Question at hand
Alekhina, S.V. (2017). The Role of Parents Who Have Children with Disabilities in the Development of Inclusive Education. Pedagogy and education, 4, 1–9.
In her article Alyokhina brings forth the problem of participation and involvement of parents who raise children with disabilities into the development of the inclusive education process. The author of the article analyzes contradictions between rights that are assigned to parents and the degree of their participation in changing the educational practice and conditions for children with special needs. The author of the article emphasizes the need to provide psychological and pedagogical support of parents when the latest choose the educational route for children with disabilities as well as the importance of information availability for parents who are making such a choice. The article presents the results of the empirical research that has defined factors affecting the choice of the educational route under the conditions of the variability of programs and forms of education for children with disabilities. The main psychological test methods included poorly formalised methods such as observation, questionnaire and survey and formalised methods such as The Parent's Psychological Type Inventory (offered by V. Tkacheva), Parenting Style Inventory (by A. Varga and V. Stolin) and PARI Inventory (by E. Shefer and Z. Bell) adapted by T. Nescheret. The author of the article defines the need to provide psychological and pedagogical support of parents when the latter choose an educational route for their children with disabilities and importance of information availability for such parents. The author of the article also emphasizes the need not only in psychological and pedagogical assistance but also organisational technologies aimed at involvement of parents into the educational process.
psychological and pedagogcal support, parents, special educational needs, disabilities, inclusive process, inclusion, inclusive education, educational environment, parents support, parents psychological type
Developing pedagogical technologies
Aksenova, S.S., Arinushkina, A.A. (2017). The Role of Social Media in Professional Development of Voice Instructor at Children's Music Schools and Children's Arts Schools. Pedagogy and education, 4, 10–17.
The subject of the research is the main approaches to using information and communication technologies in professional activity, training and raising proficiency level of voice instructors. The object of the research is the process of using information and communication technologies and social media in professional activity of voice instructors. The authors of the article analyze different concepts and approaches to informatisation of education and intellectualisation of education systems (cloud technologies) in a situation when traditional academic singing school dominates. They also provide data for comparative analysis of singing lessons of music faculties in the USA. The research methods include: comparative analysis of teaching practice and summary of innovation activity results at music faculties, retrospective analysis of using the main pedagogical concepts in the process of integration of social media in the professional environment of music teachers and voice instructors. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors specify forms of the educational process of teaching arts and music (singing) as additional education in the modern education environment and describe the structure of teachers' professional activity as well as defines specific features of voice instructors' professional activity. The authors examine potentials and opportunities of social media based on the example of YouTube resources as the contents and alternative to collection of music libraries.
social media, facebook, YouTube, art education, vocal, structured mentoring, teacher educator mediation, digital natives, peer learning vocal, informatisation of education
Educational psychology
Khoroshikh, P.P., Gudkov, Y.E., Lekhanova, F.M. (2017). Gender Approach to Classification of Folk Games. Pedagogy and education, 4, 18–23.
The article is devoted to the role of gender component in the structure of national games. The author notes that the theory of gender is growing more important for pedagogical psychology and development of child's personality. It is important to take into account that ethnocultural and ethnopedagogical potential plays an important role in gender socialisation and influences the development of child's personality. According to the authors of the article, existing folk games may be classified taking into account gender approach that allows to define three potential groups: muscline, feminine, and androgyne. As an example, the authors analyze folk games of Southern Yakutia Evenks. Each of the folk game described by the authors relates to this or that gender group and develops particular personality traits of a child. The authors offer their own classification of folk games based on the gender approach which allows to expand the scope of folk game research. Gender aspect is one of important components in the general structure of national pedagogics and affects the development of child's personality and his or her general idea of what is 'man-like' or 'woman-like'.
national culture, game, folk games, evenks, androgenous, folk pedagogy, muscular, gender, education, traditions
Spiritual and moral search
Kameneva, O.L. (2017). Teaching the Virtue of Chastity: Patristic Tradition and Modern Age. Pedagogy and education, 4, 24–33.
The subject of this research is the teaching potential of patristic tradition to teach the virtue of chastity and application of this tradition by modern families. The rationale of the topic is caused by the acute need to fortify the institution of the family against the background of Russia's demographic crisis, adoption of The Character Education Development Strategy in the Russian Federation 2015, and enduring values of Christian virtues that was often identified with morality. Today the system of Christian values may become the ground for spiritual and moral education of the younger generation in Russia. The methodology of the research is based on theoretical analysis of patristic, pedagogical and philosophical literature, and summary of the practical experience and interviews prepared by a group of journalists guided by the author of the research and published in the Pokrov Journal. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes 20 major interviews when respondents speak of pedagogical methods of family moral education in this day and age. The conclusions of the research are the following: families that use patristic traditions of teaching virtues are stable, full, with many children (4.3 children per family at average). Just to compare, the total birth-rate is approximately 1.7 children per one child-bearing aged woman in Russia. 85% of these women have a successful career despite the fact that they have many children. It is not surprising though. John of the Ladder says that chastity is not only the purity of one's soul and body but also holistic view on the world.
popular pedagogy, wisdom, upbringing, patristic tradition, orthodox family, spiritual and moral culture, purity, virtue of chastity, modern education, holistic view
Innovative methodology and technology
Abramova, O.M. (2017). Web-Tools as Means of Professional Development and Organization of Self-Education of a Modern Teacher. Pedagogy and education, 4, 34–46.
The object of the research is professional efficiency of teachers at higher education institutions under the conditions of growing importance of self-education learning technologies. The subject of the research is the methodical system of training teachers of higher education institutions for continuous independent professional development based on using state-of-the art Web-tools. In her article Abramova views the role of independent professional development of teachers as an important element of maintening professional efficiency and competitive ability on the modern labor market. The author also analyzes whether it is possible to apply the didactic potential of Web-tools in professional activity which would llow the teacher not only to solve pedagogical problems but also to carry out continuous self-education. The following research methods have been used: analysis of the methodological bases of professional activity conducted by university teachers, working programs and guidelines for preparation and retraining of teachers, synthesis of pedagogical experience in using state-of-the art web-tools as the means of increasing professional efficiency, conversations with teachers regarding the subject of the research. The author also analyze the current state and perspective areas for implementing information technologies in the system of professional development and self-education of teachersat higher education institutions under the conditions of continuous education. The author reveal and theoretically prove didactic opportunities of using web-tools for continuous professional development of university teacher for the purpose of increasing professional efficiency. Abramova also gives particular examples of web-tools that are most popular for today.
Wiki, online courses, distance learning technologies, state-of-the-art IT solutions, higher education institution, professional efficiency, self-education, continuous education, web-tools, career enhancement
Effectiveness of training
Shatunova, O., Shastina, E., Borodina, T. (2017). Culturological Potential of Reading as a Factor of Child's Genius Development. Pedagogy and education, 4, 47–53.
The subject of the research is reading as a culturological factor of child's genius development. Today's modernizatin of Russian education has a focus on humanisation and humanitarization which determines the need in the culturological approach to studying pedagogical issues. The purpose of this article is to describe the role of reading as a culturological factor that helps to discover child's genius and creates grounds for developing it. The authors of the article bring forth a number of issues that relate to the role of reading in the development of genius at different stges of physiological and personality development. The research methods include analysis and generalisation of progressive educational experience in developing child's genius as well as such methods as observation, questionnaire survey and statistical methods. This article presents results of the research that involved 130 lecturers aged 25 - 79 y. o. from Elabuga Institute (branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. Respondents had bright personal and professional qualities and talents which allowed to consider them to be genius people. The research involved a survey based on the authors' questionnaire about reading activity of respondents at different stages of their personal development as well as genius and influence of reading on its development. The results of the research demonstrate positive effect of reding as a culturological factor on the development of child's genius. In addition, the authors conclude that people who have achieved a certain stage in their professional and personal development (including genius) are characterised with constant reading activity. The authors of the article also bring up a number of issues tha relate to the role of reading on genius development.
recreational reading, personality development, readers' literacy, reading activity, culturological approach, culturological factor, reading, kinds of genius, development of genius, child's genius
In search of the meaning
Sedov, S.A. (2017). Essential Features of the Definition of Higher Professional-Pedagogical Education Quality. Pedagogy and education, 4, 54–62.
The object of the research is the process of training would-be vocational teachers at a University. The subject of the research is the quality of higher professional-pedagogical education. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as the quality assessment and management (including quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement), in a word, elements of the definition of 'quality guarantee in higher education'. The author focuses on analysing officially published translations of relevant foreign sources into the Russian language (guidelines and recommendations ENQA 'ESG 2015', and ISO 9000:2015). The research methods included terminological analysis of the main terms related to the quality of vocational teachers' training quality, systems analysis of quality guarantees at universities, socio-pedagogical analysis of the methodological and legal basis of the higher professional-pedagogical education quality. The main result of the research is that the author specify definitions of 'professional-pedagogical education', 'education quality', 'quality guarantees' in terms of training would-be vocational teachers. The author's special contribution to the topic is his review and summary of essential features of the definition of 'higher professional-pedagogical education quality'. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author gives his own definition of this term.
quality assurance, quality of the result, quality of the process, quality assessment, quality control, quality management, quality of education, professional-pedagogical education, teachers of professional institutions, quality guarantees
Galaktionova, N.A., Kuz'mina, T.V. (2017). Socialisation in Terms of Global Virtualisation: Principles and Mechanisms of Youth' Personality Transformation. Pedagogy and education, 4, 63–69.
The research is devoted to views on socialisation in terms of virtualisatioin. The authors of the research describe the process when traditional socialisation mechanisms change under the growing importance of new communication technologies. According to the author, this is a topical issue for interdisciplinary resaerch. The authors study the role and importance of virtualisation in socialisation process, comprehension of virtuality as a new channel of socialisation, fixation of changes in functions and technologies that are used by young people to understand the world round them. This is a very important issue for modern academic community. The authors of the research summarize the results of theoretical researches, both Russian and foreign. They use research methods that are still important for socialisation researches such as observation, and idiographic method aimed at getting insight into social phenomena. Virtual technologies change not only the socialisation process but also reformats the main principles and specifics of the basic socialisation process and makes it two directional. Virtuality contributes to the creation of 'socialisation rings' that implies a new type of intergeneration interaction as well as revaluation of existing values and new forms to understand the world.
information society, cultural values, communication, resocialization, Internet socialization, youth, intergeneration interaction, socialization ring, virtual technologies, socialization
Akchelov, E., Galanina, E.V. (2017). LM-GM Expanded Model in Evaluating Elements of Pedagogical Design in Massive Open Online Courses. Pedagogy and education, 4, 70–83.
The article is devoted to the lack of motivation of students to complete massive open online courses (MOOC). The subject of the research is the pedagogical design of MOOC as an instrument that may help to manage motivation of students. The purpose of the research is to evaluate elements of the pedagogical design of MOOC in terms of achievement of pedagogical targets and satisfaction of basic psychological needs of students using the LM-GM model. The methodological basis of the research involved: Edward L. Deci's and Richard Ryan's Self-Determination Theory, Benjamin Bloom's and Elizabeth Simpson's Taxonomy Theory, Learning Mechanics-Game Mechanics Model (LM-GM model), etc. The researchers also used systems approach, comprative methods, and graphical representation of information. The main results of the research are the following. The authors compared basic psychological needs of human (based on the self-determination theory) and pedagogical targets described by Bloom depending on cognitive and affective bases and taxonomy of Simpson (psychomotor basis), defined complementarity of decomposition levels of pedagogical targets according to Bloom's and Simpson's taxonomy, expanded the LM-GM model (Learning Mechanics-Game Mechanics Model), described the main elements of the pedagogical design of MOOC, and evaluated them using the expanded LM-GM model. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors prove a hypothesis about the cognitive basis prevailing over psychomotor and affective bases of Bloom's and Simpson's taxonomies in describing pedagogical targets of MOOC. According to the authors, this is what causes the lack of motivation of students to complete online courses and low conversion of MOOC. To raise students' motivation, the authors suggest to carry out a balanced systemic work aimed at development of intellectual abilities (cognitive basis), emotions and feelings (affective basis), psychomotor processes and physical labor skills (psychomotor basis) of students as it is usually made by video games designers.
gamification, self-determination theory, Simpson's taxonomy, Bloom's taxonomy, online-education, motivation, MOOC, instructional design, education, LM-GM model