State and civil society
Zaitsev, A.V. (2014). The Principles of Dialogue in Terms of a Dialogical Model of Relations Between a State Institution and Civil Society . Sociodynamics, 10, 125.
Logical methods of the subject - subject interaction in the political sphere in general and, in particular, in management of political PR communications, are used extremely seldom, inefficiently and carefully, with a big share of suspiciousness and mistrust to bilateral technologies of public relations. The dialogical model still is on the periphery of the theory and practice of public relations. Thus many practicians are skeptical about possibility of its institutionalization in modern Russia where at the sphere of an interaktion of the state and civil society still there are monological, propaganda, manipulative, broadcasting and asymmetric dialogue communications. From here the problem of theoretical judgment and scientific and methodological representation of dialogical model of public relations follows. In this article as an object of research the principles of dialogue in the context of dialogical model of communications of the state and civil society act.As methodology for this research are used diskursivny, institutional, comparative, system, standard and other general scientific methods. Use of this methodology allows to formulate the basic principles of PR dialogue in the sphere of political communication and public relations of the state and civil society. To a problem of dialogue of the state and civil society, its institutionalization in the sphere of public policy and public relations, it is devoted some articles written by the author of this research. However up to the present research of the principles of dialogue in the context of dialogical model of communications of the state and civil society none of the Russian and foreign authors wasn't carried out. Therefore this article fills objectively existing gap in the theory and practice of the political dialogue which is, in turn, an object of research of modern political science.
dialogue, state institution, civil society, public relations, principles of dialogue, communication, institutionalization, interaction, politics, public sphere
The nationality issue
Seredkina, N.N. (2014). Ethnic Picture of the World In the Framework of Modern Social Research. Sociodynamics, 10, 2659.
The subject under research is a set value and meanings of the concept "ethnic picture of the world". This concept is actively formed in modern Russian social knowledge, first of all, of social ethnic researches. Application of the concept "ethnic picture of the world" of researches of processes of ethnic identification and self-identification is most actual. The ethnic picture of the world is a social and mental construct, characteristic for concrete ethnocultural group. As a rule, modern ethnic pictures of the world are base for formation of positive ethnic identity and self-identity. The main method is the conceptual analysis. For a definition of an ethnic picture of the world results of the state-of-the-art and critical review of scientific sources were used. In addition expert and information messages which expanded the academic understanding of an ethnic picture of the world were attracted. An ethnic picture of the world is a new and important scientific concept. In logic of social constructivism of positive ethnic identity the ethnic picture of the world appears not only as objectively developed construct but also as the tool for creation of national Russian identity. Ethnic pictures of the world accent specifics of outlook of a concrete ethnic group, act as the instrument of marking, separation of one ethnic group from another.
ethnos, picture of the world, ethnic picture of the world, mythological picture of the world, ethnic identity, ethnology, ethnogenesis, ethnocultural groups, social communications, ethnic research
Social studies and monitoring
Moskvich, Y., Feklistov, A.G. (2014). Comparative Research of Progressive Development Values Among University Students of Humanities. Sociodynamics, 10, 6080.
Research of valuable installations of students of universities of Krasnoyarsk and students of Branch of Moscow State University of culture in the city of Zhukovsky in model "progressive" and "static culture" is conducted. It is established that for most of students all valuable installations of "progressive culture", except the value of decentralization and horizontal position of communications are significant. The analysis of the received results on each of valuable installation is given. Regional differences of valuable installations of students depending on geography of accommodation and study are revealed.Estimates of chances of successful modernization in Russia are given.The main method is a survey of student's groups, graduate students and experts. The received results were discussed and interpreted according to a research subject. The conducted researches of opinions of students and experts of the city of Krasnoyarsk and city of Zhukovsky allowed to receive some important results. Unlike the occurring ideas of unavailability of the population of the country to modernization the received results speak about other. It is established that most of students humanists regardless of geography of training divide values of "progressive culture" of the countries which made successful modernization and are guided by them in the practical activities. The positive valuable installations which are available for most of students in general form at them needs for updating and modernization of the country, form ideas of high chances of successful modernization of Russia and importance of processes of modernization of consciousness of the population for realization of these chances.
values, progressive culture, static culture, comparative studies, students, Krasnoyarsk, Zhukovsky, modernization, cultural triggers of modernization, sociology of values
Humanitarian projects
Nozdrenko, E.A. (2014). Creation of Actual Demand for Cultural Entertainment Through Advertising Media. Sociodynamics, 10, 81100.
In the conditions of development of market economy the cultural and leisure sphere has to not only choose, but also itself to predict the perspective directions of the development. Mechanisms of such forecasting have the difficult structure connected with the main line of cultural policy. As the goal-setting of cultural and leisure activity is connected with the organization of leisure in the socially significant purposes, and need to carry out the qualified work on formation of actual demand for this type of free time is obvious today. The question of the qualified advance of a cultural product is rather problem today. One of the reasons (it is also a question of marketing) is the lack of the demanded cultural product directed on satisfaction and development of cultural requirements and interests of the personality. The second reason is connected with misunderstanding (more often ignorance) technologies of effective advance of this type of a product which is caused by specifics of the branch of cultural and leisure activity the organization of leisure within which, in turn, has the humanistic, culturological and developing character. The main method of research is the conceptual analysis of advertizing as the integrated marketing communication and specifics of advertizing in relation to cultural and leisure activity. The review of actual expert and information sources, critical consideration of the points of view and approaches existing in the academic science was applied. The major role in effective realization of idea of formation of actual demand for cultural leisure is occupied by various informative convincing technologies of advance. Modern advertizing is not only reflection of culture of society, but also itself is capable to participate in formation of this culture, including culture of consumption considerably. Advertizing promotes socialization of the person by means of broadcast of samples and norms via mechanisms of mass communication within which society realizes technological ways of production of social values. Professional approach to advance of a product of cultural and leisure activity and his consumer as persons, leads to awareness of need of application of new communicative technologies (advertizing, PR, etc.), capable to meet the requirements of modern society and: 1) to form actual demand for this type of spiritual production; 2) to create new needs of the personality, qualitatively influencing and defining spiritual and cultural life of society.
advertising, cultural environment, social communication, marketing communication, cultural entertaining activity, promotion, cultural products, cultural services, consumer behavior, public communication
Humanitarian projects
Libakova, N.M. (2014). Social and Psychological Peculiarities of Formation of Gender Roles of Russian Students (Results of the Association Experiment) . Sociodynamics, 10, 101134.
In research by means of associative experiment the modern understanding of semantic filling of the category "gender" in Krasnoyarsk student's subculture comes to light. As a result, based on results of the conducted researches, the image of the modern woman made of representations of modern Krasnoyarsk students about "female" and "man's" is simulated. "Man's" in this case it is considered as contrast through which understanding of the contents, moving by contradiction, it is possible to reveal additional characteristics of a female gender. Scientific research of social and psychological features of formation of gender images in the student's environment allows to predict some sociocultural processes in modern Russian society in the range of 10-15 years as during this period present students will become the active actors and creators defining social dynamics. The main method of research - associative experiment by Sokolov and Nazarov's technique. The obtained empirical data were generalized, and built in a graphic form. Generalization and interpretation of the received results allowed to draw certain conclusions about a tendency of formation of a gender female image in the modern student's environment. Specifics of a social and psychological image of a female gender at the end of XIX – the beginning of the XX century consist in the Russian society available many-sided images (options of a female gender) in which the corporality and spirituality dialectically coexist, various measure of a ratio carnal and spiritual – "a flesh spiritualizing" and "embodiment of the Spirit" is shown. Once again we will emphasize that the gender (a social floor) is result of interaction of various cultural and social institutes. Based on the analysis of data of the associative experiment made among representatives of Krasnoyarsk student's youth it is possible to conclude the following: in modern Russian society in the youth and student's environment the female gender which peculiar feature is the corporality dominant is formed.
social research, association experiment, associates, gender image, students, Siberian Federal University, references, sociocultural processes, social psychology, social communications
Political aspects
Luzan, V.S. (2014). On the Problem of Conceptual Grounds of Cultural Policy. Sociodynamics, 10, 135158.
The subject under research is the theoretical and conceptual bases of modern cultural policy. There is an active discussion in the academic and expert environment about what should be understood as cultural policy and what role of the modern state in management of basic cultural practicians. Understanding of culture as idealoobrazuyushchy activity of people the practician allows to determine cultural policy by preservation, creation, broadcast of basic ideals of culture as system social. The branch logic of modern state cultural policy conflicts to an objective cultural genesis in which center there are subjects who create, keep and broadcast real ideals of modern Russian culture. The main methodological approach - the critical analysis of expert opinions, scientific concepts, analytical statements of recognized researchers of cultural policy. The categorial and conceptual analysis of culture and cultural policy is applied. Application of logical procedures allowed to record a real contradiction in modern Russian cultural policy. Scientific novelty of research is connected with formation of author's understanding of cultural policy and definition of an essence of cultural policy through system basic social the practician. Transition from branch logic of formation of cultural policy to allocation of the most effective the practician of an idealoobrazovaniye, demanded in modern processes of formation of the Russian national cultural identity is offered.
policy, cultural policy, state, creation of ideals, social actors, cultural genesis, social practices, social constructivism, new cultural policy, cultural ideals