Modern strategies and forms of education
Asadullin, R.M., Dorofeev, A.V., Levina, I.R. (2022). Diagnostics of digital competencies of the pedagogue. Pedagogy and education, 1, 1–17.
This article examines the development of digital competencies of the pedagogue and presents the toolset for their assessment and self-assessment. The subject of this research is the process of detecting digital competencies of the pedagogue. An attempt is made to structure the key indicators of the formation of digital competencies of the pedagogue and conduct their level differentiation. The author provides the matrix of the development of digital competencies, which may become a benchmark for the competent control over student’s learning activity in digital educational space. Such matrix serves as the theoretical model for detecting the level of formation of IT-competencies of the pedagogue in the conditions of rural and ungraded schools. The three levels of the development of digital competencies are presented therein. In their professional development, the pedagogue undergoes the three stages, which can designated as “Application – Adaptation – Elaboration”. This indicates the three levels of development IT- competencies of the pedagogue implemented in the following types of professional activity: work with information resources; control over the learning, upbringing and developmental processes; elaboration of electronic educational materials, creation of educational environment, and countering destructive trends on the Internet; self-management of professional development of the pedagogue. The criteria are formulated in accordance with the highlighted types of professional activity of the pedagogue. The level of development IT-competencies is detected through the analysis of pedagogical situations, when the pedagogue must choose one of three behavioral strategies that are associated related with the general use, general pedagogical, and subject-methodical competency respectively. The article is prepared within the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Education No. 073-03-2021-015 / 2 of July 21, 2021 for the implementation of research works (on the topic “Research and development of methodical recommendations on the use of modern digital and Internet technologies on the example of rural and ungraded schools in the context of ensuring quality educational process (the online format of implementation is offered)”.
model, professional self-development, educational environment, educational process management, informational resources, diagnostics, digital competencies, teacher, labor functions, criteria
Educational interaction
Skorokhodova, S.I. (2022). The bridge above the steep: on the fate of spiritual heritage of the white émigré in modern Russia . Pedagogy and education, 1, 18–30.
The article is dedicates to the problem of spiritual continuity of generations, the solution of which allows extrapolating our future. It is claimed that the descendants of white émigré are a thin bridge across the historical rift that separates us from the prerevolutionary Russia, the objective markers that are not deformed by the “new incubatory ideology”. The author reveals the spiritual grounds of the life of the Eastern Russian diaspora in different historical periods based on communication with M. P. Taut, a former repatriate from Harbin, involving the documents from her personal archive, publications from journals and newspapers published by the descendants of white émigré at the present time. The key research principle lies in reference to the historical sources. It is substantiated that the restoration of intergenerational link prompts the progress in terms of preservation of the centuries-old values of the Russian civilization and openness to the technological modernization of the XXI century. The author believes that in the era of the oncoming Western globalism, which threatens the national identity and historical integrity of Russia, it is crucial to build the own path of development, adopting the experience of survival and spiritual heritage of the Russian world abroad. The conclusion is made on the need for active study of the documents from the personal archives of the descendants of repatriates, as they are the reservoir of life experience and the source of national self-cognition.
national identity, Eastern Abroad, Russian world, spiritual code, Orthodoxy, emigration, education, Taut, historical memory, Harbin
Modern strategies and forms of education
Sokolova, O.V., Lvovskii, V.A., Znamenskaja, O.V., Dolgodvorova, E.Y. (2022). Towards building a model for the formation of reading literacy in the course of teaching academic subjects in middle school. Pedagogy and education, 1, 31–51.
The goal of this research to develop the methodological foundations for improving the quality of education in the middle school. The object of this research is the formation of reading literacy among 5th – 7åï graders in learning various disciplines. The subject of this research is the system-forming relations of educational and meta-subject tasks, texts, situations and reading goals in the context of educational activity, the explication of which allows building a holistic model of the formation of reading literacy as a universal meta-subject ability of a student. Special attention is given to the contribution of each academic subject to the process of development of reading skills considering their specificity. The main methods of this study are the comparative analysis of text environment of a student in the educational space; classification, structurization, and generalization. The novelty of the approach lies in the systemic examination of the contribution of different academic subjects to the formation of reading literacy; in methodological approach, according to which the specificity of educational activity is examined for determination of the contribution of academic subject to the formation of reading literacy. The model of the formation of reading literacy leans on the representation of complex interrelation between subject and meta-subject learning outcomes. It is revealed that the development of reading skills in different subject fields complies with a number of general principles, but significantly depends on the content of the subject discipline and the type of educational tasks set within its framework. The learning process should be structured in such way to ensure the next step in the development of meta-subject skills. Analysis is conducted on the text potential of four academic subjects. The author offers the typology of educational tasks aimed at the formation of reading literacy, as well as outlines the key components of the model and the requirements. Such model would allow the methodologists and teachers to analyze the educational process, develop educational tasks, the solution of which without implementing the procedures outside the subject would lead to the achievement of subject and meta-subject results.
text potential, situations of reading, purposes of reading, text, educational subject tasks, meta-subject results, academic subject, subject results, model, formation of reading literacy
Educational psychology
Agienko, M.I., Naumov, A.A., Saltash, D., Karpenko, E.P. (2022). Pedagogical resources for the formation of optimistic worldview among modern university students . Pedagogy and education, 1, 52–67.
The relevance of this article is determined by the need to develop motivation to work and acquisition of knowledge among students in the current conditions of simplification of the mechanism for selection of the applicants to academic programs. The object of this research is the process of increasing students' motivation to learning in higher education institutions. The subject is the correlation between the pedagogical appraisal and the level of learning motivation of students. The goal lies in assessment of motivational potential of possible remarks of the pedagogue addressed to the student. The norm of motivational potential is considered the correspondence with the parameters of optimistic worldview. The method of conformity assessment assumes compliance with the parameters of optimistic attribution of life events described in the works of M. Seligman (personalization parameters/locus of control, stability/constancy, and generalization). The novelty lies in application of the method of forecasting the impact of various pedagogical remarks on the psychological state od a student, taking into account the attribution parameters characteristic to state of learned helplessness. The obtained results demonstrate the most common remarks of the pedagogue strengthen the pessimistic style of explaining the success and failures of students, namely students in the state of learned helplessness, and entail the low level of motivation to learning.
optimistic attribution, attributive style, optimism, learned helplessness, pedagogical suggestion, educational motivation, humanization of education, personalization, locus of control, generalization
Person and personal development
Svilina, O.A. (2022). Assessment of the impact of structural organization of achievement motivation of athletes upon their performance . Pedagogy and education, 1, 68–76.
The subject of this research is the psychological patterns of dynamic manifestations of athlete’s motivation for achieving results in individual sports, as well as peculiarities of its transformation, taking into account professional becoming and the impact on self-efficacy The object of this research is the achievement motivation of athletes in individual sports. The author aims to empirically assess the impact of structural organization of achievement motivation of athletes upon their performance and achievements. Relying on the methods of nomothetic analysis of the data on the achievement motivation of over than 500 athletes, as well as their achievements, the article builds the system of independent equations that allow analyzing the impact of basic motivational factors (ego orientation, task solution, and material values) upon the effectiveness of athletes of the corresponding professional age group. The main conclusion consists in the revealed patterns that determine the effectiveness of an athlete depending on the structural organization of achievement motivation. Leaning on the developed system of independent equations, the author determines the level of sensitivity of achievements to the structure of the motive of athletes in individual sports. It is established that the degree of performance of an athlete is most sensitive to changes in the "task-solution orientation" factor. However, the progress in professional development leads to inclination towards the "material factor". The novelty of consists in modernization of the existing approaches and algorithms towards studying the achievement motivation (approaches of R. A. Piloyan, E. P. Ilyin, A. C. Puni, etc.) within the framework of using the dynamic analysis of the three-dimensional structure of motivation ("ego", "tasks", "material factors") applicable to athletes in individual sports. This allowed substantiating the need to use such mathematical-statistical models that are able to forecast the performance of an athlete depending on the structural organization of basic motives in each professional group.
nomotetic analysis, effectiveness in sports, efficiency, effectiveness, dynamic approach, athletes, psychodiagnostics, motivation, structural organization motivation, supporting motives
Shaikhislamova, N.B., Bulatbaeva, A.A., Akbaeva, G.M., Abildaev, B.Z. (2022). Formation of competitiveness of future teachers in the university education system. Pedagogy and education, 1, 77–87.
The purpose of the article is a theoretical and practical justification of the process of forming the competitiveness of a future teacher. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization, modeling, in-depth interviewing. The results of the study: the essence of the competitiveness of the future teacher is determined, the developed model of the process of forming the desired quality is presented, the results of diagnostics are presented. Based on the results of the study of the formation of the competitiveness of future teachers, it was concluded that it is necessary to develop and implement a holistic model of the formation of the desired quality through mentoring and coaching techniques, the development of personal qualities in training training, the development of a system of professional counseling and career guidance. The authors define the competitiveness of the future teacher, substantiate some conditions for its formation. The process of globalization and the variability of the environment today require that society ensure sustainability for itself and its environment throughout life. Therefore, the paradigm of competitiveness of an individual and a specialist is currently changing. For graduates, it is important not only to achieve academic results, but also how they can take into account the likely level of competition in the labor market and be ready to respond flexibly to these changes. The authors of the article, analyzing the psychological and pedagogical literature, come to the conclusion that along with the development of professional qualities, it is necessary to develop habits of leadership, analytical abilities, involvement in public life, active citizenship, as competitive advantages of a specialist.
Leadership, knowledge management, University education system, Future teachers, Competitiveness, self-education, competitive advantage, development management, competitive qualities, self-improvement
Avdeeva, N.A., Aravina, T.I. (2022). Development of cooperation in vocational education. Pedagogy and education, 1, 88–102.
The article is devoted to the scientific and applied research of the practice of improving vocational education in higher education institutions in cooperation of participants in relations in the field of education. The methods of interdisciplinary analysis of literature and normative legal documents, the method of analysis of pedagogical experience, general scientific methods of systematization, generalization, comparison, classification were applied. New programs of higher professional education have been developed and are being implemented to prepare bachelors and masters in the field of Linguistics at the Department of Foreign Languages of Professional Communication of Vladimir State University in cooperation with partner organizations based on the provisions of domestic pedagogy of cooperation enshrined in modern legislation. The current professional competencies of bachelors of the direction 45.03.02 - Linguistics, developed in accordance with the labor functions of the professional standard 04.015 "Specialist in translation", are presented. Indicators of their achievement are structured according to the skill levels indicated by the professional community. Particular importance is attached to the relevance of designing individual educational routes of students. A route model is proposed, which is based on various forms of development of cooperation in the field of vocational education in higher education. The results of the study show the need to develop cooperation that takes into account the interests and needs of all subjects of educational activity. In the practice of the department, it is implemented through joint training of bachelors with employers, obtaining additional qualifications by them, continuing their studies in a master's degree with the prospect of pedagogical activity.
partner organizations, student's educational route, professional competencies, personal and professional development, the concept of pedagogy of cooperation, continuing education, educational programs, legislative framework, participants in educational relations, development of cooperation
Question at hand
Sagitov, S.T., Dorofeev, A.V., Mustaev, A.F., Kalimullina, G. . (2022). Structural and functional model of a unified educational space for the development of professional competencies of a teacher. Pedagogy and education, 1, 103–115.
The article was prepared within the framework of the project "Development of a model of a unified educational space of organizations of preschool and general education in Ufa with in-depth study of the Bashkir language", implemented at the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla. The subject of the research is modeling the educational space of preschool and general education organizations for the development of professional competencies of a teacher. The structural and functional model of the unified educational space is developed on the basis of the principles of multidimensionality, horizontal learning, personification, eventfulness, subjectivity, continuous improvement of professional skills, continuity, guided development and post-training support. The model presents and describes: components of the educational space (subjects, technologies, events and phenomena, partner organizations, resource provision); functions (diagnosis of professional deficits of a teacher, formation of a map of professional deficits, determination of points of growth of a teacher and the construction of his individual educational route); mechanism of implementation of functions (automated assessment of subject and methodological competencies, determining the level of professional competencies, building an individual educational route). The article reveals the features of the functioning of the Center for scientific and methodological support of teaching staff. The description of the research and methodological blocks, as well as the mobile learning block and the block of high-tech learning tools is presented. The scientific and theoretical foundations of the management of the unified educational space of preschool and general education organizations have been developed to improve the level of professional skills of teachers. The main effect achieved in the implementation of the proposed model is the integration and coordination of teachers of preschool and general education organizations within a single educational space. Innovative educational environment of continuous professional development of teaching staff contributes to their professional development and career "lift"
management, model, educational space, professional deficit, professional development, individual educational trajectory, professional competencies, mentor, teacher, diagnostics
Modern strategies and forms of education
E-learning with its diverse forms and wide-ranging applications has gone forward changing globally teaching and learning strategies in tertiary education. Technology-enhanced learning has progressed both from enhancements of innovative technologies, amendments in educational sphere and integration of international designs in learning environment. The article analyses the interaction of blended learning models aiming to promote the most effective curriculum design to serve the learners’ requirements, their life experiences and the opportunities and limitations of the particular learning setting. The subject of the study is to get the insight of the newly emerged catchword micro-blended learning, which is abundantly used in educational sphere with its interwoven constituent parts. The research is based on empirical studies conducted by contemporary scholars, comparative analyses of diverse modes of teaching and learning and practical implications of micro-blended learning strategies. The study outcomes imply that technological enhancements and inconsistencies in scholastic environment dictate the emergence and evolvement of blended learning styles which pursue the goal to increase the insufficient language practice through informal self-study. The authors assume that the synergistic cycle of micro blended learning applied in the design of in-company produced textbooks suits directly the requirements of undergraduate and postgraduate learners. The research findings can be helpfully applied in educational sphere for designing and introducing e-learning schemes.
micro-blended learning, web-enhanced syllabus, synergistic cycle, informal learning, audiovisual hypermedia, tertiary education, curriculum, self-study, life experience, contemporary scholars
Types of education
Flerov, O.V. (2022). Development of non-formal and informal teaching of foreign languages in the 2010s. Pedagogy and education, 1, 126–142.
The object of research in the proposed article is informal and informative learning as educational practices alternative to the development of basic educational programs implemented in institutional pedagogical conditions. The subject is the process of learning and mastering a foreign language accordingly. Special attention is paid to the information and communication conditions of the digital environment formed in the 2010s and the mechanism of their influence on the non-institutional development of languages. Such language education is considered as a process that is actively developing not only on the basis of a purely pedagogical understanding of the importance of building educational routes throughout life, but also due to objective information realities that affect the specifics of the existence of knowledge around us as a "product" of information development. Interdisciplinary information-communicative and pedagogical analysis is used as a research methodology, demonstrating a natural change in the process of teaching foreign languages in the conditions of transformation of the information-language environment. The study is deductive in nature, in which the author proceeds from substantiating the general role of non-formal and informal education in the life of a modern person to specific conditions affecting the development of foreign languages in a similar way. On the basis of the received material, the final part analyzes specific trends and contradictions in the development of informal and informal teaching of foreign languages and its interaction with institutional pedagogical practice. It is concluded that the potential of non-institutional learning of foreign languages is clearly higher today than even a decade ago, and due to its active disclosure, it is possible to achieve complementarity with formal education in order to achieve a synergetic effect in the process of continuous education of the individual. The novelty of the work consists in deepening general ideas about the role of non-institutional educational practices in the development of personality through the prism of one discipline with the identification of specific trends in their development at a certain time interval, taking into account the conditions of transformation of the information and communication environment.
educational trajectory, digital devices, information environment, language education, institutional education, self-education, informal education, educational program, non-formal education, digitalization
Innovative methodology and technology
Aldoshina, M.I. (2022). Conditions for designing effective professional educational programs at a modern university. Pedagogy and education, 1, 143–154.
The author examines the aspects of the formation of professional and key personal competencies and their features in the modern digital society and university education, reflected in the design of professional educational programs. The author actualizes the need to update educational professional programs, examines the essence and features of the formation of professional competencies in universities of modern Russia at the digital stage of the development of civilization, features of the individualization of the educational process in the era of digitalization and the spread of distance technologies. The article prioritizes the impact of personnel, logistical and substantive problems. The subject of this article is the conditions for the development of effective professional educational programs in university education. The object is the design of professional educational programs. Â Â In the situation of the current stage of the digital development of society and the stage of the development of vocational education, the problem of the formation of professional competencies in university education is particularly relevant.The methodological basis of the article is a competence-based approach that considers the results of students' educational actions through competencies. The main problem of the article is the consideration of the conditions for designing effective professional educational programs and technologies for their practical implementation at the university for the formation of a complex of professional and personal competencies of students in the conditions of digitalization of university education and the spread of distance education. The need to update educational professional programs is determined by the peculiarities of modern vocational education, the level of competence and preparedness of subjects in it, taking into account the personnel, material, technical and content-technological conditions of the modern personality-oriented professional educational route of each student, which allows to coordinate and harmonize the disparate personal and axiological determinants of the digital stage of the development of university education in society.
culture, university education, professional educational programs, educational programs, competencies, university, programs, effective educational programs, professional competencies, students
Innovative methodology and technology
Gushchin, A.N. (2022). Experience in analyzing a student's digital footprint in LMS Moodle. Pedagogy and education, 1, 155–166.
Experience in analyzing a student's digital footprint in the Learning management System (LMS) Moodle. The analysis of the digital footprint is carried out in the cancers of the course "Project Management". The project management course is an actual course for future students of architectural specialties, due to the requirements of the professional standard. The data source was students' feedback about the course, as well as questionnaire data. The questionnaire is filled out by the listeners without fail. The questionnaire questions are post-project analysis questions from the MSF (Microsoft FrameWork Solutions) project development methodology. Unlike the questionnaire, feedback about the course is left at will, the content of the reviews is not regulated by anything. The main conclusion of the study can be attributed to the conclusion that the analysis of the digital footprint allows you to identify and determine the skills, abilities and the experience that students receive during the course. Thus, the analysis of the digital footprint serves as an independent confirmation of the correctness of the decision on which competencies the course should form. Also, the analysis of the digital footprint allows us to conclude whether the training course forms the skills and abilities required by professional standards in this specialty. The methodology of digital footprint analysis demonstrated in this study is of independent value.
educational content, analysis of meaning, educational standards, course competencies, project management, electronic training course, content analysis, e-learning, digital footprint, information resources