National security
Boltaevskii, A.A. (2014). Prostitution as a Modern Form of Human Trafficking. Sociodynamics, 2, 1–9.
Recently the problems related to such modern forms of slavery as sexual trafficking of women and children have been seriously exacerbated. These criminal activities allow criminals to earn very good money and therefore create a serious threat to national security of the Russian Federation. Solution of these problem is possible only if the government and society put forth mutual efforts towards it. Special attention should be paid to prevention of child prostitution. The level of child prostitution has grown drastically due to the Internet development. The author of the article views the phenomenon of modern people trafficking within a historical context based on foreign and Russian sources and researches. People trafficking does not only create a threat for invididuals, it also creates grounds for the spread of organized crime which, in its turn, endangers the security and law and order on a nationwide scale. The most important factor for increasing the percentage of people involved in prostitution is the solution of economic difficulties experienced by the population and support of family, matherhood and children.
national security, human trafficking, law and order, prostitution, prohibitionism, regulation, abolitionism, child prostitution, risk group, rehabilitation
Social studies and monitoring
Kabanov, P.A. (2014). Victimological characteristics of corruption crime in the Respublic of Belarus: analysis of statistical data for 2007-2012. Sociodynamics, 2, 10–21.
The object of studies includes official quantitative statistical data characterizing the situation with the corruption crime in the Republic of Belarus for the period from 2007 to 2012; official statistical data characterizing victims of corruption crime in the Republic of Belarus for the period between 2007 and 2012.; official statistical data reflecting social and demographic characteristics of victims of corruption crimes in the Republic of Belarus for the period of 2007 and 2012; tendencies characterizing the victimological element of corruption crime in the Republic of Belarus; social consequences, characterizing the situation in the sphere of corruption crime in the Republic of Belarus. The author used the issues of victimologic characteristics of the corruption crime in the Republic of Belarus for the period of 2007 to 2012 based upon the data provided by the official statistics of the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. As a result of the study it was found out that in the Republic of Belarus they organized reporting, which characterizes quantity characteristics of registered crimes and data on the persons who have committed these crime, and the amount of damage from their acts, and also data on their victims is being reported, which allows to provide statistical analysis of corruption crime, its negative social consequences and the victimologic characteristics of the victims. The statistical analysis showed that the most of victims of corruption crimes concerns corruption theft, abuse of public position, a large number of natural persons suffer from abuse of competence and bribery, while there is a small number of victims of failure of the officials to take necessary actions. Mostly the victims of the corruption crimes are citizens of Belarus, and a number of foreigners among the victims is insignificant. The typical "portrait" of a victim of corruption crime in Belarus is as follows: it is a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, male, age 18 to 49, worker or a person with no permanent source of income.
corruption, fighting corruption, victim, corruption victim studies, corruption victim, corruption consequences, victimological characteristics, the Republic of Belarus, victimology, victimity
Logic and cognition of political processes
Demetradze, M.R. (2014). Advantages of the Social and Cultural Grounds of Interdisciplinarity of Social Studies and Humanities. Compliance of the Academic System to the Standards of Information Society. Sociodynamics, 2, 22–40.
The advantage of the social and cultural approach to social sciences and humanities is proved by the fact that this approach creates the kind of connection between science and education when scientific theories turn into concrete academic disciplines. This is the main requirement of international educational standards and the key element for increasing the status of social studies and humanities up to the international standards. Within the framework of the proposed model, application of social, scientific and anthropological theories acquire a new scientific and practical significance, meaning and importance. In the contemporary history scientific knowledge becomes the main factor of socioeconomic and sociopolitical development and performs the socializing role of the society. The author of the article gives an insight into Western social and scientific theories and tries to describe the principles of interdisciplinarity. The author notes that there is no common model of interdisciplinarity in existing theories of social studies and humanities and proves that creation of the social and cultural grounds of interdisciplinary of social studies and humanities would be beneficial. The purpose of the article is to describe the interdisciplinary aspects of social studies and humanities and show their practical importance for sociocultural processes, peculiarities of its implementation under the modern conditions, the need for institutionalization of socially important processes, increasing role of interdisciplinarity in the information society, and etc.
social and cultural methodology, social and cultural model of interdisciplinarity, anthropology, social and cultural grounds of interdisciplinarity, social stratification, information society, scientific policy, communication channels, law, politics and economy, culture and social studies
Religion and politics
Shchuplenkov, N.O., Shchuplenkov, O.V. (2014). Social and anthropological fundamentals of the relations between the church and the state in the modern Russia. Sociodynamics, 2, 41–74.
This article concerns the interactions between the church and the state in the modern Russia, as well as the possibility for the dialog between religion and science. The situation of religious freedom in Russia, which was for a long time demanded by all of the religious organizations has formed a very rich and varied confessional space. This religious freedom makes any Russian person, having religious needs (especially concerning those turning to faith for the first time), face a difficult choice, and the religious organizations have to compete vigorously to attract these people. The multi-confessional relations in Russia need a new impulse in the new conditions, when any people, culture, religion should have an opportunity to show its authentic identity and potential in harmonious unity with the Russian society as a whole. The authors make the following conclusions: 1. When organizing, holding and methodologically supporting the studies of any practice of religious studies in the Russian secular educational institutions, the specialists of administrative institutions in the sphere of educations, heads of educational institutions and lecturers should not violate the legislation on education. 2. The religious studies in secular education institutions should not be artificially limited, since such limitations contradict the norms of both the international law and the Russian legislation. 3. There is need to guarantee advancement of legal culture of workers in the sphere of education. 4. There is need to intensify theoretical and applied studies on the issues of interactions between the church and the state in the sphere of education, and it is necessary to form for this purpose regional scientific research institutions and centers.
anthropology, state, culture, interconfessional communications, society, religion, Russia, freedom of religion, social stability, church
History of political thought
Slezin, A.A., Skoropad, A.E. (2014). Theoretical fundamentals of functioning of the early Communist Youth League (the Komsomol) within the system of Soviet political control. Sociodynamics, 2, 75–98.
The article includes analysis of the materials of Communist Party and Komsomols meetings and conferences during the first years of the Soviet rule, speeches of the Communist leaders, providing the basis for the inclusion of the Communist Youth Leagues (Komsomol) into the system of Soviet political control. It is quite indicative for understanding of the fact that Komsomol was regarded both as a subject and object of political control, that the directive of the X Conference of the Russian Communist (Bolshevik) Party required that the Komsomol involves the Komsomol members into discussion of general political issues of Soviet and Party formation, but it should be done in the open hearings of party organizations, meetings of delegates, conferences and meetings, rather than in its separate meetings. By this decision the Communist Party has shown that Komsomol could have its political activities under the control of the Communist Party and within the limits defined by it. The authors attempted to overcome ideological stereotypes in the studies of Soviet reality and the methods of historical criticism, in order to get over the non-objective provision of information in the official documents. The authors took into account the specific features of each of the sub-periods within the studied period. The text was formed based upon the chronological problem-oriented principle. The scientific novelty of the article has to do with the fact that it is the first specialized study, which is devoted to the complex studies of theoretical prerequisites of inclusion of the Komsomol within the system of Soviet political control. The authors uncovered theoretical bases for both external and hidden internal political control over the Komsomol. It is shown that from the very beginning of existence of the RCYL, it was regarded as an object of control by the Communist Party. However, at the early stage of relations between the Communist Party and the Komsomol, there was some independency of the Youth League, when the New Economic Policy was introduced, the decisions of the conferences of the Party and the Komsomol prescribe much stricter control of youth leagues. In the late 1920s the theoretical basis was substantiated for stricter internal control in the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League.
political science, political control, youth, the Komsomol (the Communist Youth League), the New Economic Policy, the party leaders, shared vision, the Communist Party, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, monopoly