Educational psychology
Larin, N.A. (2018). The Relationship Between Cross-Cultural Competence and Emotional Burnout Syndrome of Teachers Working with Migrants. Pedagogy and education, 2, 1–7.
This article is devoted to the description of the results of the author's research andn reveals particularities of the relationship between cross-cultural competence and emotional burnout syndrome of teachers working with migrants. The article contains a description of the phenomenon of burnout and cross-cultural competence of teachers. In his research Larin describes the results of his research that prove the relationship between the affective motivational component of cross-cultural competence of a teacher and the level of depersonalisation as well as the overall level of burnout. Within the framework of this research, the author carried out a survey that involved 64 teachers from 6 secondary schools. To analyze the level of emotional burnout, the author has used the MBI method. To analyze cross-cultural competence, the author has used an quick cross-cultural competence questionnaire offered by M. Chibisov, T. Ivanov, and M. Kornilov. At first sight, emotional burnout and cross-cultural competence of school teachers are two absolutely unrelated phenomena. However, a school teacher may have to work with migrant children which creates additional emotional stress. In its turn, this may affect the emotional state of a teacher and, as a consequence, the level of emotional burnout.
educator, students, human migration, intercultural competence, cross-cultural communication, déformation professionnelle, burnout, school teacher, stress, depersonalization
Educational psychology
Vasil'eva, Y.S., Kolesnikova, E., Khafiyatullina, E.R. (2018). Individual Personality Factors of Developing University Students' Bilingualism. Pedagogy and education, 2, 8–21.
In this article the authors set a goal to define the relationship between the level of bilingualism and individual personality traits of University students. The object of the research is bilingualism as an indicator of academic success of University students in English combined with one's self-assessment of his or her actual and desired levels of the native and foreign language. The subject of the research is the best age for starting to study a foreign language and individual psychophysiological (peculiarities of brain interhemispheric relations) and psychological (personality traits and values, and intellectual abilities) features of University students. To diagnose the self-development competence the author has used a questionnaire and bilingualism competence as an indicator of academic success. To diagnose biological properties the authors have used an original method of motor screening, to diagnose personality traits the authors have used the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) of Raymond Cattell (Form C), to diagnose personal values they have used the AHL 4.2 method and to diagnose the general level of intellectual abilities the authors have used Raven's Progressive Matrices. The authors have carried out correlation and determinant analysis for a group of students with different interhemispheric connections and compared their physiological properties to their personality traits and values and academic success. The hypotheses made by the authors have been proved. The results demonstrate that bilingualism competence of University students has a psychological determination. The earlier the age when a child starts to learn a foreign language is, the higher his or her scores in foreign language tests are. Students with a dominating left hemisphere who received Cs for their English tests have a lesser level of compliance with rules and are more rigid and oppressive. Ambidextrous students are more conforming with the rules and usually need an average level of intellectual abilities to be successful in a foreign language. Right-brain students do not demonstrate any significant differences in their personality traits and values.
the formation, student of University, relationships, the examination estimation, personal qualities, differences, interhemispheric asymmetry, personal values, the competence of self-development, bilingvizm
Rostovtseva, M.V., Dogadaev, O.N., Zhigaev, I.G., Vasil'eva, T.B., Petrov, I.A. (2018). The Problem of Inclusive Education in Evaluation of Secondary School Teachers. Pedagogy and education, 2, 22–30.
The subject of the research is the inclusive education at secondary schools. The researchers carry out an empirical research aimed at analysing the opinion of teachers about difficulties that may be faced in the process of transfering to inclusive forms of education and up-bringing. The survey involved 87 teachers of five secondary school in Krasnoyarsk. The authors of this article presents the results of the research and discovers that difficulties faced by teachers in the course of inclusive education are caused by the deficit of professional skills, poor use of educational resources during lessons in mixed groups, and teachers being psychologically unready for innovations. The research has been carried out using the questionnaire-based survey. The authors wrote their own questionnaire 'Difficulties of Inclusive Education Faced by Teachers'. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the person-centered approach. The results of the research demonstrate certain difficulties faced by teachers in the course of inclusive education. These difficulties deal, first of all, with the deficit of professional skills, absence of a fccused policy from the side of the school authorities, poor use of educational resources during lessons in mixed groups, and teachers being psychologiclyl unready for innovations. The authors give recommendations for the school authorities and municipal units. These recommendations provide opportunity for all actors of the educational process to fully participate in teaching and up-bringing. For this purpose, it is necessary to review and prepare new educational resources of the educational process and to create new conditions for training inclusive education teachers.
educational process, upbringing, high school, pupils, psychological spore, learning problems, pedagogue, inclusive education, inclusion, conditions of education
Sleptsov, Y.A., Neustroev, N.D. (2018). Traditional Education of Children of Indigenous Peoples of the North, the Evens, in Nomad Camps. Pedagogy and education, 2, 31–37.
The article is devoted to the methods of traditional education of the Evens in nomad camps that can be used to educate all children of indigenous peoples of the North. The authors focus on particular features, forms and methods of organising traditional education of such children in a nomad camp. Nomad camp is a new form of a temporarily organised group of children that spend their summer vacations in the nature where the life and activity of indigenous peoples of the North are best seen (nomadic reindeer breeding brigades, taiga, grasslands, rivers, lakes, etc.) as the basis for traditional education and up-bringing of their children. Such conditions ensure a faster and better development of the ethnic identity of such children as the native speakers and representatives of the Northern ethnos. In nomad camps teachers use different folk education methods to teach national games, dnces and sewing, customs and rituals to children. The authors of the article develop and put into practice their conceptual model of nomad camp activity as well as their program of traditional echnic development of children of indigenous peoples of the North as native speakers and representatives of their culture.
native language, ethnopedagogy, upbringing, pupils, nomad camp, traditional education, ethnic culture, Evens, native element, summer vacation
Modern strategies and forms of education
Pakhareva, I.V. (2018). Innovative Approaches to Developing Graphic Competence of a University Student. Pedagogy and education, 2, 38–47.
In her article Pakhareva emphasizes the need to develop a new educational methodology based on innovative approaches that would ensure a quality training of University students in terms of graphic competence development. Pakhareva underlines the need to apply innovations in the sphere of education as the means of modernization of the system of training and raising efficiency of education. The researcher analyzes the reasons, purpose and the value of innovations included in the process of developing graphic competence of University students. The author describes the essence of a competence approach, categories of professional and graphic competence, analyzes contradictions of current pedagogical practice of teaching engineering graphic disciplines as part of students' vocational training. The subject of the research is the process of teaching engineering graphic disciplines at a University. The research methods used by the author include analysis of pedagogical research literature, requirements for higher education, terminological analysis of innovation terms, competence approach, analysis of experience in teaching engineering graphic disciplines at Vyatka State University, especially development of graphic competence, questionnaire survey and testing of students. As a result of the research, the author describes goals and targets of studying engineering graphic disciplines, peculiarities of organising educational materials, communication of student and teacher, use of contemporary software products and technologies, supervision of workplaces where students learn computer-aided design. The author offers particular solutions to modernize the system of graphic training at a University. The results of the research outline the need to realize innovative approaches to preparing future engineers and initiate the development of the innovative method for organising the process of developing graphic competence of University students.
professional competence, graphic competence, competence approach, competence, educational process, educational methodology, information technology, innovative approaches, innovation, engineering-graphic disciplines
Developing pedagogical technologies
Razorvina, A.S. (2018). Development of Fine Motor Skills in Joint Activity of a Child and Adult Within the Family. Pedagogy and education, 2, 48–52.
The article is devoted to the development of fine motor skills of preschoolers in their families. Preschool educators need to inform parents of this problem and offer solutions because not all parents know enough about child psychology. Besides developing fine motor skills, exercises solve other educational issues and are of great use to both children, parents and teachers. The author of the article emphasizes the need to develop fine motor skills for academic success and proves the importance of such activities based on pedagogical, psychological, biological and medical researches. In conclusion, the author offers variants of interesting activities for children and their parents who want to develop fine motor skills. Such activities aimed at developing fine motor skills at home may be viewed as the factor of developing an efficient parenthood and consolidation of a family. The article presents the results of an experiment carried out by the author of the article in a kindergarden.
creativity, productive activity, educational activity, joint activity, development of speech, development of intelligence, fine motor skills, origami, quilling, achievements
Educational psychology
Chvyakin, V.A., Kozilova, L.V. (2018). The Structure of Social Orientations of Contemporary High School Students as Value-Based Grounds for Their Moral Education . Pedagogy and education, 2, 53–60.
The subject of the research is the social orientations of high school students. The authors of the article focus on discovering a set of social orientations taking into account their market, consumer, accumulative, receptive, hedonistic and professional-psychological motivation. Sociogenesis of personality is the process where social orientations take an important place. Social orientations are personality orientations that are formed at a teenage age. Such personality orientation is not always intended but for a high school student such life orientations are an individual value. The methodology of the research implies Erich Fromm's concept about social characters, Milton Rokeach' concept of human values, Dimitri Uznadze's theory of stereotypes, R. Lynton's and J. Meade's theory of social roles. The research methods used by the author include tests of social and psychological personality orientations in O. Potemkina's motivational-consumer sphere, and M. Rokeach' 'values' inventory. The conclusions are as follows: 1. High school students often demonstrate a professional psychological type of social orientation. 2. Except for professional-psychological, other orientations are non-constructive and are a consequence of the deficit of socialization as a result of unfavorable social development of high school students. 7 % and 14 % of school students demonstrated hedonistic motives that determined one's pursuance of pleasure (in accordance with the age). Consumer motives dominate in 15 % and 18 % respectively. 3. High school students have an expressed tendency towards the market type of personality self-fulfilment (20 %). This is proved by their desire to make their own money. It is the first time in the academic literature that the authors define the structure of social orientations of high school students taking into account their market, consumer, accumulative, receptive, hedonistic and professional psychological motivation.
Market social orientation, Accumulative social orientation, Consumer social orientation, Receptive social orientation, Social well-being of the family, Socialization, Senior, Social orientation, Hedonic orientation, Vocational guidance
Innovative methodology and technology
Chuikova, E. (2018). Measuring the Results of the Disicpline 'Academic Writing' . Pedagogy and education, 2, 61–67.
The subject of the researc is the process of measuring qualitative results of students' success in the English academic writing course. Based on the author, students' academic writing skills grow in parallel with a growing independence of students, expansion of the 'genre repertory' of written English, and development of professional motivation. These changes are viewed by the author of the article as the main criteria for evaluating the results of the course in general. In terms of evaluating each written work in particular, traditionally the quality of academic texts of students who study English as a foreign language is estimated depending on the criteria developed by international test institutions, for example, IELTS (academic module). However, this points-based system allows to evaluate the literacy of a text in the first place. It does not provide a complete idea of one's ability to shift from the culture of the native written speech to the culture of a foreign written speech. In her research Chuykova tries to include traditional indicators such as 'content', 'organisation' and 'language literacy' of an academic text in evaluating authenticity of a text. The author concludes that authenticity of an academic text written in a foreing language should be defined based on three basic criteria. Original content and accurate observation of academic literacy requirements raise the authenticity of an academic text while errors caused by the need to write in a foreign language and work in a foreign cultural field decrease it. These criteria are specified and systematized by Chuykova in her article.
academic style, text structure, academic text authenticity, academic writing, assessment descriptors, writing assessment, taxonomic approach, academic writing culture, academic writing literacy, socio-cultural mismatches
Individual approach in education
Kryaklina, T.F. (2018). The Use of Ethnopedagogical Knowledge in the Russian System of School Education (the Experience of Experimental Research in a Small Stuffing School of Ivankino Settlement, Tomsk Region). Pedagogy and education, 2, 68–77.
The subject of the research is the experimental research on the use of ethnopedagogical knowledge of the Selkups in a small stuffing school of Invankino settlement, Tormsk Region in 1993 - 1996. The object of the research is the elimination of the estrangement of the Northern peoples from their traditional culture in the system of school education. The author of the article analyzes such aspects of the topic as peculiarities of ethnopedagogical knowledge and their role in the personality development of the children of the Northern peoples. Kryaklina focuses on analysing the contents of the curricula, the need to involve school students into traditional activities and cultural values. The main research method is the experiment of using ethnocultural knowledge of the Selkups in the contents and methods of teaching and involvement of children into traditional culture and traditional activities. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that theauthor analyzes the results of the experiment on using ethnopedagogical knowledge of a particular ethnos, the Sekups, in a small stuffing school and makes conclusions based on it. The main conclusions of the research are the following: the author proves the need to include elements of traditional culture and traditional activities into the curricula of schools where the Northern children study. The author suggest to include such disciplines as the national language, native history, regional studies through history, traditional labor, traditional dances and music, etc. The author also suggests to develop the model of a small stuffing school for the Northern children that would involve elements of their traditional culture and values and thus would not destroy the consistency of the Russian educational space.
traditions, training programs, national culture, school education, nationalities of the North, ethnopedagogical knowledge, ethnopedagogics, ethnicity, traditional culture, traditional values
The communication process
Rozin, V.M. (2018). On Building the Theory of Questioning. Pedagogy and education, 2, 78–89.
In his article Rozin describes the first stage of building the theory of questioning. The author's theory is based on the differentiation between pre-personal and personal questions as he described in his previous article. Rozin makes a statement that questioning is not a complete process because it only sets the 'sphere of questioning' as a special experience of a collective action and 'questioning communication'. Rozin analyzes three cases (Socratic questioning in Plato's works, questioning in St. Augustine's 'Confessiones' and questions asked by an investigator). Analysis of these three cases has allowed to describe the sphere of questioning and questioning communication as new concepts. In particular, in terms to questioning communicaiton, the author suggests to differentiate between the situation of questioning and process of questioning. In his research Rozin has used the following methodologies: problem statement, case analysis, construction of ideal objects and concepts that describe them, and typological description. As a result, Rozin outlines the methodological program of buildig the theory of questioning. He also differentiates between the terms 'the sphere of questioning' and 'questioning communication' and to describe the first characteristics of questions based on the analysis of three cases (Socratic questioning in Plato's works, questioning in St. Augustine's 'Confessiones' and questions asked by an investigator).
whole, understanding, thinking, practice, communication, answer, question, concept, system, theory
Historicism as a principle
Chik, S. (2018). At the Onset of Teenage Years: Reform of Secondary Education in Russia in 1864. Pedagogy and education, 2, 90–98.
The subject of the research is the leading ideas of the secondary education reform that took place in Russia in 1864 when the origins and peculiar features of teenage years were first mentioned. The present research is based on the assumption that the term 'adolescence' was first brought up by that reform. Historical and pedagogical analysis carried out by the author casts light on the reasons of difficult and often deviant behavior of teenagers and emphasizes the insufficience of one-sided pedagogical influence. The researcher analyzes such aspects of the topic as the contents of the Statutes of Gymnasiums and Progymnasiums, and arguments of participants in pedagogical discussions. The author pays special attention to the definition and time frame of a new age period. The main research methods include study and analysis of legal acts and regulations in the sphere of education, reviews, research articles in pedagogics devoted to the reform of 1864, and historical and pedagogical researches of the childhood. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the development of the adolescence concept is viewed in terms of the reform of 1864. The Statutes of Gymnasiums and Progymnasiums created the system of massive (accessible) secondary education that would mean an extended period of education, and segregation of students depending on their chronological age. Students faced new conditions of life outside their families, established views of the world and themselves demolished, and that formed the basis of the teenage age. At the same time, declared education common to all mankind was replaced with the formal approach. As a result, the teenage age was primarily seen as a negative phenomeon and permanent teenage crisis.
issues of life, education common to all mankind, upbringing of the, adolescence, Statutes of gymnasiums, reform of secondary education, classicism, realism, formal approach, permanent teenage crisis