Historicism as a principle
Vishlenkova, S.G., Marinichenko, A.I. (2020). Capabilities of biographical approach in historical-pedagogical examination of the heritage of white émigré. Pedagogy and education, 3, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33493
This article is dedicated to the analysis of specificity of using biographical approach in studying the heritage of such prominent representatives of white émigré of the XX century as P. M. Bitsilli, N. A. Hans and S. I. Gessen. The subject of this research is the possibility of using biographical approach in the process of examination of pedagogical thought and education of the white émigré. In the course of analysis of works of the recent years, the authors trace the efficiency of such approach in historical-pedagogical research. The object of this article is the books devoted to as P. M. Bitsilli, N. A. Hans and S. I. Gessen that were published in 2018 – 2000s and represent biographical or theoretical research with a strong biographical component. Leaning on the principles of Interdisciplinarity and complex analysis of scientific and historical-educational process, the biographical method is recognized as fundamental for studying educational space of the white émigré and pedagogical heritage of its representatives. The presented overview of publications allows getting a new perspective on scientific potential of biographical approach personalization of pedagogical history of white émigré, and charting the course for further examination of this phenomenon.
typological analysis, personalization, biographical method, interdisciplinary approach, pedagogical biography, pedagogy of the Russian diaspora, Russian emigration, intellectual history of Russia, biographical component, historical and biographical research
Zakharova, O.V., Suvorova, L.G., Zakharov, A.V. (2020). Features of environmental non-formal education . Pedagogy and education, 3, 10–28. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33617
The purpose of the article is to identify the most significant characteristics of the environmental educational program from the point of view of visitors and experts. The object of the study is informal environmental education, and the subject is the program of informal environmental education implemented at the ethnographic camp "Uvăs Mir Hot" (House of Northern People). Special attention is paid to the substantive and formal characteristics of the program under study. The authors' contribution to the research of the topic is to highlight the characteristics of the program that effectively affect visitors and change their attitude to the environment. At the first stage, the analysis of theoretical studies devoted to modern environmental education was carried out and basic characteristics were identified. At the second stage, the content and formal characteristics of the educational program are analyzed. At the third stage, three types of reviews were analyzed, which made it possible to identify the most effective characteristics of the educational program. The novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive research method involving the analysis of several types of reviews to determine the most effective characteristics of the educational program, as well as in the description of the unique platform on which the program is implemented. The theoretical significance of the study is related to the search for an optimal set of meaningful and formal characteristics of educational programs that form responsible environmental behavior. It is concluded that environmental education is impossible in the old educational paradigm, therefore, a variant of informal additional environmental education based on the wisdom of indigenous peoples and containing elements inherent in modern environmental education is proposed. However, a number of characteristics need further refinement. The content characteristics were not reflected in the reviews, although the formal characteristics of environmental education are recorded (emotional and aesthetic impact, informal nature, involvement in the issues discussed, the playful nature of the events). The analysis of the expertise carried out by specialist teachers shows the presence of almost all the characteristics of the educational program. The results of the study can be used to improve the program under consideration, and environmental education programs in general.
the wisdom of indigenous peoples, interactivity, the content of environmental education, ethnographic camp, environmental values, culture of the peoples of the north, forms of environmental education, non-profit organizations, informal environmental education, environmental crisis
Pesha, A.V., Evplova, E.V. (2020). Supra-professional competences of pedagogues of the XXI century . Pedagogy and education, 3, 29–46. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33247
Digitalization and advancement of knowledge economy, formation and proliferation of the new technological didactics based on the didactic tetrahedron, lead to requirements changes in the development of pedagogical competencies. These trends influence the selection of the topic of research aimed at studying the relevance of formation of supra-professional competencies of future pedagogues. The goal of this work consists in carrying out an empirical study, based on the content analysis of previous research, of the opinions of students of pedagogical universities on the importance of self-evaluation and evaluation of opportunities for the development of supra-professional competencies essential for the pedagogues of the XXI century. The online survey involved 150 students from three pedagogical universities – Ural State Pedagogical University, South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, and Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. The article presents an original definition of the concept of “supra-professional competence”, as well as makes an overview of national and foreign literature on the matter. The authors revealed the results of pilot study conducted among students of the aforementioned pedagogical universities. As a result of the research, based on the collected opinions of the students of 7 fields of study in two perspectives – self-evaluation of the level of development of students’ competencies and assessment of the importance of competences on the job market. The acquired results of assessment of opportunities for the development of supra-professional competences testify to the fact that there is room for improvement of educational process.
teacher, supra-professional competencies, soft-skills, competence, development, didactic tetrahedron, higher education, student, competencies of XXI century, digital economy
Yu, Y. (2020). Theoretical foundations of actors training in Chinese theatrical schools. Pedagogy and education, 3, 47–53. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33386
This article is dedicated to the work with students in Russian and Chinese theatrical schools, which is structured on the elements of acting techniques determined by the “Stanislavsky system” as the leading theoretical foundation in the training of novice actors. It is noted the assisting methods in the process of actors training is the methods and approaches towards drama training applied by Vsevolod Meyerhold and Nikolai Demidov. Leaning on the national and foreign experiments, the professors are guided by personal long-term artistic experience and theory of acting art, trying to make this course on the basis of substantial scientific theory and practice. The author claims that actors training in China leans on the Meyerhold system, with focus on development of self-control, control over body, voice and emotions, orientation towards manipulation of the character, coupled with random body movements as the basis. Professional acting technique training in Chinese theatrical schools is founded on the basic knowledge of professional skills for improving the laws of physical body movement, emotional control, cognition and interpretation of the character.
tennis balls, possibility, training actors, Stanislavsky system, Eugene Lepkowska, theoretical and practical, theater schools in China, Sensation training, self-instruction, self-education
Developing pedagogical technologies
Sadykova, E.F., Miryugina, T.A. (2020). Peculiarities of organization of educational environmental geocaching for the students of public schools. Pedagogy and education, 3, 54–62. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33625
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of organization of educational environmental geocaching for the public school students. Current a relevant trend in development of modern education is the model of open, informal education. Educational geocaching is one of the forms of organization of work with the students of informal education. Special attention is given to achievement of goals of environmental education using the activity approach. The authors believe that the students’ knowledge of environmental situation should be obtained through their involvement and nonstandard forms of interaction. As an example, the article explores the experience of elaboration and implementation of the city project “Environmental Geocaching” for the students of Tobolsk public schools. The author reviews the key stages of the game: purpose, form, brief content of training the planners and participants, examples of tasks on the example of ecological station, etc. It is believed that in the course of such events, the students learn to value the environment and its preservationt; direct participation of students at all stages of the game is a strong motivator for cognitive activity, which prompts the solutions for developmental and pedagogical tasks of environmental education. The provided methodical recommendations can be applied by the teachers in elaboration of materials for such events.
activity approach, methods of teaching ecology, environmental educational geocaching, geocaching in education, geocaching, environmental education, open education, informal education, learner, interactive game
Developing pedagogical technologies
Ermakov, D.S. (2020). Application of the “World Café” methodology in pedagogical research . Pedagogy and education, 3, 63–73. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33694
Recent transformations in pedagogical theory and practice arouse interest in innovative methods. The developed in the late XX century methodology of conducting an informal focused discourse “World Café” can be applied for solution of complex issues, integration of opinions of the experts in different fields, arrangement of group work, recapitulation, exchange of experience, etc. Currently, this technique enjoys popularity worldwide. The subject of this research is the history of creation, functional capabilities and peculiarities of application of the “World Café” methodology in pedagogical research. The article presents a brief overview of on the history of its emergence. The fundamental principles and rules of its implementation are outlined. The article reveals the peculiarities of application of “World Café” in scientific-pedagogical purposes as a qualitative method of research of socio-constructivist direction, which facilitates the dialogue, opens access to knowledge and opinions of broad range of participants, advances mutual learning, as well as serves as the source of valuable information. The author analyzed Russian and foreign examples of application of “World Café” methodology for resolving the indicated issues. The article describes the characteristics of this method in comparison with such methods of obtaining quality information as individual interviews and focus groups. Comparative merits and flaws are identified.
focus group, interview, comparison, data, discussion, rules, World cafe, methods, research, pedagogy
Philosophy and pedagogy
Rozin, V.M. (2020). Understanding of cultural-semiotic environment in the tutor’s concept of education . Pedagogy and education, 3, 74–87. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33526
This article attempts to build a discourse of cultural-semiotic environment for the tutor's concept of education. In order to achieve the set task, analysis is conducted on the case from educational practice, including the author's, pertaining to discovery of a drawn image by a child. In the process of such discovery, the author differentiated three phases: formation of problematic situation, its resolution through drawing a scheme, and learning the reality with secondary objects. This material is interpreted within the framework of a new extended semiotic approach, which includes semiotics not only signs and sign systems, but also schemes, icons, symbols, and works of art. The article discusses the cultural-semiotic environment, which stimulates mental development of a young person, and in addition to semiotic means, features communication, resolution of problematic situation, and ascertainment of the structured explanation by results of the entire process. The author analyzes position of a tutor as a fundamentally different from educational position of the pedagogy of formation. The author also offers a semiotic version of the genesis of culture, in which he distinguishes three different formats ‒ actual semiotic, social, and anthropological, which impacts the formation of personality. In conclusion, the article presents a description of current situation in culture and education, as well as thoughts on the role and objectives of the tutor movement thereof.
personality, culture, reality, schemes, semiotic approach, environment, education, tutor, individual, subject
Suvorova, N.N., Novikova, T.A. (2020). The development of active thinking in the process of teaching language disciplines. Pedagogy and education, 3, 88–96. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33270
The subject of this research is the formation of skills of the architecture of speech that corresponds to the norms of the Russian literary language among students majoring nonlinguistic specialties. The object of this research is the process of teaching language subjects using the “crib notes” method. The goal consist in testing the effectiveness of such teaching method. Methodological substantiation of the methods of pedagogical research consists in the activity, personal and systemic approaches. Methods of pedagogical research contain empirical (study and generalization of pedagogical experience, analysis of students’ performance, observation, conversation), data processing methods (mathematical, statistical). A pedagogical experiment was conducted as method of studying the pedagogical process in the modified and accurately considered conditions. The described in the article “crib notes” method applicable to studying language disciplines not only structures the knowledge, but also helps the students to memorize easily reproduce the learnt material, develops creative abilities of future engineers, even in the area of cognition and development of literary and formalized speech architecting skills. The scientific novelty consists in combination of language material and the competences of future engineers to present information in the form of diagrams, tables, and systems. This allows employing this method in studying not only the selected language topics, but entire disciplines as well.
symbols, circuitry, language of the discipline, cheat sheet method, pedagogical experiment, method, teaching, pedagogy, analysis, rules of the language
Individual approach in education
Nikulova, G.A., Bobrova, L.N. (2020). Gender aspects of manifestation of teaching styles on the background of digitalization of education . Pedagogy and education, 3, 97–111. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33338
The object of this research is the process of transformation of individual characteristics and preferences of the participants of educational process in the conditions of Informatization of education. The subject of this research is the gender-stylistic peculiarities of students and pedagogues in the context of digitalization. Analysis is conducted on the gender aspects of educational process and gender differentiation trends. Special attention is given to the role of information technologies in achieving gender equality and importance of considering students’ stylistic orientation. The goal of this work is to determine the presence of gender differences and stylistic preferences of educational process participants within the framework of its Informatization and digitalization for development of ways of for considering individual preferences in organization and formation of learning environment. The stylistic profile of respondents was defined in accordance with the model of D. Kolb based on methodology of P. Honey and A. Mumford, adapted by the authors of the article. It included the questions specifying the stylistic orientation of students and pedagogues towards IT sphere. For quantitative assessment of manifestation of teaching styles was applied the method of semantic differential, which allows expressing the degree of agreement/disagreement with the proposed statement. The obtained data give a perspective on the peculiarities of formedness of stylistic preferences in acquisition of knowledge among the pedagogues and students on a gender basis. The more distinct gender differences in the teaching styles are revealed among the pedagogues, and their leveling is noticed among young generation. The dominant teaching styles for the majority of respondents became the ones of theoretical orientation (thinking and theoretical), which can be attributed to the impact of being engaged in IT sphere. The acquired results underline the need to draw attention to the absence of organic development of teaching styles of the students and allow determining further vectors of research – a comparative analysis of stylistic orientation of the participants of educational process based on age indicators.
digitalization, digital equality, gender-style aspects, individual approach, informatization of educational process, learning style profile, learning styles, style features, gender differences, smoothing style differences