Educational psychology
Stepanova, O.S., Nikolaeva, A.A. (2020). The study of the nature of conflicts between parents and teachers in an educational organization. . Pedagogy and education, 4, 1–17.
The contradictory problems of the relationship between teachers and parents, the specific nature of conflicts between teachers and parents in an educational organization are considered. The concept of "conflict" is revealed, the enumeration of the main reasons influencing the occurrence of conflicts between parents and teachers is given. In order to update the optimal methods of conflict resolution between parents and teachers, a study of the causes and nature of this type of conflict was conducted. Due to the humanization of the pedagogical approach in education, there has been an ambiguous trend in the development of the relationship between teachers and parents. The relevance of this study is that the education system in modern Russia has undergone and continues to undergo quite serious changes. The results of the study showed the relationship between the high level of conflict between the teacher and the nature of the conflict between him and the parents of students. In the system of teacher–parent relations, the personality of the teacher himself plays an important role. In order to study the degree of influence of the factors we identified on the nature of conflicts between parents and teachers, a study was conducted that included the use of several techniques. In conclusion, the conclusion and recommendations developed on the basis of the results of the study are presented to improve the communicative skills of teachers, in particular the ability to resolve conflict situations related to the educational process and specifically with the parents of students.
conflictogenicity, educational environment, parents, teacher, clash of interests, the level of conflict, the nature of the conflict, children, development, methods
Educational interaction
Ostapenko, I.A. (2020). To the question of formation of cultural-educational space of a university (based on experience of the Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute) . Pedagogy and education, 4, 18–29.
The object of this research is the cultural-educational space, while the subject is the structure and components of cultural-educational space of a modern University based on the example of Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute. The author understands cultural-educational space as an organized in a specific way sociocultural and pedagogical environment aimed at stimulation of the development and personal growth of each individual therein. Emphasis is made on the importance of formation and development of cultural-educational environment by each university as a condition for successful teaching of students and their full integration into the cultural community. The scientific novelty of this work consists in raising a question on the principles of finding optimal components of cultural-educational space of modern university; as the basic principle, the author advances the principle of close connection between the components of cultural-educational space. It is established that the elements of cultural-educational space is the physical space of the university, curriculum, educational techniques, methods, forms and means of teaching and learning, cultural situation, students self-governance, sphere of professional self-determination, personal fulfillment, sports and recreation activities, volunteer work, leisure, Internet component of cultural-educational space, etc. The obtained results can be used by different universities in formation of their own cultural-educational space that influences the performance of the university. It is concluded that the systemically organized components of cultural-educational space interact with each other and produce comprehensive impact upon personality of a student.
cultural situation, educational technologies, educational content, cultural and educational space, higher educational institution, education, culture, student self-government, student personality, personality self-development
Medvedeva, I.N., Martynyuk, O.I., Pan'kova, S.V., Solovyova, I.O. (2020). To the question of assessing universal competences of students . Pedagogy and education, 4, 30–36.
The subject of this research is the assessment of competences that are crucial in modern life, known as 4K-competences (critical thinking, creativity, communication and cooperation) among the first-year students. Within the framework of the federal state educational standards of higher education, these competences are referred to as universal competences, while in public schools – in the list of metasubject learning results. The goal of this work consists in the analysis of experience of assessing general cultural/universal competences of the first-year students (recent high school graduates). Research methodology is comprised of the methods of theoretical analysis of this problem in scientific literature, examination and generalization of the approaches towards assessment of general cultural/universal competences. The novelty of research consists in actualization of the need to assess general cultural/universal competences of first-year students, as well as in justification of application of assessment method with regards to these competences. The conclusion is made that the input assessment allows detecting the level of formation of universal competences, and if necessary, adjusting individual educational routes of the students. In the course of assessment, the students were immersed into project activities for the purpose of revealing the elements of universal competences, as well as learning teamwork, communication skills and critical thinking.
competence-based approach, project-based learning, higher education, assessment center, competence evaluation, key competencies, cooperation, communication, critical thinking, creativity
Innovative methodology and technology
Kashpur, V.V., Gubanov, A.V., Feshchenko, A.V., Izofatova, M.S., Kobenko, A.V. (2020). The relationship between the educational achievements of high school students and their digital footprint in the social network. . Pedagogy and education, 4, 37–51.
The paper examines the relationship between the digital footprint of high school students in the Vkontakte social network with their high formal educational achievements (prizes in All-Russian Olympiads). To do this, using the Vkontakte API, the digital footprint of users is uploaded, a classifier is built to determine whether a student is a prize-winner of the Olympiads, and it turns out which groups of variables (personal characteristics, popularity and novelty of posts on the wall, subscriptions to communities) have the greatest impact on the accuracy of classification. The classification uses user data from the Vkontakte social network of 12,588 graduates of the 11th grade in 2019 and 2020, and machine learning algorithms. As a result of the study, the relationship between the level of educational potential, as a student's ability to win Olympiads, and the subject of content interesting to such students was revealed. 63 Vkontakte communities were also identified as the most significant for the classification of study participants. Among the communities that are more popular with the winners of the Olympiads, there are topics related to science and passing the Unified State Exam, as well as intellectual memes. The subscriptions of "non-Olympians" express the presence of communities with humor and entertainment content. This observation refutes the widespread opinion in the pedagogical community about the negative impact of social networks on the success of schoolchildren's education. The Vkontakte information space contains not only entertainment content, but also information that supports or stimulates cognitive interest and educational motivation.
community, random forest, Vkontakte, digital footprints, machine learning, social network, educational achievements, olympiads, jupiter, big data
Vishlenkova, S.G., Muratkhanova, O.V. (2020). Memoirs of D. S. Hessen as a source for reconstruction of scientific biography of S. I. Hessen . Pedagogy and education, 4, 52–61.
This article reviews the memoirs of D. S. Hessen – Polish journalist, translator and lexicographer, son of a prominent pedagogue and philosopher, active participant in the intellectual life of white émigré S. I. Hessen, as the paramount source for reconstruction of scientific-pedagogical biography of the scholar in the context of pedagogical history of emigration. The authors lean on the traditional methods of historical-pedagogical research, namely biographical, resorting to the techniques of hermeneutical and contextual analysis, and “microhistory”. The importance of D. S. Hessen's memoirs for understanding the general patterns and specific details of scientific-pedagogical life of the “Russian Prague” is emphasized. The relevance of this work is defined by the need for creating a documented pedagogical history of Russian immigrants in Europe, development of new approaches towards analyzing the legacy of prominent representatives of pedagogical thought, search and introduction of archival materials into the scientific discourse, particularly memoirs, epistolary, and personal documents. The conducted research demonstrates that the memoirs of D. S. Hessen are an important source for reconstruction of scientific-pedagogical biography of S. I. Hessen, as they clarify such moments as the Prague period of life of the scholar, outline the circle of person he mostly interacted with, and shed light on certain circumstances of his life and work.
methods of historical and pedagogical research, emigrant literature, reconstruction of biography, intellectual life, scientific biography, archival sources, memories, biographical method, Russian emigration, pedagogy of Russian abroad
Educational interaction
Skorokhodova, S.I. (2020). On the role of national education in formation of identity. Pedagogy and education, 4, 62–74.
The object of this research is national education, viewed on the example of educational system of white émigré during the 1920s – 1940s. The article is dedicated to topical questions of national education related to ideological orientation of pedagogy, role of philosophy and religious education, concept and content of Russian Orthodox pedagogy, relevance of the spiritual heritage of the Slavophiles, etc. The author draws parallels between the post-revolutionary and post-Soviet emigration, determines the origins, objectives and mechanisms that existed within the system of education of Russian refugees during the 1920s – 1940s. The author reveals the fundamental religious and philosophical ideas that underlied the emigrant education. The succession between the philosophical and pedagogical ideas of Slavophiles and Russian thinkers who left Russia after the revolution is demonstrated. The conclusion is made that the educational system of white émigré in the West and the East in the 1920s – 1940s leant on the national traditions and history; it was oriented towards preservation of national identity and historical memory, and associated with the question of survival; it was based on the ideas of Russian religious philosophy, which comprised the ideological framework and included political component. It had impact upon the culture of other nations, and resulted in the fact that many immigrants actively fought against fascists during the Great Patriotic War.
civilizational code of development, Russian identity, historical memory, Russian philosophy, Ipatiev school, religious pedagogy, Orthodox education, Russian emigration, national enlighten, Russian world
Kirzhaeva, V.P., Marinichenko, A.I., Piskunova, A.A. (2020). Pedagogical heritage of the Russian abroad in the studies of E. G. Osovsky. Pedagogy and education, 4, 75–85.
The subject of the research is the works of the outstanding Russian historian of education, corresponding member of the RAO E.G. Osovsky (1930-2004), devoted to the study of school, education and pedagogical thought of the Russian abroad. The article outlines the reasons for the scientist's choice of a new pedagogical topic at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, identifies the research approaches and problem fields implemented by him, and offers an analysis of the most important works. The comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon of pedagogical emigration presented in the scientist's works opened up opportunities for subsequent generations of researchers to build a holistic picture of the formation and development of schools, education and pedagogical thought in foreign Russia. The authors present the main directions of the scientist's research, the characteristics of their influence on the development of modern historical and pedagogical science and its prospects, which determines the relevance of the article. The wide coverage of sources, the accounting of materials from the personal archive of the scientist, the involvement of works from inaccessible publications and the introduction of the entire complex of materials into scientific circulation determine the scientific novelty of the article. The implementation of such an approach, which is based on a complex combination of traditional methods of historical and pedagogical science and new methods of analysis (hermeneutical, contextual, microhistoric), provides the necessary interdisciplinarity and allows us to talk about the productivity of its application in the study of the heritage of outstanding Russian teachers.
Yefim Osovsky, Sergey Gessen, scientific and pedagogical biography, historical and pedagogical research, pedagogical emigration, russian foreign school, pedagogy of the Russian abroad, archives, educational publications of emigration, epistolary
Mikhailova, T.A., Gabrielyan, Y.S. (2020). Formation of readiness for employment among university students. Pedagogy and education, 4, 86–95.
The article is devoted to one of the urgent problems of modern society – the employment of graduates of higher educational institutions and the reduction of unemployment among young people. Thus, the object of the study is readiness for employment, the subject of the study is the process of formation of readiness for employment among students in the conditions of a higher professional educational institution. In the course of the study, the main reasons for the lack of employment of university graduates were identified and described. The article reveals the concept of "readiness for employment among students", describes the components of readiness that affect the independent solution of practical tasks in job search and employment. Special attention is paid to theoretical aspects in the formation of readiness for employment, the importance of organizing special conditions at the university aimed at forming students' readiness for employment in the process of obtaining professional education as an integral part of professional training of a specialist is separately shown.  The novelty of this study consists in describing the essence of the concept of "formation of readiness for employment among students", determining the reasons for the lack of employment of graduates, substantiating the conditions for the formation of readiness for employment. In the course of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce an optional course "The Art of Employment" for senior students, which contains an algorithm for organizing and implementing the stages of forming students' readiness for employment. The revealed relationship between the use of this course and the formation of a competent, competitive graduate who is able to independently solve practical problems when looking for work and further employment has been confirmed in the course of experimental work. The article is of interest to managers, teachers and employees of employment departments of higher educational institutions, employees of employment centers and representatives of non-profit organizations.
competitiveness, professional activity, specialization, labor activity, unemployment, young people, readiness for employment, employment, busyness, competence
Rudakova, A.A., Zaitseva, A.S. (2020). Peculiarities of improvement of the national system of education quality assessment in the conditions of implementation of the curriculum of public secondary education integrated with the curriculum of professional training . Pedagogy and education, 4, 96–105.
This article thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as determination of new trends and approaches towards ensuring systematicity and comprehensiveness of functionality of the national system of education quality assessment; effective managerial decision-making via development and implementation of the local normative acts under the authority of educational institution with regards to education quality control. In the conditions of establishment of the unified system of education quality assessment in the Russian education and limitations of resources (organizational, personnel, methodological, normative, motivational, etc.), the heads of educational institution are aware of the need and importance of improvement of the national system of education quality assessment . This article examines the key stages in improvement of the national system of education quality assessment in the context of implementation of curriculum of public secondary education integrated with the curriculum of professional training on the disciplines “Horticulturist”. The novelty of this research consists in the fact that systematic gathering and analysis of information on the content, students’ performance, and conditions for implementation of the curriculum of public secondary education integrated with the curriculum of professional training on the profession “Horticulturist”, with subsequent determination of the problems, contributed to the making effective management decisions aimed at elimination of the “problem areas”. The expected result of improvement of the model of national system of education quality assessment consists in quality improvement of the public general education. The authors’ special contribution into the research of this topic lies in obtainment of practical results in the course of implementation of the improved model of the national system of education quality assessment on the level of administration, bodies of state administration, pedagogical personnel of the educational institution.
secondary general education, working profession, professional education, innovation in education, project management, assessment of the quality of education, management decisions, Internship, Professional competencies, VSOKO model
Person and personal development
Kozilova, L.V. (2020). Professional self-development of a teacher of a pedagogical university in the conditions of transformation of the educational environment. Pedagogy and education, 4, 106–121.
The article examines the problems of self-development of teachers in the conditions of transformation of the modern educational environment, which are associated with the need to identify conditions that promote or hinder professional self-realization. The transformation of the educational environment of the university actualizes the processes of goal-setting and the possibility of planning the formation of the teacher's personality. The object of the research is the process of professional self-development of a teacher of a pedagogical university in the conditions of transformation of the educational environment. The subject of the study is the main characteristics of goal-setting in the structure of planning for the professional future of a teacher in the conditions of transformation of the educational environment. The evaluation levels (low, medium, high) of goal-setting for the professional and pedagogical self-development of a teacher of a pedagogical university are determined, taking into account the importance of its structural components, that is, indicators (awareness of the need for professional and pedagogical self-development, strategic planning, concreteness of goal-setting, etc.). The assessment of levels was carried out taking into account indicators in its structure (dyads), which they are logically interrelated and reflect the professional and pedagogical self-development of a university teacher. The overall self-development potential of teachers of a pedagogical university is enhanced by such semantic modalities as flexibility in achieving goals and creativity in planning their professional future. Within the framework of the study, the most significant determinants of goal-setting have been identified, which predetermine the need for professional and pedagogical self-development of a teacher of a pedagogical university, focused on assessing the prospects for planning the development of personnel of educational organizations. The novelty of the research lies in the need to identify the main characteristics of goal-setting in the structure of planning a professional future teacher, taking into account the need for his professional and pedagogical self-development and transformation of the modern educational environment. It was found that among teachers of pedagogical universities, 65% of respondents noted that they pay attention to professional and pedagogical self-development only if the requirements of the university management are met; 35% of respondents expressed a desire and willingness to develop themselves both in the field of the pedagogical profession and beyond.
transformation of the educational environment, creativity of planning, flexibility, modern educational environment, professional and pedagogical self-development, self-development of a teacher, ability to self-organize, goal setting, teacher's self-development strategy, potential of teachers' self-development
Vasyuk, A.G. (2020). Social work for adaptation of the military personnel: essence, functions, and techniques. Pedagogy and education, 4, 122–131.
The subject of this research is the social work with military personnel, while the object is the socio-psychological adaptation of young soldiers. This article demonstrates the problems of adaptation of military personnel to the conditions of army. Special attention is given to socio-psychological problems of adaptation of the participants of military operations, which should be solved on the state level, as well as to the development of new social policy with regards for military personnel and their families. It is underlined that is an immensely serious, psychologically difficult process that requires scientific approaches, high level of competence of the persons performing such activity, and elaboration of the new normative legal framework that can meet the demands for their professional training. Taking into account the key aspects and techniques of social work on adaptation of military personnel, theoretical and methodological research on the topic, the author comes to the conclusion that a wide range of activities requires better professional training of the people involved, and it should be provided in the higher education institutions with the specialization in “Social Work”. Such activity should be conducted on the state level, as it implies the development of a new normative legal framework that regulates the introduction of social services into military units, as well as the organization of training of military personnel within the system of education of social workers that incorporates research and implementation of new social work techniques with regards to military personnel.
education, legal framework, rehabilitation, technologies of social work, stages of social work, social work, participant of operations, combat action, military, adaptation
Modern strategies and forms of education
Miroshin, D.G., Shterenzon, V.A., Bliznik, M.G., Kurennov, D.V. (2020). Organization of online courses of technological design in the conditions of tripartite social partnership . Pedagogy and education, 4, 132–148.
The object of this research is the process of organization and implementation of technological training of college and university students in studying educational modules and professional modules in the conditions of tripartite social partnership, such as college–university–enterprise, organized as online courses. The subject of this research is the remote teaching technique for students in the context of elaboration of technological processes for manufacturing machine parts. The author examines such important aspect of the topic as the variants of planning educational space within the framework of tripartite social partnership with the integration of actual projects and modeling of professional activity of the specialist in students’ project-based activity. The article reviews the step-by-step procedure of implementation of project-based learning technique in the course of technological training of university and college students, oriented towards formation of professional competences and job functions of professional standards. The results of pedagogical experiment on the formation of technological competences in the course of implementation of project-based learning in the specifically arranged educational space are presented. The scientific novelty consists in implementation of project-based learning technologies in the conditions of quasi-professional activity in fulfillment of actual production projects by the college and university students. The author’s special contribution consists in the development of algorithm for joint implementation of project-based learning technique for training college and university students in the profession-oriented educational space. The main conclusions lie in substantiation of high pedagogical effectiveness of the planned project-based learning in terms of social partnership between the college–university–enterprise that reconstructs profession-oriented educational space.
basic enterprise, technical school, educational space, technological project, labor functions, professional competencies, Project training technology, Project structure, Distance learning, experimental testing
Modern strategies and forms of education
Polyakov , E.A., Rumyantsev , N.N., Titov , A.E., Kuraeva , A.A. (2020). Obtainment of a military profession among the conscripted military personnel: basic channels. Pedagogy and education, 4, 149–160.
The object of this research is the military-professional orientation of military personnel as a trend in the development of human resource potential of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The subject of this research is the military-professional orientation of the conscripted military servicemen in the system of military-political work of a military unit. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the peculiarities of military-professional orientation of conscripts and the pedagogical system designated for ensuring the development of human resource potential of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation through enlistment recruits with a strong military-professional orientation. Special attention is given to the fact that collective and individual forms of work, personality development processes within the pedagogical system are profoundly individual, so are the needs of professional self-determination. The main conclusions consist in formulation of measures for ensuring an adequate choice of channel for obtaining military profession by each military serviceman, as well as maximally improved preparation for the fulfillment of their professional plans. In solution of this problem, the necessary individualization of military-professional orientation of the conscripts is achieved. The author's special contribution consists in the description of the key channels for obtaining military profession by the those conscripted by the Armed Forced of the Russian Federation; as well as in substantiation of the task of pedagogical support in selection and fulfillment of the channel for obtaining profession in military professional orientation. The novelty of this research lies in the development of essential and substantive characteristics of military professional orientation based on the relevant trends in development of the theory and practice of professional orientation.
military-professional orientation, Armed forces, channels, formation, process, approach, development, military-political work, conscripts, military professional focus
Modern strategies and forms of education
Rozin, V.M. (2020). Conditions for conceivability of individualization within the new paradigm of education . Pedagogy and education, 4, 161–172.
This article discusses why the traditional pedagogical paradigm of education failed to consider individualization: this was contradicted by the fundamental principles of pedagogy of the XIX century (interpretation of a student as a generalized individual, rather than personality; uniform curriculum, understanding of key goal of education as digestion of knowledge, etc.); these principles were also supported by project of modernity. New paradigm of education should take into account the analogy of phylo- and ontogenesis, in the context of which the author differentiates the culture that includes sociality (phylogenetic plan), and development of the individual in education and culture (ontogenetic plan). At the same time, culture and sociality, should be viewed within the framework of semiotic, activity, and environmental approaches, a detailed characteristic of which is presented. The author distinguishes between the “before-personality” cultures (Ancient World) and “with personalities” cultures (since the Antiquity). The first one did not allow autonomous behavior; while the second, in addition to collective forms of life, initiate private forms driven by “private patterns”. From ontogenetic perspective, the author delineates the three “cultures of life”: the culture of “prama” (childhood), the culture of “personal becoming” (teenage period and adolescence), the culture of “personal enhancement” (adulthood). Three phases of personal becoming are discusses: 1) formation of intersubjective situation, 2) response of an individual to such situation, as a yet unsconsious way of its resolution; 3) comprehension, outlining, action (this phase includes learning). The author introduces an important concept of “evolution of an individual”, which implies spontaneous and conscious changes in personality of a student under the influence of school, family, media (Internet), friends, and reflection. Based on the aforementioned differences and concepts, the author gives characteristics to the sources of individualization, and describes the space it is fulfilled within.
formation, evolution, development, culture, personality, education, individualization, schemes, genesis, sociality
Person and personal development
Vyskochkov, V.S. (2020). Factor model of creative leadership potential in the context of the socio-psychological portrait of junior students majoring in humanities . Pedagogy and education, 4, 173–185.
This article explores the creative leadership potential among the junior students majoring in humanities. The relevance of studying creative leadership in the era of transfessionalism is substantiated. Description is given to the current state of studying the concept of creative leadership in global science. The author also delineates the survey results on the creative leadership potential of junior students majoring in humanities, which involved 101 students from different universities of Tomsk. The research employed the method of modeling communicative worlds, method of psycho-semantic graph, method of “Myers-Briggs Creative Personality Type”, scalogram-based communicability profile, social network analysis (SNA methodology). The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that modern science features a fairly small number of empirical research dedicated to creative leadership. The acquired data was analyzed using the factor analysis. The main result of this research consists in identification of 10 factors that considerably contribute to the creative leadership potential and form its factor structure. At the forefront of the structure of creative leadership potential among the students majoring in humanities is the positive perception of their partners. It is also concluded that the structure of creative leadership potential is quite complex and contradictory. The obtained results would be used in development of psychological support programs for the students to fulfill their creative leadership potential.
communicative world, stress-trans-formation, transproffessionalism, factor analysis, humanitarian students, junior students, leadership, creative leadership potential, transcommunication, transdisciplinarity
Innovative methodology and technology
Novokhatskaya, O.E. (2020). On the effectiveness of online English courses within the system of extracurricular education . Pedagogy and education, 4, 186–197.
This research aims to understand the teaching trends for the students who chose learning English online, as well as assess the effectiveness of such education. The author considered the innovative technologies and the skills that students acquire using such online methods. An attempt was made to answer the question on the effectiveness of online methods in comparison to the traditional in-class learning, when students interact with each others and the teachers. For accumulation of information the author carried out a survey and in-depth interviews with the respondents from various institutes and research centers that are located in Moscow. The scientific novelty consists in proving that online education is the most promising type of learning based on a number of objective factors; its signature features allow prompt effective solution of the problems of continuous education. The work also defines the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of online learning, which is on a par with the traditional form of learning. The conducted research demonstrates that the students who completed their education online will most likely perform on the same level as students who attended the college. The prospects for further scientific pursuits seem to lie in development of an original online scientific methodological complex for teaching English language to adults within the system of extracurricular education.
androgogy, modern technologies, learning, english, teaching adults, effectiveness, foreign language, online learning, e-learning, test control
Monograph peer reviews
Ostapenko, A.A. (2020). The model of full-time school: Ukrainian variant. Pedagogy and education, 4, 198–209.
This peer review analyzes the monograph published in Ukraine by Professors N. P. Lebedik and V. F. Morgun “The creation of full-time hub school as an educational complex". The work continues the traditions of the graduates of Poltava School of Pedagogy A. S. Makarenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, I. A. Zyazyun. The book offers the original variant of the model of an educational complex “A Full-time Boarding School”, and describes the normative legal, organizational-methodological and diagnostic approaches towards creation of such schools. The book is characterized by elaboration of all aspects of the school life: from detailed description of schedule to the options of school menu. The novelty of the proposed model consists in the following: a) the original unchangeable schedule of classes for the school day; b) nonstandard variants of organization of extended activities; c) models of combining different types of educational institutions; d) authorial outlook upon the arrangement of pedagogical activity in the cognate pedagogical systems. Particular attention deserves the proposed comprehensive diagnostics of social maturity of students as the integral indicator of school performance. Special place is held by description of the original health-saving invention of one of the authors – anti-scoliosis desk for either sedentary or standing work.
diagnostics of social maturity, the schedule calls, additional education, general secondary education, educational complex, full-time school, school production, methodological work of teachers, educational system, boarding school