Question at hand
Gubanova, M.I., Davydenko, A.A. (2018). Web-Seminar as an Instrument that Can Be Used to Organize Teachers' Professional Communication. Pedagogy and education, 4, 1–8.
The object of the research is the activity of school teaching staff under unfavorable social conditions. The subject of the research is the communication of the teaching staff at schools that have professional communities. In their article the authors update the list of federal and regional strategic documents that emphasize the need to provide the methodological support of activities undertaken by the teaching staff under review. The authors describe opportunities and prospects for the use of web-seminars as part of the methodological support of school teaching activities under unfavorable social conditions. The research is based on theoretical methods such as theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic; review and analysis of documents, regulations and laws related to education; systematization; analysis; empirical methods (interview, survey, questionnaries) and observation. The authors' contribution to the topic is that the research has got the scientific novelty which is the fact that it describes methodological aspects of organisation of web-seminars to extend the borders of the professional community and to exchange experience in solving similar issues that may be faced by the teaching staff. The authors provide particular examples of web-seminars and conclude that a distantly used web-seminar is an efficient and economical instrument to solve professional difficulties and to exchange experience providing that participants actively and independently define general goals, efficient methods and necessary contents of their activities.
activity, co-operation, management, unfavorable social conditions, pedagogical team, methodical support, web-seminar, professionality, quality of education, subject
Ayusheev, V.V., Kulikova, O.A. (2018). Physical Exercises and Traditional Games of the Buryats as an Efficient Means of Physical Education. Pedagogy and education, 4, 9–14.
The subject of the research is the physical exercises and traditional games of the Buryats as an efficient means of physical education. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that this is an understudied issue in ethnopedagogy. It is necessary to provide scientific grounds and prove the need to preserve ethnocultural heritage of the Buryats and their physical education of the youth and to use their experience in physical education. The aim of the research is to discover physical exercises and traditional games of the Buryats as an efficient means of physical education. The general research methodology is based on the principles of dialectics that are used to analyze the world, society and human, the assumption that there is a universal connection and interdependence of facts and phenomena, integral nature and social determination of the personality growth process. In the course of the research the authors have the method of analysis and generalisation of relevant literature. The research involved scientific research on the Buryat ethnography, ethnopedagogy, and observation over children playing. The theoretical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the results of the research can be used to analyze the problems of applying traditional folk exercises, games and national sports to enrich the contents and forms of physical education at schools of the Republic. The results of the research can be also used in teaching sports at schools and universities and preparing academic curricula and study books.
strength, ethnopedagogy, youth, buryats, physical education, traditional games, physical exercises, endurance, agility, quickness
Innovative methodology and technology
Gryaznova, E.V., Bobykina, N.Y. (2018). Diagnostics of the Motivational System of the Personality in Distance Learning, the Traditional Russian Folk Embroidery. Pedagogy and education, 4, 15–26.
The subject of research is the development of methods of diagnostics of the motivational system of the personality in distance learning, the traditional Russian folk embroidery is based on a "map of interests". The object of study is distance education. Special attention the authors pay to the development of a questionnaire to determine the motivation of the student. Obtained after processing the results of the "map of interests", allows students to determine the appropriate level of training. The paper presents the results of approbation of the developed technique. This technique helps to prevent communication problems in the system "teacher - student" in distance learning.As main methods of research used the method of analysis and generalization, practical testing of teaching methods, the method of compilation of the questionnaire, the technique of "map of interests".The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in Russian pedagogy, the design methodology of the motivational system of the personality in distance learning, the traditional Russian folk embroidery.The developed method allows to choose an individual trajectory of training, expands the possibilities for constructive dialogue in the system "teacher - student" in distance learning.
folk art, distance pedagogy, map of interests, motivational system, questionnaire of interest, psychological diagnostics, e-learning, olk embroidery, Russian embroidery, technique of diagnostics
Modern strategies and forms of education
Ivanova, N., Minaeva, E., Vorobieva, N. (2018). Analysis of the Experience of the Foreign States in Organising Interaction Between Schools and Primary School Students' Parents. Pedagogy and education, 4, 27–42.
The aim of the research is to analyze the experience of foreign schools in organising interaction between schools and primary school students' parents. Based on that aim, the authors of the article set and solve the following tasks: to analyze conceptual approaches to the interaction between school and parents of the educational process described in foreign literature; to summarize modern practices of the educational interaction between EU, USA, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand schools. The authors have defined the main elements of the strategy used by the foreign schools to involve parents of primary school students into the educational process. In the course of their research the authors have used the categorial, subjective-objective, systems approaches, comparative analysis, synthesis, observation and logical generalization. As a result of the research, the authors have summarized the experience of the foreign states in organising the interaction between schools and parents and have defined the main areas, forms and methods of involvement of parents into the educational process, in particular, efficient communication of schools and families, voluntary projects and activities; home schooling; collective decision making process; and cooperation with school and local communities. The authors have also analyzed approaches of the foreign schools to improving efficiency of the educational cooperation between primary school and parents which has allowed to summarize and systematize the key activities that influence the productivity of teaching and education. The results of the research contribute to the development of the methods used to organize interaction between school and parents. The conclusions and results of the research may be used to improve the modern practices of Russian schools and to increase efficiency of the educational strategies being developed as part of individual educational routes. The conclusions made by the authors may be taken into account when developing activities aimed at enabling interaction between schools and families as well as evaluating efficiency of these activities' efficiency.
involvement, parents, primary school, educational partnership, individual educational route, educational process, the best practices, forms, methods, foreign schools
Question at hand
Arinushkina, A.A., Bakhtin, M.B., Dovbysh, S.E., Tormosova, A.K. (2018). Consulting Service in the System of General Education. Pedagogy and education, 4, 43–50.
The article is devoted to the grounds for organisation of consulting service at the federal, regional, and municipal levels of the system of general education (government authorities). Acting within the framework of the pedagogic comparative linguistics and based on the results of the monitoring of the education systems in 28 countries of the EU, the authors define 8 best consulting practices at the national, regional and local levels in the following countries: Luxembourg, Portugal, Italy, Chech Republic, Netherlands, Spain, France and Finland. The authors prove that consulting technologies may be used in the Russian Federation system of general education as the benchmarking. The authors also emphasize the need to analyze the best practice and reformation of the system of general education in the EU countries, and to create consulting service models at the national, regional and local levels of the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors offer their own algorithm of consulting of school development at the national (federal) level. For the first time in the academic literature the author makes a conclusion about the need to develop the structure of the portfolio of the local consulting school service and approaches thereto as well as the need to establish the rules and procedures of the consulting service based on the monitoring of the resorts of citizens.
quality assurance systems, promote school autonomy, school development plans, support school quality, general education, pedagogical supervision, administrative management, school management, school cluster leaders, consulting
Innovative methodology and technology
Mikheeva, G.V. (2018). Comments to the Regional Literary Text as the Tool to Acquaint Students With History, Cultural Traditions and Spiritual Values of their Homeland (the Case Study of Stepan Pisakhov's Fairy Tales) . Pedagogy and education, 4, 51–60.
The subject of the research is the fairy tales written by Stepan Pisakhov as the examples of regional literature. The aim of the research is to develop issues that may arise in the process of writing comments to a regional literary text. The authors view comments as the teaching tool to acquaint the younger generation with history, culture, and spiritual values of their homeland. Mikheeva gives examples of comments to the fairy-tales of Stepan Pisakhov that focus on the elements of Piskahov's writings that contain information about history, culture and values. The authors also provide recommendations on how to work with comments during the educational process. The researcher has used a set of methods such as semantic analysis of the vocabulary and phraseology, etymological analysis, linguistic and linguocultural comments, and pedagogical design. The main conclusions of the research are the following: Stepan Pisakhov's fairy-tales are writings of high artistic merit that have great educational potentials; comments to Stepan Pisakhov's fairy-tales can be used as the teaching tool to acquaint the younger generation with history and culture of their homeland, the role of their homeland in the history of the country, and to develop moral qualities and values of the youth. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author defines specific features of the comments to a regional literary text.
culture, story, teaching tool, Stepan Pisakhov, author's tale, regional literature, comment, spiritual values, literary education, students
Lukina, S.A. (2018). Consideration of National and Regional Specific Features of Yakutia in the Course of Teaching the 'Human and His Health' Discipline as Part of School Biology Curricula. Pedagogy and education, 4, 61–66.
The object of the research is the biology teaching and educational process at school. The subject of the research is the development of a valuable attitude of 8th-grade school students. Lukina focuses on the analysis of the biological curricula at Yakutia (Republic of Sakha) schools. She analyzes the experience in the regionalization of education based on the example of teaching biology at Yakutia schools. The results of the analysis of theses and researches on the matter demonstrate that a regional component is insufficiently presented in the biological curricula of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The regional component in teaching biology should include peculiarities related to the mentality, language, traditions, customs, culture and psychophysiological features of the nation. The methodological basis of the research implies a set of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and natural scientific concepts of developing a valuable attitude to a healthy life style, the basic conceptual grounds and the main didactical and methodological principles of teaching school students. The researcher has also used such methods as tests and statistical methods such as using measuring scales and descriptive statistics. The results of analysing the biology curricula demonstrate that Yakutia schools lack certain solutions and methods that would contribute to the development of a valuable attitude to health. Lukina offers her own theoretical model of developing a valuable attitude to a healthy life style in the process of teaching the Human and His Health discipline at Yakutia schools. The researcher conducts an experiment to verify efficiency of her method in developing a valuable attitude to a healthy life style as part of biology teaching. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author develops methodologies and conditions for teaching the Human and His Health discipline for the 8th-grade school students in Yakutia taking into account their regional and ethnic peculiarities.
learning biology, education of Yakutia, regional component, health of value, valuable attitude, standard, biology teaching methods, school education, healthy lifestyle, regionalization
Volkov, I.A. (2018). Research Activity in a Village School: Can School Students Reproduce New Research Knowledge? . Pedagogy and education, 4, 67–75.
The subject of this research is the research activity of students in a village school. In his research Volkov provides details of organizing research activity at secondary schools. Compared to village schools, municipal schools do not face so many problems when it comes to the organization of students' research activity. First of all, municipal schools have better funds, developed infrastructure, more opportunities of leisure activities for children and involvement of children to research activities of other municipal companies. In the course of the research Volkov has used the following methods: comparative analysis of research activity in village and municipal schools; systems approach to developing recommendations on how to arrange for research activity in the country-side, interview of teachers about peculiarities of their teaching at school, and logical method to analyze the modern stage of the social development and research activity in general. In accordance with the requirements of new educational standard, research is becoming a mandatory school activity and part of academic success. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange for research activities throughout the elementary and high school both in a city and the country-side. There is a great number of village schools in the Russian Federation and these schools face certain difficulties with organizing new methods and forms of teaching. This research is devoted to specific features of a village school and what conditions are necessary for their successful development.
advantages of the scientific work, an educational organization, Education in the Russian Federation, a project activity, a research project, a research activity, disadvantages of the scientific work, a village school, a scientific work, recommendations of the scientific work
Zhukov, A.G. (2018). The Basic Department: Organization, Function and Legal Basis. Pedagogy and education, 4, 76–84.
This article is devoted to the issues related to the basic organization, functions and legal grounds of a University basic department. The subject of the research is the University basic department. Zhukov analyzes and clarifies such terms as 'basic department', 'profile basic organization', 'practical training' and 'professional practical training'. He analyzes what resources are necessary for the effective performance of the University basic department including material, technical, information, financial resources, etc. The researcher defines targets and goals of the basic department in a University and offers his own model of the network training of would-be teachers that can be used by the University basic department. He also analyzes and summarizes theoretical literature on the matter and studies the practical experience of the basic departments of RSVPU. The model of the network training of would-be teachers has proved effective and has allowed to develop professional and pedagogical skills of students in a better way than those compared to the average training of part-time University students.
professional practical training, university department, rsvpu, practical training, integrated basic department, basic organization, basic department, profile basic organization, network training, network training model
Struganov, S.M., Akhmatgatin, A.A., Agafonov, M.P., Balashov, A.V. (2018). Competent Planning of the Training Process Based on the Parameters of Functional Diagnostics in Cyclic Sports. Pedagogy and education, 4, 85–94.
The article is devoted to the competent planning of the training process of cyclic sportsmen. At the present time this is a topical issue providing that in order to achieve the best results in sports, athletes often use intensive and excessive training. Thus, to keep reserve abilities of sportsmen, it is necessary to regularly plan their training taking into account their functional state and to avoid the overtraining syndrome and failure of adaptation abilities. The results of the research demonstrate that medical and biological examination using modern methods of functional diagnostics may raise functional and psychic abilities of sportsmen, their physical efforts and adaptation. The method developed by the researchers allows to manage the training process of cyclic sportsmen and to avoid the overtraining syndrome as well as the failure of their adaptation during the training process and raises achievements and results during important competitions. All this proves the efficiency of the method offered by the authors.
medical and biological examination, operational control, functional diagnostics, functional features of the body, physical activity, stage of special preparation, training process, state of overtraining syndrome, body adaptation, comprehensive diagnostic program
Modern strategies and forms of education
Shchemeleva, Y.B. (2018). Network Educational Project 'Engineering': Implementation Experience. Pedagogy and education, 4, 95–103.
In her article Schemeleva discusses historical grounds for additional engineering education of children and demonstrates how these programs are popular and important today from the point of view of the economic development of the Russian Federation. She also describes the experience of implementing the netork educational project 'Engineering' conducted by the Center for Additional Education 'Erudite' and branch of the Southern Federal University in the resort city Gelendzhik of the Krasnodar Region. Schemeleva views the system of additional education of children as a special cluster of the educational system that can tie together career guidance and further vocational education. Schemeleva describes the grounds for successful implementation of the aforesaid project as a thre-in-one factor that combines pedagogical experience of the university teaching staff, experience of additional education teachers in working with gifted children, and innovative approaches of the student youth who act as mentors. The researcher demonstrates how the list of additional technical education programs implemented as part of the network educational project 'Engineering' relates to the priority areas of research and technological development in the Russian Federation. At the end of her article Schemeleva underlines that as a result of this project, a university applicant should receive pre-university primary training in progressive technical areas in addition to his or her orientation at technical studies.
technique and technology, engineering education, development of the education system, formation of technical thinking, professional education, engineering, additional education of children, technical education, Network educational project, technical direction
Educational psychology
Bochkarnikova, E.G., Nikolaeva, A.A., Savchenko, I.A. (2018). Peculiarities of Interpersonal Conflicts that Result from Deviant Behavior of Teenagers. Pedagogy and education, 4, 104–110.
The subject of the research is the definition of conflict,in particular, the main peculiarities of the conflict that arise in social groups. The authors of the article have analyzed specific features of interpersonal conflicts that may happen in a social group and give a brief description of school students with deviant behavior as well as describe causes of interpersonal conflicts faced by teenagers. The authors have also carried out an empirical research of conflicts with deviant teenagers and have analyzed particular patterns of interpersonal relationships and behavior in a group of children who have never demonstrated deviant behavior, and in a group of children who have demonstrated deviant behavior. In this article the authors give a detailed description of the diagnostics process based on the Deviant Behavior Inventory of A. Oryol. Based on the results of the research, the authors state that school children who demonstrate deviant behavior do not have an adequate conflict pattern and have undeveloped skills of compromise and cooperation. At the same time, the authors discover that a conflict pattern of a teenager is mostly conditioned by his or her position within a social group, sociometric status and leadership skills.
group, gender distribution, sociometric study, Delinquent behavior, Self-destructive behavior, addictive behaviour, deviant behavior, interpersonal conflict, conflict, leadership potential
Educational psychology
Stepanova, O.S., Nikolaeva, A.A., Savchenko, I.A. (2018). Role-Playing Game as the Means of Conflict Prevention for Primary School Students. Pedagogy and education, 4, 111–121.
The authors of the article emphasize the need in role-playing games as efficient means of conflict prevention for primary school children. The authors provide the results of their empirical research when they used role-playing games as the means of teaching efficient conflict patterns to primary school students. The research was conducted at Romanovskaya School of Moscow and involved, on the one hand, primary school teachers (8 individuals), women of 35 - 55 years old; and on the other hand, primary school students (74 children) of 7 - 10 years old. The research methodology included the following concepts: psychoanalytical theory of conflict (Sigmund Freud, Adler, etc.), psychoanalytical theory of play (Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, etc.), cognitive theory (Jean Piaget and his followers), and culture-historical concept of play. The research methods used by the authors include: interview of teachers, diagnostics of the conflict intensity of school students based on the 'Nonexistent Animal' drawing test (offered by M. Dukarevich) and 'Pictures' (offered by E. Smirnova and V. Kholmogorova). The research hypothesis is that role-playing games may serve as the means of conflict prevention and aggression reduction of primary school students provided that the following conditions are met: 1) it is necessary to prepare a complex program of play activities aimed at elimination of conflict behavior; 2. games will be held regularly; 3. the games should be chosen based on their psychological contents, all of them should be aimed at the reduction of the aggression level, development of the emphathy and cooperation and extension of a child's behavioral repertoire.
school, educational work, aggression, educational enviroment, conflict prevention, role-playing game, conflict, pupils, teacher, children
Educational psychology
Subbotina, S.N., Nikolaeva, A.A., Savchenko, I.A. (2018). Conflict Behavior of School Students with Extra- and Intra-Punitive Response. Pedagogy and education, 4, 122–130.
The object of the research is the school students with extra- and intra-punitive response. The subject of the research is the conflict behavior of school students with extra- and intra-punitive response. Frustration is quite an understudied topic which caused the authors' interest in the analysis of the influence of extra-punitive and intra-punitive response of teenagers on their behavior in conflict situations. The authors of the article focus on the connection between a frustration response and choice of conflict pattern chosen by a teenager. For this purpose, the authors conducted an empirical research at Romanovskaya School of Moscow. The research was based on the use of theoretical methods including theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic, generalisation and synthesis, and empirical methods such as tests and methods of statistical processing of data. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors discover peculiarities of conflict behavior demonstrated by school students with extra- and intra-punitive response. Based on the results of the research, the authors discover that students with extra-punitive response tend to selec less constructive solutions of conflict while students with intra-punitive response select more efficient and more constructive solutions of conflict situations.
study, situation, frustration, intra-punitive response, extra-punitive response, pupils, conflict behavior, conflict, response methods, features
Ways of upbringing
Skobina , E.A., Sevost'yanova, E.V. (2018). The Experience in the Patriotic Education of University Students: Structural Components and Their Contents. Pedagogy and education, 4, 131–140.
The article is devoted to the experience in civil patriotic education activities that were organized by Chita Institute of the Baikal State University and involved university and college students. The object of the research is the gradual process of students' patriotic education. The subject of the research is the structural components and forms of patriotic education. The aim of the research is to reveal the contents of the cognitive, axiological, communicative and activity components of students' patiotic education in a particular university and to analyze complex forms of patriotic education of students in the Transbaikal region. The methodological basis of the research involves systems approach, activity approach, axiological, personality-oriented, reflective activity approaches and pedagogical and psychological activity concepts. The scope of application of the research results covers the education sector of pedagogics. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors offer a classification of patriotic education forms that may be used at a university or college. Describing the main forms of university activities, the authors focus on the activities of complex and systemic nature rather than seasonal or holiday activities. The authors emphasize that specific features of university activity in general have defined active cooperation with law-enforcement agencies of the Transbaikal Region aimed at civil and patriotic education of students.
civil patriotic education, Transbaikal region, student theater, student newspaper, counteraction to extremism spread, higher education, patriotic education of students, forms of educational work, educational environment, pedagogical impact
Innovative methodology and technology
Mokshina, I. (2018). Integrative Model of Involving Today's School Students to Reading Classical Literature. Pedagogy and education, 4, 141–153.
Despite the fact that there is a great number of researches on the phenomenon of integration in modern educational process, there is still a deficit of researches that focus on classical literature as an integrative resource of natural science and humanities that would give solutions of important educational tasks. This is what caused the rationale of the research and made it necessary to develop and describe the integrative model of involving school students to reading classical literature. The main idea of the project is to actualize interdisciplinary knowledge of teenagers in the process of reading Russian classical literature. In her research Mokshina has applied systems, activity and integrative approaches. The research materials included the following: a set of criteria and indicators of effective involvement of school students to reading classical literature developed by the researcher, questionnaires and survey. The researcher offers her own integrative model of involvement of school students to reading classical literature. The results of using the author's integrative model at school demonstrate the efficiency of the model as the means of involvement of school students to reading Russian classical literature. She also defines particular conditions that are necessary to implement the model and creates the basis for implementing the program at a modern school. The analysis of the reading made by the teenagers who participated in the research has allowed to discover a wide range of opportunities of transmitting interdisciplinary knowledge actualized in the process of reading Russian classics. The use of the integrative model of involvement of school students to reading Russian classical literature creates qualitative changes of the educational process: school students are more motivated to read Russian classics, their interdisciplinary competences are extended. These results can be successfully used by Russian and foreign schools.
modern school students, metareadig, intersubject reading, integrative model, involving to readind, integration, modern educational process, Russian classical literature, school, reading
Innovative methodology and technology
Popova, L.I. (2018). Interactive Approaches to Teaching the Customs Discipline. Pedagogy and education, 4, 154–159.
The research is based on the analysis of modern trends in higher education. Popova shares results of her own experience in increasing efficiency of teaching methods. The aim of this research is to demonstrate the need to combine traditional and innovative approaches to teaching as well as to implement interactive forms of teaching in order to develop professional competences and skills of students studying customs and means of customs control of goods in commercial and non-commercial trade. The research methods include analysis of laws and research literature, practical use of innovations in the teaching process and generalization and systematization of the experience in using interactive forms of teaching. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the results of the research can be used to develop methodological approaches to organization of the teaching process of the Customs discipline. The recommendations given by the author of the article may be used as the the grounds for further researches on developing an integrated system of purposeful activity of students and will be included in the development plans of the Customs Department of the Tyumen University for the 2019 - 2010 academic year. The descriptive methods offered by the author will be actively implemented in the activityies of the teaching staff as part of seminars and practical training.
creative tasks, teaching methods, interactive approaches, forms of education, educational process, competence, quality of training, Customs, work in small groups, imitation of real situations