Conflict and consensus
Aleinikov, A.V. (2013). System Conflicts in Russia: Conceptual Grounds for Analysis. Article II. Sociodynamics, 8, 1–47.
The second part of the article analyzes tendencies of repetition of particular institutional schemes and historical sources of conflict interactions and actual experience in conflict resolution at the Russian society. Based on the conceptual analysis of the 'cold' and 'warm' societies, generalized model of political processes in non-Western societies and 'limited access procedures', the author of the article describes the conflict model of society, types, structures and peculiarities of invariant conflict situations as well as the combination of developed and usable methods of conflict resolution and a number of stereotypical scenarios of conflict behavior. The analysis of social, psychological and political mechanisms of conflict resolution has allowed to define the two types of conflict style of the transitional society. The variety of all national systems of conflict institutionalization can be presented in the form of the political and social continuum reflecting the ability of societies to adjust to conflicts or even manage them for their own benefit. The problems experienced by the Russian society now are caused by the absence of such a political and social continuum. Conflicts are not managed rationally. They may seem to be 'resolved', but actually they are just suppressed.
Russia, conflict, conflictogenity, transformation, conflict model, conflict style, consensus, society, institutions, conflict resolution
Political technologies
Borisenkov, A.A. (2013). About Political System as a Vital Technology of Political Body. Sociodynamics, 8, 48–71.
The article is devoted to the essence and elements of the political system, peculiarities of its development, its close connection with the political life and meaning for the political development. The author states that the political system is conditioned by the existence of political relations. The author makes and justifies the conclusion that the political system is the general form of political life constituting the functional relationship between components of the political body. Guidance and opposition are viewed as the most important elements of the political system. These functions are closely connected and essential for the political democratic process. There can be other elements of the political system as well. These elements form the substructures of the political body. Definition of the political system allows to set forth and define the law of political development. The author also analyzes the official definition of political system offered by the political studies.
politics, political activity, political power, political relations, political system, political life, guidance, opposition, political body, -
State and civil society
Shchuplenkov, O.V., Shchuplenkov, N.O. (2013). Ideas of Solidarism in Terms of the Concept of Construction of the Civil Society in Russia. Sociodynamics, 8, 72–137.
The authors of the article establishes the statement that in order to actually reinforce the civil society, it is necessary to develop the 'spirit of transformation' that includes professional responsibility, steady balance between freedom and equality, solidarism (communalism) and individualism, efficient cultural communication, natural evolutionary changes, willingness for 'gradual' reforms and etc. It is the authors' opinion that the gap between individualism and solidarism is not so significant as it seems. Today these two phenomena are rather interpenetrating and flexible. Each human must understand that there are other people around him. We depend on others and others depend on us as well. Therefore, the purpose of each person, group or class is to find the best way to live with others bu tnot to fight against another person, gruop or class.
government, civiñ engagement, civil society, diversification, employee loyalty, polyculturalism, entrepreneurship, solidarism, social mobility, traditions
Social studies and monitoring
Lyubarev, A. (2013). Voter Turnout of Federal, Regional and Municipal Elections in the Russian Federation. Sociodynamics, 8, 138–209.
The author of the article studies indicators of the voter turnover depending on the time, level and kind of elections as well as elections for different regions and types of municipal units. The author emphasizes regional differences typical for all kinds of elections. The authohr shows the decreasing scale of voter turnout depending on the kind of elections: elections of the president of the Russian Federation, elections for the State Duma, elections for the Head of the region, elections for the regional parliament, elections for the head of the municipal unit and elections of a representative body of a municipal unit. Voter turnover in cities is generally lower than in the contry. Dynamics of voter turnover have a rather complicated nature: the first half of the 2000s demonstrated the tendency towards lowering of the percentage of voter participation while the second half of the 2000s demonstrated the increase in voter participation. However, there is a clear tendency towards lower participation today. The author of the article discusses the reasons of low participation of voters and whether it would be reasonable to restore the voter turnout.
voter turnout, voter turnout, absenteeism, federal elections, regional elections, municipal elections, electoral statistics, legitimacy, deputy elections, chief executive elections
Bronnikov, I.A. (2013). Internet as the Resource of the Government. Sociodynamics, 8, 210–248.
The article is devoted to the Internet as the governmental resource. The author of the article describes principal transformations in the sphere of political communication during the first decade of the XXI century. Those transformations led to the activation of social and political relations and the shift in the chain of authority towards de-centralized web structure. The author notes that changes in the methods and forms of political communication can be viewed as indicators of the intensity and controlled status of the governmental management process. The author of the article in detail analyzes such forms of political communication as interaction through social networks and creation of e-governments. He also touches upon the tendency towards involvement of politicians and civil officials in social networks. The author also discusses the complicated and contradictory international experience of e-governments. Special attention is paid to the functioning of e-governments in the South Korea, Singapore, Great Britain and Russia. Based on the data provided by the United Nations E-Government Survey, the author concludes that despite the fact that it holds the 27th position in the United Nations rating, Russia is stil behind developed democratic countries. The author of the article makes a hypothesis that the governmental authorities can efficiently use the users' skills in searching for and filtering information in order to raise the efficiency of e-governments.
political process, power, resources of power, Internet technologies, e-Government, e-participation, efficient management, network policy, twitter, political technologies