Educational psychology
Kuzmina, A.S. (2018). Transformation of Students' Self-Attitude Parameters at Different Stages of University Education. Pedagogy and education, 1, 1–11.
The article is devoted to transformation of the substantive structure of students' self-attitude. This is a longitudinal kind of research. In her research proves the fact that the structure of students' self-attitude changes during their university education. She analyzes factor models of students' self-attitude during the first, second, third and fourth years of University. The aim of the research is to define particularities of transformation of students' self-attitude parameters at different stages of University education. The object of the research is the students' self-attitude. The subject of the research is the process of transformation of students' self-attitude parameters at different stages of their university education. The methodology of the research includes the activity approach offered to S. Rubnshtein, theory of relationships offered by V. Myasischev, and self-attitude concept of S. Pantileev and V. Stolin. Psychological tests include Self-Attitude Inventory by S. Pantileev and V. Stolin and Life Values Inventory by D. Leontiev adapted by T. Kryukova), Self-Actualization Test by Yu. Alyoshina, L. Gozman, M. Zagika and M. Kroz. The methods of mathematical statistics include analysis of means, single-factor analysis of variance, exploratory factor analysis (the method of principal components). The data were processed by using applied statistical data processing software SPSS 17.00. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author demonstrates how the substantive structure of students' self-attitude transforms during their university education. The main conclusions of the research: the structure of students' self-attitude from the first to the fourth university year is deined by the social situation and combined professional and moral education efforts.
training, transformation, meaning, self-actualization, personality, student, education, Self-relation, upbringing, way of life
Mel'nikova, L.A., Mkrtchyan, N.M., Metelkina, Z.S. (2018). The Role of Cultural and Educational Environment of the College in the Personal and Professional Development of Future Teachers. Pedagogy and education, 1, 12–18.
The authors of the article reveal the peculiarities in the organization of cultural and educational environment for the professional development of future teachers in the teacher-training college, based on the unique cultural and historical situation in which this educational institution develops, culture and traditions of the Upper Don widely represented in scientific and fiction literature, and the history of the Cossacks and folk crafts. That support was possible due to the selfless activity of teachers, the development of a regional module for the content of teacher training and the systematic organization of the educational process in the college. The main methodology of the research is related to the design of the cultural and educational environment for the professional and personal development of students: the development of the appropriate content of education, the organization of the professional development environment, the saturation of the living environment with cultural events and the involvement of students in the cultural life of the region. The novelty of the research is that the article shows how the cultural and educational environment of personal and professional development of future teachers is organized in a specific educational institution, what cultural events are included in the educational process and how the immersion of subjects of upbringing into the cultural events of the region produces the maximum educational effect .
regional pedagogy, professional development, creative laboratory, cultural identity, ethnic culture, cultural and educational environment, event pedagogy, immersion technology, traditions, cultural phenomenon
Larina, L. (2018). The Program for Observation of the State Speech Competence of Preschool Children with Retarded Mental Development of Cerebral Organic Genesis. Pedagogy and education, 1, 19–27.
The subject of the research is the children with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis. The author of the article examines such aspects as the conditions and indicators for the monitoring of the speech competence of preschool children with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis. Special attention is paid to the interpretation of the concept "speech competence" of a preschooler and description of the components of speech competence subject to exploration in a group of children of preschool age with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis: phonetic-phonological, lexical, grammatical and textual. The method of the research chosen by the author allows to explore the speech competence of the preschool child ( 6-year olds) with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis in several different situations that give a more complete picture about the practical use of speech for this category of children. The author has described the tasks, procedure, conditions and values of observing speech competence of preschool children (6-year olds) with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis in situations of communication with peers and adults. The author proposes to observe these competencies of preschool children with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis in particular situations when they communicate with adults and peers. In particlar, the speech competence of preschool children (6-year olds) with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis was monitored in the following situations: 1) in a situation when an adult does not offer communication; 2) when an adult expresses affection for the fellowship; 3) in a situation when an adult offers communication, organizing the activities of the child, offers to play, to read, to talk. This article was the first to define components of verbal competence of preschool children (6-year olds) with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis: phonetic-phonological, lexical, grammatical and textual components, and developed a program of observations of the children in this category. Thus, for the study of speech competence it is necessary to determine the application features of speech in various situations. This problem is solved by using the method of observation. For effective monitoring of the speech competence of preschool children with retarded mental development of cerebral organic genesis, the author has determined its objectives, procedure, conditions and assessment criteria.
communication, observation, mental retardation, text component, grammatical component, lexical component, phonetic-phonological component, speech competence, speech skills, language skills
Values and goals of education
Pryadko, I.P., Lebedev, I.M. (2018). Russian Construction Education in the Era of Innovations: Socio-Cultural and Pedagogical Aspect. Pedagogy and education, 1, 28–38.
The authors of the present article offer their evaluation of transformations that are happening in the Russian university education and aimed at bringing the system of education with Bologna process standards. The authors analyze these transformations from the point of view of the need to train specialists in the field of construction. They analyze conclusions made by University professors majoring in construction. In particular, University professors worry about such factors as a low level of knowledge about objectives of aforesaid reformations and unawareness of measures that can improve the existing system of education. The research contains the results of a survey that involved teachers and students in the field of construction who work and study in Moscow or Moscow Region. The results of the questionnaire demonstrate that there are the following factors that prevent the academic community from reformation of Russian university education in accordance with Bologna standards: low English proficiency of students and insufficient profits. These factors make it nearly impossible for Russian students to study abroad and thus decrease the competitive ability of Russian university graduates on the global labor market despite the fact that these universities have adopted the Bologna system of education. The authors of the article also use mass media data in their research. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors focus on the needs of construction companies in well trained and skilled professionals. The authors mention that the major part of experts also underline that universities do not train their students to solve practical issues in construction or building as well as that the Russian education system is significantly behind the Western system education when it comes to training specialists in construction logistics and management of construction sites. construction education, the Bologna process, competence, higher education, education, the Education Act, Bologna, Bologna system, innovation, logistics
innovation, Bologna system, Bologna, Education Act, education, higher education, competence, Bologna process, construction education, logistics
Modern strategies and forms of education
Gevorkian, M. (2018). Classification of Multicultural Education. Pedagogy and education, 1, 39–45.
The purpose of the article is to analyze and present a classification of risks of multicultural education within the system of higher vocational education in the Republic of Armenia. Taking into account the monoethnic but multicultural educational system, the author of the article emphasizes the need and describes particularities of the multicultural education in Armenia. The results of the empirical research allow to make a statement that the multicultural education needs to take into account the ethnic structure of the region (limited trans-national communication) and opportunities provided by the cross-cultural dialogue (subject-object dialogue with rituals, traditions, customs and art of different cultures). The author of the article proves that it is impossible to avoid risks in an actual teaching process, thus it is important to describe, classify and diagnose pedagogical risks of multicultural education. Within the framework of the research risks mean uncertainty that may cause unfavorable situations or consequences in the process of implementing a multicultural educational model. The author of the article views pedagogical risks of multicultural education as a set of all unforeseen reactions and demonstrations that relate to difficulties that may arise when actors of the educational system change from the monocultural to multicultural way of thinking. These difficulties create an apparent or hidden danger for the fulfilment of multicultural educational tasks. The author of the article analyzes researches devoted to risks and pedagogical risks and describes risks of multicultural education. The results of the empirical research allow to prove the importance of the issue for the teaching process. The results of a series of researches carried out by the author in 2010 - 2017 allow to define the following risks of multicultural education taking into account the ethnic structure of the region and opportunities provided by the cross-cultural dialogue: strategic, personal, psychological, communicaton and socio-cultural risks. Analysis of particularities, opportunities and risks of multicultural education in today's world will allow to take into account cultural and educational interests of representatives of different national and ethnic groups which, on the one hand, plays a strategic role for competition of educational institutions under the conditions of mobile education and switch of universities to the international level. On the other hand, analysis of efficient methods and mechanisms of prevention or ways and technologies of minimization of risks in a modern multicultural environment will make the process of personality development in today's cross-cultural and diversified world more harmonous and full.
readiness, multicultural society, empirical study, socio-cultural risks, risk communication, psychological risks, personal risks, strategic risks, risk, multicultural education
Developing pedagogical technologies
Martynets, M. (2018). Activity-Typed Workshop. Pedagogy and education, 1, 46–60.
The article contains the description of the processes of preparation for, implementation and evaluation of a pedagogical activity-typed workshop. The workshop was carried out during a regional event - "Auction of pedagogical ideas" held in Krasnoyarsk (June, 2016). The unusual form of the event made it important to develop an outstanding workshop which would be unpredictable to most of the participants. As a result, the aim and the hypothesis of the research were defined which led to the experiment during implementation of the pedagogical conditions, their evaluation and analysis. The research methods included general theoretical methods such as theoretical analysis of literature on psychology of teaching, regulatory documentation and documents about education institutions and teachers' works); empirical methods (observation, interview, analysis of teaching experience, etc.), and statistical methods (analysis of test results). There are six different positions described in the article. The author starts from the core competence - the teacher's ability to plan the students' results - then leads to the analysis of pros and cons of higher and post-graduate teachers' education that don't allow teachers to plan real, specific and measurable students' results; then the author becomes a master and continues to write about planning, carrying out and evaluating his workshop. The article should be useful to the teachers who want to change their traditional workshops to activity-typed workshops.
planned results, criteria, apprentices, participants, master, Bloom's taxonomy, activity, workshop, specification of notion, pedagogical research
Spiritual and moral search
Tkhakushinov, A., Siiukhova, A. (2018). Ethnopedagogical Potential of Adygs Traditional Rituals. Pedagogy and education, 1, 61–67.
The subject of this research is the ethnopedagogical potential of traditional rituals of the Adygs. The authors of the article prove the importance of reviewing the ethnopegagotical principles within families, small groups and major communities due to the problems that are now arising in contemporary education. Today's education has become more like a service industry which considerably decreases the influence thereof on moral development of students. This makes internal reserves of culture to put on mechanisms that are capable of opposing to entropy processes. One of such principles implies reviewing the ethnopegagogical education principles that are most brightly expressed in traditional rituals. For the purpose described above, the authors of the article analyze the ancient 'chapshch' ritual exercised by the Adygs. This ritual is performed at the bed of a seriously ill or wounded patient. The methodology of the research is based on the interdisciplinary approach that involved analysis of ethnographical data, diachronic method of cultural research, semiotics and social and philosophical analytics. As a conclusion of the research, the authors make an assumption that in the history of the ethnos development, the chapshch ritual had all essential features of a socio-cultural institution, one of such features being the capacity to develop certain standards and patterns of social interaction. The results of the research demonstrate that chapshch served as an ethnopedagogical mechanism of efficient socialization of a young generation and integration thereof into the socio-cultural environment. In the course of the ritual, future adult relations of children and youth developed providing a great range of interaction patterns.
chapshch ritual, ritual of the Adygs, traditional culture, Adygs, ethnopedagogy, spirituality, education as a service, modern education, laughter culture, broadcast of ethnocultural values
Innovative methodology and technology
Kryuchkov, K.S. (2018). Teaching Existentialism to Russian Psychology Majors: Yalomian Approach as an Integrative Learning Tool. Pedagogy and education, 1, 68–75.
In the present report the model developed for teaching existential psychology and psychotherapy to undergraduate students in Russian University is described. The author describes an experience and challenges he faced while teaching existentialism in one of Russian Universities in 20112-2014, and pedagogical approach he used to overcome those challenges, developed on the basis of Irvine Yalom’s Existential Psychotherapy. The author offers the theoretical model that helps to 'match' different concepts of existential philosophy, psychology and psychotherapy with the Yalomian 'ultimate concerns' that are universal for every human being. The author also offers a number of didactic tools that are helpful in teaching existential philosophy, psychology and psychotherapy for psychology majors. Those tools are including but not limited to: discussions, interviews, demonstrations, as well as some more innocative didactic techniques such as 'self-therapy film'. The author invites professionals teaching existential psychology to utilize and use the model described.
psychotherapy training, psychology teaching, Yalomian psychotherapy, ultimate concerns, existentialism, existential philosophy, existential psychotherapy, existential psychology, existential factors, cinematherapy
Effectiveness of training
Lisin, D.V., Soldatova, E.V. (2018). Modified Method of Measuring the Levels of Completeness of Learning in the Process of Formation of Concepts. Pedagogy and education, 1, 76–86.
An improvement of methods of calculation of individual indicators of the levels of completeness of mastering the content of the concept, the completeness of learning the number of connections of this concept with other concepts and the completeness of learning of the concept proposed by A.V. Usova for cases where the distribution of the measured values differs significantly from normal distribution is proposed. Modified indicators of quality of formation of concepts is proposed to define using the median performance of the corresponding samples. Examples of the resulting differences in the calculation for both methods is shown as well as the importance of these techniques in the process of formation of system of concepts in the transition to developing methodological education. The formation of concepts is subject of a number of works of A.V. Usova, which introduces the following numerical measures necessary for the implementation of the process of formation of concepts: the completeness of assimilation of students of the concept, the completeness of learning the number of connections of this concept with other concepts and the completeness of learning of the concept, defined as the arithmetic average of the individual indicators of assimilation for the group. In our opinion, along with the proposed A.V. Usova formulas, you must also use the medians of the corresponding samples. Some results of the pedagogical experiment showing the results of applying both methods is presented. Proposed improvement of methods of calculation of individual indicators of quality of formation of concepts in the group will more adequately control for the dynamics of these indicators in cases where a density distribution of the individual indicators differs significantly from the normal Gaussian distribution.
logic of social behavior, methodological skills, Outlook, worldview, completeness of mastering, formation of concepts, methodological pedagogy, quality control, feedback, method of Usova
Earnest discussion
Minasyan, E.T. (2018). Educators’ Multiroles in Blended Learning Environment. Pedagogy and education, 1, 87–90.
The higher education in Russia is constantly going towards the development of blended learning environment trying to respond to global standards. The main trends of today’s education encompass skills-based approach, student-centered learning mode and computerized knowledge acquisition which lead to a gradual shift from traditional teaching to self-study. The core objective of the article is to define the educator’s diverse roles in managing academic flexibility, designing hybrid curricula with online component, thus encouraging lifelong learning. The purpose of the article is to reveal the challenges and requirements set before educators who have to cater effectively for meeting all the needs of learners. The research is based on empirical studies conducted by contemporary scholars, comparative analyses of diverse modes of teaching and learning and practical implications of micro-blended learning strategies which trigger the alteration and expansion of teacher’s functions. The study outcomes imply that technological enhancements and inconsistencies in scholastic environment dictate the emergence and evolvement of diverse teaching styles which pursue the goal to increase the insufficient language practice through informal and guided self-study. The author assumes that the research findings can be helpfully applied in educational sphere for designing and introducing e-learning schemes where educators act quite proficiently and knowingly in any teaching role.
traditional learning setting, student-centered, integrate, technology-enhanced, educators’ role, blended learning environment, facilitator, motivator, critical thinking, self-development