Historicism as a principle
Kirzhaeva, V.P., Marinichenko, A.I., Vishlenkova, S.G. (2021). V. V. Zenkovsky on the pages of the “Russian School Abroad”. Pedagogy and education, 4, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2021.4.36760
The subject of this research is the creative activity of the prominent Russian pedagogue, psychologist, philosopher, figure of the socio-pedagogical movement, and active participant in religious life of the white émigré V. V. Zenkovsky (1881–1962) in the leading educational journal “Russian School Abroad”, which was issued in Prague from 1923 to 1931. The goal is to examine the array of publications of the scholar, including articles published under pseudonyms, for determining their scientific and socio-pedagogical significance in the context of pedagogical life and pedagogical discussions of the 1920s – 1930s. Of special importance is the possibility of reconstructing the scientific dialogue between V. V. Zenkovsky and S. I. Gessen. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the sequential analysis of the entirety of texts published by the scholar in the journal “Russian School Abroad”, genre diversity of these publications (from problematic articles to informative notes), determination of problematic areas and specificity of the pedagogical discourse of V. V. Zenkovsky, who greatly contributed to modern pedagogy and psychology, theory and practice of school education, as well as actively participated in socio-pedagogical movement, coordinated the school work of Russian émigré in Europe and outside it. The article introduces the little-known and hard-to-access publications of V. V. Zenkovsky, namely his peer reviews of the Soviet psychological-pedagogical literature, and comments about Zenkovsky himself.
Russian school, Russian school abroad, émigré pedagogical editions, émigré pedagogical discourse, pedagogical emigrantics, Russian émigré pedagogy, Vasilij Zen'kovskiy, Sergej Hessen, pedagogical intellectualism, school education
Seliverstova, E.N. (2021). The conceptual system of Russian didactics in the limelight of subject orientation of modern education . Pedagogy and education, 4, 15–27. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2021.4.37079
This article examines the conceptual system of didactics in the conditions of integration of the modern scientific knowledge. An attempt is made to determine the method for overcoming the current deficit of specific didactic concepts, which reflect the essence and peculiarities of the subject of didactics in the conditions of dynamically changing characteristic of the object of study – the learning process that acquires fundamentally new value and performance goals. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the use of solely psychological methods for description and explanation of the new phenomena of learning process, substantiated by the subject context of its consideration, contradicts the subject of didactics, which should focus not on the psychological mechanisms that characterize subjectivity, but on answering the question of what needs to be done for the students to take subjective position in the course of their educational activity. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of the variant of broadening the conceptual system of modern didactics through introduction of the new didactic concept that aligns with the specifics of its subject – student's subjective learning experience. The introduction of this concept reflects the trend that is important for the current stage of the development of didactics – shift to a fundamentally new level that corresponds with post-nonclassical type of scientific rationality, when unlike previous approaches that focused on the educational activity of the pedagogue, who organizes and maintains learning activity of the student, central figure in didactic problematic is the student and their educational activity,
subject of learning, subject of teaching process, subject position, subjectivity, subject, subject-oriented teaching, post-non-classical scientific rationality, conceptual system of didactics, student's subjective experience, subject of educational activity
Values and goals of education
Makeeva, T.V., Gur'yanchik, V.N. (2021). Continuing education as the value basis of professional activity of the pedagogue. Pedagogy and education, 4, 28–34. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2021.4.37108
Professional socialization of future graduates of the pedagogical university is aimed at the formation of competencies essential for the practical activity and solution of vital tasks. One of the components of successful professional activity is the willingness for continuing education. The subject of this research is the phenomenon of continuous pedagogical education as the value. Globalization has encompasses all segments of life of the modern society, including education. The rapidly changing world with its uncertainty imposes new requirements on the system of vocational training. A modern specialist is no longer narrow-focused, but is capable of solving complex and versatile tasks, which is facilitated by constant striving for new knowledge using various forms of learning. However, this is only possible with realization by the individual of the need for continuing education and its utility in different axiological coordinates. For the analysis of axiological basis of continuing education, the author surveyed the students of pedagogical university to determine their perception of continuing education as a personal meaningful value that contributes to the achievement of certain career results. The acquired results on the one hand demonstrate the the vagueness of the concept of “continuing education” for the university students; while on the other hand, prove the hypothesis on the need and importance of continuing education for the pedagogues, but at the same time the unwillingness of the future specialists to consider it as the value of life. The presented materials allow adjusting the educational process of future pedagogues and their motivation for continuing education, since the pedagogical classes to Master’s Degree.
self-development, self-education, pedagogical values, pedagogical education, pedagogical university, continuing education, life values, globalization of education, value, value-semantic guidelines
Effectiveness of training
Paimakova, E.A., Tavberidze, D.V. (2021). Lectures in distant format: certain methodological techniques . Pedagogy and education, 4, 35–44. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2021.4.37144
This article is the result of research carried out during the pandemic, which was intended to determine the interrelation between certain methodological techniques and engagement of students in the distant learning process. The following techniques were used for improving the effectiveness of educational process: well-defined structure of the lecture, presentation as the system of questions and topics for discussion, grasping new material in the form of discussion, test cases on the material learned, weekly results and systematization of knowledge, implementation of video materials in homework. The authors held lectures in accordance with all listed points, observing the response and motivation of students. The surveys conducted at the beginning and at the end of the lecture course indicate a sharp increase in cognitive activity, overall satisfaction of students, and interest in further study of the discipline. The students also gave a five point scale rating to each of the offered methodological techniques; in spite of the hypothesis advanced by the authors, the students highlighted presentation as the system of questions and discussion during a distant lecture. The research demonstrates that such methodological techniques effectively increase students' engagement in the learning process, as well as stimulate cognitive activity. The described aspects of conducting lectures can be applied not only in distant format, but in offline learning as well.
satisfaction with the course, students' involvment, motivation, test assignment, discussion, presentation, methodological techniques, remote lectures, questioning, video
Kozilova, L.V. (2021). The development of supra-professional competencies of future pedagogues in the practice-oriented environment of the university . Pedagogy and education, 4, 45–53. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2021.4.37202
The subject of this research is supra-professional competencies that contribute to successful pedagogical activity. The author examines the impact of supra-professional competencies upon the success of practical pedagogical activity. Having specialized knowledge, skills and professional competencies is not always sufficient to meet the requirements of modern educational environment. Developed social and emotional intelligence, ability to work both in a team and independently, balance between subordination and leadership qualities, organized thinking, and other qualities are becoming increasingly relevant in pedagogical profession. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the key supra-professional qualities that contribute to successful pedagogical activity. The experienced pedagogues believe that emotional intelligence, ability to work independently, and critical thinking are considered supra-professional qualities, while young pedagogues believe that such qualities are social intelligence, proclivity for leadership and design thinking. Despite the fact that depending on age category, the pedagogues have different representations of supra-professional qualities, they are not contradictory. In the context of practice-oriented educational environment of the pedagogical university, the students should be taught not only specialized knowledge and skills, but also develop supra-professional competencies.
Teamwork, Striving for separateness, Striving for leadership, Social intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Practice-oriented environment, Supra-professional competencies, Autonomy of activity, Organization of thinking, Self-development of a teacher
Educational psychology
Avakova, O.V. (2021). On the adaptation of foreign students . Pedagogy and education, 4, 54–61. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2021.4.34876
Over the recent years, internationalization of the educational process draws heightened interests to foreign students, which in turn, entails a surge of research dedicated to the problems of their adaptation. The goal of this article lies in analyzing the cross-cultural adaptation of foreign students from non-CIS states who study in Russia. The subject of this article is the targeted work of the academic staff on the adaptation of foreign students. Methodological framework is comprised of the following approaches: individual, personality-oriented, activity-oriented, humanistic, and cross-cultural, which takes into account the ethnic and cultural-specific peculiarities of foreign students. The relevance of this topic is justified by the globalization trends of international educational space, as well as strategic tasks of the Russian higher education – stimulate the export of educational services, attract foreign students, and promote the integration of foreign specialists in the Russian job market. The scientific novelty lies in determination of the factors that either contribute to or obstruct the adaptation of foreign students in the Russian universities, as well as the agents of adaptation. On the example of Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN", the author analyzes the peculiarities of adaptation process, as well as the factors that improve the living and learning conditions of foreign citizens in the new sociocultural environment, increase the level of multicultural interaction within the framework of the educational institution. It is established that the adaptation of foreign students depends on the psychophysiological, educational-cognitive, sociocultural and casual factors, which are closely interrelated. The problems faced by foreign students are associated with submerging to a new sociocultural and educational environment of the university; therefore, the process of their adaptation should be organized, targeted, and integrated.
language barrier, survey, problem, learning, socio-cultural environment, foreign student, adaptation, factor, methodology, culture
Innovative methodology and technology
Maikova, T. (2021). On the experience of development of ESP course for special purposes of the students majoring in International Relations and Regional Studies . Pedagogy and education, 4, 62–68. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2021.4.37125
The article describes the experience of author's participation in the development of ESP course (English for Specific Purposes) for students majoring in International Relations and Regional Studies, as well as examines the theoretical prerequisites for creation of similar courses. Having compared the terminological and discursive approaches towards development of the course in the sphere of humanities, preference is given to the latter. The article analyzes the offered by foreign linguistics integrative (CLIL) approach towards learning English language for special purposes, which implies combining the study of language and specialty discipline within the framework of a single course. Although the idea raises obvious interest, the authors of the course choose a rather traditional approach. The texts underlying the course are subordinate to its key objectives. Since the course is centered upon productive competences – mainly speaking – it predetermined the choice of factographic type of texts over analytical. Another method for increasing motivation is the use of illustrations, video and audio materials. The article also considers the problem of authenticity and scientific objectivity of the selected texts, since the views established in the Russian and foreign humanities may differ. The number and types of activities are determined by the specific needs of the students. Special emphasis is placed on determination and interpretation of metaphors in the scientific discourse of humanities.
metaphor, authenticity, learning materials, discursive approach, Content and Language Integrated Learning, course design, objectivity, English for Special Purposes (ESP), Language for Special Purposes (LSP), vocabulary retention
Effectiveness of training
Makarichev, F.V. (2021). Developmental and educational potential of using an authentic feature film in the process of teaching foreign language . Pedagogy and education, 4, 69–79. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2021.4.35149
The subject of this research is the use of an authentic feature films in the process of teaching English language. Based on the analysis of theoretical material, the article covers the questions related to the use of films during the classes in higher educational institutions, since despite the old-established practice of using audiovisual means, there is yet no universal methodology for working with films. The author offers to organize classes based on watching the “American Beauty”, which would enrich the vocabulary, analyze various situation of verbal and nonverbal communication, give representation on the national peculiarities of language behavior. The authentic feature films have been largely used in the process of teaching foreign language. However, more than ever before the use of audio and video materials has become a strict necessity for the effective teaching of students of various specialties. The command of a foreign language is not only the ability to conduct verbal communication, but establish the cross-cultural dialogue that ensures effective communication. Therefore, competent linguistic, culturological, and country-specific training is required. The effectiveness of using feature film in the learning process is determined first and foremost by the peculiarities of cinematographic art, which can strongly affect the audience. This is achieved by combining video sequence and sound (including music). Therefore, the audience receives a visual representation on the place of the ongoing events, appearance of the characters, analyze the specificities of nonverbal means of communication, and determine their impact upon the content of communication and its results. The author’s experience of conducting film analysis with the students of non-philological specialties indicates students’ interest in such activities, both at the lectures or doing homework, and thus high academic performance.
cultural stereotypes, speech behavior, dialogue of cultures, intercultural communication, audiovisual means, communicative technique, non-verbal means, verbal means of communication, authentic feature film, speech act
Effectiveness of training
Vinokurova, O.S. (2021). Improvement of the system for assessing academic performance of Bachelor’s degree students as a method for increasing the quality of higher education. Pedagogy and education, 4, 80–88. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2021.4.36804
The subject of this research is the system for assessing academic performance of Bachelor’s degree students. The goal is to improve this system namely increase the accuracy of the results, motivation and engagement of the participants in the performance review. The article employs the following empirical methods: research on this topic, modern trends in the system for assessing academic performance, development of the system of academic ratings, complication the assessment system due to inclusion of the results of social, cultural and sports activity of students in the overall rating. The central methods of obtaining information include observation and recitation of Bachelor’s degree students of the Russian university. Recommendations are formulated in accordance with the acquired data. The novelty lies in consideration of the system for assessing academic performance as the factor that determines the quality of education, as well as in development of recommendations for improving the assessment system. The result of the conducted research consists in recommendations on the form and content of performance review aimed at increasing the accuracy of the assessment system. The advantages of revision of the assessment system for beneficiaries (universities, students, and employers) are substantiated. The author analyzes the effectiveness of the strategies “assessment of academic performance” and “assessment for academic performance”, as well as the role of intermediary and final performance review for various beneficiaries. The conclusion is made on the need to continue the research of the assessment system and methods for its improvement, taking into account the new educational trends.
summative assessment, formative assessment, assessment of learning, assessment for learning, beneficiary, bachelor degree program, HE quality, distant learning, academic dishonesty, feedback
Individual approach in education
Arslanova, M.N., Dorofeev, A.V., Sultanova, L.F., Sytina, N.S., Zheltova, O.V. (2021). Methodological peculiarities of organizing work in the profession-oriented pedagogical class . Pedagogy and education, 4, 89–100. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2021.4.33645
The subject of this research is the arrangement of educational process in in the profession-oriented pedagogical class. The goal lies in explication of methodological peculiarities of working with high school students for professional self-determination and formation of their readiness to study at the pedagogical university. Leaning on the principles of multidimensional and nonlinear arrangement of educational process, humanistic orientation, unity of collective and individual forms of organizing the activity, as well as focus on the development of socially successful personality, the author outlines the methodological peculiarities of arrangement of educational environment of high school students in the “School – University” system. The project paradigm is implemented from the perspective of personality-oriented and subject-activity approaches in the four main modules of variable part of the curriculum of the profession-oriented pedagogical class: 1) “In the world of pedagogical profession”; 2) “The learned person: practical psychology of cognition”; 3) “I find myself in pedagogical profession; 4) “Learn who you truly are”. Readiness of high school students for project activity implies the abilities to search for data and establish correlations, create a project, analyze the problem field of research, find alternative solutions, and assess the acquired results. Project and game methods meet the goals of professional self-determination of high school students. The article presents the experience of functioning of the profession-oriented pedagogical class as the joint project of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla and School No. 113 named after Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Ignatievich Rybalko (Ufa). Methodological recommendations on organizing the educational process in the profession-oriented pedagogical class can be applied in the senior middle school.
high school students, pedagogical class, project method, pedagogical activity, readiness, professional self-determination, profile training, teaching profession, career guidance, self-determination