Social studies and monitoring
Demetradze, M.R. (2013). Social and cultural basis for the interdisciplinary methodology of the social sciences and humanities. Sociodynamics, 12, 17–40.
The object of studies includes sociological, economic, political, legal and culturological theories and disciplines, methodology of their connections, the social and cultural basis for the interdisciplinarity, its inner and outer structure and specificities of its application in domestic and foreign policy. The issues of security, modernization, socialization, social partnership, social justice, social equality and social well-being of societies and states form an inalienable part of the modern system of international relations. It includes the new rules for the participation of states and their interaction, competition principles, correlation between domestic and foreign policy, modern living standards, mechanisms for establishing the supremacy of the norms of international law, systems of state control, etc. After the 2nd World War international organizations (first of all, the UN) controlled the states based on international law, the specific feature of current situation is that starting from the late XX century this control system was strengthened by the social control mechanisms. Their introduction was due to a number of issues, such as: growing gap between the developed states and the ones falling behind, domination of the interests of the strong states at the international arena, politization of the state policy in the traditional societies, slowing down of the modernization process, weakness of attention towards the modernization challenges, closed character of traditional societies, etc. Therefore, the goal of formation of the mechanisms of international social control is neutralization of the threats to international security and alienation of traditional societies from liberal democratic values, the primary value of human factor and principles of social state. Underestimation at the global level of the specific features of modern image, status and prestige of the state, which are based on social and economic well-being of the people served as prerequisites for the formation of special UN mechanisms in late 1990s, these mechanisms were called indicators and indexes for the evaluation of various spheres of social life - social, economic, political, legal and cultural. These markers define the level of development or underdevelopment of the states, rather than size of their territory or their military potential. This change of paradigms shows the stronger ties between domestic and foreign policies of the state, institutionalization of the processes within the administration system, requiring special attention in the spheres of science and education. The role of connection between science and education is growing, and so does the value of multifeatured studies of the situation, the methods for acquiring rational and constructive information, etc. All of the above is possible only with the use of interdisciplinary approach, which requires the development of methodology, and special education of students as future professionals in the sphere of law, management, economics and international relations. The interdisciplinarity provides fundamental character to the modern science, which is necessary to guarantee the training of the highly qualified professionals, who would be capable of competing with the graduates of the Western higher education institutions. Application of the methods of interdisciplinarity of social theories and humanities allows to meet the demands of the modern science and education system, to provide a multi-dimensional approach towards the situation. Understanding of the growing value of the interdisciplinarity in the modern situation allows to gain rational and constructive information on various spheres of life in the society: social, economic, political, legal, cultural. Revealing specific features of the modernization processes allows to uncover challenges and threats to modernization for any society and state within the framework of globalization. Studying the interdisciplinarity principles and expert methods based on these principles allows for finding social and cultural markers for specific objects and processes. Learning the skills of social and cultural interdisciplinarity is aimed at overcoming and termination of problems in various spheres of life in our society, for the correlation of these processes with the modern social living standards. It also allows for the formation of social and cultural model of state development, allowing to improve its image and status in the modern international processes, leading to the change of paradigms of its participation in the international relations, etc.
social and cultural anthropology, analytical, diagnostic, prognostic, model, culture, social, anthropology, expertise, social indicator, social and cultural methodology of interdisciplina, central scientific zone, social and cultural standards