State and civil society
Zaitsev, A.V. (2014). The Dialogue Between the State Institution and Civil Society as a Form of Social Dialogue: Comparative Analysis. Sociodynamics, 11, 1–25.
The author considers the concept "dialogue", along with political science, also in a number of interdisciplinary sciences. the author notes that dialogue, to be exact public dialogue, possesses numerous types and versions. It is noted that such specific features of "dialogue" still didn't involve a little close attention from outside of the Russian scientists-social scientists.The author notes that interdisciplinary character of an object of research, specifics of the tasks solved by this or that branch of scientific knowledge, feature of research and methodological tools, initial prerequisites and other aspects of studying of dialogue cause objectively existing diversification of the scientific paradigms inherent in this problem. Thus, at the heart of clarification of specifics and a place of dialogue of the state and civil society among other types and kinds of public dialogue, the author uses the tools inherent in a komparativny method of the analysis of political practice. Using a comparative method the author investigates political reality, seeking to unite empirical and theoretical levels of the analysis, having formulated on this basis valid judgments about the universal phenomena and interrelations in the sphere of the political relations and processes. Research of political dialogue is carried out in correlation to communicative theories of democracy. It is approved that there are two forms of dialogue: conflict and consensual. The author considers that dialogue of the state and civil society, having political lines, at the same time represents a special, most important look, the public dialogue affecting both social, and moral, both humanitarian, and the legal, and many other problems relating to the sphere of public policy.
social dialogue, state institution, social dialogue, political dialogue, public dialogue, deliberative dialogue, civil dialogue, public debates, public policy, civil society
National security
Popov, V.V. (2014). Information as a Factor of Social Dynamics in a Modern Society. Sociodynamics, 11, 26–44.
The subject under research is an important factor of social development – "information". A basis a hypothesis of research is the assumption that information is differently perceived in various ethnoses, religions, the states is influences the made decisions, behavior, the formed cultural stereotypes, laws, etc. But it is necessary to specify that according to the assumption of uniform model for all societies at this stage of development can't be.Article is devoted to the analysis of concepts, important for science: information, information society, influencing safety and a conflictness between the people owing to various reading of information codes. Information can be a development tool of economy and science, but the accent is taken on development of economy. For it it is focused on sensually perceived information in which the conflict is initially hidden. The main method used in work is the theoretical analysis of scientific works. The analysis was carried out on the basis of system approach to the studied material. For a formulation of conclusions inductive and deductive methods were actively used. Article offers not a standard view of process of social development during information era, underlines problematical character of development of the society founded on flows of information, growth of extremism and a conflictogenity in the world. Information society is inconsistent owing to variability of a major factor of development of society – information. Information transfers to society all the properties: rapidity, discrepancy, emotionality, short duration, etc. – all these properties shown in society lead it to social and economic and political crisis that we obviously see at the present stage: split of the USSR, Yugoslavia, ethnic conflicts and color revolutions.
information, information-oriented society, information codes, matrix, information flows, functionary revolution, conflictogenity, ethnic conflicts, information resources, information office
Humanitarian projects
Kolesnik, M.A. (2014). Social Research of Imagination in the 30's - 80's of the 20th Century. Sociodynamics, 11, 45–61.
Article is devoted to the review of the main ideas and perspectives of researches of the scientists entering the circle "Eranos". As the representative works of those scientists which dealt with problems of studying of "imagination", founders of this direction of researches are chosen: Maria-Louise von Franz, Henri Corben, Joseph Campbell and Herbert Read. On the example of some scientific works development of the theory of imagination in the context of a psikhanaliz, religious studies, comparative mythology and art criticism is presented. The sociology of imagination is actual area of social knowledge. Archaic myths exist in modern social structures, in practicians of social subjects. The main method - the review of scientific researches of social imagination, the critical analysis of theoretical sources in imagination sociology area. The comparative-historical method by means of which sociological theories of imagination were investigated was applied. Scientific novelty consists in detailed consideration of a number of the works devoted to such form of social imagination which is embodied in fairy tales. Maria-Louise von Franz's ideas, Carl Gustav Jung's follower, the recognized expert in the field of social psychology of the fairy tale are most in detail considered. In addition, the concept "the imagined world" and its value for social psychology are analyzed.
social research, sociocultural processes, social psychology, social imagination, archetype, imagination, fairy-tale, Eranos, myth, symbol
Anthropology and ethnogenesis
Kistova, A.V. (2014). Formation of a Communicative (Interpretative) Ethnographic Method in Modern Social Knowledge. Sociodynamics, 11, 62–72.
The subject under research is the value of an ethnographic method in modern social knowledge. The ethnographic method undergoes big changes in social knowledge of the second half of the XX century - the first third of the XXI century under the influence of a hermeneutics, linguistic researches, philosophy of a postmodern, cultural anthropology. Article has survey character and considers formation of a communicative ethnographic method which conceptual basis was interpretive Clifford Geertz' cultural science. Distinction in determination of ethnocultural and national identity that is obviously important for modern Russian intellectual discussions was an important object of research. The main method - the critical analysis of scientific sources on a research subject. Elements of philosophical logic for formation of definitions of ethnocultural identity and national identity were used. Ethnocultural identity can be defined as understanding of the belonging to a certain ethnic group. It is based on acceptance of a community of an origin, ethnic values and symbols, traditions and customs, continuity of generations. Formation of ethnocultural identity happens in the course of life experience of the individual as this life experience is carried out in the context of ethnocultural symbols and traditions. Thus, according to modern researchers, ethnic identity can be a basis for feeling of participation to compatriots and provides communication of different social groups in one country. National identity can be defined as awareness of participation in the multinational multiethnic state. Here identification happens in more difficult way on the basis of several various cultural identichnost: ethnic, confessional, social, political, individual, etc. However modern researchers mark out ethnic identity as the most significant base for formation of national identity in which various ethnic identity are built in hierarchical system in relation to the so-called core and the periphery.
social research, cultural research, ethnographic method, ethnocultural identity, national identity, social anthropology, Clifford Geertz, semiotics, hermeneutics, social communications
Anthropology and ethnogenesis
Krivonogov, V.P. (2014). On the Question about Ethnic Identity of Dolgans. Sociodynamics, 11, 73–107.
Object of research is the language processes and ethnic consciousness of Dolgans. Informal ethnonyms, official ethnonyms depending on age, official ethnonyms depending on knowledge of the Dolgan language, extent of acquaintance to subethnic division, a language choice as native in different age groups, the main spoken language in various age groups, extent of knowledge of various languages of the region at Dolgans and other processes opening dynamics of ethnic consciousness are investigated. The ethnic consciousness of Dolgans is characterized by the withdrawal from closely related Yakuts and definition of as special independent ethnic unit. However along with the main ethnonym of "dolgan" in the senior generation also other ethnonyms – "Sakha", "tya", "haka" are used. As a part of the Dolgan ethnos remains some ethnoterritorial groups having features in language and culture. The main method - field researches in places of compact accommodation of Dolgans, polls, processing of statistical data, drawing up tables, comparison of the obtained data, interpretation of results. Scientific novelty of research is connected with identification of the factors influencing language processes of Dolgans specifics of these processes are opened, the main tendencies of preservation and use of the Dolgan language are revealed.For language processes the beginning of the language assimilation especially noticeable in children's age group is characteristic. In the territorial plan language assimilation is more strongly shown in the western part of Taimyr, in the east of the peninsula a situation safe. Now a little more than a half of Dolgans are fluent in the Dolgan language.
ethnogenesis, anthropology, indigenous small ethnic communities (, dolgans, Krasnoyar, Krasnoyarsk Territory, language processes, ethnoterritorial groups, Yakut language, ethnic identity