Innovative methodology and technology
Kainova, M.M., Grebennikova, V.M. (2019). Developing Communication Skills of Bachelors of Management Using Poster Presentations During their Training Internship. Pedagogy and education, 3, 1–7.
The authors of the article analyze the experience in developing communication skills of would-be business managers during their training internship carried out at Graduate School of Business under Lomonosov Moscow State University. The authors underline the importance of poster presentation as a form of information presentation and describe organisational and pedagogical conditions, teaching principles, evaluation and supervision methods that allowed the teachers of Graduate School of Business to raise their efficiency in developing communication skills needed for interacting with leadership of business companies. To prove their hypothesis about efficient development of communication skills in general and poster presentation skills in particular, the authors have used a combination of methods, both theoretical (analysis, systematization, classification and others) and experimental (questionnairy, interview, observation, pedagogical experiment, tests and etc.). The main conclusion of this research carried at Graduate School of Business under Lomonosov Moscow State University is that certain organisational and pedagogical conditions of training internship and communication with employers allow to raise efficiency of developing communication skills of would-be business managers based on the principles of the crossdisciplinary approach, continuity and superposition.
tertiary education, skill-oriented approach, crossdisciplinary approach, bachelors of management, professional training, training internship, poster presentation, written communication, communication skills, oral communication
Question at hand
Minasyan, E.T., Midova, V.O., Danko, O.A., Enygin, D.V. (2019). Opportunities and Ñhallenges for Professional Lifetime Development of the Foreign Language Teaching Personnel in the Case of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Pedagogy and education, 3, 8–15.
The subject of this article is the ever-rising demand for professional development for tertiary teaching faculty dictated by educational evolution and innovative pedagogy in Russia. In their article, the authors substantiated the idea that teacher development is a lifetime process starting from the initial pursuit of this career to retirement. Therefore, this study makes an attempt to review all available internal and external models of further learning, in-service and outside pieces of trainings that possibly will enhance teachers’ productivity and professionalism throughout their vocations. Driven by the consciousness that even the most recent approaches today seem outmoded, the paper aims at illustrating what options are available now in a particular country at a specific time-scale. The research methods used by the authors are the quantitative and qualitative analyses of data collected, which demonstrate a paradigm shift in the urgency of continuous evolvement not only of professional, but also personal competencies mediated either by the administration or individual initiative.
innovative pedagogy, in-service training, certificate courses, professional development, higher institution faculty, educational innovations, life-long learning, competative edge, reliability, competence
Question at hand
Potenko, T.A., Mukhina, D.V., Asatryan, G.R. (2019). Organisational and Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of Entrepreneurial Competence of Students Studying Pedagogics. Pedagogy and education, 3, 16–25.
Today's trend in the socio-economic development of Russia is based on activisation of entrepreneurship. Formation and promotion of entrepreneurial culture of the society at all levels are becoming a priority for the state. This target can be achieved only through creation of necessary conditions for the development of enterpreneurial competences of wold-be teachers as the core of education system. The aim of the research is to define a set of the most important organisational and pedagogical conditions for the development of enterpreneurial competences of students majoring in pedagogics. Within the framework of the research the authors examine such aspects of the topic as the essence and contents of entrepreneurial competences and teaching process of the development of these competences of would-be teachers. The research methodology is basedon the systems and competence-based approaches and includes methods of theoretical analysis and generalisation of research results on the matter, and analysis of documents. Having summarized and clarified positions of different researchers regarding organisational and pedagogical conditions, the authors of the article define key features of these conditions. The authors' special contribution to the research is that they describe a combination of organisational and pedagogical conditions necessary for efficient development of entrepreneurial competences of students majoring in pedagogics.
organizational and pedagogical conditions, the pedagogical process, the formation of entrepreneurial competencies, entrepreneurial skills, entrepreneurial competence, entrepreneurial competencies, educational entrepreneurship, pedagogical education, education, development of entrepreneurship
Bazik, O.V. (2019). The Main Areas for Promoting Higher Education in the Leading Cities of the Republic of India. Pedagogy and education, 3, 26–35.
The subject of the research is potential risks of promoting higher education in the leading cities of the Republic of India. The author of the article focuses on the project Smart City aimed at not only raising the living standards of Indian population but also promoting the prestige value of education institutions for both citizens and potential students from other states. The aim of the research is to describe the main characteristics of these cities and to outline the priority areas for higher education institutions located in their territory. To achieve the research targets, Bazik has studied the main institutes and universities and has described the latest researches and objectives faced of these institutions. The methodological basis of the research includes general principles of analysis and synthesis. Using the method of analysis, the author has outlined the key factors and institutions that drive the development of higher education in these or those cities of the Republic of India. Using the method of synthesis, the researcher has also summarised the main trends of the educational system of the state and its development vectors. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that potential opportunities of higher education in the Republic of India are understudied. Most of the researches give a general description of this sphere while the author of the article focuses on particular cities taking into account their economic and political environment and opportunities.
institute, university, college, educational sphere, education policy, higher education, Smart city, Republic of India, infrastructure, IT-sector
Egorov, S. (2019). Approaches and Methods of Developing and Implementing Educational Programs at Systems of Evangelic Theological Education. Pedagogy and education, 3, 36–46.
The subject of the research is methodological aspects and experience in developing and implementing educational programs under the conditions of Russian Evangelic educational systems. From the very moment of their creation, these systems in Russia, on the one hand, have been trying to take into account national educational traditions and, on the othr hand, are oriented at harmonization of global trends of higher education including theological education. As part of attempts to promote Russian universities on the global stage, it is important to study long-term experience of integration of approaches and methods from different educational environments. The main research targets imply the use of Peter Checkland's soft system methodology. Egorov has chosen this particular kind of systems approach as a result of his analysis of problems and variety of available data. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature Evangelic theological programs have been studied in comparison to global trends and tendencies in the sphere of development and implementation of educational programs. Having analyzed a great variety of data, the researcher has been able to analyze the most advanced approaches and methods applied by the systems of Evangelic education that can be also used in other spheres. The scientific results of the research are of great important for those who are concerned about problems and success of the integration of Russian higher education into the global educational system.
evangelical churches, freedom of conscience, teaching methods, higher education, Russian legislation, educational standards, religious education, theological education, education management, philosophy of education
Abibullaeva, E.E. (2019). Developing the Competence of Bilingual Teachers Under the Conditions of Multicultural Crimea. Pedagogy and education, 3, 47–53.
Training of bilingual teachers is still an important issue for educational institutions of Crimea. On the one hand, there is a growing demand of the society and parents who are ready to bring children to preschool centers and elementary schools of Crimea. On the other hand, there is a problem that preschool children do not speak Tatar at a decent level. Thirdly, it is important to develop competences of bilingual teachers. Thus, the subject of the research is the process of teaching bilingual teachers in the sphere of preschool and elementary education in modern Crimea. The research methods used by the author of the article include analysis of literature and summary of theoretical grounds for training a modern bilingual teacher, questionnary survey of students majoring in sychology and teaching (based on the inventory offered by A. Prigozhin). As the main outcome of the research, the author emphasizes the importance of training a bilingual teacher in Crimea who would speak Russian and Crimean Tatar. She also describes the elements of bilingual subject competence of would-be teachers, this competence is interpreted as the key to professional success of bilingual teachers at preschool centers and elementary schools. Taking into account the fact that teachers are usually willing to learn two languages and to work at bilingual preschool centers and elementary schools, it is important to develop their competence and skills, the latter constituting the scientific novelty of the research. Training of bilingual teachers is possible as part of bachelor studies or continuing professional education (re-training or raising proficiency level).
preschool educational institutions, multicultural education, language competence, subject competence, bilingual subject competence, bilingual teacher, teacher training, bilingual education, bilingualism, teacher training system
Tretiakova, L.R., Rogaleva, E.V. (2019). Current State and Development Trends of Labour Education of School Students in the Irkutsk Region. Pedagogy and education, 3, 54–62.
The article is devoted to the current state of teaching the subject area 'Labour' and development trends for improving the curriculum of the discipline based on documents and guidelines of the Russian law. According to the new concept of teaching labour, it should help school students to get acquainted with the world of new technologies and modern equipment as well as various professions. The authors of the article focus on the analysis of how teachers of the Irkutsk Region conduct labour training at school. They analyze the role of additional education centers in the process of attracting school students into engineering, technological and construction activities. The article is based on the systems approach and structured analysis of legal documents and guidelines, empirical research methods and conceptual element of the discipline as well as the competence-based approach. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors analyze the experience of teachers who teach labour and make recommendations for all those who participate in labour education in the region. Labour education aimed at implementation and development of professional skills, knowledge and competences demanded by the modern economy of the Irkutsk Region and Russia provides opportunities for continuous education and development of universal skills and competences not only through the system of general education but also additional education of school children.
concept, indivisible classes, technologies of conducting the house, industrial technologies, teacher of technology, subject area Technology, technological education, content of training, additional education, kvantorium
Kozhin, D.A. (2019). The Role of the Legal Awareness of Would-Be Law Teachers and Ways to Develop It. Pedagogy and education, 3, 63–68.
The subject of the research is the process of developing the legal awareness of law teachers during their university studies. The need to study the legal awareness of a law teacher is caused by the need to build a legal state in Russia and thus to train teachers with a high level of legal awareness. New tasks faced by today's law teachers under the conditions of negative social and individual psychological influence on their personality require to review the model of developing the legal awareness of would-be teachers. The methodological basis of the research includes general research methods such as analysis and summary of research results described in psychological-pedagogical literature, methodological guidelines and research theses as well as definition of tendencies and patterns of developing the legal awareness as a personal trait as well as systematization of aforesaid tendencies and patterns, conceptualisation and pedagogical modelling. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that Kozhin extends the idea of factors that influence the development of the legal awareness of law teachers. Kozhin focuses on the development of moral stability of would-be teachers and their resistance to the impact of negative facttors capable of changing the legal awareness of a person. The author of the article offers his own model and methods for development of competence of would-be law teachers.
professional pedagogical activity, the educational process of the university, legal competence, teacher-lawyer, legitimate behavior, legal awareness, formation, components of legal consciousness, legal psychology, methods of forming competence
Iureva, D. (2019). Mobile Learning in Knowledge Management: Efficiency Issues. Pedagogy and education, 3, 69–74.
This article is devoted to the role of mobile learning in the process of knowledge management. Mobile learning is the issue that has been discussed by researchers of the whole world for quite a long time. In this article Yurieva continues the tradition and analyzes theoretical and methodological issues related to creation and desinging of mobile educational environment, peculiarities of the use of mobile technologies in the educational space, practical aspects of the use of the mobile learning technique in the process of teaching particular disciplines at an educational institution, training and re-training of experts and personnel. The author pays special attention to the definition of the terms 'informatization of education' and 'methodological of knowledge management'. Through the definitions of these terms, the author of the article describes specifics of knowledge management via mobile learning and mobile technologies. At the end of the article the author provides the results of the research of knowledge management based on mobile learning at a Russian university. The author comes to the conclusion that in education mobile learning is one of the most actively developing forms of e-education which brings the system of education to a new level of mobility.
mobile learning's management, mobile device, methodology, information field, mobile resources, knowledge management, mobile services, informatization of education, mobile technologies, mobile learning
Grebennikova, V.M., Ignatovich, V.K. (2019). Regarding Methodological Foundation of Social and Pedagogical Support of Family as a Subject Designing Child's Individual Educational Trajectory. Pedagogy and education, 3, 75–83.
The article is devoted to the methodological foundation of social and pedagogical support of a family that has acquired a new role in the modern world, this is to design a child's individual educational trajectory. The authors have analyzed the definition of social and pedagogical support of family, how it relates to similar definitions that describe the development of family's educational potential and family-and-school partnership. The authors analyze modern approaches to the analysis, essence, methodological and technological characteristics of social and pedagogical support of a family. They describe an educational situation of a modern family that is characterized with the shift of the emphasis from transmission of experience to selection of child's individual educational trajectory. From this point of view, social and pedagogical support of a modern family is described as a socially projected highly organized practice. The authors also focus on the methodoloogy and technology of social and pedagogical support of a family as a subject of designing child's individual educational trajectory and conclude that current methodological foundations and concepts do not reflect the depth and complexity of a situation of a modern family viewed from the point of view of its readiness to be a subject that designs child's individual educational trajectory. One of the main trends that reinforces the role of famly in the educational process is individualisation of education.
education, parent, modern family, educational institution, family support, highly organized practice, child, methodological foundation, social and pedagogical support, family
Developing pedagogical technologies
Tsibizova, T.Y., Kutsiy, O. (2019). Organizing the Process of Checking Graduation Qualification Works for Borrowings. Pedagogy and education, 3, 84–91.
The authors of this article analyze the procedure for checking graduation qualification works for the volume of borrowing. Graduation qualification work (thesis) is the final stage of education and the means of control over competences learnt by a student throughout his or her studies at a University. The aim of the research is to develop the e-library system that would allow to define independent efforts of students, compliance of a thesis to particular requirements and observation of intellectual property rights. The authors describe the e-library system Bank of VKR developed at Bauman Moscow State Technical University . This system allows to check the accuracy of theses, analyzes the structure of the research, number of bibliographical sourced used by a researcher and references inside text. The system offered different ways of checking a thesis for borrowings. The main contribution of the authors to the development and implementation of the e-library system Bank of VKR is that they provide an opportunity not only to define the borrowing volume but also find references to the sources of borrowings and to check the structure and accuracy of a thesis as well as to discover texts that do not correlate to the matter of the research.
electronic library system, information system, sources, electronic university, loading, standard controller, originality of the text, borrowing volume, electronic information and educational environment, graduation qualification work
Gusev, D.A., Potaturov, V.A. (2019). Analogy as a Didactical Means. Pedagogy and education, 3, 92–103.
The subject of the research is the cognitive interest of students as one of the most important terms of professional activity of a school teacher and university professor from both practical and theoretical points of view. The efficiency of teaching efforts in many ways depends on whether students are interested in the discipline or not and how well they understand it. The object of the research is analogies as one of the didactical means that can be used to raise the cognitive interest of students. In teaching activity, analogies are a specifically presented theoretical illustration of the material given by a teacher. The authors of the article analyze analogy as a didactical means used to teach such university disciplines as philosophy, philosophy of cognition, history and philosophy of science and logic. As a didactical means, analogies are viewed as illustration of concepts and interaction between these concepts, for example, empirical and theoretical levels, description and explanation, verification principle and falsification principle, cumulativism and anticumulativism, scientism and antiscientism, truth and interpretation. One of the main conclusions that is of special theoretical and practical importance and constitutes the novelty of the research is the proof of educational irreplaceability and pedagogical efficiency of such didactical means as analogy. In varied theoretical contexts, analogy helps to make complex things simplier, unclear things more understandable, complicated things more clearer and thus raise the level of the cognitive interest of students and motivate them for studying 'boring' disciplines.
science, interpretation, truth, didactic agent, cognitive interest, analogy, scientism, students, teacher, education
Flerov, O.V., Minaychenkova, E.I. (2019). Interlanguage Inteference Used to Teach Spanish Based on English. Pedagogy and education, 3, 104–116.
The object of the research is interlanguage interference as one of a normal effect in teaching and learning foreign languages. The subject of the research is the specifics of this interference that can be used to teach Spanish to students who have already learnt English. The authors analyze the process of teaching the second foreign language as a pedagogical process which differs from the process of teaching the first foreign language fundamentally. The authors focus on the relationship between English and Spanish language systems and whether it is possible to develop a critical thinking based on teaching a foreign language. The research methods used by the authors included general research methods and special research methods. General research methods clarify the role of teaching the second foreign language in general, special research methods explain specifics of teaching Spanish based on English and interlanguage interference that arises in this process. The authors conclude that from the methodological point of view it is possible not only to minimize interlanguage interference but also develop a critical thinking on this basis which is very important in the era of 'instrumental' ideas in language education caused by pragmatic communicative concepts. Along with a detailed analysis of opportunities for working with linguistic materials based on a rarely taught language, this makes the novelty of this research.
cognitive training, grammatical interference, interlanguage interference, lexical interference, linguo-didactics, teaching second foreign language, linguo-education, English, Spanish, educational route
Innovative methodology and technology
Skripova, Y. (2019). Methods of Formative Assessment Used in Literary Reading as the Means of Developing Full-Fledged Perception of a Literary Work. Pedagogy and education, 3, 117–124.
The subject of the research is the application of techniques and methods of formative assessment at lessons of literary reading for the purpose of developing full-fledged perception of literary works by elementary school students. For the first time in the academic literature, Skripova analyzes the influence of techniques and methods of formative assessment on the development of full-fledged perception of a literary work. Formative assessment makes the process of analysis and interpretation of literary texts easier for elementary school students. School students learn to control and evaluate their actions, to analyze what they learn and to work with text. Thus, application of formative assessment methods allows to develop self-control and self-assessment of their reading skills that describe the full-fledged perception of a literary text. The methodological framework of the research includes the ideas of M. Voyushina about elementary literary education and literary development of elementary school students, level-based approach to explaining peculiarities of perception of literary works offered by N. Moldavskaya, M. Voyushina and the concept of formative assessment of M. Pinskaya. The research methods include analysis of research literature, pedagogical experiment, mathematical processing methods, etc. The results of pedagogical experiment demonstrate that implementation of formative assessment methods in the process of teaching literary reading ensures positive dynamics of the development of capability to full-fledged perception. The research materials can be of interest for specialists of elementary literary education.
work of art, literary reading, control and evaluation activities, younger students, formative assessment, methods of formative assessment, full-fledged perception, literary development, primary literary education, reading skills