Person and personal development
Brutskaia, K. (2020). Peculiarities of life path perception by older people experienced gerontological abuse. Pedagogy and education, 2, 1–14.
This work is aimed at determination of peculiarities of life path perception by older people who have experienced gerontological abuse. One of the methods of studying personality lies in consideration of the uniqueness of a life path. Therefore, within the framework of this research the author examines the following indicators of event-meaningful structure of a life path: productivity of reproduction of life events; efficiency of reproduction of the events of various level of subjective significance; average time of retrospection and anticipation; frequency of occurrence of different types of life events.. For identification of the peculiarities of life path perception was used the method of “Psychological autobiography” of E. Y. Korzhova, questionnaire of P. V. Puchkov aimed at detection of gerontological abuse. The study involved 277 respondents: 204 persons who have experienced gerontological abuse, and 73 persons without such experience. The specificities of subjective picture of a life path among older people who have gone through gerontological abuse are defined by narrowness of meaningful experiences in reproducing images of the life path, weak differentiation of events, retrospection of events into the past, close mind with regards to building the future. Prevalence of the types of life events associated with personality and psychological changes and transformations of social environment, which psychological content suggests that emotional states, as the important indicator for satisfaction of needs, can become the regulators of behavior of older people who experienced gerontological abuse, unlike older people with no such experience, whose personality and psychological events are related with realization of particular goals.
quality of life, anticipation, retrospection, life event, autobiography, life path, older people, gerontological violence, social environment, experiences
Ways of upbringing
Kubyshkina, M.L., Kazakova, E.V., Konopleva, V.A. (2020). Development of agency traits in adolescents who are on record with their school and the Minors Affairs Department. Pedagogy and education, 2, 15–29.
The problems of minors with juvenile record often pertain to the weakness of their agency. The subject of this research is determination of the agency traits, which are weakest among adolescents who are on record with their school and the Minors Affairs Department, as well as elaboration and scientific substantiation of program for their development. The program developed by the authors can serve as the active means for increasing agency among adolescents with juvenile record. The research included 99 adolescents, 50 of which are currently on record. To measure the agency traits of individuals, the study employed psychodiagnostic questionnaires. Comparison between adolescents with record and those of good social standing revealed their agency traits that require development: mediacy, activeness, autonomy, creativity, responsibility, self-respect and self-esteem, characteristics of self-organization in activity (goal-setting, planning, self-control), qualities of social and communication competence. The program was tested using experimental plan with a control group, as well as measurement before and after exposure. The results yielded statistical confirmation of the effectiveness of all six parts of the program: 1) self-cognition; 2) social competence; 3) self-organization; 4) realization of one’s self in the context of activity, selection of goals, decisions and elimination of contradictions; 5) moral consciousness as an ability to exercise moral choices; 6) realization of one’s self in the context of life, development of awareness and responsibility.
register in the juvenile division, the school register, troubled adolescent, social competence of an adolescent, development of agency characteristics, an agency characteristic of a personality, agency in adolescents, adolescents, personal subjectivity development, self-organization
Innovative methodology and technology
Unarova, V.Y. (2020). The formation of metalanguage skills among bilingual elementary schoolers as a linguodidactic strategy of teaching three languages . Pedagogy and education, 2, 30–40.
The subject of this research is the method of formation of metalanguage skills among the bilingual elementary schoolers by means of the native (ethnic), Russian and English languages. The object of this research is the process of teaching native (ethnic), Russian and foreign languages in elementary school. Particular attention is given to the examination of prerequisites of formation of metalanguage skills, creation of conceptual grounds and methodology of their formation as a linguodidactic strategy of interconnected teaching of three languages in the conditions of contact bilingualism in the Russian regions. The preliminary survey conducted among the elementary school teachers and teachers of English language demonstrated that they experience certain difficulties in organization of methodical work on implementation of interconnected teaching of languages. For the purpose of development of scientifically substantiated methodology of formation of metalanguage skills and experimental determination of its effectiveness, a comprehensive research was conducted in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and Chuvash Republic, which included surveying teachers and parents, recitation of first graders, written tasks for multilingual and bilingual students of elementary school. The scientific novelty consists in identification of peculiarities of the formation of metalanguage skills among bilingual children, as well as main difficulties associated with learning several languages in elementary school. In accordance with ontolinguistic, psycholinguistic and cognitive approaches, the author develops and substantiates a linguodidactic complex on the interconnected formation of metalanguage skills among bilingual students of elementary schools.
metalanguage abilities, interconnected learning, English, Russian, native language, bilingual children, metalanguage transfer, language guess, transposition, interference
Uvarova, M., Provotorova, E., Rybakova, I. (2020). Teaching Latin medical anatomy terminology in a multilingual group: main difficulties and ways of overcoming them. Pedagogy and education, 2, 41–50.
This article analyzes the methods of teaching Latin medical anatomical terminology in multilingual groups of students, where the language of teaching is Russian. The analysis is carried out on the example of multilingual groups of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), peculiarity of which is joint training of foreign students and students with Russian as a native language. In such groups, it is difficult for the teacher to rely on the native language of the students (there are too many such languages) or on the language of teaching, which is poorly spoken by the foreign part of the group. The common languages spoken in multilingual groups of the Medical Institute of RUDN University are indicated. The main problematic aspects in the study of Latin terminology for both students speaking different foreign languages and for the teacher conducting lessons in a multilingual group are discussed; the methods of overcoming these problematic aspects are suggested. The relevance of this problematic is substantiated by the increasing number of multilingual groups in Russian universities, including those where the teaching language is Russian. Our methodological recommendations can be used by teachers for preparation of the program and for development of test materials for multilingual groups.
foreign languages, higher school teaching, Latin grammar, methods of teaching, anatomical terminology, multilingual groups, medical terminology, Latin language, the role of teacher, teaching in Russian
Modern strategies and forms of education
Balygina, E.A., Yarovikova, Y.V., Krukovskaya, O.A. (2020). Communicative-syntactic model of teaching precis writing of English scientific texts in a non-core university. Pedagogy and education, 2, 51–59.
An important condition for the formation of foreign language professional communicative competence is the development of a skill of precis writing. Annotation of scientific texts suggests a strong command to determine communicative and semantic structure of the text. However, this process is complicated by information saturation of a scientific text, which on the level of linguistic interpretation manifests in a high frequency of syntactic constructs with complex communicative and semantic structure. Using the example of one of such structures (sentences with gerundive turn as an adverbial), the author examines the peculiarities of teaching the aspects of precis writing, which are related to the analysis of semantic structure of the text and develop the following skills: the ability to determine communicative significance of thematic sequence that ensure logical-semantic integrity of the text, as well as ability to segment the English sentence considering its syntactic specificities and interaction with semantic structure of the text. The proposed model of teaching of the discursive aspects of precis writing is focused on the necessity to form the skill of integration of knowledge regarding the peculiarities of linguistic interpretation of local and global connectedness of the scientific text for determination of most important elements of its content and further creation of logically organized and connected secondary text.
local coherence, cohesion, communicative structure, discourse competence, thematic progression, discourse approach, foreign language communicative competence, professionally-oriented texts, summarization, teaching foreign language
Effectiveness of training
Smirnova, G.E., Karelina, N.A. (2020). Learning of English language by the area studies students: from the motive to motivation . Pedagogy and education, 2, 60–68.
The subject of this research is the learning of English language by students of the department of Foreign Languages and Area Studies of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University in the context of the basic course curriculum “Foreign Language I (English)”. The object of this research is the motives for learning English language and their impact upon motivation in the educational process. Based on results of survey carried out among students, analysis is conducted on the motives for learning English language and their transformation during the educational process. The acquire data present new relevant information that allows determining the forms of motivation contributing to successful acquisition of the curriculum, formation of professional and general cultural competencies of students, and improvement of educational process. The conclusion is made on the prevalence in students of inner motive for learning aimed at development of communication skills and overcoming language barrier. Implementation of classes in form of discussions into the educational process enhances positive motivation, and involvement of the specifically developed textbooks contribute to successful learning of foreign language within the framework of educational standard.
discussion forms of activities in class, internal learning motive, student survey results, learning activities, Regional Studies Department students, learning English, motivation, motive, development of communication skills, overcoming language barrier
Spiritual and moral search
Kameneva, O.L. (2020). Virtue of temperance (self-restraint) as the foundation of moral culture in Orthodox pedagogy . Pedagogy and education, 2, 69–85.
The subject of this research is the traditional moral value and virtue – temperance (self-restraint), which is examined in this research as the foundation of moral culture in Orthodox pedagogy. This topic is relevant in the modern era of post-modernism, where perceptions of good and evil are being diluted, forming a eudaimonic type of culture (from the Greek: εὐδαιμονία [eu̯dai̯moníaː] meaning happiness), striving for indulgence and consumption. Its fruits are often the extreme forms of excess and various types of addictions, which destroy the health and lives of young generation. Eudaimonic type of culture is counterpoised by soteriological (from the Greek: σωτηρία sōtēria meaning salvation), based on the idea of salvation of human soul, dominant of eternal moral values and virtues, and their priority over material values. The novelty of this research consists in the practically oriented nature of lessons, aimed at growing in virtues of children and their parents, as well as determination of diagnostic tools and levels of achievement of the virtue of temperance among the course participants. Based on the monitoring of the program (October – November of 2019, with participation of 65 school students and 17 parents), a conclusion is made on the high level of correlation between temperance of the Sunday school students and their parents, and direct impact of parental example upon formation of moral culture in a child.
good example, addition, parents, good thoughts, traditional values, abstinence, virtue, moral, virtual world, moral culture
Grebennikova, V.M., Leus, O.V. (2020). Qualimetric monitoring of professional competences of a teacher in the conditions of digitalization of education: problems and solutions . Pedagogy and education, 2, 86–95.
This article is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 19-013-00163 À “Methodology and Technology of Socio-Pedagogical Research of Family as a Subject of Creation of Individual Educational Trajectory of a Child”). The author examines the problem of monitoring of professional competences of a teacher in the conditions of digital environment. The authors propose a new technique for development of a method for assessing professional competences of a teacher based on latent variables theory, where private criteria manifest as integral with regards to indexes and indicators of professional competencies of a teacher. Qualimetric monitoring of professional competences contributes to the growth of personal growth of a teacher and improvement of the quality of his work in digital environment. The authors outline the scientific basis for qualimetric monitoring of professional competences of a teacher using the RUUM 2020 software (Rasch Unidimensional Measurement Models). The suggested approach proves that in the school digital environment can be resolved the issue of accessibility and automation of assessing professional competences of a teachers, apply Qualimetric monitoring for motivation of personal growth and self-improvement of a teacher. The new approach allows presenting the qualitative indicators in quantitative dimension. Such solution of the problem corresponds to the current level of requirements of digital environment for monitoring and scientific organization aimed at improvement of teacher’s competences.
teacher self-improvement, teacher self-development, automation of teacher, teacher's professional skills, latent variable theory, RUUM, qualimetric monitoring, teacher portfolio, digital environment, school digital environment
Kozilova, L.V. (2020). Cognitive dissonance among students in the conditions of online communications of modern educational environment. Pedagogy and education, 2, 96–106.
The subject of this research is the educational environment of a pedagogical university, in the conditions of which the educational process is realized through online communications and characterized by the presence of phenomena of cognitive dissonance within the system of intersubjective relations. The authors views the features and assessments of discomfort of cognitive dissonance impeding students’ inclusion into the educational process. The assessments of cognitive dissonance are analyzed depending on its causes among the students of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree. Attention is paid to perception of cognitive dissonance by the students as a lack of freedom of choice of the individual communication strategies, which on the subjective level is accompanied by feeling of indifference to the need for fulfilling the set assignments. The main conclusion consists in the thesis that the shift of pedagogical paradigm is accompanied by the phenomena of cognitive dissonance depending on its causes among the Bachelor’s students mostly relate to the absence of interest to online communications, inertness of feedback, and failure to understand the logic of the communication process itself. Among the Master’s Degree students there were no evidence of cognitive dissonance of any critical quantitative values. In quantitative regards, all of these indicators were below average, except such factors as the lack of freedom in selection of individual communication strategies. The scientific novelty consist in identification of the key characteristics and assessments of discomfort of cognitive dissonance impeding students’ inclusion into the educational process of modern educational environment.
intersubject communications, causes of cognitive dissonance, assessment of cognitive discomfort, characteristics of cognitive dissonance, cognitive dissonance, dynamics of the educational environment, modern educational environment, educational process, online communications, the formulation of educational tasks
Modern strategies and forms of education
Ostrovskaya, I.E., Mukhina, D.V., Dyakov, I.I. (2020). Theoretical approaches towards determination of entrepreneurial potential of university students. Pedagogy and education, 2, 107–116.
Currently the development of entrepreneurial potential of the youth becomes a priority of socioeconomic policy of the country, as well as a strategic vector in modern higher education. The subject of this research is the essence, content and specificity of entrepreneurial potential of university students. The goal consists in the development of theoretical approaches towards determination and clarification of the concept of entrepreneurial potential of students within the system of higher education. Research methodology is based on the systemic, competence, and subject-activity approach, as well as included the methods of theoretical analysis and summarization of the results of scientific research. The authors examine different approaches towards determination of the essence and content of the concepts “entrepreneurial potential” and “entrepreneurial potential of an individual”. A conclusion is made that under the current circumstances the concept of “entrepreneurial potential of a student”, which would reflect the peculiarities of student as a carrier of entrepreneurial potential, does not exist. Being a subject of educational activity, student is engaged in the process of formation of the own entrepreneurial potential. This defined the need to view student’s entrepreneurial potential inseparably from organizational-pedagogical conditions of the process of its formation as educational. The authors present an original definition of the concept of “entrepreneurial potential of a student” with consideration of the determined peculiarities, which can be used for the development of students’ entrepreneurial potential within the system of higher education.
organizational and pedagogical conditions, entrepreneurial potential, personal qualities, personal potential, educational process, student, higher education, entrepreneurial activity, competencies, potential
Monograph peer reviews
Ostapenko, A.A. (2020). History of development of pedagogical skill in Russia: an outside perspective. Pedagogy and education, 2, 117–125.
This peer review analyzes a monograph “Pedagogical Skill in Russia: history, theory, practice (mid XVIII – XX centuries” by L. A. Milto published in Ukrainian language in Kiev (2008). The goal of peer review lies in familiarization of the Russian language experts in the area of history of education and national pedagogical thought with a new perspective upon the development of pedagogical practice in Russia for the period of two and a half centuries. Modesty of the edition (300 printed copies) and language of publication makes the book virtually unreachable for the Russian audience. The review of the presented monograph is carried out in the context of retrospective analysis of the entire Ukrainian scientific school of pedagogical art. It is underlined that this research represents a worthy development of ideas of the academician I. A. Zazyun. Novelty of the monograph consists in viewing the evolution of Russian education in the aspect of determination of pedagogical findings, approaches of pedagogical art of school teachers and university pedagogues. Of special relevance is the analysis of memoir literature on the lecturing skill of the prominent Russian professors of the XIX century and pedagogical activity of theatrical pedagogues, stage directors and actors of the early XX century. L. A. Milto’s monograph greatly contributes to the history of development of the national pedagogy.
scientific school of Zyazyun, and pedagogical analysis, pedagogical creativity, pedagogical skill, pedagogical education, future teacher, teacher, periodization, practice of russian education, professor Milto