Questions of current interest
Popova, S.M., Yanik, A.A. (2014). Digital Infrastructure of Interactions Between Society, Science and Mass Media as a Factor of the Tranfer to Knowledge Economy. Sociodynamics, 12, 1–35.
The subject of research is the change of a place and role of system of communications of science and society in the modern world. The domestic and foreign experience connected with searches of methods of increase of mutual understanding of science and society, increase of system effectiveness of scientific communications is analyzed. The special attention is paid to the questions connected with changes concerning public opinion to science in general and to the budgetary expenses on scientific researches in particular. New problems of scientific journalism as one of instruments of development of ability of people to perceive new, to find advantage in changes, to create steady demand for innovations are considered. For the solution of research problems are used system, formal and logical, structurally functional, comparative-historical, comparative and legal and other methods. The conclusion that creation of uniform digital infrastructure of interaction of science, mass media and societies is need for conditions of the information world is drawn, and ideas of a place and role of system of scientific communications have to be reconsidered. It is noted that the modern system of scientific communications can't be limited to the sphere of scientific journalism and promoting of achievements of science. The speech has to go about formation of mechanisms which provide openness and the accountability of science to society, promote formation of demand for innovations and scientific knowledge, give the chance objectively to estimate a science contribution to the solution of problems of social development.
system of science communications, science journalism, mass media, Science Communications, reputation management, academic science, evaluation methods, efficiency of scientific researches, efficiency evaluation, impact
Questions of current interest
Vasnetsova, A.S. (2014). Ideology of Terrorism. Sociodynamics, 12, 36–58.
In this article modern approaches to the concept "ideology of terrorism" are investigated. The interrelation and interdependence of ideology of terrorism with extremism, radicalism, separatism and other social phenomena is shown. The ambiguous nature of ideology of terrorism as the steady, adapted, reproduced and transformed phenomenon is depicted. The structure of ideology of terrorism is considered. The wide range of the differentiated warning facilities of emergence of ideology of terrorism is offered. An attempt to lay the foundation to full formation of new ideological system of the Russian state and international community as a counterbalance of ideology of terrorism is made.During work on article as the author such methods of knowledge of social reality as historical and legal, formal and logical, sociological and politological were used. The author studied the considerable volume of domestic literature and materials of law-enforcement practice. Scientific novelty of research consists in integrated and multidimensional approach approach to consideration of a perspective of "ideology of terrorism". The author specified a conceptual framework, sfomulirovana specific proposals on reforming and increase of efficiency of activities for the prevention of ideology of terrorism. Conclusions of article can be used in the course of improvement of the legislation, in educational process.
terrorism, ideology of terrorism, ideology, definition of ideology, actions against ideology of terrorism, structure of terrorism ideology, determinants of terrorism ideology, modernization of legislation, actions against terrorism, ideology of anti-terrorism
State and civil society
Borisov, A.M. (2014). Political Organization of Society and Civilizational Progress. Sociodynamics, 12, 59–77.
Society is the community of people which historically developed in a certain territory, reproducing itself and developing on the basis of work and application of various forms of manifestation of activity having the systems of values, and also institutes of self-organization and management. Politicization of the public relations caused allocation by political and legal science of subjects of the political system of society considered by the author as an object of research. Refer various public associations, local governments, labor collectives, the destructive self-organizing structures and communities of delictual participation in public life, the state and its bodies as a special link of political system to its components. Applying methods of synthesis of theories of development of society, the analysis of views of the political organization of society, logical justification and proof we come to the conclusion in activity and materialistic manifestation of a political position of the citizen which is formed, including, legal means. The hypothetico-deductive method allows to see communications between interests of the citizen and publicly expressed values and the purposes of social progress. However the citizen and society in most cases are objects of political influence. The operating legal mechanisms of realization of the political rights and duties of citizens limit their opportunities to influence the political organization of life. This circumstance allows to see system of limiting factors of influence on civilization progress. We believe possible to express a political and legal problem as follows: citizen as political force of society (citizen as element of political system of society). Thus a certain novelty to research is given by the offered interpretation of political system of society which surely has to include the citizen as the actor of political life of the state. Realization of this concept in acts of political and legal construction could promote an embodiment in life of interests of most of voters that would allow society to resolve the socio-political conflicts to bigger efficiency and to develop for the benefit of each member of this society. Conditionality of any events for the institutionalized communities has very difficult, complex character and, despite a certain influence of subjective factors, the balance of influence as a result is always displaced towards the objective. Progress of a human civilization allows social and regressive development of separate communities. However they, having lost ability to estimate realities at a certain stage, over time always come back to objective perception of reality and start generating ideas of social progress, and then to look for concrete ways of correction of the mistakes.
state, citizen, material production, society, social structure, political system, social progress, social regulation, labor, civilization
Humanitarian projects
Bukova, M.I. (2014). Some Aspects of the Theories of Social Values. Sociodynamics, 12, 78–89.
The subject of research is genesis of the theory of social values. The author pays special attention to a place of a problem of values in social philosophy, considers some aspects of an axiology. The theory of social values, according to the author, appears during an era of Antiquity and reaches a certain culmination in concepts of representatives of neokantian school who created culture philosophy as philosophy of values. Paying special attention to consideration of the theory of social values in Wilhelm Windelband's, Heinrich Rickert's and Nicolai Hartmann's works, objective and idealistic character of their theory of social values is emphasized. However in concepts of a neokantianstvo concepts of values were developed most deeply and originally. The methodology of research is connected with application of a comparative-historical way of research. The categorial and conceptual analysis of values is applied, the dialectic principle of unity of historical and logical development is used. Novelty of research is that the theory of social values is considered by means of interdisciplinary approach where conceptual and methodological opportunities of various branches of social knowledge unite: philosophies, anthropology, cultural science. The main conclusion is connected with that the principle of unity of sociocultural space and values is actual and demanded for modern Russian outlook, for development of technologies of formation of positive Russian cultural identity.
values, sociocultural processes, culture, Neo-Kantianism, Heinrich Rickert, Wilhelm Windelband, Nicolai Hartmann, axiology, sociocultural space, identity
Anthropology and ethnogenesis
Reznikova, K.V. (2014). On the Question about Clarifying the Terms 'Ethnos' and 'Ethnicity' . Sociodynamics, 12, 90–102.
The subject of the research is the discussion of the terms 'ethnos' and 'ethnicity' that was typical for social sciences in the XXth - XXIst centuries. Today the significance of ethnic affiliation is growing. For the Russian ethnology transformation from concepts of a primordializm to theories of social designing of ethnicity is characteristic a certain sort. Besides, now there are theories synthesizing both a primordializm, and social constructivism. The author analyzes the most interesting points of view and comes to a conclusion about a demand of social designing of modern Russian positive ethnicity. The methodology of research is connected with the critical analysis of classical and modern theories of ethnos and ethnicity. The categorial analysis of these concepts is carried out, historical forms of theories of ethnos reveal. The main conclusions of the conducted research are provisions that the existing invariants of understanding of ethnos can be divided into two main groups. 1) The ethnos is understood as the community separating itself from others on the basis of certain real-life signs. 2) The ethnos is understood as "an intellectual design". The first of two points of view is earlier on the origin and gradually losing the positions under the influence of the constructivism paradigm prevailing now. The second point of view looks more productive, it assigns its constructive nature to ethnos, allows to understand ethnos as mobile structure at which definition important are not any signs, but ideas of these signs.
ethnos, ethnicity, social constructivism , identity, social cognition, primordialism, social space, stratification, culture, globalization