Kalinina, Y.V. (2024). Continuous professional development and personal development of dental specialists and maxillofacial surgeons. Pedagogy and education, 2, 1–15.
The mutual complementarity of continuous professional development (CPD) and self-development of a medical specialist is characterized. The contours of the CPD in the Central Scientific Research Institute of Physiotherapy and Maxillofacial Surgery, the training structures of systematically organized training of students is described. The introduction of joint parameters of CPD and self-development into the educational practice of dentists and maxillofacial surgeons helps to increase the effectiveness of their professional training, since self-development activates all aspects of the professional activity and scientific activity of doctors of this profile. The CPD system that is emerging on a global scale creates educational environment that precisely ensures the self-development of a highly qualified specialist, building his individualized educational trajectories and supporting career growth. A comparative analysis of the concepts of CPD and self-development is carried out. Based on the methods of historical analysis, growth points of scientific development in educational activities are identified. A research program has been substantiated and implemented to study the characteristics of the perception and evaluation of CPD by residents, graduate students and students of additional vocational training cycles at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Maxillofacial Surgery, based on questionnaire and interviewing methods. The article contains the results of empirical studies conducted for the first time in December 2023 among students at the Central Research Institute of Chest and Physiology. It is shown that the personal and professional growth of specialists is the main goal of CPD, and its implementation in Russia should be based on local traditions of forming its personnel potential and become an integral part of state social policy.
continuing medical education, continuous medical development, self-design of a dentist, dental education, professional growth, digitalization, self-development, pedagogical component, continuing professional education, continuous professional development
Spiritual and moral search
Glebova, L.N. (2024). Pedagogical support of educational work with the modern family as a means of forming spiritual and moral values of the children. Pedagogy and education, 2, 16–25.
The article is devoted to the consideration of issues of educational work with parents and its importance in the formation of value orientations and morality in modern children. In the context of studying the scientific literature of Russian scientists, the author concludes that this problem is relevant and requires further research. The highlighted methodological approaches – systemic, axiological, and familistic – contribute to the disclosure of the scientific nature of the research. The purpose of the study is to identify the importance of pedagogical support for educational work with the family in the context of the formation of moral values of children at the present stage of development of Russian society and the state. The author's understanding of the essence of the definition of "pedagogical enlightenment" is revealed, its essence and significance in the upbringing of spiritual and moral values of modern children are determined. The article highlights the pedagogical features of pedagogical education, manifested at different stages of family development in matters of education: educational (propaedeutic) work with future parents to educate children the moral values, educational pedagogical work with parents raising children of preschool, junior, middle and senior school age. Traditional and innovative forms of educational work in different periods of child development in the family are proposed. The difficulties of educational work with the family are highlighted, consisting in the slow process of developing parental literacy and competence, in the absence of uniform rules for raising children in the family, in the absence of clear mechanisms for interaction between parents and social institutions, in the search for effective forms of cooperation, in the absence of a single model of educational work with the family, in insufficient pedagogical education of parents in the mass media. The material under study allows us to conclude that educational and educational work will be successful if all social institutions are engaged in this activity, which will increase the pedagogical activity of parents, raise the status of family and parenthood, as well as the competence of teachers in organizing educational activities with the family and the development of spiritual and moral values of children.
the younger generation, pedagogical education, spiritual and moral values, parents, children, family, educational work, childhood, personality formation, personality
Educational interaction
Chik, S. (2024). The ideologization of pedagogical education of parents in the USSR (1930s – mid-1950s): historical and pedagogical analysis. Pedagogy and education, 2, 26–36.
The subject of the research is the study of the ideologization of pedagogical education of parents in the USSR (1930s – mid – 1950s). It is argued that family life was subordinated to the institutions of power: education of children in the spirit of communism. Ideologization led to the saturation of the transmitted information with certain material showing the advantage of the Soviet government: a new happy world, a Soviet family, the upbringing of a new person, Soviet pedagogy. The historical and pedagogical analysis makes it possible to identify the peculiarities of the education of parents in the conditions of totalitarianism, to highlight the dangers of the ideologization of education. The author analyzes in detail the books for parents by A.S. Makarenko, M.V. Sarycheva, K.A. Arkin and others. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the nature of work with the family. The following forms of pedagogical education of parents are highlighted: work at school, at the place of residence, parent universities. The main research methods are the study and analysis of normative legal acts in the field of education, upbringing, development of family relations, the works of teachers, psychologists, the magazine "Family and School", books for parents. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the education of parents is considered in the context of ideological influence. It is shown that in the conditions of a totalitarian regime, in the absence of empirical studies of parenthood, the isolation of the country, the education of parents was ideologized. The ideal family was represented by an economic team with a regime, order, and unquestioning discipline. The forms of work with the family were at the same time the control over the behavior of the family. Ideologization assumed the upbringing of conscious discipline in children and was supposed to develop "correct" parenting techniques from parents and stimulate the ideological growth of the parents themselves, allowing them to counteract Western influences and educate children with the highest qualities necessary in the construction of communism. The result of the ideologization of parents' education was the spread of disrespect for the child, increased authoritarianism of parents, ignoring feelings, and disruption of communication between parents and children.
the ideological growth of a parent, education of higher qualities, obedience, fostering conscious discipline, family and school, working with family, parent universities, pedagogical propaganda, educating parents, the ideologization of the Enlightenment
Ways of upbringing
Tufleikina, N.A. (2024). Methods of individual educational work of curators at universities of the Ministry of the Interior in Russia. Pedagogy and education, 2, 37–56.
The subject of the article is the methods of individual educational work of curators in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient development of the system of methods for individual educational work of curators, methodological recommendations for their use in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as the predominant orientation of many curators to the use of forms and methods of educational work carried out with groups and teams. The effective work curators involves the integrated use of the entire arsenal of methods and means of educational work. The purpose of the study is a detailed description of the methods of individual educational work of curators in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The author lists and reveals the principles of organizing and conducting educational influence on the of cadets person in the system of individual educational work of curators, requirements for their use of methods of individual educational work. The article provides detailed methodological recommendations for the use of such methods of individual educational work as persuasion, example, competition, exercise, acceptance, criticism of actions and deeds by teachers at universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, individual tasks and assignments, providing comradely assistance, rendering knowledge of trust, coercion. It is noted that the choice of methods of educational influence depends on the experience of the subjects of education (including the curators and the cadet), goals, objectives, content and conditions of individual educational work, personal and professional characteristics of the cadet. The curator must make the optimal choice of method (or methods) of educational influence.
exercise, competition, example, persuasion, educational impact, method of education, curator of academic groups, individual educational work, acceptance, criticism of actions
Professional education
Fang, J. (2024). Theory and practice of applying the principle of continuity of pre-university and university levels of violin teaching in China. Pedagogy and education, 2, 57–65.
This article examines the issue of violin education in the People's Republic of China from the point of view of theory and practice. A historical excursion is conducted and a retrospective of the formation of professional university violin education in China is given. The educational process in the leading conservatories of China is studied on the example of programs, as well as the activities of teachers and professors. The author comes to the conclusion that due to the application of the principle of continuity of pre-university and university levels of violin playing in China, Chinese violin art by the turn of the XX-XXI centuries not only reached the world level, but became one of the brightest, independent and deeply original areas of the world violin art. The article uses theoretical methods of research: analysis, synthesis, classification of the results obtained, as well as the method of generalization. The violin is one of the most popular European musical instruments in China, so many people want to master this instrument. There are so many applicants that there are not enough educational institutions for them, which operate only on the territory of large cities. In this regard, private music education is widespread in China. In parallel with the formation of the performing arts, the technique of playing the violin has received multilateral development and scientific justification. The development of Russian and European teaching systems has become the basis of the Chinese methodological system adapted for China and taking into account the individual characteristics of students. Thanks to the application of the principle of continuity of pre-university and university levels of violin playing in China, Chinese violin art by the turn of the XX-XXI centuries not only reached the world level, but became one of the brightest, independent and deeply original areas of world violin art.
China, Russia, higher education, pedagogy, music education, the principle of continuity, violin pedagogy, violin school, violin, violin training
Professional education
Sokolova, M.V., Glebov, G.E. (2024). Scientific mentoring in the higher education system: the results of an empirical study. Pedagogy and education, 2, 66–81.
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The article is devoted to the problem of scientific mentoring in the higher education system. Research activities are an integral part of university education. The teaching staff of higher educational institutions is represented by scientific and pedagogical workers, the reproduction of human resources for this system requires active involvement in research activities, supporting postgraduate students. To ensure continuity, it is necessary to include students in this activity, only a successful process of scientific socialization during the years of study is able to ensure the subsequent professional realization of young specialists in the higher education system. Scientific mentoring can be implemented in various forms. The choice of the option depends on the target audience, specialty, course of study, established traditions, individual psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students, features of the professional trajectory of students. A survey of students of higher educational institutions and teaching staff was used as research methods. When working with the heads of structural divisions, the method of in-depth interview was chosen. The main conclusions of the conducted research are: high assessment of the importance of scientific mentoring by all participants of the survey. Among the most important qualities of mentors is a good command of their field of knowledge and the ability to intelligibly convey this knowledge to students. The teaching staff faces a number of organizational, methodological and informational difficulties in implementing the function of scientific mentors. The implementation of this activity is dominated by short trajectories of scientific leadership of students. In most cases, the mentor provides guidance as part of the preparation of articles. Heads of departments and deans among the barriers to the development of the mentoring system testify of a weak starting level of students, a low level of motivation of teachers.
PhD dissertation, teaching staff, scientific school, human resources potential, scientific socialization, scientific supervisor, scientific article, research activities, the higher education system, scientific mentor
Innovative methodology and technology
Chemezova, E.R., Dronyakina, N.V. (2024). Polyparadigmatic approach in teaching philological disciplines in higher education. Pedagogy and education, 2, 82–92.
This article is devoted to the generalization of theoretical and practical experience in the use of pedagogical technologies in the educational process of the Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy (branch) of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "V.I. Vernadsky KFU" in Yalta during the 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years. The study involved 15 teachers and 81 full-time students of the Department of Foreign Philology and Teaching Methods. The subject of research is scientific works on the development of the modern pedagogical paradigm and the search for effective innovative educational technologies in higher education. This article outlines the main provisions that indicate that modern education recognizes the synthesis of various paradigms in the educational space of the beginning of the XXI century. The special significance lies in the fact that the methodological principle of polyparadigmality does not deny various pedagogical systems and indicates the natural changeability of educational paradigms. The polyparadigmatic nature of modern education does not act as a counterbalance to a specific scientific and pedagogical paradigm, but reflects modern educational practice that meets the needs of modern society. The novelty of the proposed study lies in the fact that the polyparadigm approach previously remained on the margin of pedagogical research.
poly-paradigmatic approach, information educational environment, educational technologies, polyparadigmality, pedagogical paradigm, humanistic approach, teaching, philological disciplines, higher education, interdisciplinarity
Professional education
Iarovikova, I.V. (2024). The synergetic potential of ekphrasis in a foreign language educational environment of a specialized university. Pedagogy and education, 2, 93–104.
From the standpoint of competence-based and synergetic approaches, the expediency of using ekphrasis to create an authentic language environment conducive to the effectiveness of the educational process, general cultural and professional development of the future specialist is substantiated. The main purpose of the study is to determine the didactic possibilities of ekphrasis and the areas of its application in the foreign-language educational environment of a specialized university on the basis of synergistic relationships that contribute to the formation of appropriate competencies among students of language specialties. The research is based on a set of general scientific and special methods traditionally used when working with the source base and linguistic analysis of linguistic facts. The theoretical prerequisites of the research are formulated on the basis of an analytical and synthetic study of normative documents and scientific data, their comparison, systematization, generalization. The empirical part of the study is based, among other things, on the methods of discursive and contextual analysis of linguistic material. The main research results presented in the article: 1) the didactic possibilities of ekphrasis and the scope of its application in the educational space are considered; 2) related disciplines in the subject area "Foreign language" are outlined, revealing the synergetic potential of ekphrasis in the organization of education in a specialized university; 3) the possibilities of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process due to synergistic relationships that create optimal conditions for strengthening subject and interdisciplinary integration are demonstrated, the formation of professional qualities, the expansion of the general outlook in the process of reading and interpreting authentic ekphrasis incorporated into literary texts for home reading. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that ekphrasis is one of the means of creating an authentic information environment that ensures active interaction between the student and the subject of study based on a complex of linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge – key components of competencies necessary to solve practical, research, creative and other tasks in a foreign language.
interdisciplinary dialogue, synergetic approach, competence-based approach, synergetic ties, modern professional education, formation of competencies, foreign language educational environment, foreign language teaching and learning, teaching aids, ekphrasis
Goriainova, O. (2024). The problem of teaching secondary school students argumentative academic speech in English. Pedagogy and education, 2, 105–116.
The article is devoted to the issues of teaching oral argumentative speech to secondary school students in the aspect of preparing for entry into the subsequent academic discourse. The purpose of the work is to consider the degree of development of the methodology of teaching argumentative speech on the material of the English language. The choice of research is dictated by the increased scientific and methodological interest of Russian linguistics in the issues of English-language academic discourse. The author conducts a comparative analysis of tasks in textbooks on the English language of secondary school aimed at the development of oral speech of an informative, evaluative and argumentative nature. The selection of tasks on the basis of which the analysis was carried out is dictated by the structural and functional features of the argumentation. The results of the analysis indicate that the methodology of teaching oral argumentative academic speech to middle and high school students is insufficiently developed in a situation as close as possible to situations of real academic interaction, in comparison with its varieties such as informative and evaluative. The author proposes a technology for teaching oral argumentative speech, which is of methodological value in the development of educational and methodological literature for teaching oral speech to secondary school students on the material of the English language. The ways of creating a system of exercises that gradually form and develop argumentative skills and abilities that play a significant role in the formation of communicative competence are outlined.
language functions, speaking skills, informative speech, evaluative speech, argumentative speech, argumentative skills, comparative and functional analyses, secondary school, foreign language teaching, argumentation
Bobarov, S.V. (2024). About the role of trust and motivation in the process of self-determination of cadets of the educational organization of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Pedagogy and education, 2, 117–125.
The subject of the study is the trust in the process of training and self-improvement of cadets of higher military educational institutions as a motive for obtaining greater degrees of freedom during self-training classes. The author explores the possibility of attracting cadets to scientific, creative and sports activities, allocating a time resource for these purposes and giving the target group the authority to independently build their activities. Special attention is paid to the analysis of work efficiency and accounting of the final results of the research.The respondents were divided into 2 groups. The first group is those who do well and excellent. The second group is those who succeed in "satisfactory" and "good". The scientific novelty of the research consists in giving cadets more independence to organize and conduct their scientific activities within the framework of the service time regulations established at the higher educational institution of the Ministry of Defense. Previously, students did not have such an opportunity. Departure from the audience planned for independent work was not allowed. The final results of the experiment showed the presence of a clear boundary in performance between the students who are passionate about science and the trainees who previously had no motivation to study. The main conclusions of the study are to increase the effectiveness of successful cadets by giving them additional time to engage in science, creativity and other hobbies.
cadet, higher education, grade, degrees of freedom, independent work, effectiveness, symbiosis, motivation, trust, experiment
Fedotkina, E.V. (2024). Digitalization in foreign language transport education. Pedagogy and education, 2, 126–137.
The article is devoted to the issues of digitalization of foreign language education at Russian University of Transport. The object of research: the process of digitalization of foreign language education in the RUT (MIIT). Subject of research: changing the content of foreign language communication by including topics related to the processes of digitalization. The purpose of the study is to determine the state of digitalization of foreign language education at Russian University of Transport and outline the ways to improve it. The research objectives are to identify the most relevant for a transport university aspects of digitalization, to compare the level of digitalization of the educational process of the discipline “Foreign Language” with general trends in higher education in Russia, to analyze educational documentation regarding the aspects related to digitalization, to put forward some proposals for improving the educational process in the era of digitalization. As a result, aspects of digitalization in the field of economics, politics, transport industry, leisure relevant for teaching a foreign language at a transport university are identified, the level of digitalization of foreign language teaching is proved to be corresponding to the general trends in higher education, the proposals for improvement of the educational process that means including aspects of digitalization in foreign language educational discourse are outlined. Conclusion based on the results of the study is the following: the processes of digitalization of various aspects of public life change not only the living conditions of the Russian citizens, but also the content of communication, including educational foreign language communication. The inclusion of aspects of digitalization into the working program of the discipline “Foreign language” contributes to improving the quality of foreign language communication by enriching the students’ vocabulary and developing skills of foreign language communication.
motivation, new specialities, working programme, foreign language communication, teaching content, foreign language, higher education, transport, digitalization, learning experience
Kipreev, S.N. (2024). Influence of informational and psychological impact of mass media on the formation of spiritual and moral values among police cadets. Pedagogy and education, 2, 138–150.
The author considers the specifics of the influence of mass media on the process of formation of spiritual and moral values among students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The special role of patriotic education and its interrelation with the process of formation of spiritual and moral values among police cadets is shown. Arguments are given about the importance of protecting law enforcement officers from negative information impact in a globalizing world. The object is cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The subject of the article is the peculiarities of the informational and psychological impact of the media on the spiritual and moral sphere of a person's personality. The author considers in detail such important aspects of the topic under study as the ability of police officers to counteract the negative influence of the media in a modern digital society, the main areas of media influence on the personality of police officers, the ability of cadets to form a system of spiritual and moral values. The author proves the thesis that the developed spiritual and moral values of cadets are a necessary barrier to the threats of the modern globalizing world. The novelty and relevance of the research are due to the complicated socio-political situation in the world and the need for additional research that opens up new mechanisms of information and psychological impact of mass media on the spiritual and moral sphere of the individual. The researcher comes to the conclusion that in order to ensure reliable protection of police officers from the negative impact of the media, it is necessary to block hostile media-foreign agents, increase the intensity of the pedagogical impact of the educational organization system and work on leveling the negative informational and psychological impact of the media.
informational and psychological impact, police, spiritual and moral values, patriotic education, educational organization, upbringing, mass media, education, a sense of patriotism, cadets
Modern strategies and forms of education
Kukharenko, S.V. (2024). Specifics of Russian-Chinese double degree programs. Pedagogy and education, 2, 151–160.
The object of the study is double degree programs realied at Russian universities. The subject of the study is the features of Russian-Chinese double degree programs. In this study, we limited ourselves to studying only the programs in which Russian students study; the education of Chinese students were not considered. The purpose of the study was to identify the features of double degree programs with Chinese universities in Russia. When analyzing double degree programs, information was used from the official websites of Russian universities implementing double degree programs in partnership with Chinese universities. The methods used were comparative analysis, extrapolation method, analysis and generalization of empirical data. When formulating conclusions and results of the work, theoretical methods of synthesis and systematization were used. Based on the study, it was concluded that the trends inherent in double degree programs implemented by Russian and Western universities for double degree programs are only partly similar to the trends of double degree programs implemented by Russian universities in partnership with Chinese universities, and in some points differ significantly. In particular, similar features include the prevalence of economic specializations. However, in the case of joint Russian-Chinese programs, the focus on economic specialization is even more pronounced. This focus is quite understandable by the rapid growth of the Chinese economy and the desire of Russian youth to connect their careers with work in the field of economic cooperation with China. In the case of Russian-Chinese double degree programs, a clear difference is the significant predominance of bachelor's programs over master's programs.
PRC, China, international cooperation, The Bologna Process, internationalization, turn to the East, university, Russia, education, double degree
Modern strategies and forms of education
Gushchin, A.N. (2024). Emotional Engagement of Students in E-Learning as an Example of a Project Management Course. Pedagogy and education, 2, 161–170.
The subject of the study is the possibility of emotional involvement of students in an e-learning course. Usually it is considered that the involvement of students should be made in the learning process. The author reads that the involvement should be produced in the social role for which the training course is intended. This statement is the hypothesis of the study. A social role represents the "sum of expectations" from the behavior of a social role bearer and is not identical to a set of learning competencies. The social role also includes personal experience with the social role bearer. The ways of involvement are considered on the example of "project management" course with involvement in the social role of a manager. The main conclusions of this study are the confirmation of the stated hypothesis that the involvement should be carried out in the social role for which the training course is intended. The effectiveness of involvement is assessed by diactic means. The course is built on the following primes: 1) the abandonment of the traditional grading system for each assignment completed; 2) the training assignments for each topic contain two components: mandatory and voluntary; and 3) the full encouragement of skills in managing one's time. On the basis of these principles the assignments of the training course are formulated. Analysis of the digital footprint left by the students during the performance of tasks shows a high degree of emotional involvement.
time management, project management, engagement, manager, education, training, social role, e-learning, emotional involvement, digital footprint
Modern strategies and forms of education
Yu, W. (2024). Variable models of designing the content of higher art education in China. Pedagogy and education, 2, 171–183.
In modern higher art education, the variable part in the form of end-to-end modules becomes mandatory. The research topic is the design of a higher education program in modern China. The purpose of the study is to determine the pedagogical conditions in Chinese universities, which, under conditions of variability, contribute to the optimal design of higher artistic education programs for the realization of the goals of the educational process. The object of research is higher art education. The subject of the research is the design of a higher art education program in modern China in the context of the implementation of the principle of variability. The article examines the options for such a modular design of the content of art education in the People's Republic of China, highlights the main models of the educational process in the country's largest universities: the Central Academy of Drama, the Central Academy of Arts, the Chinese Music Conservatory, etc. The research methods correspond to the tasks set and include an analysis of the content of key terms and concepts, in particular "variability", an analysis of the structure and functioning of educational processes, for example, at the level of implementation of educational programs. The results of the application of the method of generalization of the educational and pedagogical experience of art universities of the People's Republic of China, as well as the author's personal observations of the educational process, are presented. In accordance with the set goal, the object and subject of the study are its tasks: to define the concept of "learning model" and "variability" based on the analysis of the discrete process of development of higher art education in the People's Republic of China; to identify the most relevant approaches in the People's Republic of China to the training of representatives of creative professions; to identify the main features of the construction of courses and disciplines in Chinese universities depending on on their pedagogical conditions and resources, experience and traditions. An important place in the study is to determine which program structures, methods and forms are most in demand, as well as to establish the place of professional disciplines in the educational process and their correlation with widespread cycles of general natural science and humanities disciplines.
variability, professional disciplines, the learning model, pedagogical conditions, end-to-end module, content design, China, higher art education, creative thinking, professional qualities
Effectiveness of training
Makarova, A., Zherdev, V. (2024). Compiling a foreign language training package. Pedagogy and education, 2, 184–201.
The authors offer ideas that can form the basis of such a course as "The basics of creating an educational and methodological complex" for teachers of foreign languages.The purpose of the article is to describe the objectives of such a course and how to achieve them. The methodological basis of the study is the analysis of two groups of teaching materials: 1) teaching materials in English, used as the main subjects for teaching "Foreign language" and "Practice of speech of the first foreign language" at "MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY" and 2) a group of textbooks, authored by adherents of the intensive method of teaching foreign languages. The choice of lexical and grammatical topics of the UMK data, their continuity from level to level is analyzed. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the vocabulary used was carried out. The methods of teaching used in the data of the UMK, hourly planning of the development of the UMK by students are investigated. The structure of the UMC, the types of exercises used, and ways to control students' knowledge are determined. The novelty of the study is to identify the main tasks, the solution of which involves the creation of a CMM: 1. determine the age of the students 2. determine the final level of knowledge and skills to which it is necessary to bring the trainees 3. determine the initial level of knowledge and skills of the trainees 4. determine the rate of assimilation of the material 5. determine the vocabulary of the textbook 6. determine the structure of the grammar of the textbook 7. determine the types and types of basic exercises 8. determine the structure of the UMK 9. determine ways to control the knowledge and skills of the student
learning efficiency, types of exercises, professional development, methods of control, frequency dictionary, structure of teaching materials, grammar topics, lexical topics, intensive training, compiling a textbook
Effectiveness of training
Sivkina, N.Y., Grigorieva, S.V. (2024). Oriental Studies in a provincial university today: on the issue of teaching effectiveness. Pedagogy and education, 2, 202–213.
The subject of the study is the process of teaching Oriental disciplines at a classical university. The aim of the authors was to generalize the accumulated experience and identify the components of the effectiveness of the preparation of bachelors of history. Under the conditions of sanctions, a special military operation, and the turn of Russian foreign policy to the East, there is a growing need for personnel who understand the past and present development of the states of the Afro-Asian region. Meanwhile, scientific developments devoted to the effectiveness of teaching history and the current state of Asian and African countries are clearly insufficient, which is the scientific relevance and novelty of the proposed article. The research methods were general philosophical methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization of materials, observation methods for obtaining student reflection, survey, methods of working with statistical data. In the course of the study, the main components of the effectiveness of teaching Oriental disciplines were identified: the motivation of students that persists throughout the learning process; the continuity of courses and the development of interdisciplinary connections; high-quality educational and methodological support of the educational process; monitoring and diagnosis of academic performance achieved through close cooperation and interaction of Oriental teachers. This joint work, firstly, makes it possible to subordinate the educational process to the common goals and objectives of learning, to take into account the age and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students, to form universal and general professional competencies at different levels. Secondly, it ensures good academic performance of students, the formation of a holistic picture of the history of Asian and African countries from antiquity to the present, maintains students' interest in the region throughout the entire period of study. Thirdly, it promotes constructive cooperation, exchange of teaching experience, joint scientific developments and their use in the educational process, which can be successfully demanded when organizing the educational process in other universities.
interdisciplinary connections, positive assessment, teaching effectiveness, project method, active methods, education, interactive methods, Oriental studies, methods of teaching history, group work