Morality and politics
Esina, N.S., Nesterova, R.V. (2013). On the issue of attitude to gifts within the system of fighting corruption. Sociodynamics, 7, 1–12.
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N. 298 of March 13, 2012 it was assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation "... to issue before October 1, 2012 a typical normative act, obligating persons holding state offices in the Russian Federation, constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, municipal offices, state servants, municipal servants, employees of the Central Bank of hte Russian Federation, employees of the organizations formed by the Russian Federation based upon the federal laws to provide notification on receipt of gifts due to or related to their official positions in cases provided for by the federal legislation". Why is this issue being discussed? Many specialists state that the provisions of the Civil Code and the laws on public service and status of the military officers regulating the relations among the officials and gifts to them, contain significant contradictions. Therefore, the existing contradictions in the legislation of the Russian Federation do not facilitate the unified approach to its implementation, as it was stated in the letter issued by the Ministry of Labor of Russia, and untill these contradictions are terminated, there should be a model regulation. In our opinion, there is need to directly exclude the situations, which directly or indirectly lead to the appearance of material benefits. The society generally should not have suspicions on "wellness" of material benefit received by the official.
corruption, fighting corruption, typical provisions, public servants, municipal servants, official, gift, bribe, reward, declaration
State and civil society
Shchuplenkov, O.V., Shchuplenkov, N.O. (2013). Social role of intellectuals in the formation of the civil society. Sociodynamics, 7, 13–72.
The article shows the mechanisms of interrelation of the components of intellectual status in the process of formation of the civil society in Russia. Due to the close contact and mutual penetration of elements of social relations, there is inevitably a vast variety of versions and combinations of elements in various groups of intellectuals, and especially in some persons. In other world this is a matter with a vast variety of individual manifestations. Any attempts to regulate it too harshly, to deny the right of an intellectual for a harsh and somewhat skeptical attitude to reality may easily cause encroachment on the personal identity and lack of respect to it. However, intellectuals do not accept an anarchical approach to freedom and organization, absolutization of relativist attitude towards values and ideals. Finally, in order to guarantee both possible types of behavior of intellectuals, it is necessary to strengthen its civil activism. The term "civil activism" has two meanings. It reflects combination of currently topical aspects of social activities, or it includes political and legal independency of people. Many topical problems of Russian intellectuals which serve as the basis for its oppositional attitude are due to their inclusion into a different class, where they are mixed with other groups of people, getting shadowed over, moved away, sweet-talked to in the mass media and coated in illusions. However no tricks can cross out the contradictions, which are due to the real difficulties.
civil society, intellectual capital, intellectual, intellectual opposition, stratification, identification, relativism, freedom, liberality, traditionalism
Social studies and monitoring
Kananykina, E.S. (2013). System of Modern Education in the Republic of South Africa. Sociodynamics, 7, 73–93.
The national system of the Republic of South Africa (hereinafter RSA) is one of the brightest examples of the polysystemic (mixed) law when the common law of the XIX century was mixed with the Roman-Dutch law. Since the beginning of XX the system of law started to use traditional sources of the common law. At the present time the RSA is a bright example of the state in the middle of the historical transition from the totalitarian political system with the dominating ideology of racism and apartheid to the state with the liberal democratic political system. The previous system of education which was under the control of the central Government operated the discriminative practice at all levels of the system of education where the segregation on the grouns of extreme racism dominated. That system was supported by the existence of Departments of Education for people with different skin colour (white, coloured and black).
RSA, continuous education, law, apartheid, mainstreaming
Conflict and consensus
Aleinikov, A.V. (2013). Systemic conflicts in Russia: conceptual bases for the analysis. Article 1. Sociodynamics, 7, 94–140.
In this article based upon the communicative interpretation of nature of the social conflict as a result of tematization of the negative communication due to the inadequate response of one social actor towards the challenge by the other, being in a critical stage of discomfort caused by absolute or relative resource deprivation and expressed by certain social practices. The author evaluates conflict style in the society and offers the analysis of history of Russian cases of deconstruction and destruction of the society, modern internal civilian, social, political, ideological situation in Russia, he describes the specific features of the "genetic" connection formed by the Russian social system and its conflict model with the previous conditions. The contradictory nature of transformation processes in Russia is analyzed with due regard to the anti-nomity discourse by N. Berdyaev. The system-forming elements of the social reality of the Russian society are operationalized via the term 'conflictological genotype", and it is shown that the variety of conflict institutionalization systems, which existn in different states, may be reflected as a social and political continuum, reflecting the ability of the societies to adapt to conflicts or even to mange them in their own interests. The author also singles out the Russian configuration of the "conflictogenic pattern ensemble", showing the importance of the concept of A.S. Ahiezer for the analysis of splits as a pathological state of the Russian institutional matrix.
Russia, conflict, split, communication, transformation, anti-nomity, society, power, Russian system, conflictological genotype
Theory of political sciences
Borisenkov, A.A. (2013). About Political Relations and Their Forms. Sociodynamics, 7, 141–167.
The article is devoted to the nature and forms of political relations, their connection with the political life and their meaning for the political development. The author discovers the dependence of political relations on political activity and makes the conclusion that political relations in itself are different forms of political life constituting functions of the political body. The most important forms of political relations that are interrelated and complete each other in the political development are the guidance and opposition. These are the basic forms of political relations in the democratic governance and the most important functions of the political body. They are interdependent and obligatory for the democratic political process. Besides these, there are other forms of political relations that can be built upon the basic political relations and create a more complex structure of the political body. The author offers a definition of political relations which allows him to formulate the rule of political development triggered by these political relations.
politics, political activity, political power, political relations, political body, political life, guidance, opposition, political process, -