The nationality issue
Koptseva, N.P. (2014). On the Question about Conceptual Grounds of Construction of the Russian National State. Sociodynamics, 1, 1–14.
The author of the article discusses the theoretical aspects of construction of the Russian national state inluding social constructionism, primordialism, ethnicity theory, theories of ethnic identification and self-identification, cultural identification and self-identification. The author also touches upon the process of transformation of the ethnic cultural identity into the national identity; special features of the process of secondary modernization in modern Russian state and Russian society; the theory of artificial construction of nation by the means of political and ideological mechanisms that were used by the national elites during the period of transition from the traditional society to the Art Nouveau society; the main forms of nationalism during the period of transitio from the agrarian society to the industrial society. The author uses such methods as the conceptual analysis, determination of the ideal types of the social structure, analysis of the basic concepts 'ethnicity' and 'nation' and validation of the aforesaid theories based on the Russian realities. The author defines effective mechanisms of transformation of the ethnic cultural identity into the national identity. The author shows that construction of the national state is the process of social (artificial) construction of nation which differs this process from the 'natural' formation of ethnicity in a traditional society. Construction of the national state happens after creation of nationalism. There are several models of the latter. The main models were described by Ernest Gellner as Ruritania and Megalomania. The author concludes that the modern Russian state has the danger of developing the doctrine of nationalism in the form of Megalomania by peripheral national (ethnically monolithic) elites.
ethnology, cultural research, ethic identity, cultural identity, nation, nationalism, social construction, elites, Art Nouveau society, national state
Social studies and monitoring
Demetradze, M.R. (2014). Social and cultural basis for the interdisciplinary domestic state policy and modern international relations. Sociodynamics, 1, 15–35.
The modernization character of the modern global processes demands new knowledge, high qualification of state administration. It is a necessary condition for the institutionalization of the modernization processes in all of the sphere of life of the society, participation in the global economic system at the modern basis, implementation of domestic and foreign policy in the interests of society and people. It is the modernization markers, and not territorial, military or natural resources, that currently define authority, status, prestige and level of development of states. That is why domestic and foreign policy get more and more closely intertwined, and that is why these problems are directly related to the spread of the modern standards in the various spheres of social life. Without such a domestic policy inclusion of the state into the global modernization processes loses its meaning and gets distorted, and the states themselves lose the status of fully competent participants of international relations. The social and cultural methodology of the interdisciplinarity introduces the methods of situation analysis, problem diagnostics and forecasting in the sphere of making the model of social and cultural sphere for the future, and participation of society and the state in the modern modernization processes. The key role is given to the idea - the modernization goal, which shall form the content-matrix for the course of development of the state and allows to find responses to the questions: what needs changing, how and why it needs changing, what should be achieved, and what the use for the society and necessary period for changes are. The social and cultural methods of interdisciplinarity serve as instruments for the influence on specific objects, defining the trajectory of their transfer from one status to another and the parameters of their motion towards the goal.
modernization and counter-culture, social and cultural methodology, expert function, analysis and diagnostics, prognostics and equifinality, verification and hermeneutics , bifurcation, attractor, semiotics, instavration, methods allowing to overcome a problem, typology of problems
Migration and adaptation
Shchuplenkov, N.O., Shchuplenkov, O.V. (2014). Perspectives of development of the migration law in Russia. Sociodynamics, 1, 36–75.
The article concerns the influence of the migration policy on the formation of the legal status of migrants in Russia. The lack of legal regulation of the relations regarding definition, structure and elements of the right to the freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence has a negative influence on the compliance with other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Its violation precludes implementation of right to free use of labor rights, right to dwelling, right to protection of health and medical aid, to education, subjective election rights. That is why there is need to perceive the system of personal rights and freedoms as a complex in order to establish the relations between satisfying the personal needs and protection of the public interest, solving the problem of limitations to the freedom of movement. The authors pointed out most substantial and obvious functions of migration law policy, which may be changed or amended in accordance with the stages of implementation of legal transformatio in this sphere of social relations from acceptance by the measures by the population to the conformity between the measures and the results. In order to resolve these problems, the authors substantiate the need for the adoption of the Strategy for the Development of Migration Legislation, which would provide for specific details on stages of formation and functioning of the efficient migration policy in the Russian Federation. In particular, there is need to develop the federal programs aimed at finding the way out of the demographical crisis and support of movement of immigrants to Russia as residents (taking into account the scientifically substantiated strategy of their placement in the regions, social and cultural adaptation of the local people and migrants, and formation of tolerance.
migration, migration quotas , migration legislation, Constitution, immigration control, state law regulation, refugees, organization regulation, legal status, freedom of movement
Freedom of thought, conscience, religion and opinion
Koroleva, L., Korolev, A.A., Mol'kin, A.N. (2014). Religious denomination policy towards the Islam in the USSR in 1940s - 1960s: closing of the mosques (materials of the Middle Volga region). Sociodynamics, 1, 76–88.
The article includes analysis of implementation of one of the key directions of the Soviet policy on religious denominations towards the Islam: limiting the number of mosques, the cult buildings of the Muslims in 1940s - 1960s, taking as an example the Middle Volga region, where the Islam was traditionally widespread in the USSR. The local state policy on religious denominations was implemented first of all via the Soviet plenipotentiaries on the issues of religious cults (religions), whose activities were aimed on one hand at the closing of the mosques, and on the other hand, on guaranteeing compliance with the Soviet legislation. The believers actively resisted the closing of the cult buildings. Even after the closing the mosques kept their appearance. The theoretical and methodological basis for the study is formed with the principles of objectivity, historicism, systemic character, full account of the social and subjective elements in the object of study, and the neutral approach of researchers towards interpretation and evaluation of factual materials. Where it was possible, the authors used the principles of sociological and psychological approach and the principle of correctness and tactfulness in evaluation of facts and events, since the specific feature of the Islamic practice has always been a strong moral and ethical element of its participants. In addition to the methodological principles, the authors applied special historical principles, such as actualization, comparative historical method, diachronic method, problem-oriented chronological method; general scientific methods - statistical, classification, structural systemic. The novelty of the study was due to the fact that for the first time the authors studies the activities of the Soviet administration, acting mostly via the Soviet plenipotentiary on the issues of religious cults (religions) on closing the mosques at the regional level - in the Middle Volga region within the above-mentioned period of time, and many specific archive materials are brought into the scientific turnover for the first time, since earlier they were not used for a variety of reasons.
plenipotentiary of the Soviet, religious association, mosque, policy on religious denominations, the Islam, religion, the USSR, Mullah, legislation on the cults, the Middle Volga region
Vladimirova, T.V. (2014). Intensity of Communications in Practices of New Mobility and Information Security. Sociodynamics, 1, 89–111.
The subject matter of research is the intensity of communications as the information security criterion. Information security means assurance of safety of social practices in the information environment through creating new mobilities and orientations in the network space in the age of growing intensity of information traffic and data deterioration. This approach to the definition of information security creates the social exterior outline of the term and at the same time retains the traditional, more technical definition of information security as the process of 'protection of information and protection against information'. Theoretical and methodological grounds of research include social, philosophical and social-science theories. In particular, the author uses ideas offered by V. Muraviev, A. Toffler, Z. Bauman, J. Urry's social mobility and etc. The author also appeals to the ideas of Russian scientists who also studied the problem of information security. It is the author's opinion that the most important aspect of new social mobilities as practices of information security is the high intensity of communications expressed in the rate and diversity of interactions. Temporal features of social practices have a direct attitude to information security. Actors of the process (people of the past, present and future, human of space and human of time) relfect different intensity of information interaction with the word. The higher the level of communication intensity of an actor is (i.e. speed and variety), the more protected his practices are in the age of growing intensity of information traffic and data deterioration.
intensity of communications, information security, information security criterion, temporal features, new social mobilities, safety practices, growth of information traffic, data deterioration, growth of temorality of situations, acceleration of change