Question at hand
Avakova, O.V. (2019). Methods of teaching professional terminology to students of non-linguistic universities. Pedagogy and education, 1, 1–7.
The author discusses the problem of teaching professional terminology to students of non-linguistic universities of economic orientation. In this article, the role of professional terminology on the process of studying a foreign language for special purposes is determined, and the idea that proper organization of methodological support contributes to the increase of the general and professional competences of economics students on practical classes, and also helps students to master the skills of correct perception and use of terminological array of their professional field is proved. The author emphasizes that a professional side of language training of economics students manifests itself in the possession of a special conceptual framework. The following methods of scientific knowledge were used to solve the tasks set in the course of the study: method of theoretical analysis of literature on the subject of the research; empirical methods – questioning of students, generalization of pedagogical experience, conversations with teachers and students; observation of the process of teaching professional terminology to students of non-linguistic universities, testing. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the choice of the set tasks and the object of the study itself. The author determined and confirmed a compensatory competence as an effective method of assimilation, replenishment, and storage of professional terminology in the process of reading literature on the specialty in non-linguistic universities. The author concludes that the assimilation of professional terminology can be effective if the structure of methodical work providing the sequence of complication of tasks on mastering and consolidation of professional terminology is developed.
educational process, efficiency, students, competencies, professional terminology, methodology, foreign language, interactive training, method, motivation
Egorov, S. (2019). Theoretical bases and practice of organization of educational process in systems of Evangelical theological education. Pedagogy and education, 1, 8–19.
The subject of the study is settings of the philosophy of education, on which the educational process in various systems of Evangelical theological education is based. The main attention is paid to the way how the ideas about educational activities recorded in normative and declarative documents affect the direct practice in this field. In spite of the availability of various documents, describing the components of the philosophy of education, there is no cohesive doctrine of educational activity in the Evangelical community yet. Moreover, programs at different levels are often implemented according to different settings. Meanwhile, there exists a wide range of common settings, which allows talking about the integrity of theological education. As the main approach for this study, the methodology of soft systems was chosen, the development of which began at Lancaster University by Peter Checkland and his colleagues. This methodology allows renovating the concepts of education, existing in official documents and the direct practice, and also carrying out their comparative analysis. The novelty of the study is due to the fact that various aspects of the philosophy of theological education used in the Russian systems of Evangelical education were subjected to extensive system analysis for the first time. The author shows how certain attitudes from the philosophy of education are manifested in various components of programs of different levels and directions on the basis of a significant array of data. The obtained scientific results allow, on the one hand, formulating recommendations for the development of this professional sphere, and on the other hand, promoting the development of effective state policy in relation to theological education.
education management, higher education, Russian legislation, educational standards, religious education, theological education, social philosophy, philosophy of education, philosophy of religion, evangelical churches
Modern strategies and forms of education
Sklyarenko, S. (2019). Russian-Chinese cooperation in the field of higher education in the context of realization of double degrees in the "Musicology and Applied Musical Arts" training sphere . Pedagogy and education, 1, 20–30.
The subject of the study is the Russian-Chinese cooperation in the field of higher education. The object of the research is a program of double degrees in the "Musicology and Applied Musical Arts" training sphere, realized by the Moscow State Institute of Culture and Tianjin Normal University. The author examines such aspects of the subject as current issues in the implementation of this program. The nature of emerging issues is emphasized, which is mainly formed due to the permanent reform of the higher education system in Russia. The methodology of the research is the set of field and desk studies, the latter of which is both retrospective and conjunctural. The main conclusion of the research is the necessity for comprehensive expansion and strengthening of the program of cooperation in the field of higher education between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, and, primarily, in the "Musicology and Applied Musical Arts" training sphere. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is the combination of the field type of the study with a significant addition of desk developments, both retrospective and conjunctural. The novelty of the research lies in the consideration of the problems of cooperation in the field of higher education in the "Musicology and Applied Musical Arts" training sphere.
Russia, university, music, pedagogy, culture, cooperation, education, China, Khimki, Tianjin
Ways of upbringing
Gritsai, L.A. (2019). Humanistic ideas about the process of parental education of children in the heritage of V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Pedagogy and education, 1, 31–36.
The subject of the study is the concept of parental education by V.A. Sukhomlynsky. Auther's main works devoted to Parental pedagogy are analyzed. The pedagogical model of parental education based on Sukhomlinsky's works is proposed. This model includes: a subject - the process of personality development of a child in the family based on the humanistic traditions of personal development, a subject - author's pedagogical ideas about the upbringing of children in the family, and also five informative components. Study of the humanistic nature of the given model is emphasized. Selection of the methods of the research is due to the peculiar properties of the study of historical and pedagogical process and the specifics of the study. Such specificity is defined as the fundamental choice of the following methods: general scientific methods: a logical analysis of general scientific literature and legal sources, systematization, and generalization of theoretical facts; identification of trends and patterns, schematization, systematization, conceptualization, pedagogical modeling; methods of General Humanities: contextual, historiographical, source, literary analysis; methods of historical and pedagogical research: periodization, classification. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the fact that the author expanded the idea of the humanistic content of ideas about parental education in the heritage of V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Also, the author of the article proposed a model of the process of parental education based on the works of Sukhomlinsky, distinguished its object, subject, and main components.
Humanistic traditions, Personal development, Parental pedagogy, Model components, Pedagogical model, humanism, Sukhomlinsky, parental education, Pedagogical heritage, Purposes of education
Ways of upbringing
Bleikh, N.O. (2019). European-Caucasian parallels of chivalrous education in the feudal era (IX – XIX centuries). Pedagogy and education, 1, 37–43.
In the article, the European-Caucasian parallels of knight education in the feudal era of IX – XIX centuries are observed. It tells that at that period both Western and Caucasian chivalry becomes the prevailing way of life, requiring not only the battle skill but also a well-known style of moral and ethical, and social behavior, which could not appear on its own. It was assimilated in the process of education. Particular attention is paid to the identification of the features of the code of chivalry of the European and mountain peoples. When writing the article the following methods were used: the study and theoretical analysis of historical, ethnographic, pedagogical, philosophical, literary, and folklore sources; comparative analysis of scientific materials. It is concluded that chivalry in the "North Caucasian performance" was a wonderful example of building a sufficiently robust and flexible model of behavior necessary during wartime. Besides, this model influenced the mountain society from top to bottom, transforming its traditions with no less force than did the commandments and statutes of the Western Catholic church. Therefore, the code of chivalry of the mountain peoples with its educational postulates can be considered a significant cultural achievement, a treasury of wisdom for modern pedagogical science.
elite of society, moral principles, culture of behavior, military education, Noble etiquette, Western European chivalry, mountain peoples, North Caucasus, middle ages, traditions and customs
Morality and ethics
Saltykova, M.V. (2019). Formation of "Natural" Patriotism of High School Students as an Actual Pedagogical Technology of Personal Security Under Conditions of Global Instability. Pedagogy and education, 1, 44–53.
The author considers modern development trends: hybrid wars, the VUKA model, information and network impact, etc. destroying the mental sphere, the people's self-awareness, their national and cultural identity. Technologies and perspective directions of formation of educational process in educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia are defined. Requirements are formulated for the modernization of the process of education of patriotism in students. Examples of variants of diagnostic works and methodological developments for conducting educational work in the university on revealing and formation of ethnocultural and ideological values fixed by mentality as a means of national consciousness and a way of creating a traditional picture of the world in categories and forms of the Russian language are given. The research methodology is based on the fact that the phenomenon of patriotism, on the whole, has a polyparadigmal and interdisciplinary character. However, the author adheres to the ethno-functional (cross-cultural) approach, which is the modern operationalization of the humanistic paradigm in domestic pedagogy. The main conclusions of the study are the actualization of the concept of "natural" patriotism - a feeling that is not inculcated, but originates by itself, therefore, it is required to build the process of patriotic education, based on the identification of the individual with the culture and language of their homeland, which is the basis for updating the educational process. The author considers the education of patriotism not as a socio-historical phenomenon, but, mainly, as a natural feeling of love for the Motherland.
strategy of education, Russian language, methodology of education, diagnostic and methodical developments, mentality, natural patriotism, values, identity, ethnofunctional approach, education
Innovative methodology and technology
Rostovtseva, M.V., Goncharova, T.M., Gudovskii, I.V. (2019). Psychological and pedagogical support of students with limited health opportunities in the process of university training . Pedagogy and education, 1, 54–60.
The subject of the study is a pilot mechanism of psychological and pedagogical support of students with limited health opportunities under the conditions of university training established by the author, which suggests multistage psychological and pedagogical support of a student with limited health opportunities, from school to graduation, and includes interaction with secondary schools on information cooperation and detection of students with limited health opportunities, control of their admission to university and creation of adaptive educational resources; creation of a health care center for medical support for students, creation of accessible social environment by inclusion of students with limited health opportunities in extracurricular activities, programs, events and etc., psychological and pedagogical work with students, aimed at formation of tolerance and acceptance; work with teachers through the organization of refresher courses on inclusive education. In this work the following principles of scientific and methodological approaches are used: systemic, activity-based, structural, personality-oriented. The methods of analysis and comparing, and also a modeling method are used. The key result of the research is the development of a complex mechanism of psychological and pedagogical support of students with limited health opportunities and its approbation in the system of higher education, which expands the psychological and pedagogical methodological base of education of students with limited health opportunities, deepens the understanding of inclusive education problems, through complex interaction between informational, medical, cultural, pedagogical, and educational university structures.
mechanism, the students, adaptive education, adaptive environment, training, limited health opportunities, inclusion, psychological and pedagogical support, socialization, adaptive model
Effectiveness of training
Yarovenko, T.V. (2019). Studying The Adjective during lessons of Russian as a foreign language. Pedagogy and education, 1, 61–67.
The article is related to the problem of studying Russian grammar during lessons of Russian as a foreign language. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the proper presentation of the didactic material leads to successful mastering of Russian grammar. Great difficulties in understanding are caused by The Adjective, which, as a rule, differs or is rarely used in foreigner's native languages. Practice shows that foreigners use only those lexical items which by association exist in their mother tongues. The goal of the research is to frame and approve the methods of presentation of didactic material contributing to successful digestion of the studied theme. The methodology of the research is based on analysis and observation, which: let the author distinguish the typical mistakes made by the students in the process of building the speech patterns. Conclusions: 1. In the process of studying the topic: The Adjective. The first stage includes studying the definition of The Adjective, what questions does it answer, its gender. The second stage - is studying the endings of The Adjective depending on the gender. The third stage - is coordination of The Adjective with The Nouns. Only after reinforcement of studied material, the studying of cases of The Adjective can be started. 2. The teacher must keep in mind that the teacher should use elementary words in the process of explaining the grammatical material during the first stage of studying. It is necessary to pronounce words clearly, slowly, not to use a great number of linguistic terms which cause difficulties in perception of the Russian language among the students of non-linguistic specialties.
Russian as a foreign, lexical items, learning grammar, learning adjectives, native language, language mediator, the students, the end, didactic material, Adjective
Historicism as a principle
Chik, S. (2019). Problematic nature of adolescence (the last third of XIX – early XX century) as a result of the Tolstoy – Delyanov high school counter reform. Pedagogy and education, 1, 68–82.
The subject of the study is the identification of leading ideas of educational protective and discriminatory policies and its influence on students, which allows analyzing peculiarities of formation of adolescence as a cultural and historical phenomenon. Liberal Charter of 1864 posed a threat to the regime, as it prepared a growing man for great independency, which gave a chance to social mobility for all layers of the population, opened new career prospects. Secondary education counter reform, instead, restrained accessibility of education, toughened the educational process, led to the problematic nature of adolescence. The content of the Charter of grammar schools and progymnasiums of 1871, the Charter of the non-classical secondary school of 1872, the rules and penalties for students, circulars of Ministers, efforts to change educational policy is observed. Special attention is paid to the study of the impact of protective and discriminatory policies on the distortion of the course of adolescence. The main method of research is the historical and pedagogical reconstruction of adolescence. Private research methods are the study and analysis of normative legal acts in the field of education, scientific and pedagogical articles, historical and pedagogical works, psychological and pedagogical studies of childhood. The novelty of the study is that the problematic nature of the course of adolescence is considered as a result of protective and discriminatory policies. It is claimed that the suppression of the most important needs of adolescence, such as self-knowledge, self-search, the development of emotional-volitional sphere, focus on the future led to a lack of self-understanding and manifested in emotional exhaustion, demotivation to activities and/or deviant behavior of students.
lack of self-understanding, adolescence, student supervision, Gymnasium of Tolstoy-Delyanov, protective and discriminatory policies, secondary education counter reform, high school, deviant behavior, emotional exhaustion, demotivation to activities