State and civil society
Shchuplenkov, O.V., Shchuplenkov, N.O. (2013). Political socialization and identity in the conditions of transformation of the Russian society. Sociodynamics, 6, 158.
The article concerns the mechanisms of sustainable political stability through the preservation of the social institutions and development of the political culture. The transitional movement of the political system in the society depends upon the permanent process of reproduction and development of the political culture, which is performed via learning and acceptance of its norms, values and models of political behavior by the people. In the conditions of crises and transitional society when the types of political culture are changing, significant problems appear in the sphere of preservation and sharing of the political experience, the continuity of the political institutions, norms and values. In the state where both political and economic systems have changed there appeared an ideological vacuum, and the basic values got redefined. The role and value of the political socialization is growing and its result should be a new political culture of the population. The subjects of the political process are active factors within this process, who act to achieve certain goals. It may be a person, who made a decision and implements it, or a group, being formally or informally organized, a movement, which is capable of uniting representatives of various social classes, ideological, religious and other positions. However, sometimes the "participants" take part in the political process without fully understanding its meaning. Sometimes they may be involved in certain actions by accident or against their will. As a result of interaction of the political subjects, there form inner sources for the development of the political process and they may be regarded as the sources for its self-development. The transition of political values, positions and behavior models is performed when an individual is influenced by the socialization factors, and when the political system is transformed, the political socialization agents also change.
de-identification, counter-identity, political culture, political self-identification, socialization
National security
Esina, N.S., Nesterova, R.V. (2013). The Factor of Corruption in the System of National Security of the Russian Federation. Sociodynamics, 6, 5972.
In recet years the Russian Federation has been on the list of countries with the highest level of corruption. The Degree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 460 of April 13, 2010 on 'The National Strategy of Anti-Corruption Enforcement and the National Anti-Corruption Plan 2010 - 2011' proves that 'corruption is a true threat to national security'. However, the detailed analysis of the 'National Security Strategy 2020' No. 537 of May 12, 2009 shows that the present policy paper does not contain a section about the strategy of anti-corruption enforcement. In fact, the document does not mention this problem at all. This explains why there is no particular source that would register corruption as the threat to national security. The authors of the present article hope that the introduction of the anti-corruption measures described in the article will help to create a more stable situation in our country and eliminate the threat to Russia's national security.
the level of corruption, anti-corruption policy, national security, anti-corruption measures, state officials, municipal officials
Migration and adaptation
Mamitova, N.V. (2013). Migration Policy of the Russian Federation: Theoretical and Practical Issues. Sociodynamics, 6, 73104.
The article is devoted to the dynamics of development of migration policy in the Russian Federation in general and migration legislation in particular. This creates the need for analysis of the modern condition, development trends, efficiency and law-enforcement practice of migration policy in order to define the problems interfering with the efficient implementation of the migration policy. Improvement of the legal regulation and law-enforcement practice in the sphere of migration relations of the Russian Federation shall allow to make migration processes more transparent and raise the efficiency of their regulation for the national interests of Russia including observance rights and legal interests of the Russian Federation citizens and countrymen migrating to Russia from abroad. Migration is one of the most important problems of the human population. Moreover, migration does not mean only a technical movement of people from one place to another. It is a complicated social process that covers many sides of social life. Migration plays a very significant role in the history of the humankind. It influences the processes of occupation of new territories, property development, development of production forces, education and mixing up of different races, languages and nations.
migration, countryman, legislation, politics, state, power, society, citizen, citizenship, Russia
Migration and adaptation
Volokh, V.A. (2013). Practices of Civic Institutions in the Sphere of Human Migration. Sociodynamics, 6, 105136.
The Concept of State Migration Policy of the Russian Federation 2025 aproved by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on June 13, 2012 underlines that one of the principles of state migration policy should be the development of institutions of social parternship and civil society. By emphasizing the role of institutions of civil society, the author views their performance practice and notes a significant role of social, on-governmental and other nonstate organizations in the process of formation and implementation of migration policy. A new institution of civil society in the sphere of migration in Russia is the Community Council under the Federal Migration Service. The author of the article describes activities performed by the Community Council and summarizes the role and experience of the Council during the first five years. Taking into acount the importance of institutions of civil society in the implementation of the Concept of State Migration Policy of the Russian Federation 2025 as well as practical examples of experience of the Community Council under the Federal Migration Service, the author of the article offers to use their potentials in implementation of programs and projects within the spheres outlined by the Concept.
migration policy, migration processes, globalization, non-govermental organization, community council, labor mibration, Federal Migration Service of Russia, civil society, institute, human migration
Main human rights and liberties
Kananykina, E.S. (2013). Sources of Educational Law in the Socialist System of China. Sociodynamics, 6, 137158.
Modern China pays much attention to reformation of the system of academic management and regulation, in partiular, advancement of the basic education, constraining of the general education and intensification of the vocational and secondary techical education. Peculiarities of the economic and social development and hence a new level of competence of the working population (in 9 and 6 grades in town and in the country) create a completely new relation between the general education and vocational training. While European countries raise the question about combining these forms of education on the basis of overall senior school education, China will continue to have these educations as the two different directions for a long time. In the most regions of the country, vocational education exists at the level of secondary or even primary schools. In other words, secondary vocational schools become one of the ways to advance the overall secondary education. The government, society, school and family secure the right of children and teenagers to mandatory education disregarding their gender, nationality and religion.
socialism, China, doctrine, education
Anthropology and ethnogenesis
Koren', R.V. (2013). Civilization in Terms of Ethnogenesis as a Cultural Source. Sociodynamics, 6, 159192.
The author of the article views different approaches to the term 'civilization'. The author shows that civilizational researches that have been conducted by the French Annales school of historians over 80 years did not achieve muh in understanding the nature of civilization. Philosophical and cultural discussions and concepts establish that there is a certain connection between civilization and culture. However, incorrect social interpretation of the cultural source and misunderstanding of ethnogenesis as the cultural source have resulted in misbeliefs. Only interpretation of civilization in terms of ethnogenesis as the cultural source allows to understand the energetic grounds of civilization and culture. Civilization is created at the stage of ethnogenesis intertion ('golden autumn') when the passionary energy of the ethnos (hyper ethnos) is mostly wasted and the hyper ethnos is coming to the inevitable destruction (obscuration). Based on all what is being said above, the term 'civilization' should be used only when we talk about pre-historical hyper ethnoses (civilizations) while 'historical civilizations' should be identifiable to a specific stage of ethnogenesis.
civilization, culture, ethnogenesis, passionary energy, hyper ethnos, the stage of inertness, the Annales school, civilizational misbeliefs, structure of society, discourse
Political power
Borisenkov, A.A. (2013). Political Authority as a Political Substance. Sociodynamics, 6, 193217.
The article is devoted to the meaning and kinds of political authority, the relation between political authority and state authority and the role of political authority in state management. The author shows that the political authority and state authority are the two differet kinds of public authority, each of them having its own purpose and method of enforcement. Noteworthy that these two kinds of authority can be closely linked when we talk about the political authority as a part of the state system. The author substantiates the position that the public authority in itself is the institutionally executed social force. The author also describes the relation between the political authority and political institutions, in particular, governmental political institutions building up the state substructure. The author underlines the role of these institutions in the overall system of state management. Based on the definition of the political authority, the author formulates the main law of political development.
state institution, state authority, state management, state, state superstructure, political institution, political authority, politics, state machinery, -
Heritage and transformations
Kodan, S.V., Vladimirova, G.E. (2013). Legal Nature of the Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire of the 1832 - 1892 as Evaluated by Russian Legal Experts. Sociodynamics, 6, 218253.
Legal nature of the Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire of 1832 - 1892 is presented in their features and legal power. The latter reflect peculiarities of the regulatory content of this document about the main grounds of the political system in the Russian Empire. This issue is of particuar interest in terms of the development of the Russian Constitution at the XVIII - early XX centuries, from the first notes and constitutional projects to the first Constitutional Act, the Fundamental Laws published in 1906. The Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire published in 1832 - 1892 play a special role in the process of formation of constitutional ideas. Those Laws opened the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire and set forth the legal grounds of organization of governmental authorities and legislation process under the conditions of absolute monarchy. Their legal nature did not receive adequate attention in historical and legal researches and therefore the main purpose of the preset article is to solve this issue.
history of Russia, history of law, constitutionalism, constitutional projects, Constitution, sources of law, state regulations, state code of laws, fundamental laws , Mikhail Speransky