Manukjan, A.R. (2017). Reformation of Physical Education in General Education Schools During the First Years of the Great Patriotic War. Pedagogy and education, 1, 1–8.
In this article Alieva presents some results of her historical and pedagogical researches on the origin and development of the physical education system in general education schools during the Great Patriotic War. In order to improve current educational processes, the author defines peculiarities of the historical pedagogical experience in the sphere of physical education of school students during the first years of the Great Patriotic War. For this purpose, the author sets and solves the following tasks: to define causes of the reformation of physical education in general education schools during the first years of the Great Patriotic War; to prove the significance of school as an important element of patriotic education; to analyze regulatory acts that had a direct influence on modernization of the physical education system in the aforesaid period; to analyze the contents of syllabus on military physical education of school students. To achieve the tasks set in the present article the author has used the systems approach based on the systems structural, systems functional and systems dynamic kinds of analysis as a method of historical pedagogical research. Application of the research results to modern educational activity will contribute to a deeper understanding and perception of the previous teaching experience and, as a consequence, increase efficiency of the educational process in the aforesaid sphere. Conclusions made by the author can be used for the purposes of further improvement of modern physical and patriotic education of school students.
patriotism, educational value, teaching experience, the first years of the Great Patriotic War, Great Patriotic War, causes, reformation of physical education, military physical education, general education schools, physical education
Effectiveness of training
Brovkin, A.V. (2017). Personal Notes of a University Professor. Pedagogy and education, 1, 9–18.
In his article Brovkin describes the main principles and approaches that may help young professors to adjust to their teaching at a university, learn pedagogical methods and find the right approach to students. The author reveals peculiarities of scientific, methodological, teaching and educational activity. He also defines and analyzes problems related to teaching at a higher school as well as their possible solutions. Brovkin studies personal features of university professors and factors that influence success of teaching activity. The author presents results of his own experience in increasing efficiency of teaching methods in the process of teaching. Special attention is paid to the methods of encouraging students' motivation. The results of the present research were obtained through analysis and systematisation of researches conducted by the author himself and other researchers as well. The main results of the research are the following: the author has proved to need to improve the Russian system of education in order to shorten the gap between theory and practice; he has also covered the main problems associated with teaching at a high school and their possible solutions; offer efficient methods of increasing students' motivation; and define what qualities and competences a student should have in order to successfully work on their self education and self improvement.
university, motivation, interactive methods, methods of teaching, methods of knowledge transfer, teacher in higher education, teaching, student, efficiency, conception of learning
Spiritual and moral search
Kravchenko, S.M., Bolotova, E.A. (2017). The Role and Mission of the Centers of Pedagogical Support of the Modern Family in Terms of Spiritual Crisis . Pedagogy and education, 1, 19–30.
The article deals with the phenomenon of voluntary parents’ associations or so-called family centers and clubs with different ideological grounds that have been created in Russia in recent decades. The authors state that the appearance of such organizations is caused by the attempt to overcome a protracted crisis affecting the modern family. The authors focus on the following family centers: Family center “Rozhdestvo”(Christmas) (Moscow) functioning as a secular organization and the Orthodox family center “Zerno Very” (The Seed of Faith) (Krasnodar) which exists as part of the Russian Orthodox Church. Based on the statement of the universal spiritual crisis of the modern family and its importance for Russian society in a number of recent educational researches, the authors carry out their analysis of the family centers and what they have to offer for overcoming the crises of parenthood. The authors of the article describe the structure and activities of family centers and conclude that based on the Orthodox spiritual and moral traditions, such centers play an important role and have a great pedagogical potential in the spiritual healing and strengthening of the modern family. Thus, educational systems of such centers are relevant and effective and require further research and methodological justification.
culture of parenting, parents' associations, parenthood initiative, educational potential, Orthodox family centers, strengthening of the modern family, spiritual health of the family, spiritual crisis of the family, educational system, revival of family traditions
Question at hand
Tomilin, S.A., Vasilenko, N.P., Zheleznyakova, A.V., Vasilenko, I.S. (2017). Corporate Values as a Basis for Developing Professional Self-Determination of Students in the Process of Training Specialists for Nuclear Industry. Pedagogy and education, 1, 31–41.
The article deals with the problem of professional self-determination in the process of training for the nuclear industry in the educational institutions of higher education on the basis of the State Corporation "Rosatom" values. The object of the research is a professional self-determination of students, the subject of the research is the role of corporate values in terms of developing professional self-determination in the process of training specialists for the nuclear industry. The authors focus on the main approaches to developing professional self-determination of University students emphasizing the axiological approach that provides the tools necessary to carry out the selection of the values that make up the axiological core of professional self-determination. Based on the analysis of experience of Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute, the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» the authors define the basic components that make up the model of professional self-determination. The main conclusion made by the authors is their substantiation of the priority of the axiological component in the implementation of programs to promote the formation of professional self-determination of future nuclear industry specialists through developing a high level of understanding and commitment of students to corporate values in the learning process at the university. The paper presents the structure of the model of professional self-optimization process taking into account the axiological component.
training, motivation, University student, optimization process model, corporate values, axiological approach, professional self-determination, nuclear industry, educational organization, professional standard
Khakimova, G. (2017). Experience of School Libraries in Germany for Motivation Reading of Pupils. Pedagogy and education, 1, 42–50.
The subject of the study is the experience of German school libraries in organizing their activities aimed at preserving interest in reading and the book. It is shown that the observed growth in the diversity of services provided by school libraries, close cooperation with public libraries, and orientation toward improving the quality of library activities are aimed at motivating students to read books. The general scientific methods of research - analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, allocation of the most valuable material from the primary source are used in the article. The author provides a description of the project-training to improve reading skills of pupils of the 5th classes with the use of audiobooks and the online portal held in the gymnasium of the Friedrich Spee in Trier in three areas, designed for different reading levels of students. The author examines also initiated in 2006 in the Federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate the project «Die goldene Leslie» («Golden Leslie»), the purpose of which is to motivate reading in children and adolescents based on their participation as jury for awarding the annual youth literary awards best children's and youth book in German language. The author comes to the conclusion that the library has the potential active participant in the contemporary socio-political and cultural-educational processes among the priorities of the school library should be considered a book promotion and sustainable preservation of interest in reading as a necessary basis for raising the General cultural and educational level of society. The results of study can be used in educational process of library schools and faculties and activities of national libraries.
online portal Antolin, prize Golden Leslie, readers competence of pupils, training with audiobooks, interest in reading, improving of reading skills, quality of library activities, experience of school libraries, school libraries in Germany, librarians of schools
Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P.S. (2017). The Great Healer. Pedagogy and education, 1, 51–56.
The article is devoted to analyzing the heritage of a great Ancient doctor Galen. His achievements in the sphere of medicine and ethics are undoubtful. However, his name has been forgotten for many centuries. There have been many reasons for that. Firstly, Hippocrates was a more popular healer of those times. Every doctor who starts his or her professional path thinks of Hippocrates when they make the oath of Hippocrates. He is rightfully considered to be the founder of Greek medicine. There are even legends about him and his name is often remembered in philosophical and psychological dictionaries. It was Hippocrates who left a great message for all doctors saying that under no conditions a healer may do harm to a patient. Galen is a very important figure, too, however, he is often thought of as a successor and commentator of Hippocrates. Galen wrote 110 works, however, only one of his works 'On the fabric of the human body' (De humani corporis fabrica) was translated. Today the situation has changed. Many Galen's works have been published but they still need interpretation and commentary. The author of the present article bases his research in the principle of historicism which has allowed to show the important role of Galen in the history of ancient culture. Gurevich has also used the methods of philosophical anthropology and pedagogy for integral evaluation of Galen's heritage. Galen's works are a special type of literature. They cannot be called just 'medical works' but serve as a great illustration of the integral approach in general. There is a great philosophical, ethical and pedagogical depth in them. Experts underline that medicine had never been a true science before Galen and only Galen made it to be an integral theoretical and practical system. Starting from the 3th century, his teaching had become the prevailing system and medicine had acquired a solid basis that was developed in the next centuries.
human nature, philosophy, human body, psychology, blood, pneuma, doctor, human, ethics, medicine
Popkova, N.V. (2017). Education Ecology as a Part of Culture Ecology. Pedagogy and education, 1, 57–65.
The author of the article emphasizes the need to inculde a new academic discipline, education ecology, into the sphere of culture ecology. The crisis in some areas of the social life has caused the need to ecologize corresponding sciences. In particular, the threat to culture preservation has led to the occurrence of culture ecology. Meanwhile, cultural standards are transferred through the social institution of education, therefore, preservation of the overall educational level should become the major part of culture ecology. The author demonstrates that thee modern condition of education as a social institution providing reproduction of the socio-cultural environment is critical. The author suggests to develop education ecology. According to the author, the object of this new discipline should be the influence of the socio-cultural environment on the education system and the object thereof should be conditions of functioning of education as a social institution, standards and norms of its realisation and ways of its preservation. In her article Popkova describes the primary goals of education ecology. In order to achieve these goals it is necessary to analyse, in particular, models of education institutes of various societies considering them as tools of self-preservation of society. As a result, it would be possible to develop measures aimed at society modernisation instead of breaking its valuable bases. Thus, education ecology is represented an obligatory stage of any actions oriented at increasing the efficiency of education.
education as a social institution, education systems, crisis of civilization, modern epoch, culture ecology, ecology, functioning of educational process, higher education, culture, efficiency of education
Modern strategies and forms of education
Popov, E.A., Kryaklina, T.F. (2017). Particularities of Competence Evaluation in the System of Vocational Training. Pedagogy and education, 1, 66–73.
The article is devoted to analyzing particularities of competences estimation in the system of vocational training. The authors demonstrate that the main feature of competence evaluation is that results of education are described through behavioral acts observed and compared to certain criteria of academic success. Such evaluation system implies constant comparison of academic results to educational and professional standards, educational targets, and search for relevant 'instruments' of competence estimation. Depending on a specific branch of education, these instruments include the following: implementation of practical tasks, conduction of projects, development of legal and regulatory documents, description of organisational operations and technologies, solution of case studies, etc. The main methodological approach used by the authors in the course of their research is the systems approach that has allowed to view particularities of competence estimation in terms of particularities of functioning of the education system. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) the need to develop the system of estimating students' competences is caused by the necessity to improve the quality of education at all stages of training future professionals and specialists; 2) efficiency of competences evaluation and estimation in the system of vocational training depends on numerous intra- and extraeducational factors.
estimation scale, estimation of competences, profession, qualifications of the worker, professional standard, professional competences, competence, levels of formation of competences, science, education
Developing pedagogical technologies
Gorbunova, T.N. (2017). Testing Technology in the Process of Studying Computer Science. Pedagogy and education, 1, 74–85.
The subject of the given research is developing the technology of studying computer science that would promote the best acquisition of knowledge. The author draws our attention to the importance of obtaining feedback regarding the level of knowledge acquisition in the learning process. The test is regarded as such a tool. The object of the research is the development of a set of tests for the protection of laboratory work. Particular attention is paid to the reliability of simulated tests differentiating their ability to assess knowledge. The author also focuses on the training aspect of the test which suggests the possibility of the student's choice of proposed ways to solve test problems. The methodology of the tests involve free response and multiple choice questions offered to students and evaluated in the binary system. The author also offers an algorithm for testing the hypothesis of normal distribution using the Shapiro-Wilk criterion. Gorbunova also offers an assessment scale. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: firstly, it is possible to use special tests for evaluating the level of students' understanding the material, and secondly, the author identifies topics that have a greater and lesser degree of correlation between themselves and affecting the acquisition of sustainable knowledge. The main result is the developed technology of testing with the automation of the development of options and processing of results. The proposed algorithm of tests can be included in the general methodology of studying the discipline.
criterion of assimilation, open test, closed test, statistical processing, Shapiro-Wilk criterion, correlation, normal distribution, testing, evaluation scale, reliability rating
Person and personal development
Pshenichnaya, V.V. (2017). Developing the Sense of Personal Responsibility as the Factor of Fighting Pernicious Habits . Pedagogy and education, 1, 86–94.
The subject of the research is the theoretical understanding of the modern society's attitude to pernicious habits. In her article Pshenichnaya presents the results of her theoretical analysis of some Russian and foreign researches regarding interpretation and definition of such terms as 'habit' and 'addiction'. The author makes an emphasis on similarities and differences between these two terms. She also covers how bad habits originate and develop, what causes them, and what the role of one's personal responsibility in the process of fighting pernicious habits is. The author also outlines the main directions of preventing bad habits in the process of education and teaching. The research is based on the synergetic principle of studying an object and the author has also used the method of systems analysis of psychological phemonena. The main conclusions include the need to undertake measures aimed at educating contemporary young people about causes of pernicious habits, mechanisms and stages of their development, conditions and methods of changing and fighting them. It is also necessary to conduct a certain monitoring process in this sphere. An important practical conclusion for psychological and pedagogical services is that in order to fight pernicious habits, one needs to make a solid decision to change his or her life and to understand that it is his or her personal responsibility.
young people, student, mental health, educate children, learning, responsibility, addiction, pernicious habits, teenager, pedagogical process
Ways of upbringing
Mukhina, Z.Z., Kannykin, S.V., Pivovarova, L.N. (2017). From the Experience of Patriotic Education at Technical Universities. Pedagogy and education, 1, 95–103.
The authors of the present research substantiate the main principles and present the basic forms of patriotic education of young people at technical universities based on the example of the Department of Humanities at National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" (the city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region). The object of the research is patriotic education at a technical university. The subject of the research is the forms of patriotic education and their particular contents taking into account particular features of technical students (the year of study, place of education, national attribution, etc.) based on the example of the Department of Humanities at MISIS. The research methods include observation, summary of pedagogical experience, interview, analysis of academic processes and results, and the method of ascention from the abstract to the concrete. According to the authors, first of all, patriotic education should interweave with the educational process throughout the process of institutional socialization of the growing generation (from kindergardens to universities) being some kind of a teaching dominant. Secondly, the basis of patriotic education should include local themes that develop the love for 'small motherland' which is a solid foundation of love for Motherland in general. Thirdly, patriotic education should be considerably based on activities of students aimed at studying their genealogy and caring for graves and memorials of soliders who died fighting for their Motherland as well as learning the great contribution of their famous countrymen into different social spheres. Fourthly, patriotism should be 'sighted' which means taking into account the negative experience of Motherland and understanding the importance and value of other nations and cultures as well as the desire to learn from them. According to the authors, this would develop the feeling of national patriotism and contribute to the progress of the society in general.
Belgorod region, homeland, liberal arts, forms of work, pedagogical principles, technical University, the students, national idea, education, patriotism
Spiritual and moral search
Krasikov, V.I. (2017). The Crisis of Morality and Orthodox Pedagogy. Pedagogy and education, 1, 104–111.
The article is devoted to the comparison of the philosophical principles of morality with the principles of the Orthodox pedagogy. The author believes that such a comparison is necessary to search for new solutions to overcome the contemporary moral crisis. Most forms of philosophical and religious thought of both Western and Eastern traditions are derived from the metaphysical revolution of consciousness that occurred in the "Axial Age". This era has created a well-known to us semantic principles, namely, idealism, altruism and immortality. These principles form the limiting coordinates of consciousness that is based on faith. The author uses as the method of comparison of philosophical and anthropological principles and religious and philosophical ideas of the Orthodox pedagogy. He showed an organic relationship between them which stems from a common base "of the revolution of the transcendent." As a result of the study, the following results have been obtained. Firstly, the author has provided arguments in support of the allegations of the source of the metaphysical foundation of morality, including the principles of idealism, altruism and immortality. Secondly, he has demonstrated that the same principles form the foundation of the basic ideas of the Orthodox pedagogy such as participation of the superior world in human development, domination of the spiritual beginning in humans, outstanding of moral and spiritual education in relation to rational and information education, awakening of tender conscience and awareness of one's sins as the concept of the evil and the good, ability to fight against evil thoughts and intentions, learning to love and the principle of the integral personality.
resistance to evil, transcendent revolution, altruism, immortality, idealism, orthodox teaching, crisis of morality, axial age, Gospel love, total personality principle
Innovative methodology and technology
Avakova, O.V. (2017). The Use of Computer-Based Testing for Monitoring Purposes in the Process of Teaching a Foreign Language at a Non-Linguistic University. Pedagogy and education, 1, 112–123.
The author raises the problem of using computer-based testing during practical classes at a non-linguistic university. The subject of the research is the theoretical basis and practical implementation of a set of tests for teaching, organising practical work and monitoring the level of knowledge of students majoring in economics. The aim of this paper is to examine the monitoring process in teaching and acquisition of knowledge from the point of view of testing technology. The author substantiates the hypothesis that the use of different types of testing in the classroom contributes not only to improving the quality of learning a foreign language by economy students but also stimulates cognitive activity of students and their personal motivation in learning a foreign language for acquisition of professional competence. The research methods used in this work include general research methosd such as generalization of Russian and foreign experience in the field of education efficiency and empirical methods such as observation, and questionnaire survey. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proves the need and possibility of integrating traditional forms of control and computer-based testing for the purpose of increasing efficiency of training of economy students at non-linguistic universities. The author of the research carries out an analysis of the current state of testing as a way to control the level of training. The author also justifies the use of computer-based testing in the final pedagogical control on the discipline "Foreign language" as the first stage of knowledge monitoring which determines the tolerance for the delivery of the traditional exam.
activity, method, control means, educational process, efficiency, assimilation of the material, test tasks, test, foreign language, motivation
In search of the meaning
Ignat'eva, G.A., Molkov, A.S. (2017). Conceptual Ideas as the Basis of Innovative School Design. Pedagogy and education, 1, 124–132.
The subject of the research is reflective mechanisms and activity-related conditions for the design of conceptual ideas. The authors underline the importance of developing conceptual ideas in the process of building an innovative and original school. The authors also analyze the current situation in today's Russian innovation infrastructure of education and problematize the processes of innovation research based on the analysis of general education institutions participating in the project "Network Design Institute for Innovative Education" carried out on the Federal innovative platform at Nizhni Novgorod Institute for Educational Development. The research methodology is based on the design and transforming anthropological paradigm and reflective-positional approach. During the analysis, conceptual search and building a typology of innovative ideas the authors have used the conceptual modeling method and comparative analysis. The research results are presented in the form of a substantial typology of innovative ideas and practices of Network Design Institute for Innovative Education. The authors have formulated three basic types of innovative ideas at Nizhny Novgorod schools: innovative ideas focused on the creation of educational and professional communities; innovative ideas focused on the creation of new types of social organization; and innovative ideas focused on the creation of meta-organizations as positional communities.
innovative education, multi-positional educational space, supplementary vocational education, Network Design Institute, typology of innovative ideas, innovative search, innovation, author's school, innovative idea, conceptual idea
Earnest discussion
Koshkin, A.P., Yablochkina, I.V., Kornilova, I.M., Novikov, A.V. (2017). Integration of Students' and Teachers' Interests in Terms of Corporate Acts at Modern Universities. Pedagogy and education, 1, 133–151.
The subject of the research is the processes of social and academic integration of students and teachers in terms of a University corporate code. At Universities students and teachers constantly have to correspond their personal interests with corporate standards and social interests. Not all students or even teachers demonstrate a positive adjustment to corporate standards and rules. Quite often there is a mismatch between students' and teachers' personal interests and their University's corporate standards. This fact affects their self-realisation, ethical and moral attitudes and professional development. The fact that some personal interests are not institutionalized gives us a wrong feeling that a person completely adjusts to corporate values and ethics described in basic corporate acts of an organisation as a result of their long teaching or working there. The main research method used by the authors is a survey that involved students and teachers. All in all, 210 students and 62 teachers participated in the survey. According to the authors, correspondence of students' and teachers' personal interests to the provisions of the corporate code may express the dynamics and orientation of the process of integrating such interests in the University environment. Students' and teachers' interests can actually agree with University values, so overcoming the gap between personal interests and social interests should be one of the ways to realise the process of interests' integration.
teachers, students, Corporate code, University environment, dynamics of integration, academic integration, social integration, personal interest, communication, administration of University