analysis of the relation of various political forces to convocation of the Constitutional Assembly of the Russian Federation, consideration various versions of the offered laws on the Constitutional Assembly. The considerable attention is paid to the analysis of discussion about expediency of adoption of law on the Constitutional Assembly of the Russian Federation. The conclusion that the institute of the Constitutional Assembly in Russia isn't designed even at the standard level is drawn. The ambiguity and inaccuracy of the constitutional provisions relating to the Constitutional Assembly demand their additional interpretation by the Constitutional Court before they become standards of the federal constitutional law. There is no the developed idea of structure of the Constitutional Assembly, conditions and initiators of its convocation, volumes and terms of office of the Assemby. The author counts on introduction of a certain contribution to scientific illumination of a problem of the relation of various political forces of Russia to improvement of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and prospects of its change.
Constitution of the Russian Federation, constitutional arrangement, constituent, Constitutional Assembly, constitutional law, constitutional legal status, draft law, politics, opposition, power