Innovative methodology and technology
Burtseva, E.V., Chepak, O., Kulikova, O. (2020). Some results of studying the impact of digital technologies upon learning activities. Pedagogy and education, 1, 1–14.
The subject of this research is the implementation of digital technologies in educational process of a university. The goal consists in studying the impact of digital technologies upon the students’ learning activities. The article presents the results of questionnaire-based survey among students by the three question pools. In the course of research, the author examines such aspects of the problem, as the positive and negative impact of technologies upon learning activities of the students of digital generation. Particular attention is given to consideration of students’ attitude on digitalization of higher education. The opinions of pedagogues on the results of conducted research are presented. The scientific novelty lies in mainstreaming the question on the negative impact of digital technologies upon learning activities of the modern generation of students that deserves special attention. On the background of common passion of the scholars of researchers and pedagogues for the ideas of digitalization of education, when digital technologies are viewed as virtually the key factor for modernization of educational process; second come the problems of growing pathological dependence of youth on digital technologies, undesired to switch to digitalized educational process to the disadvantage of communication in social networks and pleasant pastime online. The problem of the negative effect of digital technologies on learning activities must be recognized in order to find the ways for its solution.
servey results, negative influence, positive impact, educational process, digital educational environment, learning activities, digital technology, mobile devices, social networks, modernization of education
Modern strategies and forms of education
Guzova, A.V., Savitskaya, N. (2020). The technique for development of lexical competence based on authentic texts on a specialty. Pedagogy and education, 1, 15–26.
The subject of this article is the technique for development of lexical competence based on authentic texts on a specialty on the example of foreign language. The goal consists in systematization and approbation of the techniques for development of lexical competence based on the texts on a specialty in the nonlinguistic educational institution. The process of teaching technical vocabulary is inseparably related to main stages of the work with authentic technical texts. Emphasis is made on the communicative types of tasks contributing to the development of verbal skills and more efficient digestion of specialty vocabulary. An experiment was selected as methodology for this research. The article describes the key aspects of teaching technical foreign language in a nonlinguistic educational institution, as well as reveals the importance of formation of active vocabulary among the students of technical specialties. The novelty lies in systematization of comprehensive approach towards increasing the level of lexical competence among the students of nonlinguistic educational facilities based on authentic texts on a specialty. The application of authentic texts on a specialty for increasing lexical competence would contribute to the improvement of learning process of a foreign language.
means of communication, lexical competence, language training, communicative competence, socio-cultural development, adequacy of translation, professional English, teaching English, special purposes, authentic text
Question at hand
Dyakov, I.I., Asatryan, G.R., Kosienko, R.S. (2020). Implementation of the model of formation of entrepreneurial competences in modern pedagogical education: theoretical and practical aspects. Pedagogy and education, 1, 27–37.
The subject of this research is the formation of entrepreneurial competences of students majoring pedagogy. The goal of this work consists in formulation of theoretical provisions and analysis of organizational-pedagogical conditions for implementation of the model of formation of entrepreneurial competences in educational process of the Ussuriysk branch (School of Pedagogy) of Far Eastern Federal University. The development of entrepreneurial culture of the society currently becomes one of the priority objectives of education as a social institution. In the authors’ opinion, its solution first and foremost lied in the formation of entrepreneurial competences of future pedagogues as the major plank of education system. The research methodology is based on systemic approach and includes the methods of theoretical analysis of the state of problem in scientific literature, studying and generalization of approaches towards building a model for the formation of entrepreneurial competences, and analysis of documentation of educational institutions. The scientific novelty consists in emphasizing the need for the formation of entrepreneurial competences of students majoring pedagogy; proposal of the structural-conceptual model of the educational process and determination of its key organizational-pedagogical conditions; as well as assessment of practical implementation of such model.
organizational and pedagogical conditions, model, formation of entrepreneurial competencies, entrepreneurial competencies, development of entrepreneurship, pedagogical education, the pedagogical process, education, university, youth entrepreneurship
Egorov, S. (2020). Organizational approaches and methods of realization of tasks on preparation of ministers and clergy members. Pedagogy and education, 1, 38–49.
The subject of this research is the current practice of the Russian evangelical congregations and associations in the area of realization of tasks on preparation of ministers and clergy members. Such activity is held within the congregations, jointly with secular universities, as well as on the premises of theological educational establishments. Wide range of options on the one hand opens opportunities for decision-making for the leaders of congregations, but on the other, substantiates restrictions and risks with regards to the quality of preparation, as well as from the perspective of applicability of particular legislative norms to the corresponding practice. As the basic approach towards solution of research tasks, the author selected the so-called methodology of soft system, which is one of the varieties of systemic analysis. This methodological direction allows reconstructing and comparing normative statutes and relevant practice within the area under consideration. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the variety of practices of preparation of ministers and clergy members within the framework of Russian evangelical churches using the resources of systemic analysis. The author was able to systematize the indicated practices, as well as determine their key characteristics necessary for making efficient administrative decisions by the leaders of congregations and educational establishments. The acquired results are also important for the development of Russian legislation in part of regulation of state-confessional relations.
evangelical churches, religious policy, sociology of education, education management, Russian legislation, educational standards, religious education, theological education, sociology of religion, freedom of conscience
Wang, Y. (2020). Problems and prospects of teaching scientific style of speech to Chinese students. Pedagogy and education, 1, 50–55.
The subject of this research is teaching scientific style of speech to Chinese students. This question has been discussed since 1950’s – 1960’s and still remains polemical. The scholars described multiple aspects on the topic in their fundamental works, which are the foundation for further research in this area. At the same time, current practice face new challenges. In the course of this study, the following methods were applied: analysis of scientific literature and various statistical data, analysis of curricula for foreign students, review of accessible information on the universities accepting Chinese students. It is worth noting that the formation of foreign language communication competence of the students requires development of the unified education system, oriented towards practical needs of the future specialists. The foundation of foreign language education should become the interdisciplinary interaction of teachers, as well as close interrelation of general and specialty disciplines.
international education, major education, foreign languages, language teaching, Russian as a foreign language, Russian language, foreign students, Chinese students, scientific style, scientific style of speech
Modern strategies and forms of education
Faritov, A.T. (2020). Component composition of the system of formation of engineering competence of students of general educational intuition . Pedagogy and education, 1, 56–62.
Within the framework of this article, the author conducts a research allowing to reveal the internal structure of engineering competence of students of general educational intuition as the basis of project-research activity, implemented in terms of school curriculum. The boundaries between the concept of “competence” and “competency” are outlined. A detailed definition of engineering competence is provided. The author examines the component composition of the formation of engineering competence among the students of general educational institution. The object of this research is the engineering competence, while the subject is the set of constituent components. It is established that engineering competence of a student has a multi-component composition that includes motivational, activity, personality, intellectual, cognitive and reflexive components. The scientific novelty of the acquired results consists in the fact that the described components can be used for the criteria-based assessment of engineering competence of the students of general educational intuition. The presented components can be the foundation for the criteria-based assessment of the level of engineering competence of a student.
Federal State Educational Standard, educational organization, research activities, competent composition, engineering competence, competence, competences, research project, motivational component, activity component
Educational psychology
Ivannikova, M.V. (2020). Training of the future technology teachers of Crimean Region for inclusive education. Pedagogy and education, 1, 63–73.
The author explores one of the problems of modern school – absence of readiness of the teachers to work with children who demand special pedagogical attention due to medical reasons. Among the reasons of low professional competence of young teachers in this sphere, the author notes the lack of complex psychological, theoretical and practical training, as well as the opportunity to acquire experience at the stage of study. The subject of this research is the training process of future teachers of technology for working with handicapped or special needs children in the Crimean Region. The article substantiates the relevance of training the teachers of technology for working in the conditions of inclusion, formulated the requirements set for future pedagogues of technology in this regard; reveals the specifics of training in the Crimean Region. The novelty consists in systematization of integral approach towards preparation of future teachers of technology for inclusive education in Crimea, as well as suggestion of methods for motivation and overcoming psychological barriers and interaction children who have special need or health limitations through the volunteering activity.
practical, activity readiness, information readiness, professional activity, teachers of technology, special educational needs, children with disabilities, inclusive education, academic disciplines, volunteering
Historicism as a principle
Chik, S. (2020). “Proletarization” of adolescence in the conditions of drastic reorganization of secondary education in Soviet Russia (1917-1930). Pedagogy and education, 1, 74–92.
The subject of this research is the determination of leading ideas of drastic reorganization of secondary education and its impact upon students, which allows analyzing the peculiarities of adolescent age as a cultural-historical phenomenon. The reorganization was conducted in two directions: all existing educational institutions were transformed into the Uniform Labor School; an alternative to middle school for in-service education was created – school for working youth or factory-apprenticeship school. The Uniform Labor School replaced the old one and carried “bourgeois vestige”, which were intensively fought against, violating the traditional cirrucul and implementing “working processes”. School for working youth or factory-apprenticeship school, on the contrary, were considered a new type of class school and developed general educational character. The author examines the measures taken with regards to the two types of schools. Special attention is given to studying the peculiarities of adolescents from the Uniform Labor School and working youth from factory-apprenticeship school. The novelty consists on examination of peculiarities of adolescent age in the conditions of drastic reorganization of secondary education in the early period of Soviet Russia. It is claimed that the conducted reform led to “proletarization” of adolescence among second-levelers of the Uniform Labor School, while a working teenager from the School for working youth or factory-apprenticeship school was an underage adults deprived of childhood.
adolescence, reorganization of secondary education, teenager, working teenager, single labor school, factory apprenticeship, school of teenage workers, "proletarianization" of adolescence, student of trade schools, student of single labor school