Baklyskii, P.V., Baklyskaia, L.E. (2022). Evgeny Sashko: a person, an artist, a teacher. Pedagogy and education, 2, 1–16.
The subject of the study is the biography, scientific and pedagogical activity of the Khabarovsk teacher of drawing Evgeny Vyacheslavovich Sashko, the peculiarities of his personality as a person and a teacher. The stages of formation, the main types of creative activity of a teacher in the historical context of the formation of architectural education and the development of methods and technologies of artistic training of architects and designers on the basis of the Pacific National University are considered. For the first time, an attempt was made to recreate an integral creative portrait of E. V. Sashko, whose sphere of interests included decorative and applied art, as well as pedagogical work. He could fruitfully combine artistic creativity and the ability to teach, combining various fields of activity. The methodology of the research is based on a theoretical approach using the method of analysis of scientific works, generalization of pedagogical observations of educational and creative artistic activities, personal memories of authors, conversations with relatives, questionnaires and surveys of colleagues and students. Scientific novelty is associated with the involvement in scientific circulation of biographical sources and educational works of E. V. Sashko (in particular, in the field of architectural drawing techniques), which is mainly of importance for the training and education of young specialists at Pacific State University and other universities of the relevant profile, their professional growth and development. The results of the study are conclusions reflecting the specific contribution of E.V. Sashko in the development of artistic and graphic training of specialists. The method of architectural drawing, one of the main developers of which was E.V. Sashko, to this day serves as the basis for all programs of artistic training of students at the Pacific National University.
creativity, pedagogical skills, ice sculptures, museum of history, design, constructive drawing, architecture, layout workshop, art education, teaching style
Question at hand
Ryazanov, S.S. (2022). Pedagogical support of the development of civic maturity of students. Pedagogy and education, 2, 17–27.
The research is aimed at resolving the contradiction between the requirements outlined in the program documents for university graduates, characterizing their readiness for active manifestation of patriotism and the qualities of a civilly mature personality, and the lack of elaboration of pedagogical support for the formation of civic maturity of students. The purpose of the study is to identify effective means of pedagogical support for the development of civic maturity of students. The theoretical analysis is based on the integration of the provisions of two methodological approaches: personality-oriented and activity-oriented. As a result of the theoretical analysis, it is concluded that civic maturity is based on a scientific worldview, ideological conviction in the importance of realizing one's civil rights and duties, in their embodiment in concrete deeds. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the theoretical substantiation and empirical confirmation of the components of civic maturity: civic consciousness, civic feelings, civic activity and civic behavior. In the course of the study, significant positive correlations of all components of civic maturity among themselves and significant negative correlations of these components with the level of dysfunctional attitudes of the individual were established. The role of subjectivity of students as a key attribute of civic maturity is stated. As a methodological result, the article substantiates the levels and directions of pedagogical support for the development of civic maturity of students in the conditions of a university, its directions and targets are highlighted.
pedagogical support, higher education, young people, civil behavior, civic engagement, civic feelings, civic consciousness, civic maturity, civic education, civic learning
Sleptsov, Y.A. (2022). Teaching the Even language in a nomadic camp: problems and solutions. Pedagogy and education, 2, 28–34.
The subject of the study is the education of children in a nomadic camp for indigenous minorities; the analysis of the difficulties that the organizers encountered in the first years of the nomadic camp when learning their native language by Even children was carried out. For the educational system of small comprehensive schools, the nomadic camp is a new form of organization of temporary association during the summer holidays as an inseparable system of teaching the native Even language in natural nomadic conditions. The first years of work showed that children hardly master their native language. One of the reasons is that in secondary schools they were taught the Even language based on the Olsky dialect, which Momsky Evens do not understand. Considering the above, the Even language was taught in the local dialect in the nomadic camp. Author concludes that children that were recruited to the camp did not have the opportunity to go to reindeer herding brigades, and thus had no idea about the traditional way of life of their people. Work experience since 2000 has shown positive dynamics in the field of teaching the native Even language and national culture. After graduating from secondary school, many students of the nomadic camp entered various secondary specialized educational institutions and higher educational institutions and subsequently joined the ranks of teachers in secondary schools, preschool educators, and cultural workers.
dialects, teaching the Even language, national traditions, problems, preservation of the native language, even language, evens, indigenous peoples of the North, nomadic lifestyle, nomadic camp
Rouxian, O. (2022). Comparative analysis of the Chinese and Russian digital educational environment in high education (using the example of Moscow Pedagogical State University and Beijing State Pedagogical University). Pedagogy and education, 2, 35–46.
The subject of the study is the digital educational environments of Chinese and Russian universities. The object of the research is the elements of the digital educational environment of the modern educational space. The author attempts to compare digital educational environments in Russia and China. For this purpose, several elements of the digital educational environment are identified and compared. The author also pays attention to the concept of digitalization of the educational environment and the description of its important aspects. The author clearly shows how the principles of the digital educational environment are implemented in the practice of Chinese and Russian universities, and also draws conclusions at the end of the article. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the Chinese and Russian digital educational environments are being studied for the first time in a comparative aspect. The main conclusions of the study are: 1. the digital educational environment plays an important role for Chinese and Russian universities, which is manifested in the development of digital technologies, resources and other important elements of the environment; 2. in Russian and Chinese universities, the development of the digital educational environment has been going on for several decades and is contradictory, on the one hand, positive results have been achieved, on the other hand, there are areas that still need to be improved and adjusted.
development of education, educational innovations, educational environment, digitalization of education, China's educational system, the educational system of Russia, digitalization strategies, modern education, digital educational environment, elements of the educational environment
Kannykin, S.V. (2022). Educational and educational functions of running in the pedagogical system of P.F. Lesgaft. Pedagogy and education, 2, 47–62.
The subject of the study is the pedagogically significant functions of running and running exercises, which are the basic components of the physical education system created by Peter Frantsevich Lesgaft (1837-1909). Clarification of the educational and cognitive potential of running practices for the formation of physical abilities, mind, character and moral qualities of students in the light of P.F. Lesgaft's humanistic ideals is the purpose of the proposed scientific work. The author draws attention to the depth of comprehension by the great Russian teacher of the historical, theoretical and applied aspects of various running exercises, their systemic relations not only with other types of physical activity, but also with the school complex of natural disciplines, as well as the educational process as a whole. The practical significance of the article is manifested in its focus on improving the quality of teaching physical culture in educational institutions. The historical and anthropological approach, a number of general scientific (systematization, generalization, comparison) and theoretical methods (analysis of literature on the research problem, terminological analysis) were chosen as research methods. In accordance with the concept of multidimensional correlation of physical and intellectual-spiritual development developed by P.F. Lesgaft, it was found that running without turns (ekpletridzein) forms a muscular sense of space as a training exercise; long running, obstacle running and running with weights are accustomed to perseverance of actions; high–speed running - to concentrated activity that requires significant stress in a short period; running with a torch develops coordination of upper and lower extremities; running on socks promotes grace of movements; running in "party" games teaches discipline and responsibility to the team; running with a metronome develops a sense of time. Also, running exercises prepare young men for military service, and in relation to schoolchildren of both sexes, they perform a recreational function and develop the skill of finding the optimal ratio of the distance to be overcome, time and effort expended.
kalokagatiya, game, ekpletridzein, running, education, physical education, humanism, pedagogy, Lesgaft, history of education
Malikov, R.S., Galiakberova, A.A. (2022). Pedagogical activity of the educator of the late XIX – early XX century Gabdulla Tukai and the struggle for the renewal of education. Pedagogy and education, 2, 63–70.
The subject of this study is the work of the unsurpassed Tatar educator of the late XIX – early XX century Gabdulla Tukai (April 26, 1886 – April 15, 1913) on the compilation of textbooks and textbooks for elementary schools on literary reading, as well as his critical views on the system of education in old-fashioned schools and madrasas, reflected in poems. In the course of the study, his activities as a methodologist, a school teacher, as well as poems, which reflect the description of the process and results of education in old-fashioned schools and madrassas, were analyzed. The research used theoretical methods, induction and deduction, comparison and comparison, analysis and synthesis, abstraction. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the activities of the educator as a school teacher, as well as the compilation of textbooks and teaching aids are analyzed, critical thoughts about the state of education of young people in modern educational institutions and the need to update the content, methods and means of teaching are highlighted. For analysis, such poems as "What the Shakirds who came out of the madrasah tell", "Village Madrasah", "Father and Child", "Consolation" were selected, which most vividly reflect the views of the educator on the system of education of the early twentieth century in old-fashioned schools and madrasahs. The article can be used in the process of studying the history of pedagogical thought and education in secondary and higher pedagogical educational institutions, as well as interest a wide range of readers.
updating the content, artistic works, history of pedagogy, pedagogical thought, pedagogical activity, educator, the beginning of the twentieth century, the end of the XIX century, Gabdulla Tukai, directions of education
Modern strategies and forms of education
Taraskina, I., Orbodoeva, L.M. (2022). Pedagogical conditions for the implementation of distance learning (using the example of online platforms Zoom and Microsoft Teams). Pedagogy and education, 2, 71–81.
Distance learning has become an integral part of modern life. In the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic, in which many countries are still today, online platforms have been and remain one of the most important means of organizing the learning process. In our country, education using distance learning technologies has been implemented in educational institutions. The subject of the study is the study of pedagogical conditions for the implementation of distance learning based on the online platforms Zoom and Microsoft Teams. In order to identify the optimal conditions for the organization of distance learning, a written survey in the form of a questionnaire was conducted within the framework of the study. The main research methods include: review of scientific literature, observation, survey. Currently, the problems of integrating various training courses in synchronous and asynchronous formats, developing scientific and methodological support in the form of manuals, recommendations for working with online platforms are becoming increasingly relevant. The novelty of the research lies in the study of optimal pedagogical conditions for the implementation of distance learning based on online platforms. The authors come to the conclusion that learning based on distance learning technologies contributes to the implementation of modern educational paradigms such as personality-oriented education, individualization of the trajectory of educational activity, competence approach, self-education and self-development of students, project and research training.
session halls, pedagogical conditions, video file, video conference, link, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, online platform, distance education, foreign language training
Philosophy and pedagogy
Rozin, V.M. (2022). The Constitution of the meaning of education and the cultural-semiotic environment ‒ mainstream revolution in modern pedagogy. Pedagogy and education, 2, 82–91.
The article deals with two main topics: an attempt is made to characterize the meaning of modern education and introduce the concept of a cultural-semiotic environment, the concept of which is proposed by the author and a group of methodologists and practitioners of pedagogy. The idea of the meaning of education is briefly explained, the process of meaning formation is set in more detail. Characterizing this process, the author analyzes one case and shows that meaning formation allows solving problematic situations by constructing narratives (schemes, metaphors, symbols, etc.) and a new objectivity; as a result, a new reality is created, as well as conditions for new activities. To define the meaning of modern education, the concept of an educational environment (as formed in education, related to pedagogical communication, semiotic loaded) is introduced. In addition, the current situation in the field of education is described. The leading position of the teacher is not the management and formation, but the support of the personality, stimulating and puzzling it, hints and help, organizing conditions and space for the student's activity and creativity, joint search for solutions, demonstration of their own position and work, willingness to discuss problems together with students and a number of other points that lie within the same reality. Four educational needs are analyzed, which form the appropriate pedagogical audiences: "universal" education, "specialized", "interest-based" and "missionary". The conclusion is made that the meaning of education is a complex field of meanings, assuming from the side of pedagogy and science the arrangement of the cultural and semiotic environment, and from the individual thinking, choice and actions. The complexity of building such a dual-use environment (providing the formation of an average type of person and the support of different types of personality) is that it should work for the four specified types of education, acquaint a developing young person with the main types of problem situations, and form the competencies necessary to resolve them.
communication, problematic situation, meaning, escort, forming, personality, education, subject matter, action, understanding
Ways of upbringing
Rozin, V.M. (2022). Is it possible to turn the "upbringing" from Cinderella into a princess?. Pedagogy and education, 2, 92–99.
The article discusses the situation with education in modern culture and pedagogy, raises the question of the reasons for the decline in interest in education and the possibility of its revival in the near future. The meanings of education (widely understood education, controlled development, inclusion in culture) are considered. Two conditions of the conceivability of the traditional understanding of education are analyzed. Firstly, it is the principle of "epistemological transparency" (according to it, the teacher knows the laws of student development and the requirements that will be imposed on him at the exit of education-upbringing), which allows to determine the goals and content of education-upbringing, as well as methods of education. Secondly, the "deterministic" principle: the development of a young person can be directed in the direction desired by the state, society and school, while blocking the student's activity leading in the wrong direction. It is argued that currently both of these conditions are not met, which forms a problem for education. Social reality is increasingly thought of as pluralistic, complex and uncertain; and determination in the field of education is becoming less and less, on the contrary, the principles of variability, the need to take into account different types of personality and divergent trajectories of their development and evolution are rising to the shield. The installations of a new concept of education, taking into account modern challenges of the time and sociality, are considered. According to the author, education should satisfy the "environmental approach", "personalistic" and "reflexive-conceptual".
sociality, conditions, modernity, crisis, development, meanings, education, concept, upbringing, culture
Gushchin, A.N. (2022). Digital didactics: systemic foundations and the image of the future. Pedagogy and education, 2, 100–115.
The article is devoted to the system justification of the e-learning process. The language of cybernetics is used to describe a purposeful process. Using the language of cybernetics allows you to identify all the components of the educational process management system. In the classical case, this is a teacher who has a management goal and achieves this goal. With the advent of computer technology, the process control system becomes more complicated – information and communication technologies are included in it. Based on the cybernetic model of learning as a purposeful process, the evolution of the interaction process in education from classical education in the form of "man-man", then to the form of "man-computer-man" and then to the form of "man-learning environment" is considered. At the same time, the evolution of the didactic content of the educational process is considered. The main conclusions of this study are: the conclusion that there is a fundamental contradiction between the finite possibilities of computer influence as part of the educational process management system and the infinite set of behavioral reactions of the learner. It is shown how this contradiction is resolved at the system level by, on the one hand, simplifying the e-course itself, but at the same time increasing the diversity of the number of courses. It is shown that at this level the development of e-learning and the content of digital didactics can be characterized as "student–teacher - learning algorithm". Further, a forecast is made that an increase in the variety of e-courses will lead to the creation of a personal learning environment, the purpose of which will be marketing: to satisfy the client's training needs as much as possible. It is concluded that digital didactics will be built on the principles of gamification.
didactics, didactic triangle, control system, the learning process, cybernetics, e-learning, digital didactics, pedagogy, training, algorithm
Individual approach in education
Praizendorf, E.S. (2022). Sexual identity of girls and boys of younger adolescence. Pedagogy and education, 2, 116–133.
The subject of the study is the cognitive, emotional and behavioral components of the sexual identity of girls and boys of younger adolescence. The aim of the study was to study the content characteristics of the cognitive, emotional and behavioral components of the sexual identity of girls and boys of younger adolescence and to identify the relationship between these structural components. The author analyzes in detail the features of the sexual identity of girls and boys of younger adolescence. Sexual identity is a complex dynamic structure that begins its formation in early childhood, and by adolescence, due to the psychological characteristics of this period, reaches a new, significant level, which determines the need for its detailed study in this age period. Research methodology: L.S. Vygotsky's cultural and historical theory of human mental development, D.B. Elkonin's age periodization, conceptual positions and main provisions in the study of sexual problems of domestic and foreign psychologists V.E. Kagan, I.S. Kletsina, N.Y. Flotskaya, etc.The empirical base of the study is represented by 30 teenage girls and 30 boys from full families. The age of the participants was 12-13 years.For the first time, the existence of differences in qualitative and quantitative indicators determining the structure of the sexual identity of girls and boys of younger adolescence is theoretically substantiated and empirically proven. Adolescents of both sexes do not have difficulties with building a sex-and-age sequence and identifying their present sex-and-age status, adequately identify themselves according to gender and age. Teenage girls correspond to gender stereotypes to a greater extent than boys. Girls and boys are characterized by the perception of parental influence as inconsistent, unstable and generally incomprehensible to a teenager. The behavioral component of the sexual identity of younger adolescents of both sexes is characterized by uncertainty, undifferentiation, and a combination of both feminine and masculine qualities in behavior.
Masculinity, Positive interest of parents, Cognitive component, The emotional component, Behavioral component, The structure of sexual identity, Younger teens, Femininity, Education, Gender identity