Modern strategies and forms of education
Dolgopolova, I.V. (2017). Experience in the Implementation of the Program of Development of Gifted Children "Vector of Growth". Pedagogy and education, 2, 1–13.
Support and development of gifted children today is not just one of the directions of work of educational institutions but also public policy in the field of education. Support of talented children is becoming the main direction of development of education which has raised the issue of how the development of gifted children should become the "system mechanism" and "social elevator". The subject of the article is a description of the experience of the program of gifted children's development. The goal of the article is to present a model and a system of work with gifted and highly intelligent students in secondary schools. The novelty of the material presented is caused by the fact that the author gives a description of the model and system of gifted children's development and abilities of students compatible with the national curriculum. To achieve the goal of the work the author has applied traditional teaching methods. To summarize approaches to understanding giftedness the author has also applied the methods of analysis and synthesis of giftedness theories. To implement the empirical part the author has applied summative, formative and control experiments. The process of the program implementation consists of three stages, and there are certain goal and activities at each stage. The author of the article describes the results of the study. The author demonstrates a positive change in 5-year dynamics of the targets of the program. Their efficiency is proven by criteria and indicators of growth: the share of children included in the system of development of giftedness, the number of contestants and winners of various competitions, the number of teachers with higher education and the percentage of parents satisfied with the quality of educational services. The model clearly reflects the characteristics of the development of talent at all stages of school education: primary school through the formation of the prerequisites (cognitive demand, universal learning activities and creativity), in high school through three core areas (humanities, language, information and communication), and in high school through individual profiles of development in specific types of giftedness. In the course of work the author has defined events and activities for the extension of the program for the next 5-year period. The results can be interesting in scientific terms for applying effective technologies and tools for the development of gifted children. They can also be applied in terms of application in terms of psycho-pedagogical training of teachers and education of parents.
development program, intellectual abilities, creativity, social mechanism of talent, model of gifted children's development, highly intelligent children, talent, system support, competence, system-activity approach
Iakovlev, R.O. (2017). The Image of a Patriot: Points of view. Pedagogy and education, 2, 14–19.
In his article Yakovlev analyzes different opinions on the understanding of the term "patriotism". First of all, the author touches upon the position of contemporary government and their view on patriotism. Further, the author provides an overview of the definitions of patriotism in classical dictionaries as well as in the works of Russian thinkers of the past and the present. Based on a comparison of the presented definitions, the author creates the image of a patriot. The image obtained is compared to the image created on the basis of analyzing answers of high schools students on questions about personal qualities of a patriotic citizen. In his research Yakovlev has used such research methods as analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization and survey. The result of the research is a generalized image of a patriot of modern Russia compiled on the basis of a comparative analysis of the opinions examined. According to the author of the article, it is necessary to study the key concept of patriotic education and take into account the experience of patriotic upbringing in Russia in order to plan educational work at educational organizations.
fatherland, spiritual guidance, national idea, educational organization, patriotic education, image of a patriot, patriot, patriotism, love for one's motherland, qualities of personality
Innovative methodology and technology
Tomilina, M.E., Evdoshkina, Y.A., Olkhovskaya, R.A., Kashleva, I.N., Arsenteva, E.S. (2017). The Practice of Using Interactive Technologies and Problem Training in the Process of Teaching Technical Disciplines for Students of Secondary Vocational Education. Pedagogy and education, 2, 20–28.
Modern high-level requirements for training skilled workers and mid-level professionals require the academic community to introduce new pedagogical technologies that would contribute to the enhancement of intellectual activity of students to solve increasingly complex production problems. Implementation of interactive forms and methods in conjunction with the problem-based learning enables a fundamentally new way to look at the process of teaching academic disciplines and modules. There is an opportunity to provide practice-oriented learning even in the process of teaching traditional disciplines. The interaction of the instructor with students is meant to ensure the application of acquired knowledge in practice by performing any professional activity when solving situational tasks. The authors of this article discuss the implementation of this approach in the process of teaching technical graphics to college students. The authors present methodical development of the practical lessons for this discipline where the student's task is close to the real production situation and involves them into analysis of the problem, finding its solution, learning to argue and defend their professional position. Students work in small groups; elements of the master class, brainstorming, discussions, forms of self-control and mutual control are implemented. Presented methodical development can be taken as a basis and used after adaptation to a particular course by teachers of different engineering disciplines who want to better prepare and conduct their classes. This approach does not only increase the effectiveness of individual lessons but also contributes to the activation of educational-cognitive activity of students, better assimilation of the studied material, and provides practical orientation of the learning process that is an integral part of training of graduates who are going to participate in the work of modern innovative production.
effectiveness of training, quality of teaching, activation of educational-cognitive activity, case problem, problem-based learning, technical graphics, practice-oriented training, interactive technology, vocational secondary education, methodical development
Developing pedagogical technologies
Chentsova, O. (2017). The Cultural and Educational Space of the Museum as an Educational Resource for the Higher Education System. Pedagogy and education, 2, 29–39.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the role of the cultural and educational space of the museum in the educational and pedagogical process of the university. The work is based on the analysis of modern trends in the world and national system of higher education. The author focuses on existing studies of the integration of educational and museum spaces and explores the general educational and professional possibilities of the museum on the example of The Earth Science Museum at Lomonosov Moscow State University for bachelors of the Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University and The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, The Goldenweiser Memorial Apartment for bachelors of Faculty of Entrepreneurship in Culture of the International University in Moscow. The author conducted a special pedagogical study, the results of which are presented in this article, and proves that the educational opportunities of the museum are not currently used in the practice of higher education in full, both for the formation of general cultural and professional competencies of university students. This creates grounds for increasing interest of researchers towards using the museum as a resource of university educatonal environment.
active forms of education, high school pedagogy, education in the museum, educational opportunities of the museum, museum pedagogy, educational process of the university, cultural and educational space of the museum, components of the museum space, cultural and educational space, integration processes of education
In search of the meaning
Semidelikhina, O.Y. (2017). Developing Speech Culture of Cadets in the Process of Teaching a Foreign Language: Practical Aspect. Pedagogy and education, 2, 40–48.
The need to develop speech culture of cadets at a military educational institution requires new efficient solutions that can be made on the cross-curriculum integrative basis. As an academic discipline, Foreign Language is one of the components of the education environment that stimulates the deveopment of cadets' speech culture. In her research Semidelikhina focuses on the practical aspect of developing speech culture by the means of foreign language. The subject of the research is a set of techniques increasing the cultural speech level and overall personal development of a cadet in the process of his or her studying a foreign language. The author provides grounds for combining communication-oriented and conscious-comparative methods compiling the development of cadets' speech culture in the process of teaching a foreign language. Foreign language serves not only as a mean of interethnic communication but also a source of development of the native language speech culture. The implementation of a set of techniques developed on the basis of culture-congruent orientation of substantial and procedural components of teaching a foreign language proves that it is possible to develop cadets' speech culture in the process of personality developmental teaching foreign languages at a military educational institution.
ways of speech analyzing, ways of effective speech activity, ways of text producing, conscious-comparative method of teaching, communicative method of teaching, speech culture, cultural conformity, communicative skills, foreign language, cadets
Effectiveness of training
Shakhmarova, R.R. (2017). Project-Research Activity of School Students in Terms of Academic Standards: Problems and Solutions. Pedagogy and education, 2, 49–57.
In her article Shakhmarova proves the important role of project-research activity in terms of academic standards. The subject of the present research is the problems of arranging project-research activity and possible solutions of these problems. According to the academic standards requirements, project-research activity is aimed at developing the research and project activity skills of school students. A personal result of project-research activity is the development of a researcher's position, i.e. specific personal trait defining active and initiative attitude of a school student to the learning process and knowledge. The research was carried out using both theoretical and practical methods, in particular, analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources on the matter, determination of models of project-research activity, and empirical methods such as observation, educational experiment, collection of data (survey and tests). As a result of her research, Shakhmarova defines the following problems faced by teachers and school students when conducting project-research activity and preparing a final research project: a teacher being not quite ready for arranging project-research activity of students, low research skills of teachers and children, insufficient facilities and equipment of educational establishments for conducting experiments. The results of the research can be useful for teachers who conduct project research activity at educational establishments.
research culture, project culture, research style of thinking, models of project-research activity, individual research project, researcher's position, research activity, project activity, problems of research activity, project-research activity
Question at hand
Ternitskaya, S.V. (2017). Interaction Between State and Socially Oriented Non-Profit Organisations for the Purpose of HIV Prevention as a Social and Pedagogical Issue. Pedagogy and education, 2, 58–66.
In her research Ternitskaya studies social and pedagogical conditions for intersectoral interaction and analyzed methodological bases of this process. The author also studies interactions between all branches of the government, social institutions, social sector as the process to provide efficient prevention of HIV spread. The author focuses on the factors that promote interaction between state and non-profit organisations through integration of human and other resources and involving concerned non-profit socially oriented establishments. In her research Ternitskaya defines and analyzes such terms as interaction subject and interaction object, examines sources of subjects' activity and analyzes the mechanism of social interaction in general. To achieve the objectives of the research, the author uses such methods as classification and systematisation of theoretical materials and clarification of basic terms and concepts. The author's special contribution to the topic is the systematisation of the problems that may arise in the process of intersectoral interaction for the purpose of HIV prevention as well as her description of social and pedagogical conditions of such interaction. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author reveals theoretical approaches to increasing the level and efficiency of interaction between state and non-profit socially oriented establishments. The author also makes a conclusion that intersectoral interaction is an efficient way to prevent the spread of HIV.
spread of HIV, social and pedagogical conditions, interaction subject, interaction object, interaction problems, socially oriented organisations, non-profit organisations, state organisations, intersectoral interaction, interaction
Bleikh, N.O. (2017). Problems of Religious Education of Muslims of the Northern Caucasus (the XIXth Century). Pedagogy and education, 2, 67–74.
The article is based on little known archival and documentary sources. The author of the article examines the problems of religious education of Muslims of the North Caucasus. It is proved that socio-political and cultural development of the North Caucasus region in the nineteenth century was marked by the involvement of Muslim peoples in the social, cultural and economic field of Russia through school policy. The Russian government in the region tried to implement not only the "stick" (military action, economic blockade), but also the "carrot" policy (education development), knowing that the latter will evoke sympathy among the local population and the spiritual elite. To the traditional system of education, which was submitted to the Koranic school, the Mekteb and medrese were added to the state "public" educational institutions that educate youth in loyalty to the Russian state. Methodologically the article is based on the achievements of Russian historical science in the field of Caucasian studies, history of Russian education, educational thought, urban studies, and studies of the social system of the Russian Empire. The methodological basis of the research involves the principles of objectivity, consistency and historicism, which is dictated by the complexity of studying the topic. Conclusions are made about the fact that after the establishment of the Russian statehood in the area of distribution of Islam, everyday way of life of Muslims changed for the better. The traditional Muslim system of education has been changed, too, in which there was an increase in the number of new theological schools, and have significantly improved their training facilities. However, Muslim educational paradigm implemented by the Russian Empire in the North Caucasus still needed in a substantial upgrade.
school policy, medrese, Mekteb, Koranic school, Muslim system of education, North Caucasus, Russian Empire, Caucasian society, modernization, knowledge
Modern strategies and forms of education
Samorukov, V.I., Razinkina, E.M., Evdokimov, K.V. (2017). Networking in the Field of Industrial Safety. Pedagogy and education, 2, 75–86.
The article is devoted to an actual problem of networking for integrated personnel maintenance in the field of industrial, nuclear and energy security. The object of the research is a pedagogical system in the framework of networking of educational institutions, public administration and the real sector organizations of the Russian economy. The subject of the research is the process of of network interaction for integrated personnel maintenance in the field of industrial, nuclear and energy security. The factors that affect the process of implementation of educational programs, institutions, models of network interaction and directions of improvement of the network of educational institutions are considered. The study is conducted on the basis of the systems situational approach, methods of solving tasks in the scientific field of educology include systems analysis, comparative analysis, morphological and typological synthesis. The principle of interdisciplinary integration of knowledge in the field of education allows a single comprehensive review of socio-professional environment and the subsequent combination of stable elements in the system of communication interactions in this environment. The authors first presented the specifics of creating a national scientific and educational base for integrated personnel maintenance in the field of industrial, nuclear and energy security. It is shown that networking allows us to solve the current challenges in the field of industrial safety in the framework of Network University, through the implementation of basic and additional educational programs. The general factors and main strategies are determined, models of the formation of the network of educational institutions are presented, the processes of project management innovation are shown. With regard to this sphere of the personnel maintenance models for implementing the network of educational programs under the current regulatory educational relations are proved.
system approach, information and communication systems, network educational programs, project management, networking, industrial safety, organizational-pedagogical conditions, process approach, additional educational programs, factor analysis
Types of education
Skorobogatov, Y.O. (2017). The Structure of Ñomputer Programming Blended Learnign Curriculum for the 7th - 11th Grade School Students . Pedagogy and education, 2, 87–95.
The subject of the research is various forms of teaching process structuring. The author of the article analyzes three most famous forms of teaching process structuring, class-and-lesson system, distance learning and project-based learning, from the point of view of creating conditions for developing sustainable metadisciplinary competences of the 7th - 11th grade school students in computer programming. In cases when school uses distance learning, it is possible to recommend to use blended learning to eliminate drawbacks of forms of teaching process structuring being analyzed. The main research method used by the author is the study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical, theoretical and special literature as well as periodicals devoted to using class-and-lesson system of teaching, distance learning and blended learning. The main conclusion of the research is that blended learning can be successfully used in the process of teaching computer programming to the 7th - 11th grade school students. The blended learning approach allows to fully consider individual traits of a school student, and to fulfill the activity approach avoiding the 'distorted feedback' problem of distance learning and keeping up the interest of students in computer programming.
automatic checkout system, teaching in groups, individual learning curve, self-learning competence, metadisciplinary competences, teaching computer programming to school students, project-based learning, distance learning, class-and-lesson system of teaching, blended learning
Educational psychology
Pecherskiy, Y.I. (2017). The Theoretical Basis for Resolving Professional Interpersonal Conflicts in the Process of Preparation of Bachelors of Education. Pedagogy and education, 2, 96–103.
The subject of the present research is professional interpersonal conflicts arising in the process of teaching bachelors of education. The object of the research is the students of a teachers' training university teaching bachelors. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as the essence of professional interpersonal conflicts, and concepts of conflict solutions that may be used in the process of teaching students at a teachers' training univedrsity. The author analyzes theoretical bases and concepts of the resolution of professional and personal conflicts in the process of preparation of bachelors of education. In conclusion, the author offers to include theoretical and methodological components of professional interpersonal conflict management into curricula of bachelors of education. In his research Pechersky used the main theoretical methods of pedagogical research, in particular, theoretical analysis, inductive analysis and deductive analysis. The author's contribution to the topic is his analysis of theoretical and methodological components of the process of teaching bachelor students to resolve professional interpersonal conflicts. The conclusion is that the resolution of personal and professional conflict in the process of preparation of bachelors of education is of crucial importance, which determines one's flexible response to conflict situations. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author suggests to include theoretical and methodological components of professional interpersonal conflict management in the system of training of bachelors of education.
teacher, bachelors, teachers' training university, students, pedagogy, personal development, conflict, bachelor of education, education, professional interpersonal conflict
Rodionova, D., Nasonov, A.A. (2017). Selection and Contents of Historical Disciplines as Part of Designing a Professional Educational Program 'Museology and Protecton of Cultural and Natural Heritage Objects'. Pedagogy and education, 2, 104–111.
The subject of the research is the main approaches to designing a professional educational program 'Museology and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage Objects'. The object of the research is the professional training as part of the aforesaid program. Based on current laws and regulations and considering demands of employers as well as modern trends in the development of museology as a science, the authors of the article offer a model for selecting and defining the contents of disciplines as part of the professional training. The authors focuse on the role of historical disciplines in the process of professional training and teaching the major 'Cultural Tourism and Excursion Activities'. The research is based on using the modelling method, design method and traditional teaching method that is based on fixation and generalisation of teaching and managerial experience. The novelty of the research is based on the fact that the authors prove the role of a department head as the main curriculum designer and that of a lecturer as an executive who has some autonomy in how to present his or her discipline as well as the model structure when executing the aforesaid professional educational program. In conclusion, the authors emphasize the need to apply this model to teaching basic and professional disciplines and illustrate how the model can be applied to teaching the module of historical disciplines.
competence, educational standard, professional standard, content of disciplines, selection of disciplines, professional educational program, museology, higher education, curriculum, module of historical disciplines
Effectiveness of training
Nadezhina, N.V. (2017). The Role of Dance Classes in the Physical Education of Young People. Pedagogy and education, 2, 112–119.
This article presents the results of a pedagogical research devoted to the problem of improving methods of physical education at Universities taught by the author of the article during the period since 2015 till 2017. The purpose of the article is to increase efficiency of physical education at Universities through defining the potential of dance in the process of developing the physical culture of young people. In order to fulfill the purpose, the author had to solve the following tasks: to prove that it is possible to use dance as the mean of developing physical culture of young people; to analyze the main problems that may arise in the process of integrating dance into physical education; to develop priorities of practical activities undertaken by teachers in order to encourage a healthy lifestyle of students through using special programs that are based on moving and dancing. It was possible to achieve these tasks using the systems and person-oriented approaches. In addition, the author also used the interpretative approach as well as the methods of the qualitative analysis. In the course of the qualitative analysis the author used two methods of data collection, literature review and thematic review. The research results can be used by University teachers which will increase the efficiency of the educational process in the aforesaid sphere and contribute to further improvement of the modern practice of students' physical educational taking into account the principles of personality, anthropopedagogical, culturological orientations of educational programs. The research conclusions can be also taken into account when developing new curricula and teaching materials in the major of physical culture and physical education.
records, motivation, person-oriented approach, curricula, teaching methods, university students, healthy lifestyle, physical culture, physical education, dance