Question at hand
Kirzhaeva, V.P., Osovskii, O.E., Marinichenko, A.I. (2019). Pedagogical pseudonomastics of the Russian diaspora abroad in research field of the modern history of education: to articulation of the problem. Pedagogy and education, 4, 1–11.
The subject of this research is the potential of pedagogical pseudonomastics (science on the pseudonyms the participants of pedagogical process) as an instrument of interdisciplinary analysis of pedagogical history of white émigré of the 1920’s – early 1930’s. The object of this research is the system of pseudonyms presented in the émigré publishers dedicated to pedagogy and cognate areas. Leaning on the modern research of pseudonyms of the white émigré, the authors suggest a so-called “pedagogical filter” that allows among the fictitious names identifying those belonging to prominent pedagogues and find out the scope of works published by them. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the authors are first to formulate the subject and objectives of pedagogical pseudonomastics as a possible instrument for studying pedagogical history of white émigré, and determination of new data complementing biography and bibliography of the Russian pedagogues abroad. The conclusion is made on importance of the factor of fictitious name for specifying the role of author within the émigré pedagogical space, as well as for understanding of editorial policy of those who covered the pedagogical theme of publishers and hierarchy of presented genres therein. The new archival documents, pseudonyms and their attributions are introduced into the scientific discourse.
attribution issues, pedagogical emigre pseudonyms, pedagogical pseudonomastics, complex study, interdisciplinary approach, pedagogics of Russia abroad, history of education, Russian emigre periodicals, archival materials, Sergius Hessen
Question at hand
Rostovtseva, M.V., Lutoshkina, V.N., Mashanov, A.A. (2019). Comprehensive approach towards working with athletically gifted children. Pedagogy and education, 4, 12–19.
This article is dedicated to the questions of comprehensive support of athletically gifted children, as well as raises the topics related to the ambiguity of interpretation of the phenomenon of giftedness in the scientific literature. Examination is conducted on the key trends in studying giftedness, such as factors of development of giftedness, structural-functional area, and procedural-genetic algorithm. The authors suggest comprehensive approach towards working with athletically gifted children, implying symbiosis of the three main directions: 1) diagnostic – aimed at determination and capturing the key indicators of physical, psychophysiological, psychological, social and other important characteristics of a child; 2) forming-corrective – a set of measures aimed at the formation of essential personality traits and parameters, their development and adjustments in accordance with the conditions and requirements of a particular type of sports activity; 2) proactive – aimed at timely prevention and identification of possible difficulties in training of athletes, as well as consideration of potential impact factors, risk zones, and “critical” moments. The analysis and classification of the existing scientific directions on studying giftedness is performed. The authors propose the original comprehensive approach towards working with athletically gifted children that includes three main directions: diagnostic, forming-corrective and proactive, which would allow coordinating the selection and psychological-pedagogical supports of children at all stages of their athletic training.
correction, diagnostics, giftedness factors, abilities, A complex approach, sport, giftedness, prevention, personality, personal characteristics
Tlyavsin, I.B. (2019). Formation of technological discipline in technology classes. Pedagogy and education, 4, 20–26.
This article examines the peculiarities of using education technologies in technology classes of public schools. The concept of technological discipline in technology classes, which contributes to the development of educational process, is revealed. Technology classes are aimed at fostering certain skills and qualities in students. The subject of this research is the technological discipline in technology classes. The goal consists in formation of technological discipline in technology classes. The main research methods contain analysis, synthesis, and comparative analysis in the area of pedagogy. The results lie in determination of the peculiarities of formation of technological discipline in technology classes. The scientific novelty is characterized by the fact that the formation of technological discipline in technology classes stimulates the improvement of educational process, which currently is at the stage of rapid development. Conclusion is formulated on the importance of the formation of technological discipline in technology classes for the purpose of development of particular skills and abilities in students.
information and communication technology, technologies, students, class, technological discipline, engineer, school, teaching, education, pedagogy
Chelnokova, T.A. (2019). Social competence of the participants of education relations – the development framework of inclusive education. Pedagogy and education, 4, 27–33.
The new phenomenon within the system of Russian education becomes practical implementation of the ideas of inclusion in educational institutions. Active development of inclusive education directly affects the problem of social competence incorporated in the unified space of the participants of education relations. The object of this study is the social interaction of such participants. The subject of this study is the social competences of persons engaged in the system of education relations. The goal consists in identification and description of social competences of the participants of education relations essential for the development of the system of inclusive education. Research methodology leans on sociocultural approach towards examination of the phenomenon in question, which mainstreams the need for integration of knowledge in the area of sociology and social psychology into pedagogical research. The author refers to the concept of sociology and interprets their content with consideration of the specifics of education as a pedagogical phenomenon. The article presents the original understanding of social competences relevant for all participants of education relations emerging within inclusive environment and defining its development. The scientific novelty is defined by integration of theoretical foundations of sociological science into the area of pedagogical practice that is at the center of the purpose of the transformation.
interpersonal relations, communication relationships, communication, inclusive educational environment, inclusive educational, social interaction, Social competences, social and role behavior, limited health capacities, educator
Question at hand
Rostovtseva, M.V., Kovalev, V.N., Mashanov, A.A., Lutoshkina, V.N. (2019). Psychological and pedagogical support of athletically gifted children. Pedagogy and education, 4, 34–42.
This article is dedicated to the question of psychological and pedagogical support of children in sports. The three stages of psychological and pedagogical support are determined: 1) athlete selection using psychological-pedagogical means and mechanisms; 2) continuous support in the process of athletic training; 3) monitoring of changes of psychological-pedagogical characteristics. The authors examine the details peculiarities of the first stage – athletes selection; highlights the key psychological-pedagogical characteristics of an athlete that must be considered at that stage; neurodynamic, emotional, cognitive, personality orientation, and specificities of interpersonal skills of a child. The main trends in psychological and pedagogical support of athletically gifted children are determined: diagnostic, consultative, and monitoring. The authors come to the conclusion that psychological and pedagogical support of an athletically gifted child is a complex and multi-aspect process, implying the life-long side by side journey of a pedagogue-psychologist and an athlete. The fundamental goal of the modern Russian higher school consists in preparation of sport psychologists-tutors with all essential competences for supporting such children.
motivatsiya 9/5000 motivation, sports selection, psychodiagnostic techniques, monitoring, diagnostics, psychological and pedagogical support, personal orientation, development, giftedness, counseling
Question at hand
Rozin, V.M., Purynicheva, G.M., Ovsyanitskaya, E.A. (2019). The teaching of philosophy in pedagogical and technical universities (problems and solutions). Pedagogy and education, 4, 43–58.
This article examines the relevant problems of the teaching of philosophy in pedagogical and technical universities. The authors analyze the changes taking place in pedagogy and education: loss of the point of education, ineffectiveness of the pedagogy of knowledge, transformation of institutional situation (school is no longer the only educational institution), new understanding of human and mentality. The article also explores the ongoing transformations in engineering: moving various types of technologies to the forefront, new ways of implementation of technical projects into industrial sector, transition towards interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies and projects. Based on the aforementioned transformations, the authors suggest possible novelties in technical education: the teaching of philosophy of technology, fundamentals of technology and engineering, advancement of technological inventions and projects into industrial sectors, logics of minimization of negative consequences of scientific and technical development, fundamentals of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies and projects. The conducted research demonstrates that the standard recommended curricula practically do not contain philosophical specificity. Moreover, they are structured upon formal criteria. As a result, the teachers of philosophy, on the one hand, formally prepare their courses, while on the other – virtually do not adhere to them; and all this takes place amid a significant reduction of hours and practical classes assigned to philosophy.
philosophy, innovation, development, research, problems, implementation, project, pedagogy, education, engineering
Question at hand
Rozin, V.M. (2019). The priorities of engineering education oriented towards innovation economy in Russia. Pedagogy and education, 4, 59–64.
This article outlines the priorities that allow making the next step in development of engineering education oriented toward innovation economy. The state of innovation economy in Russia is subjected to critical assessment. The author analyzes the proposal of L. G Golubkova on creation of the small structural bureaus and their association as one of the steps towards overcoming the problems of innovation economy. The article reviews the flaws in the national engineering education on the one hand, and requirements imposed on it by the trends of world economy on the other. The author makes recommendations on the measures in engineering education that would contribute to the development of innovation economy in Russia (two levels of priorities, new type of curriculum, methodological support). As a result of the conducted research, the author was able to detect the unsatisfactory state of innovation economy in Russia, identify the two key flaws of the national engineering education (outdated understanding of technology and diminishment of social disciplines), characterize the challenges and trends of world economy, discuss the proposals aimed at the development of engineering education oriented towards innovation economy in Russia.
problem, situation, technology, household, economy, design, engineering, innovation, solution, efficiency
Egorov, S. (2019). Mechanisms and practices of professionalization of workers within the system of evangelical theological education. Pedagogy and education, 4, 65–75.
The subject of this research is the principles and practice of ensuring professional growth of educators and administrative workers in the Russian evangelical educational institutions. The focus of research interests is life strategies of the workers that brought them into the professional sphere and encourage staying within it, as well as the mechanisms of adaptation and support used by the religious educational organizations. In the context of extensive discussion on increasing the quality of higher education in Russia, it seems especially relevant to compare the experience accumulated within the framework of state system of education with similar experience of the private educational systems, namely the experience of theological education. The goal consists in comprehensive comparison of the secular and evangelical theological education in the aspects of models, stages, principles and mechanism op professionalization of staff of higher education. Methodology is based on the systemic approach, complemented by the methods of labor psychology and social psychology. This allows conducting systemic analysis of the corresponding practice with consideration of the peculiarities of the topic in question. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time the life trajectories and specifics of professionalization of worker of the systems of evangelical higher education were subjected to detailed systemic examination, which accounts the Russian practice along with the relevant global experience. The conducted research allows determining the typical behavioral patterns, as well as the most significant problems in professional growth of personnel of the sphere of higher theological education compared with the similar occurrences in the secular education.
professional psychology, educational policy, higher education, Russian legislation, motivation, theological education, professional growth, philosophy of education, pedagogical psychology, evangelical churches
Grebennikova, V.M., Bonkalo, T.I., Rudenko, E.Y. (2019). Peculiarities of development of the qualities of competitive personality in students with health limitations and disabilities. Pedagogy and education, 4, 76–85.
Based on the results of theoretical analysis, the author determines the personality traits ensuring competitiveness on the job market. The main goal of this research consists in identification of such problems of higher education, which solution is responsible for successful establishment of an integral system of professional educations of the persons with health limitations and disabilities on the basis of implementation of inclusive approach oriented towards creation of the society of equal opportunities. The system of higher inclusive education, suggesting coeducation of the students with health limitations and disabilities and regular students, is currently in the early stages of development. Moreover, in the Russian Federation there is yet no uniform scientifically substantiated theory of inclusive higher education, which would reveal its patterns, principles, methods, techniques and conditions for realization of the priority trends of education policy within the inclusive educational environment. The article contains the results of empirical research of the peculiarities of development of the qualities of competitive personality in students with health limitations and disabilities within the framework of higher education. At the present state, due to implementation of the state social policy aimed at establishment of the society of equal opportunities, the problem of professional education of persons with health limitations and disabilities comes to the forefront.
inclusive education, risks of professional self-determination, motivation for success, self-actualization, students with disabilities, students, konkurentsivoime quality, competitiveness, method, comparative analysis
Modern strategies and forms of education
Kabrin, V.I. (2019). Establishment of the potential of creative leadership of trans-professionals in educational spaces of Master’s programs. Pedagogy and education, 4, 86–97.
The author explores the possibilities of formation of new type of the identity of trans-professional, whose basic competences are distinguished by the culture of creative communication and potential of creative leadership. It is noted that digital context of postindustrial education, rapidly expanding its trans-professional horizons, also generates new dangers for its weakening in the spheres of active imagination, creative intuition, intellectual initiatives, emotional empathy, and openness toward unknown and undefined. Namely these qualities form and integrate into the basic personal competences of a trans-professional. Based on the new synthesis of holistic and noethical approaches, the author determines the possibilities of education of trans-professionals in form of the modern Master’s program, which opens the ways for formation of basic competences. This is facilitated by the individual education programs of trans-professionally oriented pedagogues and students, who uses the freedom of choice with regards to new profession. Emphasis is made on systematic use of the active methods of fulfillment of creative potential of the identity of trans-professional. It is established that the method of collective creativity alongside universal interdisciplinary trans-professional orientation, methods of active imagination and dynamic medication, as well as trans-professional scientific expeditions on research of complex problems expand the creative states of consciousness and empower intuition, imagination and empathy. The scientific novelty of this work consists in a new methodological synthesis of holistic and noethical approaches towards development of methods of activation of creative states of consciousness, formation of the culture of creative communication, and potential of creative leadership. The proposed methodology reveals the possibility for structuring experimental projects of trans-professional Master’s programs.
active education methods, boundaries of online education, holistic approach, creative leadership, creative communication, basic competencies of a trans-professional, trans-professional, noetic approach, transcommunication, transdisciplinarity
Modern strategies and forms of education
Demidova, N.N., Zulkharnaeva, A.V. (2019). Cultural landscape in the context of formation of cultural-ecological educational environment. Pedagogy and education, 4, 98–106.
The subject of this research is the results of analysis of evolutionary development of representations on educational environment in the works of the Russian and foreign scholars, and the role of cultural landscape in its formation. The authors underline the relevance of referring to the actual living environment of a person, first and foremost, reifying the ideas of collaboration of nature and human, dialogue of cultures. The vector for expansion of educational environments is associated with cultural landscape, which has high educational potential. Cultural landscape is viewed as a product of ecological culture and source of its development in the context of cultural-ecological educational environment. The possibilities of formation of such environment in school education are determined. Methodological framework contains the environmental ideas, ideas of collaboration of nature and human within cultural landscape, as well as cultural-ecological approach. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of the role of educational environment in the context of cultural-ecological paradigm. The authors formulate the definition of cultural-ecological educational environment; in a general form describe its conceptual and technological aspects that invoke the ecological senses and ecologically constructive actions, constitute ecologically oriented meanings as the basis for gradual formation of ecological culture in students. The conclusion is made that ecological culture as a multidimensional personality trait may be formed within the framework of the “vapid” educational content and isolated space of educational establishment.
co-evolutionary interaction, subjectivity, co-creation, cultural landscape, cultural and environmental educational environment, ecological culture, educational environment, image of a cultural landscape, eco-oriented meanings, environmental-oriented pedagogical technologies
Types of education
Kulanina, S.V. (2019). Self-education and its role in the process of Bachelor’s program in pedagogy. Pedagogy and education, 4, 107–114.
The subject of this research is self-education and its impact on the process of preparation of Bachelors in pedagogy. The author conducts theoretical analysis on the degree of development of this problem; and elaborates a mode for self-education in the process of preparation of Bachelor’s in pedagogy, which includes diagnostics, individual self-education that combines general self-education, methodological self-education and psychological-pedagogical self-education. The article defines the ultimate goal of the implementation of the model – level of the self-education competence and Bachelor’s in pedagogy. The scientific novelty of this research pertains to the acquired empirical data on self-assessment of the motivation for self-education activity by students’ of pedagogical university, as well as determination and justification of the role of self-education in the process of preparation of Bachelors in pedagogy. The goal of this research is structured on the basis of theoretical-methodological substantiation of the role of self-education in the process of preparation of Bachelors in pedagogy. The object of study is the process of preparation of Bachelors in pedagogy at a university. The author substantiated the necessary organizational and pedagogical conditions, reflected in the model, that contribute to the self-education process. A conclusion is made on the fact that self-education plays an important, primary role in the process of preparation of Bachelors in pedagogy. The obtained results and implementation of the model reveal new problematic field of research: identification of auto-psychoecological grounds for the formation of professional competences of future Bachelors in pedagogy.
observation, self test, diagnostics, motivation, self-educational competence, Teacher Education, bachelor, self-education, model, autopsychological competence
Developing pedagogical technologies
Okhlopkova, D.K., Ponomareva, T.N. (2019). Socio-pedagogical technologies of using the means of school museum in professional self-determination of high school students in rural environment (on the example of the work of school museums of Tomponsky and Megino-Kangalassky Districts). Pedagogy and education, 4, 115–124.
The subject of this research is the socio-pedagogical technologies in professional self-determination of high school students in rural environment using the means of a school museum. The authors explore the formation of professional self-determination of high school students in the course of cognizing self-identification and ethical experience, as well as in interaction with surrounding people and social institutions. The work of school museums allows the students to try themselves in research activity and tour guidance, which are the platform for acquiring communication and verbal skills, creative thinking, and ability to independently search for scientific information. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of conclusions that the question of professional self-determination of high school students comes to the forefront in the conditions of modernization of education, on the background on escalation of social problems. The author determines the prospects of future examination of the problem of professional self-determination of high school students using the means of school museums. The main conclusion lies in the statement that the implementation of socio-pedagogical technologies of using the means of school museums contributes to improvement of the level of formation of professional self-determination among high school students in rural environment.
educational potential, high school students, social pedagogical technologies, professional self-determination, pedagogical technologies, circle, the museum, rural society, school, social institutions
Educational psychology
Panov, V., Kaptsov, A., Kolesnikova, E. (2019). Didactic and psychodidactic aspects of modeling of formation of agency of a university student. Pedagogy and education, 4, 125–135.
The subject of this research is the regularity of stages of formation of agency of a university student from the perspective of ecopsychological (ontological) model (Panov, 2019). The goal of this work consists in determining didactic grounds for formation of the stages of agency and research of the results of the forming experiment with their application. The stages of formation of agency (subject of motivation, “Observer”, “Apprentice”, “Student”, “Critic”, “Master” and “Creator”) define the specificity of assimilation of learning actions by the individual. Under the modeling of stages (forming experiment), this work implies targeted influence upon separate stages of formation of agency using special psychological-pedagogical conditions for the purposes of their development. The principles of modeling are formulated from the perspective of psychodidactic approach in unison with general didactic principles applicable to the process of formation of competences of a university student. The experiment was conducted with participation of 210 people. The control group consisted of 150 people, and experiment group consisted of 60 people. The results of the experiment demonstrated changes in the indexes of separate stages of formation of agency. For the first time the changes in the structure of stages of formation of agency using calculations of coefficient of connectedness are being cited. The work determines the correlation between changes of stages of agency with personal values in various spheres of life. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that based on the empirical data this work demonstrates the possibility of inclusion of development of value sphere into the psychodidactic circumstances that ensure formation and passage of stages of agency of university students in accord with the ecopsychological model.
stages of formation of agency, development, psychodidactics, model, structure, personal values, connectivity coefficient, university student, agency, didactics
Innovative methodology and technology
Guzova, A.V., Dedova, O., Ivolina, T. (2019). Language training as the means for increasing the level of sociocultural development among the students of non-linguistic universities. Pedagogy and education, 4, 136–145.
The subject of this research is student training program in non-linguistic universities aimed at sociocultural development. The goal of this work lies in composing the curriculum on increasing sociocultural development in teaching English language to future specialists in non-linguistic universities. The following types of oral activity are determined: listening-in, speech, reading and writing. Each block of the curriculum contains the types of activity that contribute to increasing sociocultural level of the students. The author examines the factors of students’ insufficient command of the English language (reluctance of students to psychologically identify themselves with the representatives of global community; unwillingness of pedagogues to implement the innovative teaching techniques; absence of the effective methodology for overcoming psychological issues in studying a foreign language). The scientific novelty consists in the proposal of comprehensive approach towards increasing sociocultural level of students based on all types of oral activity with consideration of professional orientation. It becomes evident that the properly prepared learning material and exercise program, which allow forming not only the communicative competence, but also increase raise the sociocultural level, alongside the teaching methodology are rather productive within the framework of foreign language education in non-linguistic university.
special purposes, teaching English, professional English, means of communication, socio-cultural development, communicative competence, language training, socialization of students, development program, types of speech activity
Innovative methodology and technology
Alekseeva, E.E., Krivoshapkina, O.M. (2019). Analysis of the essay written by high school students on the problem of permafrost degradation. Pedagogy and education, 4, 146–154.
The subject of this research is the shared perceptions of high school students of Yakutia of permafrost, as well as their emotional response to the problem of degradation of permafrost landscapes. Hypothesis of the research suggests that visualization of an actual factor of permafrost degradation would serve as the “backbone” for the students so they could to demonstrate their knowledge acquired in geography classes on the topic of “permafrost”; as well as a video, versus a textbook” would produce an emotional response on the problem of permafrost degradation in Central Yakutia. Unlike the traditional form, this study suggested showing a video to the students recorded in Sylan village of Churapchinsky District of Yakutia using a drone. After watching the video, the students wrote an essay expressing personal opinion on what they saw. Processing of experimental materials was carried out with the help of analytical software product SPSS Base. The scientific novelty consist in the attempt to explore the general perceptions and emotional response of high school students of the republic on the problem of permafrost degradation based on watching a video about the actual fact of destruction of a rural landscape. As a result of the conducted research, the hypothesis was fully proven, as only 17% of the students were able pick a name for the video revealing the essence of the process. However, despite an incomplete understanding of the video, approximately 60% of the respondents have experiences an emotional response, and over 60% deemed necessary to take actions for solution of the established situation.
emotional-value attitude, essays, high school students, students, video, geography, sociological research, degradation, permafrost, emotional response
Innovative methodology and technology
Faritov, A.T. (2019). 3D modeling and prototyping in extracurricular activity of school students . Pedagogy and education, 4, 155–167.
This article examines the application of 3D prototyping in educational process. The technology of 3D printing is currently available for most educational establishments. Its use in extracurricular activity contributes to switching students from virtual environment to the real world, creation of the own tangible items, formation of engineering competence, development of creative skills, mathematical thinking, and early professional orientation. New standards demand from the state education system the development of the principles of mastering the fundamentals of project activities, namely engineering skills. A new way of project-based learning, aimed at acquisition of communication skills, creative thinking, interest to learning, command of spatial thinking and understanding of conversion 2D and 3D, independence and self-organization in completion of tasks, becomes possible due to application of 3D prototyping in extracurricular activity. The object of this research is the 3D modeling and prototyping. The scientific novelty consists in description of the stages of implementation of 3D printing technologies into educational process. The author examines the possibility of application of 3D printing technologies in extracurricular activity of students in compulsory education.
extracurricular activity, GEF, project activity, spatial thinking, modeling, prototyping, 3D printer, engineering education, general education, engineering competence